JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal Ɣ Volume 6, Issue 1, 2013 Ɣ 83-101
Journal of
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
Matt Dobra
Methodist University, NC, USA
Bruce H. Lubich *
University of Maryland University College, MD, USA
This paper analyses the relationship between governance, asset allocation, and risk among state and local
government-operated pension systems in the United States of America. It is argued that governance inuences
investment decisions and risk proles of public sector pension systems, creating the potential for agency
problems to exist between decision makers, plan members, and taxpayers.
Keywords: Public pension governance, portfolio management, risk
JEL Classi¿cation codes: J2, H7, D7, G2
As of September 30, 2012, U.S. state and local government pension funds held assets valued at just under
$3.1 trillion (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2012). These assets are expected to fund
pensions for tens of millions of Americans. However, their ability to do so has been significantly weakened
by the recession beginning in 2008 which included a collapse of the U.S. equity and housing markets. These
bursting bubbles caused deep reductions in the value of assets held in state and local government pension funds,
revealing another pending bubble in these defined benefit (DB) public pension funds.1 Solving the resulting
funding shortfalls in state and local pension systems can be expected to dominate policy discussions for years to
come. The absolute size of state and local pension funds in terms of assets and the number of members implies
that even small improvements in the administration and investment performance of these programs could
result in significant gains in retirement security for millions of individuals in the United States of America.
Demands on public pensions are already growing as the American ‘Baby Boom’ generation has begun
to draw on the promises of their retirement plans. This generation is expected to draw benefits for 30 years
or more, longer than any previous generation. This is of great concern for many public pension beneficiaries
because they may not be eligible for Social Security benefits. This implies that the general health of public
pension systems is of great importance to their post-retirement plans. This concern about the health of public
pension systems is heightened by the fact that, unlike private DB pensions, public pensions are not subject to
federal government oversight, nor are they insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
The concerns about public pensions are a result of declining asset values, increasing pension promises,
and more beneficiaries living longer in retirement. In addition, to avoid raising taxes in the past, many state
and local governments have failed to fully fund their pensions since the 1980s or 1990s. Recent estimates
of state pension underfunding are as high as $3.23 trillion (Novy-Marx & Rauh, 2009), with another $574
billion of estimated underfunding for municipal pension plans (Novy-Marx & Rauh, 2011c). In addition to
the underfunded pensions, underfunding of health care benefits for state and local retirees is estimated to
be an additional $500 billion (Clark, 2009; Clark & Morrill, 2011), placing a further strain on the ability of
governments to meet their pension obligations; numbers which Brown and Wilcox (2009), Novy-Marx and
Rauh (2011b), and Wilcox (2006) believe are calculated incorrectly and underestimated as a result.
The Little Hoover Commission (2011) estimated that California’s 10 largest public pension plans are underfunded by a combined $240 billion. Chicago’s pension systems are estimated to be underfunded by $20-40
billion while the state of Illinois’s projected underfunding is estimated to be $60 billion. These figures are
symptomatic of the shortfall in state and local government pension plans. Wilshire Consulting has compiled
data on state retirement systems for sixteen years. In their 2011 report, the 126 retirement plans which were
reviewed had an aggregate funding ratio of 69% in 2010, up from 65% in 2009 but down from 95% in 2007
(Bonafede, Foresti, & Walker, 2011) and down from 90% in 1990 (Mitchell & Smith, 1994), where the funding
ratio is defined as the total assets in a plan divided by the total liabilities. Munnell (2012) finds funding ratios
as low as 37.4% for the Illinois SERS and 17.4% for the Atlanta Board of Education. A funding ratio below 80%
is generally believed to put the long-term viability of a pension in jeopardy (U.S. Government Accountability
Office, 2008). Such low funding ratios may also harm credit ratings (McKillop & Pogue, 2009). These low
funding ratios indicate there may not be sufficient funds to pay for future pension liabilities, possibly leading
pension funds to take more risks in the hope of generating higher returns (Pennacchi & Rastad, 2011).
The alternatives to taking greater risks in order to raise the funding ratio are to either raise taxes, reduce
benefits, or declare bankruptcy. Raising taxes is always a politically unpopular action and it can have devastating adverse economic impacts on the municipality. Despite these adverse impacts, raising taxes may be
necessary (Brown, Clark, & Rauh, 2011) since Novy-Marx and Rauh (2011a) have shown very little impact
from reducing benefits, and declaring bankruptcy is onerous. Bankruptcy is declared in the hope that the
underfunded pension obligation will be reduced or eliminated by the courts. Nine U.S. municipal governments
filed for bankruptcy in the first seven months of 2012, including three in California, raising the total number
of U.S. municipal bankruptcies filed since 1980 to 52. Of the nine bankruptcies filed in 2012, seven indicated
that pension obligation shortfalls are a large part of the debt which drove them to bankruptcy. The group
driven by large underfunded pension obligations is diverse, including Stockton, California, the largest U.S.
city ever to file for bankruptcy, and Central Falls, Rhode Island, the smallest city in the smallest state in the
U.S. While bankruptcy may reduce or eliminate unfunded pension obligations, it can have a negative impact
on the municipality’s future economic prospects since it is an indication of higher risk, making it difficult to
get credit without paying very high interest rates.
Unless investment returns increase dramatically, the pension obligation shortfalls will either lead to more
bankruptcy filings or become a liability imposed on future taxpayers through higher taxes or increased borrowing
(Novy-Marx & Rauh, 2011a; Rauh, 2010; Schneider & Damanpour, 2002). These potential investment returns are
controlled not only by the market but also by the investment decisions made by the pension administrators. The
need to understand the incentives which drive the decisions of public pension administrators has been called for
in a recent long-term study of public pension plans (Public Plans Practices Task Force, 2010). Understanding these
incentives may also impact public pensions around the world, since these pensions, many of them at the national
level and under varying administrative structures, have also suffered during the current economic downturn.
This paper begins the process of understanding these incentives by studying the impact of U.S. public pensions’
administrative structure and administrators’ characteristics on investment decisions.
Literature Review
Most of the previous papers analyzing the investment behavior of public pension funds in the United States
of America (Albrecht & Hingorani, 2004; Useem & Mitchell, 2000) have looked at the relationship between
governance structure and measures of overall pension fund performance, typically real rates of return. Useem
and Mitchell (2000) looked primarily for a direct link between asset allocation and returns and found that
measures of system governance have limited explanatory power and are generally insignificant in models that
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
control for asset allocation. Perhaps not surprisingly, they find that asset allocation is the primary determinant
of fund performance. Albrecht and Hingorani (2004) expanded upon these models by looking not only at the
direct effect of governance on rates of return, but also at the indirect effect, through asset allocation.
This paper builds on the work by Albrecht and Hingorani (2004) in a couple of important ways. First, this
paper focuses exclusively on the link between governance, particularly board composition, and asset allocation. This focus enables the examination of the effect of this element of governance on a much larger set of
asset allocation variables than have been examined in previous papers. Additionally, this paper improves on
prior empirical work in this area, which has typically used cross-sectional data, by using an expanded panel
dataset that includes data for 1994, 1996, 1998, and 2000.
This analysis seeks to explain the variation in asset allocation among pension systems by analyzing the extent
to which various governance factors influence asset allocation decisions. Based on Albrecht and Hingorani (2004),
two broad types of governance variables are anticipated to be important with regard to these decisions. The first
broad type is that of board membership: the degree of residual claimancy of the trustee, how they were selected
to be there, and the number of trustees. These are expected to play an important role in shaping the incentives of
the board members and, in turn, how the system invests its assets. The second broad type of governance variable
considered is that of external (legal/regulatory) controls. The effects of these controls vary from system to system
and generally either proscribe certain investment types or enforce various methods of investment oversight. In
addition to the governance variables, a third group of independent variables is used to control for characteristics of
the pension system and its participants. Each of these variables of interest will be explored further below.
Each dependent variable measures the percentage of total assets held in that asset class. Five broad asset
classes are considered: alternate investments, total equities, total bonds, and cash and short term investments.
In addition, equities are further broken out into three sub-classes, domestic equity, real estate equity, and
international equity. Finally, fixed income investment is broken out into three sub-classes: international bonds,
domestic bonds, and domestic government bonds. Except for domestic government bonds, data for each of
these variables were collected in all four survey years. Data on domestic government bonds were collected
only in the first three survey years. The variables are defined in Table 1.
Table 1
De¿nition of Variables
Independent variables
Dependent variables (in order from riskiest to least risky)
Board composition variables
Active – percentage of the governing board who are active
members of the pension system
Retired – percentage of the governing board who are retired
members of the pension system
Exof¿cio – percentage of the governing board who are exofcio
Appointed – percentage of the governing board who are
appointed members
Boardsize – natural log of the total number of board members
Alternative investments – percentage of total assets invested in
assets other than those shown below (e.g., venture capital,
private equity)
External control variables
Constitution – regulated by state constitutional provisions
Evaluation – independent performance audit is required
Prudent – prudent person investment restriction exists
Policy – written ethics standards and policy guidelines
List – established list of securities permitted, or strongly
incentivized, for investment
Underlying plan characteristics – control variables
Income – average income of currently active system members
Pctretired – percentage of total system members who are retired
Assets – total system assets in billions of dollars
Total equity – percentage of total assets invested in equities of
all kinds
International equity – percentage of total assets invested in
equities of non-U.S. companies
Real estate equity – percentage of total assets invested in real
estate-focused equity
Domestic equity – percentage of total assets invested in equities
of U.S. companies
Total bonds – percentage of total assets invested in bonds of all
International bonds – percentage of total assets invested in
bonds of non-U.S. companies
Domestic bonds – percentage of total assets invested in bonds
of U.S. companies
Government bonds – percentage of total assets invested in
bonds of governmental entities
Cash – percentage of total assets invested in cash and shortterm investments
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
Board Composition
Munnell, Aubry, and Quinby (2011) explored the effect on funding ratios of having employees and/or
retirees on the Board. Their finding of no significant effect may be the result of opposing attitudes toward risk
for employees and retirees. Abel (2001) argues that risk aversion increases with age. That argument may lead
one to believe that systems with a high percentage of board members who are retired pension system members
should seek to move the investments out of risky assets and into relatively safe assets, while active system
members on the board should tend to want riskier portfolios (Amir, Guan, & Oswald, 2010; Lucas & Zeldes,
2009; Pennacchi & Rastad, 2011). The first hypothesis in this study, however, is that the exact opposite will
occur within public pension systems; boards that are dominated by active system members should tend to move
out of equity and into relatively safe domestic bonds, while boards that are dominated by retired members on
the board of trustees should seek to increase investment in riskier asset classes (for example, venture capital
and international equity). Thus, our first hypothesis is:
H1: The higher the percentage of board members who are active participants in the system (Active), the
lower the percentage of assets in riskier investments.
The rationale regarding retired pension system members is as follows. Typically, members of DB plans
receive an annuity upon retirement, the annual value of which is usually determined by a complicated formula
that varies among systems and incorporates the employee’s final average salary and years of service. This
annuity either terminates or, if the employee has a surviving spouse, is diminished upon death. One effect
this may have is that any investment or risk preferences based on a bequest motive will either be reduced or
eliminated, effectively shortening the time horizon of plan members. While this is true of all members, the time
horizons of older and retired members will likely be shortened more than those of younger, active members.
On its own, a shorter time horizon (or a larger discount rate) would not necessarily prompt retired members
to prefer riskier portfolios than active members. In fact, experimental results have shown that higher degrees
of risk aversion are correlated with shorter time horizons (Anderhub, Güth, Gneezy, & Sonsino, 2001),
implying that, if anything, retired members should prefer safer portfolios than active members. However, this
will not be the case if the elected political leaders (or their agents) who have influence over either benefits or
contribution rates have short time horizons as well (Hess & Squire, 2009). A simple framework is offered to
explore this hypothesis.
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), which only applies in the private sector,
mandates that all private pension systems be fully funded at all times. As noted above, this is not true of the
public sector, where many pension systems now have funding ratios well below 100%. However, in the long run,
pension assets must equal pension liabilities for public retirement systems as well. Any shortfall in investment
return must be met by an increase in contribution rates, a reduction in benefit, or an increase in general taxation.
A windfall in investment return must be met by a wage hike, increase in benefits, or a decrease in general taxation. If political leaders are myopic, they will have a strong incentive to postpone their reaction to investment
shortfalls, as wage cuts, tax increases, and benefits reductions are politically unpopular. As an example of this
phenomenon, Eaton and Nofsinger (2004) have found that poorly performing public pension systems tend to
manipulate their actuarial assumptions to make their retirement programs appear to be more fiscally sound. Thus,
rather than make the politically unpopular move of increasing taxes or reducing benefits, or look irresponsible
for not fixing an ailing pension system, politicians would prefer to use “creative accounting” to make the pension
system appear to be more solvent. Their discovery of this tactic provides some evidence that politicians wish to
delay the tax increases and/or benefits reductions necessitated by under-performing pension systems. On the other
hand, myopic politicians will have a strong incentive to rush to react to investment windfalls. Tax reductions, wage
hikes, and/or benefits increases (such as the so-called “13th check”) which take advantage of such overfunding
are policies that are likely to be pursued in the short run due to their political popularity (Hess & Squire, 2009).
These incentives imply that retired system members will receive most of the benefit from a high rate of
return while bearing disproportionately little risk. One can draw an analogy between this argument and a
standard public finance argument of loss offsets; if the government taxes profits without loss offsets, entrepreneurs will invest in fewer risky projects than they otherwise would. If the entrepreneur loses money, they
bear the full cost, but if the entrepreneur earns a profit, they only receive part of the benefit. In the context of
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
investment income for retired system members, losses are subsidized through intergenerational transfers, but
benefits are fully realized by retired members, leading to retired members wanting to invest in more risky
assets than would otherwise be the case. The resulting hypothesis is:
H2: The higher the percentage of board members who are retired participants in the system (Retired), the
higher the percentage of assets in riskier investments.
Board size is expected to be a strong determinant of asset allocation choice as well. Larger boards will tend
to hold riskier portfolios, eschewing bonds in general, particularly domestic bonds, in favor of international
investments. This result would be consistent with a wide variety of different literatures across the social
sciences that associate group size with risks taken and/or performance in risky activities.
The theoretical framework for this phenomenon is provided by the literature in experimental psychology
on group polarization and the “risky shift.” In the 1960s and 1970s, psychologists began to take notice of a
fairly persistent phenomenon: Decisions made by groups tend to be significantly more risk preferring than
the average risk position of the individuals within the group (see, for example, Hong, 1978). This phenomenon was termed the risky shift, and was a particular example of the general phenomenon known as group
polarization. Group polarization describes a situation in which an initial attitudinal predisposition, however
small or large, by the individual members of the group is somehow exacerbated following group discussion.
Within the context of the risky shift, for example, a group of individuals who have varying risk preferences
will, upon being placed in a situation where the group can observe their risk-related decisions (or must make
a group decision), endorse a position that is near the risk preference of the individual who prefers the most
risk.2 This mechanism implies that board risk preference will be increasing in board size, but at a decreasing
rate: the likelihood of the marginal board member with a random risk preference to prefer a position riskier
than any other board member is higher in a small board than in a large board. The natural log of the size of
the board is used to capture this effect (Schneider & Damanpour, 2002).3 The third hypothesis to be tested is:
H3: The larger the size of the Board (Boardsize), the greater the percentage of assets placed in riskier
The final two variables looking at board composition are the percentage of the board that is either exofficio
or appointed. These two variables are included to test whether board members who hold their position by
virtue of some political process have an impact on asset allocation. If trustees are pressed to make decisions
with their political implications in mind, there is a greater likelihood that investment and other decisions will
not be wealth maximizing. Appointees are anticipated to be more likely to make decisions in this manner,
as they hold their position by the grace of some elected official, whereas exofficio members are on the board
by their own virtue and face electoral constraints that restrain their ability to make non-wealth maximizing
decisions (Schneider & Damanpour, 2002).
Typically, these non-wealth maximizing decisions come in the form of economically targeted investments.
Economically targeted investments, or ETIs, are investments that are made based upon criteria other than the
standard risk-return criterion. For example, in the early 1980s many public pension funds made large sacrifices
to returns in the name of increased home-ownership by subsidizing high-risk home mortgages for low-income
borrowers. The primary argument for ETIs comes from Watson (1994), who argues that, if capital markets
are inefficient, there must be some worthy projects that do not get funded.
If these worthy projects can be identified, and furthermore determined to have some measurable corollary
benefit to the plan participants (e.g., increased incomes or employment opportunities for plan members), then
they are good candidates for targeted investing. Despite the adverse selection problem that obviously arises,
making it very difficult for investors to select the worthy project from the lemons (Nofsinger, 1998),4 ETIs
are often used as justification for the de facto funneling of the assets of public pension funds into the state
coffers to finance social investments, shore up budget deficits, encourage home-ownership by low-income
households, or even engage in public works projects.5 Previous empirical research has shown that ETIs tend
to reduce risk-weighted returns (Nofsinger, 1998). The hypotheses then are:
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
H4: The larger the percentage of exofficio members on the Board (Exofficio), the lower the percentage of
assets placed in riskier investments.
H5: The larger the percentage of appointed members on the Board (Appointed), the lower the percentage
of assets placed in riskier investments.
It should be noted that the hypotheses laid out for each of the five board composition variables are fundamentally related to the riskiness of the overall portfolio held by the pension systems. While it is anticipated that
a greater proportion of their portfolio will be held in riskier asset classes, doing so does not necessarily imply
that their portfolio is in fact riskier. In fact it could imply less risk; if the correlation between the relatively
riskier asset classes and the relatively safer asset classes is less than one, holding the riskier assets will reduce
the overall risk associated with the portfolio (Stalebrink, Kriz, & Guo, 2010). The issue of overall portfolio
risk will be addressed later in this paper.
The five regulation variables can be broadly interpreted as examining the impact of the regulatory framework within which the systems operate. The five variables look at various types of regulations that are ostensibly designed to provide protections to plan participants (and by extension, taxpayers), preventing trustees
from acting imprudently in carrying out their fiduciary duties. The potential result of the imposition of these
regulations is to constrain the investment options available to the pension systems, causing movement away
from the optimal allocation among investment choices for a desired level of risk.
While a plausible case has been made above for why board composition might have an effect on portfolio
risk, such a case may not be possible for the different types of investment restrictions represented by the regulation variables. Prudent person laws, investment policy statements, and independent performance evaluations
are designed for the purpose of reducing agency problems. However, the existence of agency problems would
lead to these restrictions having an effect on risk-adjusted returns, not risk per se. And, while constitutional
and investment list restrictions may limit the classes of assets invested in, they do not put constraints on the
riskiness of the portfolio chosen. As a result, the discussion of these variables will focus on the effects on
investment allocation decisions rather than risk.
Legal lists originated in England in the eighteenth century as a list of assets for which, if they earned poor
or negative returns, a trustee could not be held liable. These lists typically included only government bonds.
Not surprisingly, cautious trustees generally concentrated their investments in these relatively safe assets. In the
early eighteenth century the legal list evolved into the prudent person rule, a new standard that freed trustees to
select any portfolio that, ex ante, would be selected by a prudent investor. Often, these investment restrictions
are enacted at the constitutional level; historically state constitutions have limited equity investments through
means ranging from the complete prohibition of all equity investments to equity caps to banning certain types
of assets. Many systems subject the investment decisions made by the board to external performance evaluators. Finally, some systems have adopted written ethical standards or policy guidelines that create a degree of
transparency in investment decisions – should the board not live up to these standards or guidelines, members
and beneficiaries are given recourse. Although these regulations are justifiable in terms of helping resolve
the principal – agent problem that exists between trustees and plan members, they could potentially provide
a means through which policy makers external to the board of trustees can influence investment decisions.
While the preceding discussion of board composition and ETIs examines the incentives of board members,
political decision makers outside the board of trustees are often capable of influencing investment decisions
through external political restrictions and regulations that constrain board members. State legal lists could
be used to resolve the principal-agent dilemma, but it is also plausible that they could be a means by which
states coerce the plans they sponsor to invest only in state approved assets. Systems subject to such legal lists
are expected to exhibit a strong tendency to invest much less in international equity and hold more domestic
(particularly government) bonds and other more traditional investments, such as domestic equity and cash
(Stalebrink et al., 2010). The closely related prudent person restriction, on the other hand, is expected to have
a negligible effect on investment decisions. The resulting hypotheses are:
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
H6: The existence of a legal list (List) will result in a lower percentage of assets being placed in particular
types of investments than would otherwise be the case.
H7: The existence of the prudent person rule (Prudent) will result in a lower percentage of assets being
placed in particular types of investments than would otherwise be the case.
Constitutional investment restrictions have become less common in recent years. Whereas many state
constitutions historically have contained clauses restricting the amount of equity investment that systems are
able to pursue, these caps have been increased or disappeared since the early 1990s. Using a similar specification but restricting their analysis to data from 1992, Useem and Mitchell (2000) find that the relationship
between equity investment and constitutional investment restrictions was negative and significant at the 1%
level. This leads to the next hypothesis:
H8: The existence of constitutional restrictions on investment options (Constitution) will result in a lower
percentage of assets being placed in particular types of investments than would otherwise be the case.
Finally, both independent performance evaluations and the existence of written ethics standards or policy
guidelines are expected to have wide ranging effects on investments if there is an agency problem stemming
from asymmetric information between the trustees and plan participants, causing moral hazard. The existence
of independent evaluations or policy guidelines helps limit the liability of trustees. If trustees are risk averse,
they will be more likely to pursue risky investments when they feel protected from downside risk. Hence, an
independent evaluation or standard is part of an optimal contract, as trustees will only pursue riskier strategies if they know the participants verify that bad years are a result of bad luck, not an imprudent investment
decision. Moreover, it could also be the case that evaluations and standards are binding constraints on any
opportunistic actions of the trustees and serve as a monitoring device. This leads to the hypotheses that:
H9: The existence of independent evaluations (Evaluation) will result in a higher percentage of assets
being placed in particular types of investments than would otherwise be the case.
H10: The existence of written policy guidelines (Policy) will result in a higher percentage of assets being
placed in particular types of investments than would otherwise be the case.
All of the pension plan and pension system data come from the biennial survey administered by the Public
Pension Coordinating Council (PPCC) (Zorn, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002). The PPCC is sponsored by the National
Association of State Retirement Administrators, the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems,
and the National Council on Teacher Retirement. Each of these groups is interested in improving government
sponsored pension programs in the United States of America, and the data from the survey are collected and
synthesized into a report that outlines broad trends in public pensions and gives general summary statistics.
Between 1995 and 2001, the survey was administered in odd years, requesting system-level and plan-level data
for the prior year. For example, the 1995 survey reports data from 1994, and was published in 1996.
The survey underwent some revisions between each of the four collection years. Between 1995 and 1999,
the survey was modified slightly, but none of the variables examined in this paper were affected. The 2001
survey, however, was shortened substantially and many questions were omitted. Two of the governance variables and one of the dependent variables that had been included in the 1995, 1997, and 1999 surveys were
dropped in 2001. The availability of each variable is discussed below.
While the PPCC took great care to attempt to get high quality data, there are nevertheless some missing
observations in the data. Some systems did not complete the survey in all four collection years, and others
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
did not fully complete every question in the questionnaires. Observations for which variables of interest were
missing are omitted, and estimates of the system are done with an unbalanced panel. In addition, the pension
systems holding all assets in cash were eliminated. These adjustments yield between 570 and 573 observations, including data from 246 systems, for the primary regressions, and between 450 and 453 observations,
including data from 237 systems, for the estimations that omit the 2001 survey data.
Despite undergoing constant revision, the survey remained consistent in its overall structure during the period
examined. The survey was broken into three sections: system, DB plan, and defined contribution (DC) plan. The
survey instructions defined a pension system as an organization charged with the responsibility of administering
one or more pension plans. A pension plan is the actual program by which employees are provided either annuities or a lump sum payment upon retirement on the basis of any contributions made during their working years.
Many systems administered more than one plan during this time period, and a few systems administered both
DB and DC plans simultaneously. For example, while the Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi
administered only one DB plan, the Minnesota State Retirement System administered six DB plans, and the
State Universities Retirement System of Illinois administered two plans, one DB and one DC. As has been
the custom within this literature, only systems that administer DB plans exclusively are considered. This is an
inherent weakness in the literature, since DC trustees are able to exert considerable control over the assets held
by the pension system.6
The system level surveys include most of the questions on governance and investment performance. The
plan level surveys take a more detailed look at each individual plan, including membership, funding ratios,
and benefit formulas.
Table 2 examines the distribution of asset allocations among ten asset classes by presenting the means and
standard deviations. Also presented are the means and standard deviations for the board composition, external
control, and underlying plan characteristics variables.
Table 2
Summary Statistics of Variables
Dependent Variables
Standard Deviation
Alternative Investments
Total Equity
International Equity*
Real Estate Equity*
Domestic Equity*
Total Bonds
International Bonds
Domestic Bonds
Government Bonds**
Independent Variables
Standard Deviation
33 919.00
26 091.00
Note. (a) * For Real Estate Equity, Domestic Equity, and International Equity, n = 143 in 1994, n = 155 in 1998, so n = 570 total. **
In 2000, survey did not include questions about domestic government bonds, active or retired board membership. N = 453 for these
variables. (b) Means of the dependent variables may not add to 100 due to the omission of some investments which were only in very
small quantities, such as mortgage backed securities.
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
The variables described in Tables 1 and 2 are used to examine the relationship between governance factors and
asset allocation. The models are estimated with a two-sided-Tobit specification because the dependent variables, the
proportion of system assets allocated to specific asset classes, are naturally bounded by 0 and 100. Each model is
estimated with system-level random effects and yearly fixed effects. Yearly fixed effects are included in each model
because there is a clear trend of pension systems reallocating system assets from fixed income to equity investments
over this time period. There are a number of reasons why this trend may emerge. For example, pension systems may
have been attempting to take advantage of the bull market during the late 1990s, or they may not have been active in
rebalancing their portfolios during this time. Including the yearly fixed effects allows the estimation of the effect of
governance on asset allocation independent of these potential temporal trends. System-level random effects are chosen
in favor of fixed effects because many of the governance variables are relatively time invariant within each system.7
As stated above, the scope of the survey was reduced in the last survey. Data on active/retired board members
and government bond holdings was not collected for 2001. As a result, two sets of models are estimated and
reported. The first set of models are the primary regressions, which use data from all four survey years. The
second set of models estimate the same equations, but limit the dataset to including data from just the 1995,
1997, and 1999 surveys. This enables testing of the effect of active and retired board members as well as the
effect of all the governance variables on government bonds.
The general form of the regressions is:
allocation classi , j ,t
E X i ,t vt Pi H i , j ,t .
In Equation 1, the dependent variables are each of the specific asset allocation class variables discussed in
the previous section and j = 1, 2,...,10 for the 10 different asset classes. The measures of pension governance
and the control variables for system i at time t are contained in the matrix X i ,t . The term Pi is a pension system
specific error term. The year fixed effect is vt and the error term is H i , j ,t .
Governance and Investment Allocation Results
The results from the regressions are reported in Tables 3 through 6. The empirical results generally support
most of the hypotheses laid out above.
Table 3
Broad Asset Classes-Large Sample
Total Equity
Total Bonds
Appointed (-)
Exof¿cio (-)
Boardsize (+)
Constitution (-)
Evaluation (+)
List (-)
Policy (+)
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Prudent (-)
Note. (a) The sign next to the independent variables is the expected direction of the relationship with riskier investments. (b) z-statistics
reported under coefcients *** - 0.01; ** - 0.05; * - 0.10. (c) This table uses data from 1994-2000. (d) The results are from random effects
Tobit estimation.
Table 4
Narrow Asset Classes-Large Sample
Real Estate
Appointed (-)
Exof¿cio (-)
Boardsize (+)
Constitution (-)
List (-)
Policy (+)
Prudent (-)
Evaluation (+)
Note. (a) The sign next to the independent variables is the expected direction of the relationship with riskier investments. (b) z-statistics
reported under coefcients *** - 0.01; ** - 0.05; * - 0.10. (c) This table uses data from 1994-2000. (d) The results are from random effects
Tobit estimation.
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
Table 5
Broad Asset Classes-Small Sample
Active (-)
Retired (+)
Appointed (-)
Exof¿cio (-)
Boardsize (+)
Constitution (-)
Evaluation (+)
List (-)
Policy (+)
Prudent (-)
Note. (a) The sign next to the independent variables is the expected direction of the relationship with riskier investments. (b) z-statistics
reported under coefcients *** - 0.01; ** - 0.05; * - 0.10. (c) This table uses data from 1994-1998. (d) The results are from random effects
Tobit estimation.
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
Table 6
Narrow Asset Classes-Small Sample
Real Estate
Active (-)
Retired (+)
Appointed (-)
Exof¿cio (-)
Boardsize (+)
Constitution (-)
Evaluation (+)
List (-)
Policy (+)
Prudent (-)
Note. (a) The sign next to the independent variables is the expected direction of the relationship with riskier investments. (b) z-statistics
reported under coefcients *** - 0.01; ** - 0.05; * - 0.10. (c) This table uses data from 1994-1998. (d) The results are from random effects
Tobit estimation.
In this section, the signs on the coefficients for Boardsize, Constitution, Evaluation, List and Prudent are
as expected for the broad asset classes in both samples. Policy and Appointed do not have the anticipated signs
for the broad asset classes in either sample. Exofficio has the anticipated signs for the broad asset classes in
the large sample but not in the small sample. Retired has the anticipated signs, but Active does not.
For the broad asset classes, a larger board appears to result in a shift of investments out of bonds and into
equity, as anticipated. Interestingly, the size of the shift is approximately equal, as indicated by the approximate
equality of the absolute values of the coefficients for total equity and total bonds, in both Tables 3 and 5. A larger
board results in higher investments in riskier domestic and international equity and bonds, and lower investments in safer government bonds. These phenomena seem to be indicative of the taking on of riskier portfolios.
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
Independent performance evaluations have a very large effect on investment decisions. Systems subject
to independent performance evaluations have a strong tendency to have much larger equity holdings, both
in domestic and international equity, and smaller bond holdings. A greater portion of their bonds are held in
international bonds rather than domestic bonds. This was also anticipated in this study, since such an evaluation may reduce the liability exposure of the board.
The existence of a legal list appears to reduce investments in equity and increase investments in bonds.
The analysis of the narrower asset classes indicate a legal list reduces investments in riskier international and
real estate equity and increase investments in safer domestic and government bonds. The effect in the case of
government bonds is very strong. This was anticipated since a legal list often only permits more conservative
Contrary to expectations, the existence of written ethics standards or policy guidelines reduced investments
in riskier alternative investments. Written investment policies have a weak effect on asset allocation, with
their presence hinting at a likely increase in equity holdings, especially domestic equities. Since investments
in equities increased, this may indicate the anticipated effect of a reduction in trustee liability was limited.
Board composition with respect to appointees/exofficio membership has little significant effect.8 Relative
to boards dominated by active system members, boards that are dominated by retired members on the board
of trustees seek to increase investment in riskier alternative investments and international equity.9
Governance and Risk
Much of the foregoing analysis has argued that the effects of pension system governance on investment
strategies may be indicative of governance having a systematic effect on the riskiness of pension asset holdings. It is not necessarily the case, however, that systems with greater investments in relatively risky asset
classes also bear more risk (Stalebrink et al., 2010). For example, while international securities on their own
may be riskier than domestic securities, diversification of one’s portfolio through the purchase of international
securities would have the effect of reducing the risk in the portfolio, not increasing it since international equity
markets are segmented from U.S. equity markets (Johnson & Soenen, 2009). Therefore, a more detailed
analysis is necessary.
Most studies of public pension governance use investment returns or funding as dependent variables.
However, if the goal is to “achieve the most desirable risk-return combination” (Sharpe, 2002, p. 74), then
such studies omit a critical part of the decision making by public pension governing bodies. The governing
bodies may be more conscious of this issue, as evidenced by the use of portfolio budgets, which assess the
amount of risk and where it is to be allocated to control portfolio risk.
In the previous part of this study, the effect of governance characteristics on choice of investments was
analyzed. However, as shown by Stalebrink et al. (2010), the risk level of a portfolio can differ from the risk
characteristics of the investments within that portfolio. Sharpe (2002) pointed out that the riskiness of a portfolio
is not simply the sum of the risks of the component investments. Brown and Wilcox (2009) and Wilcox (2006)
assert that the commonly accepted method of valuing a public pension fund’s liabilities encourage excessive
risk-taking because discount rates are tied to expected rates of return. By taking on riskier portfolios with
higher rates of return, a pension fund can reduce its liabilities and justify reduced government contributions.
Therefore, an understanding of the effect of governance characteristics on risk-taking is incomplete without
the study of portfolio risk in addition to the riskiness of asset classes. In this section, the question of the effect
of governance on portfolio risk is addressed directly.
The hypotheses as to how the board composition variables might affect risk-taking among asset classes
were laid out above. The rationales underlying the hypotheses for classes of investments are applicable to
portfolio risk as well. Retired system members are anticipated to want riskier portfolios than active members,
as the politicized nature of these pension systems could lead to intergenerational risk transfers. Larger boards
are expected to hold riskier portfolios than smaller boards due to the psychological phenomenon of group
polarization. Finally, if ETI activity is present, one predicts appointed membership to be associated with higher
levels of risk relative to exofficio membership and elected membership. It should be noted that the regulation
variables are omitted from this analysis because they do not limit the riskiness of investments in pension plans,
given the wide range of investments and risk profiles available. Rather, they constrain the investment options
available and, in turn, reduce the investment returns to the affected pension system (Useem & Mitchell, 2000).
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
As acknowledged above, pension systems may use riskier asset classes to diversify their portfolio. Using
riskier asset classes as diversification tools makes their use as indicators of portfolio risk problematic. To
address this problem, the portfolio risk of each system is estimated using two methods, the market model
(Sharpe, 1963, 1964) and asset class factor modeling, or style analysis (Sharpe, 1992).
Financial models examining risk are typically estimated using long data series. The PPCC survey did not
collect monthly data, and is limited to yearly data between 1990 and 2000 inclusive. Estimating financial
models using only eleven observations is difficult at best. However, these measures are being estimated only
to be used as dependent variables, so any errors-in-variables problems associated with their imprecision will
simply inflate the standard errors of the second stage regressions. Therefore, while the models explaining risk
will be estimated with high error, as long as the measures of risk are estimated without bias, the estimated
coefficients of the second stage regressions will be unbiased as well.
The market model states that there is a linear relationship between risk and return which can be written as:
( Ri R f ) D E ( Rm R f ) H i .
In this model, the rate of return on portfolio i is given by Ri, Rf is the risk free rate of return, and Rm is
the market rate of return. The estimated beta measures portfolio risk, alpha measures the extent to which
the portfolio outperformed (or underperformed) the market, and the error term is often associated with luck.
Betas for each of the pension systems reporting 11 years of rate of return data are estimated using ordinary
least squares, with the return on the Wilshire 5000 as the market rate of return and the 30-day Treasury Bill
rate as the risk free rate of return. The first measure of portfolio risk, based on the market model, is labelled
Estimated Beta and used as the first measure of risk in Equation 6.
A style analysis model (Sharpe, 1992) generally takes the form of:
E1 F1 E 2 F2 " E n Fn H i ,
where Ri denotes the return on asset i and Fj denotes the value of the jth factor. In this specification, each factor
is the rate of return on a specific asset class. This method of analysis differs from a simple factor model in
that it adds the following constraints:
i, j
j 1
0 d Ei , j d 1, j.
Because of data limitations, the number of factors is restricted to only two asset classes, the Wilshire 5000
and the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond index. The estimated coefficients on the Wilshire 5000 rate of
return are labelled Estimated Style and serve as the second measure of portfolio risk in Equation 6.
Of the 237 systems used in the first part of this study, only 67 systems reported rates of return for each year
between 1990 and 2000. Both risk estimates are computed for each of these 67 systems in the PPCC dataset.
The same data is used for governance data and controls as in the earlier section. However, because the risk
estimates do not vary within each system, a dataset of means is created by averaging the governance data
over the available collection years. Finally, systems which did not respond to all of the governance questions
are dropped from the data, leaving 58 observations for the analysis.
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
The effect of board composition on risk is estimated by running regressions of the form:
E X i Hi ,
where riski is the portfolio risk measure identified above as either Estimated Beta from Equation 2 or Estimated
Style from Equation 3, and Xi includes both the board composition variables and the same three control variables
from before. Because the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates display heteroskedasticity, the equations are
estimated using both weighted least squares (WLS) and multiplicative heteroskedastic models. The WLS and
multiplicative heteroskedastic regression (M-HR) results are reported in Table 7.
Table 7
Risk and Board Composition
Retired (+)
Appointed (-)
Exof¿cio (-)
Boardsize (+)
Active (-)
Active = Retired
Note. (a) The sign next to the independent variables is the expected direction of the relationship with riskier investments. (b) *** - 0.01;
** - 0.05; * - 0.10. (c) Data is averaged over the four collection years. (d) Columns 1 and 2 use WLS regression and report t-statistics.
Columns 3 and 4 use maximum likelihood estimates of multiplicative heteroskedastic regression (M-HR) and report z-statistics. (e) The
Active = Retired test uses F-statistics.
Governance and Risk Results
Overall the results are reasonably strong, especially considering that the dependent variables are likely to
have been measured with error. The results for both measures of risk are comparable, strengthening the findings discussed below. For the most part, the results are in line with the hypotheses laid out above.
JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal
All of the coefficients for Active, Retired, Exofficio, and Boardsize in this section have the expected signs.
Three of the four signs for Appointed are in the opposite direction from what was anticipated. This may be
an indication that political implications are less important influences on decision making for appointees than
The coefficients for Retired are only significant at the 10% level in one of the estimations which signifies
that retired members do not tend to behave differently from non-system members on the board. The more
relevant comparison is between retired and active board members, and the last row in the table shows the
result of an F-test of the equality of the two coefficients. In all four specifications the Retired coefficient is
considerably higher than the Active coefficient, and this difference is significant at the 10% level in three of
the four specifications. The magnitude of these estimates imply that, relative to a board composed entirely of
active system members, a board composed entirely of retired system members would be expected to hold a
riskier portfolio, with a beta 0.2 to 0.3 higher.
The results also provide evidence that board size is positively correlated with portfolio risk. Intuitively,
these coefficients imply a doubling of board size is correlated with a 0.08 increase in beta. The results are
statistically significant at the 10% level in two of the specifications and at the 5% level in one other.
An interesting result is the effect of exofficio membership on risk. The negative signs on the coefficients
for Exofficio indicate that exofficio members desire less risky portfolios than board members elected by system
participants. The expectation of less risky portfolios is consistent with the estimated coefficients, all of which
are significant. In addition, exofficio members are predicted to have less incentive to engage in ETIs than
appointed members, which would lead to less risky portfolios. An F-test (not reported) of the equality of the
Exofficio and Appointed variables is rejected at the 5% level in each regression.
The governance and performance of public pensions is becoming one of the more salient issues in American
public policy. This paper makes two contributions to the literature on the governance of public pension
systems. First, it qualifies prior assertions in the literature that asset allocation is the primary determinant of
investment returns. Governance has at least an indirect effect on investment performance by affecting these
asset allocation decisions. Second, evidence has been presented showing that pension board composition,
in addition to influencing asset allocation, also may have an effect on portfolio risk. In addition, this paper
highlights many potentially fruitful avenues for further research by postulating multiple hypotheses to explain
why governance has the effect it does. Moreover, the results have a number of public policy implications that
system participants and government sponsors alike can exploit to change the incentives of trustees, including
deficiencies in the pension system, such as 13th checks, and reasons for the current underfunded status of
many public pension systems.
The issues discussed in this paper and the public policy implications are not exclusive to the United
States of America. While our research focuses on the pensions provided in the United States of America
at the state and local levels, we believe the applicability of the lessons is not limited to the United States of
America pensions. For example, Impavido (2002) surveyed public pension systems from multiple nations and
found widespread governance issues ranging from the institutionalization of ETIs to heavy-handed portfolio
restrictions. Ammann and Zingg (2010) find governance issues in Swiss pension funds effecting investment
performance. Clare, Nitzsche, and Cuthbertson (2010) question the ability of active fund managers to solve the
underfunding problems of UK pensions, despite their claims of high future returns. This paper has continued
this discussion of public pension governance by focusing on a number of issues raised in the international
arena by these authors.
These findings are limited by the generalizability of the findings. The dataset used has a response bias
toward large funds (Schneider & Damanpour, 2002) which would be expected to diversify investments better
than small funds (Guillén, 2008). In addition, the dataset includes information on investment options in aggregated form. It is possible that a finer breakdown may give greater specificity to the effects which were tested.
Further limits are imposed by the time period tested, which was one of economic growth, and the pension
systems tested, which were limited to defined benefit plans. Testing data from a period of economic decline
or comparisons with DC plans may lead to different findings. The methodology used in this study could be
used to better understand fund management in these alternate time periods or plan structures.
Public Pension Governance and Asset Allocation
While public pensions can be either DB or DC, this paper focuses only on DB which is the predominant form for
state and local governments. Public pensions, for purposes of this paper, are dened as those issued by state and local
governments, excluding those sponsored by the federal government.
It is of note that some experiments in this literature found the opposite conclusion – a “cautious shift” could result (Weller
& Wenger, 2009). Despite their seemingly contradictory nature, psychologists think of both the risky shift and the cautious shift as examples of group polarization. Which one will occur is thought to be culturally dependent. For example,
Hong (1978) argues that while American culture tends to exalt risk-taking behavior, Confucian cultural beliefs are such
that cautiousness is applauded. Experimentally, he nds that individually, Taiwan Chinese and Americans are signicantly different, with statistically signicant risky-shifting by Americans and cautious-shifting by Taiwan Chinese.
While the present paper does not attempt to examine actual pension performance relative to the market, research implies that larger boards may in fact perform worse than smaller boards. Cox and Hayne (2006) examine performance
in a winner’s curse experiment among both individuals and groups, nding that groups perform less rationally than
individuals; within the context of a common value auction, this implies that groups take on substantially more risk than
individuals. Moreover, Yermack’s (1996) analysis of the relationship between board size and market valuation in large
U.S. corporations shows that board size is negatively correlated with Tobin’s Q.
Nofsinger (1998) argues that, even with inefcient capital markets, it is unlikely that fund managers can identify these
opportunities because of the lemons problem. It is not evident whether a potential investment project is one that should
have gone unfunded or not, and given that capital markets are considered to be very efcient, there will only be a few
“good” projects that receive too little investment. This implies that fund managers attempting to make ETIs must choose
from a set that includes a large number of bad projects and a small number of good projects.
It is unlikely that the approach taken in this paper would be able to identify any signicant ETI activity. ETIs may be
accomplished by targeting specic assets within an asset class rather than by favoring one asset class over another. For
example, rather than investing in private equity funds based on their expected returns, a system could target its investments by buying disproportionately more funds based in the local and state jurisdictions of their sponsors, resulting in
underdiversication and the possibility of lower returns within this asset class (Lerner, Schoar, & Wongsunwai, 2007).
Participants in DC systems are not typically given free rein over the investment of their individual balances, but rather
are given a menu of investment styles from which to choose, and trustees are able to determine what assets constitute
the items on the menu. Since they are often nonprofessional investors, participants, and possibly trustees, may tend
toward risk-free investments, especially following recent losses (Rengifo & Trifan, 2010)
The robustness of these specications is checked by estimating the models with pooled OLS and feasible generalized
least squares (FGLS) as well. The pooled OLS specication includes yearly xed effects and system level clustering of
standard errors; the FGLS estimation includes yearly xed effects and system-level random effects. Hausman (1978)
tests conrm the choice of random effects over xed effects. The results are not reported but are generally consistent
across specications.
Estimates are relative to the percentage of the governing board elected by system members, which is omitted to prevent
Estimates are relative to the percentage of the governing board made up of nonmembers, which is omitted to prevent
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Authors Note
Matthew Dobra, Charles M. Reeves School of Business, Methodist University, 5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC,
28311, USA.
Bruce H. Lubich, Graduate School, University of Maryland University College, 3501 University Boulevard East,
Adelphi, MD, 20783, USA.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Bruce H. Lubich, Email: bruce.lubich@umuc.edu
We would like to thank Mark Crain, John Crockett, Stephen Miller, Christis Tombazos, and Gordon Tullock for their
comments on previous versions. We would also like to thank Summer Atkinson for her assistance.