International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, December 2017
Belal Amro, College of Information Technology, Hebron University
Mobile devices have become very popular nowadays, due to is portability and high performance, a mobile
device became a must device for persons using information and communication technologies. In addition to
hardware rapid evolution, mobile applications are also increasing in their complexity and performance to
cover most the needs of their users. Both software and hardware design focused on increasing performance
and the working hours of a mobile device. Different mobile operating systems are being used today with
different platforms and different market shares. Like all information systems, mobile systems are prone to
malware attacks. Due to the personality feature of mobile devices, malware detection is very important and
is a must tool in each device to protect private data and mitigate attacks. In this paper, we will study and
analyze different malware detection techniques used for mobile operating systems. We will focus on the to
two competing mobile operating systems – Android and iOS. We will asset each technique summarizing its
advantages and disadvantages. The aim of the work is to establish a basis for developing a mobile malware
detection tool based on user profiling.
Malware, malware detection, mobile device, mobile application, security, privacy
During the last 10 years, mobile devices technologies have grown rapidly due to the daily
increase in the number of users and facilities, according to [ 1], the number of mobile users has
become 4.92 billion global users in 2017. Current mobile devices can be used for many
applications as camera, tablet, web browser, … etc. According to Gartner figures about
smartphones, Android and iOS are the two dominant operating systems with 99.6% market share
and 81.7 for Android and 17.9 for iOS [2].
A general comparison between Android and iOS mobile operating systems in provided by Aijaz
sheikh et. al. [3]. Table 1 below shows some specifications of both android and iOS.
Table 1: Specifications of Android and iOS
Android operating system is divided into four layers as shown in Figure 1, the Linux kernel is the
bottom layer responsible for abstraction of device hardware. The libraries layer contains a set of
libraries including WebKit, Libc, and SSl. Android libraries includes Java-based libraries such as
DOI : 10.5121/ijmnct.2017.7601
International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, December 2017
android view and android widget. Application framework layer provides higher level services to
applications in terms of Java classes. The top layer is called application layer where applications
are written to be installed.
Figure1: Android architecture
The iOS architecture is shown in Figure 2. The Cocoa Touch layer contains frameworks for iOS
apps. Media layer contains the graphics, video, and audio technologies for iOS apps. The core
services layer contains the fundamental system services for iOS apps. At bottom, the core OS
layer contains the low-level features that most other technologies are built upon [4]
Figure 2: iOS architecture
In terms of application distribution, Android applications are mostly distributed through google
play where more than half of the applications are free. Apple applications are distributed through
App store, almost quarter of the applications are for free. An important issue is that all iOS
applications at App store are scrutinized before they are released. The later step made App store
applications more reliable than those at google play [5].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows, a summary of mobile malware is provided in
Section 2. Section 3 describes malware spreading techniques. Malware evasion techniques are
provided in Section 4. The detection techniques used by antimalware programs are describes in
Section 5. At last, Section 6 summarizes the work done in this paper.
In this section, we provide a summary of mobile malwares including Trojans, Back doors,
Ransomwares, Botnets, and Spyware. Besides, a statistical data about malwares and their
distribution is provided as well.
International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, December 2017
As reported by Skycure [31], one third of mobile devices has a medium to high risk of data
disclosure, Android devices are nearly twice likely to have a malware compared to iOS devices.
in this subsection, we will explain some of the most important mobile malwares.
Trojan is a software that appears to the user to be benign application however, it performs
malicious acts in the back ground[6]. Trojan are used to help attacking a system by performing
acts that might compromise security of the system and hence enables hacking it easily. Examples
of Trojans are FakeNetflix [7], which collects users credentials for Netflix account in Android
environments. KeyRaider is a Trojan that was used to steal Apple IDs and passwords[17].
Backdoors exploits root privileges to hide a malware from antiviruses. Rage against the cage
(RATC) is one of the most popular Android root exploits which gain full- control of device [8]. If
the root exploit gains root privilege, the malware become able to perform any operation on the
device even the installation of applications keeping the user unaware of this act [9]. In iOS,
Xagent is a Trojan that opens a back door and steals information from the compromised device
Ransomware prevents the users from accessing their data by locking the device or encrypting the
data files, until ransom amount is paid. FakeDefender.B [10] is a malware pretending to be Avast
antivirus. It locks the victim’s device for the sake of money. An iOS ransomware was reported in
2017, scammers exploited Safari bug used for pop-up [35].
A "bot" is a type of malware that enables an attacker to take control over an affected Mobile
device, it is also known as “Web robots”, they are part of a network of infected machines, known
as a “botnet”, which is typically made up of all victim mobile devices across the globe. Geinimi
[11] is one of the Android botnets.
A spyware is simply a spying software. It runs unnoticed in the background while it collects
information, or gives remote access to its author. Nickspy [12] and GPSSpy [13] are examples of
Android spyware that monitors the user’s confidential information and sends them to the owner.
An example of an iOS Spyware is Passrobber[16] , which is capable of intercepting outgoing SSL
communications, it then checks for Apple IDs and passwords, and can send these stolen
credentials to a C&C sever.
In this section, we provide some statistics about mobile malware attacks. The number of mobile
malwares is increasing dramatically last two years. According to MacAfee LABs [28], the
number of malwares exceeded 16,000,000 in first quarter of 2017 as shown in Figure 3.
International Journal of Mobile Network
rk Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, D
December 2017
Figure 3: Total mobile malware
By looking at the global mobilee malware
infection rate reported by MacAfee LABss 22017, Figure
4 shows a significant increase in the infection rate for the first quarter of the year 201
ure 4: global mobile malware infection rates
Kaspersky Labs [32] reported the distribution of new mobile malware in the years 20
2015 and 2016
as shown in Figure 5:
5: distribution of mobile malware
International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, December 2017
As reported by LookingGlass [33], “in 2015, the threat actors shift their tactics to smaller targets
with mobile-ransomware focusing more on individuals and less on corporations. The bring your
own Device (BYOD) environment became more pervasive with organizations realizing the
importance of establishing concrete BYOD policies”.
A survey conducted by Dimensional research [34] on security professional reported that security
professionals are unprepared and not confident about arising security issues, it also reported that
mobile devices are to come under increasing attacks.From this section, we realize that mobile
threats are increasing rapidly and are more focused on targets. This made us to predict a huge
damage in the near future unless efficient tools are developed and used.
To mitigate malware attacks, we should be aware of malware spreading techniques. In this
section, we categorize malware spreading techniques including repackaging, drive by download,
dynamic payloads, and stealth techniques.
Malware authors repackage popular mobile applications in official market, and distribute them on
other less monitored third party markets. Repackaging includes the disassembling of the popular
benign apps, then appending the malicious content and finally reassembling. This is done by
reverse-engineering tools. TrendMicro report have shown that 77% of the top 50 free apps
available in Google Play are repackaged [14].
Drive by Download refers to an unintentional download of malware in the background. It Occurs
when a user visits a website that contains malicious content and downloads malware into the
device. Android/NotCompatible [15] is the most popular mobile malware of this category.
Uses dynamic payload to download an embedded encrypted source in an application. After
installation, the application decrypts the encrypted malicious payload and executes the malicious
code [16].
Stealth Malware Technique refers to an exploit of hardware vulnerabilities to obfuscate the
malicious code to easily bypass the anti-malware. Different stealth techniques such as key
permutation, dynamic loading, native code execution, code encryption, and java reflection are
used to attack the victim’s device[16].
Kaspersky LABs reported in their 2016 year findings [1] that malware creators have used new
ways to bypass Android protection mechanisms. Malware creators need to constantly monitor
mobile security techniques and develop new techniques to avoid detection. These techniques are
called evasion techniques and are listed below [29]:
International Journal of Mobile Network
rk Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, D
December 2017
Anti-security techniques: these
se techniques are used to avoid detection by security
ity devices and
programs as anti-malwares, firew
ewalls, and any other tools that protect the environmen
Anti-sandbox techniques: sand
ndboxing is a technique used to separate running pprograms and
hence to avoid any harm from
om unverified programs to the computer system.. A
technique is used to detect auto
tomatic analysis and to avoid report on the behavior
ior of malware.
This can be done by detecting registry
keys, files, or processes related to virtual envir
Anti-analyst techniques: in these
techniques, a monitoring tool is used to aavoid reverse
engineering. The tools might be process explorer or Wireshark to perform monit
nitoring and to
detect malware analyst.
wo or three of the above techniques to make de
detection more
Malware creators might use tw
difficult. Figure 6 shows the pop
opularity of evasion techniques used by malware creat
ure 6: Evasion techniques used by malwares
In this section, we analyze the state-of-the-art
malware detection techniques for mo
mobile phones.
We categorized them in two categories
according to the basis they rely on whenn detecting for
malwares. The categories are stat
tatics and dynamic techniques
Static techniques rely on the so
source code of an application to classify it accordi
rdingly without
having the application being exe
xecuted. These techniques are classified into one off tthe following
classes according to the basis the
hey rely on for analyzing the source code:
This method extracts the seman
antic patterns and creates a unique signature [18].. A program is
classified as a malware if its sig
ignature matches with existing signatures. It is a very
ery fast method
for detecting malware, however,
r, it can be easily circumvented by code obfuscation.
n. IT can only
identify the existing malwaress and
a fails against the unseen variants of malwares.
s. It also needs
immediate update of malware signatures.
International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, December 2017
Permissions requested by the application plays a vital role in governing the access rights. By
default, apps have no permission to access the user’s data and effect the system security. User
must allow the app to access all the required resources during installation process. It is worth
mentioning that developers must mention the permissions requested for the resources. But not all
declared permissions are necessarily required permissions as shown in [19].
Permission based detection is fast in application scanning and identifying malware but do not
analyze other files which contain the malicious code. Also a very small difference in permissions
exists between malicious and benign applications, hence, permission based methods require
second pass to provide efficient malware detection.
In mobile application, a virtual machine is used to test the byte code of a particular application.
Bytecode analysis tests the app behavior and analyses control and data flow which might be
helpful in detecting dangerous functionalities performed by malicious applications. Plenty of
virtual machine application have been implemented for mobile devices, specially for android
systems. DroidAPIMiner [20], identifies the malware by tracking the sensitive API calls.
Limitations of virtual machine analysis is that analysis is performed at instruction level and
consumes more power and storage space.
In dynamic analysis, an application is examined during execution and then classified according to
one of the following techniques. The classification is done according to the behavior of the
detection mechanism.
Anomaly based analysis is based on watching the behavior of the device by keeping track of
different parameters and the status of the components of the device. Andromly is a behavior
based malware detection technique [21]. To detect a malware, Andromly continuously monitors
the different features of the device state such as battery level, CPU usage, network traffic, etc.
Measurements are taken during running and are then supplied to an algorithm that classifies them
accordingly. CrowDroid [22] and AntiMalDroid [23], are two different anomalies based tools
used for malware detection in Android devices. The first depends on analyzing system calls’ logs
while the latter analyzes the behavior of an application and then generates signatures for malware
behavior. SMS Profiler and iDMA are two tools used to detect illegitimate use of system services
in iOS[24].
Taintdroid [25] is a tool that tracks multiple sources of sensitive data and identifies the data
leakage in mobile applications. The tool labels sensitive data and follows the data moving from
the device. Taintdroid provides efficient tracking of sensitive data, unfortunately, it does not
perform control flow tracking.
International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT) Vol.7, No.4/5/6, December 2017
DroidScope [26] is an emulation based tool used to dynamically analyze applications based on
Virtual Machine Introspection. It monitors the whole system by being out of execution
environment, hence malwares will not be able to detect existence of anti-malware installed on the
Another emulation based tool provided by Blaising et al. [27] and called Android Application
Sandbox (AASandbox). AASandbox detects the malicious applications by using static and
dynamic analysis. The effect of the tool is limited to sandbox for security reasons. The tool
dynamically analyzes the user behavior such as touches, clicks and gestures etc. Unfortunately,
the tool cannot detect new malwares.
Malware attacks have been growing rapidly last 10 years, these attacks targeted all technology
device including mobile phones. Due to the personality of the mobile usage and the sensitive data
they might contain, safeguards against malwares must be implemented. In this paper, we
introduced different types of attacks on the top two competing mobile operating systems –
Android and iOS. We also introduced the techniques used to deliver mobile malwares, and
provided up-to-date statistics for malware attacks in the last 3 years. We then introduced the most
common malware detection techniques used for mobile applications. We also pinpointed and
discussed the weakness in each malware detection technique. We will be working on developing
a new malware detection tool for mobile devices that can be used efficiently based on mobile user
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