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Pe drumul modernizării societății românești, al cărei ritm a crescut în prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea, sunt oameni și fapte despre care încă se mai poate vorbi, chiar dacă oamenii nu au fost dintre corifeii mișcărilor... more
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      MoldovaPensionSecolul al XIX-leaSankt-Petersburg
The reform of the liberal professions-initiated measures, controversies and restrictions Maria Alexandru / 27 The interest rate-factor that determines investment in saving instruments Magdalena Călin / 32 Fiscal policy and real... more
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      Public FinanceRisk ManagementFinancial InstitutionsPortfolio Choice
The study examined the effect of Contributory Pension Scheme on Nigerian Capital Market. The specific objectives were to analyze the effect of Total Pension Assets under Management on Total Market Capitalization and... more
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With less income or little income, old age has become a great deal to worry in bigger cities of India. Even though, government supports the senior citizens with old age pensions, it only helps to cover basic living expenses. Instead of... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityPensionLiving Standards
The paper aims to examine an aspect which has not yet been sufficiently addressed in previous studies (Bagavos and Tragaki 2008). It deals with the potential volume of employed population, seen from the supply point of view, in selected... more
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      MigrationEmploymentDemographic ageingPension
This paper documents the reversal of pension privatization and the reforms that took place in the 1990s and 2000s in Poland. The report analyses the political economy of different reform proposals, and the characteristics of the new... more
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      Political SciencePensionDDClabour organization
The increasing difficulties in financing the welfare state and in particular public retirement pensions have been one of the outcomes both of the decrease of fertility and birth rates combined with the increase of life expectancy. The... more
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Towards the end of the 20th century, as part of the encompassing structural reforms that modernized the Mexican economy after decades of an obsolete imports-substitution model, overrregulated economic sectors, and state-controlled... more
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    • Pension
In this work, we made a presentation regarding to the Israeli pension system which was deeply reformed by passing it from a system based on Defined Benefits with huge actuarial deficits to a system based on Defined Contribution actuarial... more
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      EconomicsPublic FinanceRisk ManagementFinancial Institutions
Empirical analyses of annuities markets have been limited to a few developed countries and restricted by data limitations. Chile provides excellent conditions for research on annuities due to the depth of its market and the availability... more
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      Applied EconomicsFinancial InstitutionsWorking PapersNet Present Value
This letter analyzes the impact of economic integration on capital accumulation and capital flows when countries differ in their social security systems. Funding and early retirement both foster capital accumulation relative to... more
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      BusinessRiskPortfolio ManagementAsset Allocation
Over the last 100 years, there has been a steady decline in mortality rates. With the unexpected decrease in death rates; variability in the age of death declined and deaths are concentrated to the older years of life, therefore, causing... more
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      PensionAnnuityLee Carter ModelLongevity risk
Empirical analyses of annuities markets have been limited to a few developed countries and restricted by data limitations. Chile provides excellent conditions for research on annuities due to the depth of its market and the availability... more
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      Applied EconomicsFinancial InstitutionsPensionRisk mitigation
In 1981 Chile adopted its new multi-pillar system, which featured privately managed individual accounts. Starting in 1983 payouts from the accounts were permitted and detailed rules about payouts were put in place. The Chilean scheme... more
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      Applied EconomicsCompetitive advantageAdverse SelectionAsymmetric Information
Many south-east European states made the transition from socialist to market economies. All described here had to reform their pension systems to match the new context in which these operated. The experiences of 10 countries are reviewed... more
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      EconomicsPovertyComparative Social PolicyPension
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      Welfare EconomicsPolitical SciencePensionSustainability
In 1981 Chile adopted its new multi-pillar system, which featured privately managed individual accounts. Starting in 1983 payouts from the accounts were permitted and detailed rules about payouts were put in place. The Chilean scheme... more
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      Applied EconomicsCompetitive advantageAdverse SelectionAsymmetric Information
This paper belongs to series of 19 country and regional case studies commissioned as background research for the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report "Pension Reform and the Development of Pension Systems." The findings... more
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      TelecommunicationsPublic sectorSavingsInflation
A factor and goal-driven framework for assessing asset allocation and contribution decisions within defined-benefit pension plans is developed in this article. A critical element is setting future benefits with reference to the ability of... more
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      EconomicsPortfolio ManagementPension
The question of when committed employees retire is important to consider under a defined-benefit pension plan, which credits employees with benefits of lower overall value for retiring either too early or too late. We find employees with... more
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      BusinessHuman Resource ManagementSocial Science Research NetworkBusiness and Management
Due to the several factors, the applicability of crisp techniques to the pension debt valuation and fund management is questionable. We take a fuzzy approach and use triangular fuzzy numbers (T.F.N.s) to capture the above imprecision. We... more
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In this paper, I analyze consumption, aggregate savings,output and welfare implications of …ve di¤erent social security arragements whenever there is demographic uncertanity. Following Bohn(2002), I analyze the e¤ect of an uncetain... more
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      EconomicsSocial WelfareSocial Science Research NetworkPopulation Growth
The paper argues that wage dispersion between white-collar and blue-collar workers has caused the rise and expansion of pension funds in a direct and long-run structural manner in the USA. Using data from the Saez-Zucman and the St. Louis... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsFinancializationKeynesian Economics
This document presents an analysis of pension coverage trends in Latin America for the past decades. Its preparation involved the collection, revision, and processing of household surveys in over 18 countries in the region, spanning a... more
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      BusinessPolitical EconomyPensions AnalysisPensions and retirement income
Employee cost can some time be lethal for the profitability of a Corporation. We have witnessed positive reaction of stock market with announcement of retrenchment plan by an organization.
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      Health CareSocial SecurityPension
In this paper, we apply two types of automatic balance mechanism (ABM) to the French first pillar pension system for private sector employees (CNAV). One is based on a tax gap ratio (TGR-ABM) and the other is the smooth ABM (S-ABM)... more
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      EconomicsSocial Science Research NetworkPensionSustainability
The study assessed the technical efficiency of pension fund administrators in Nigeria using Stochastic Cost Frontier Model to generate efficiency scores for each of the eleven (11) selected pension fund administrators from a population of... more
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      BusinessFinancial Risk ManagementPension
The European Union is currently confronted with major economic and demographic changes that are challenging its ability to maintain strong social cohesion. Some possible solutions can be considered, such as increasing the employment for... more
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      EconomicsComparative AnalysisLife ExpectancyPension
In recent years, investment portfolio selection is growing in importance for many emerging market pension funds, as pension reforms replace traditional pay-as-you-go systems with advanced funding systems. Various investment regulations... more
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      BusinessEconomicsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo Simulations
This paper contrasts and empirically tests two different views of corporate pension policy: the traditional view that pension funds are inaged without regard to either corporate financial policy or the interests of the corporation and its... more
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      BusinessAsset AllocationDeveloping CountryProfitability
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1. Introduction Corporate organizations throughout the world acknowledge the importance of employee motivation and performance in the short and long-term success of an organization (Nemeckova, 2017). According to research carried out by... more
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      BusinessProductivityDescriptive StatisticsPension
One of the major economic reforms in the Chilean economy was the 1981 pension reform. In that year, Chile transformed its Pay-as-you-go social (PAYG) security system to an individual account social security system (IA). This paper... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsApplied EconomicsPolicy modeling
Understanding the motives that underlie Spaniards’ retirement saving decisions is important because many, if not most, future retirees will need to rely on personal savings to maintain a decent standard of living. The governor of the Bank... more
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      Labor EconomicsMicroeconomicsPolitical EconomyPensions and retirement income
Este trabajo desarrolla un modelo de simulación para estimar el flujo de caja de un pensionado que tiene su cuenta individual en una administradora de fondos de pensiones (AFP) colombiana. Aquel se proyecta a partir de las sendas... more
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      PensionBanco de la República
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      Social SecurityDeveloping CountryLegislationEarly Retirement
This study introduces a comprehensive evaluation tool to study the performance of pension schemes. The Pension Scheme Performance Index (PSP-Index) suggests the following factors: education infrastructure growth rate (∆V1), training... more
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      BusinessSociologyEconomicsDevelopment Economics
ABSTRACT : In non-financial defined contribution (NDC) pension systems the contribution rate is kept at a constant level. A key element is the balance mechanism which is automatically applied if the finances appear insufficient. The... more
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      Financial StabilityPensionPrivate SectorPension Fund
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      Political SciencePoliticsPension
This paper reflects on the ongoing challenges presented by certain employers who, whilst deducting occupational retirement fund contributions from their employees' salaries, fail to pay over those contributions to the relevant... more
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      BusinessFinanceSocial Science Research NetworkPension
One of the most important consequences of the Chilean pension reform undertaken in the early 1980s was to transfer a significant portion of the risk associated to the financing of pensions, from the State, to the pension fund participants... more
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      GeographyPortfolio ManagementRisk assessmentRisk Aversion
Demographic transition toward older populations is turning old age income support into an issue of high and growing importance throughout Asia. Population aging is most advanced in the sub-regions of East Asia and Southeast Asia. In this... more
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      Social SecurityPensionH
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      StigmaSocial JusticeUnited NationsPublic Health
Rising elderly life expectancies imply the need to accumulate sufficient savings for retirement. This paper investigates the role of recent changes in the investment menu of the Singaporean Central Provident Fund (CPF) system. Our... more
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      Financial managementApplied EconomicsSecurity AnalysisLife Expectancy
National defined contribution pension systems have long been a mainstay of retirement income in Asia. One of the oldest and best known of these systems is the Singaporean Central Provident Fund, a mandatory retirement scheme managed by... more
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      Housing PolicyApplied EconomicsPensionDefined Contribution
Incomplete and highly fragmented work histories threaten to leave many contributors of the pension schemes in Latin America without the minimum pension guarantee or even without access to the ordinary pension. We propose a methodology to... more
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      Applied EconomicsPensionFinance and Investment Banking
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      Political EconomyPensions AnalysisPensions and retirement incomeInsurance Law
Knowledge of the distribution function of the stochastically compounded value of a series of future (positive and/or negative) payments is needed for solving several problems in an insurance or finance environment, see e.g. Dhaene et al.... more
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      Research evaluationApplied EconomicsPensionLower Bound