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List of figures
List of tables
List of contributors
1 Enacting Legitimation Code Theory in science education
Academic Support in Science
2 Becoming active and independent science learners:
Using autonomy pathways to provide structured support
Physical Sciences
3 Improving assessments in introductory Physics courses:
Diving into Semantics
4 Building complexity in Chemistry through images
5 Using variation in classroom discourse: Making
Chemistry more accessible
6 Radiation Physics in theory and practice: Using
Specialization to understand ‘threshold concepts’
Biological Sciences
7 Interdisciplinarity requires careful stewardship of powerful
8 Advancing students’ scientific discourse through
collaborative pedagogy
9 Using Autonomy to understand active teaching
methods in undergraduate science classes
Mathematical Sciences
10 A conceptual tool for understanding the complexities
of mathematical proficiency
11 Supporting the transition from first to second-year
Mathematics using Legitimation Code Theory
Science Education Research
12 Navigating from science into education research
Building complexity in Chemistry
through images
Zhigang Yu, Karl Maton, and Yaegan Doran
Images are common in Chemistry. Photographs, diagrams, graphs and charts
are widely used to represent Chemistry knowledge and form a crucial component of the texts through which students learn that knowledge. A key feature
of images is the complexity of meanings they express, as different degrees of
complexity are needed in different learning stages (Dimopoulos et al. 2003,
Kapıcı and Savaşcı-Açıkalın 2015, Pintó and Ametller 2002). For example,
Figure 4.1 includes two images from Chemistry textbooks designed for secondary school curriculum in New South Wales (NSW), Australia.
The image on the top is from a Year 7 textbook discussion of states of
matter and shows an ‘everyday’ phenomenon: ice melting to become liquid
water. The epistemological meanings expressed are relatively simple. In contrast, the image on the bottom is from a Year 11 textbook and illustrates the
working mechanism of a ‘Daniell cell,’ a type of electrochemical cell that
converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The diagram presents multiple technical elements and processes that are key to the energy conversion.
The complexity of the diagram can be illustrated by unpacking the meanings
being expressed into a written description. The experimental set-up includes
three main components: cathode, anode and salt bridge. The cathode is
‘copper’ in the right beaker and shown gaining copper cations (denoted by
circles labelled ‘Cu2+’ moving to circles labelled ‘Cu’) from the electrolyte
(represented by blue liquid). Since copper cations are positively charged,
their addition makes the cathode positively charged. The anode is ‘zinc’ in
the left beaker, which is shown releasing zinc anions (denoted by circles
labelled ‘Zn’ moving to circles labelled ‘Zn2+’) into the electrolyte (purple
liquid). As zinc metal loses positively charged cations, the anode is negatively
charged. The ‘salt bridge’ is a filter paper soaked in a solution of potassium
nitrate (KNO3), which connects the left and right beakers. Its function is to
help maintain the electrical neutrality within the internal circuit. In the
image, the nitrate anions (circles labelled ‘NO3-’) move towards the left
beaker while the potassium cations (circles labelled ‘K+’) move to the right
beaker to maintain an electrical neutrality in the two electrolytes. In addition
to these key technical elements, the image also involves several technical
DOI: 10.4324/9781003055549-6
Zhigang Yu et al.
Figure 4.1 Melting ice cubes (top); the electrode reactions in a Daniell cell (bottom).
(top) (reproduced with permission from Shutterstock); (bottom) drawing after Chan et al.
2018: 391
processes. The two electrodes are associated with two chemical reactions,
shown here by labels of chemical equations: the cathode undergoes a reduction reaction ‘Cu2+(aq) + 2e− → Cu(s)’ and the anode undergoes an oxidation reaction ‘Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e−.’ A third technical process is the
movement of electrons from the anode to the cathode (denoted by circles
labelled ‘e−’ moving from ‘zinc’ to ‘copper’) forming ‘electric current.’ These
processes are overlaid on the elements. In short, the image condenses a significant number of technical meanings from Chemistry.
As the two images from Chemistry textbooks for Years 7 and 11 illustrate,
there is considerable difference in the complexity of the knowledge expressed
through the years of secondary schooling. This rise in complexity of images
is, we shall show, a feature of progression through the years of secondary
school Chemistry. Yet, there remains little understanding of how images
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 65
embody the complexity of Chemistry knowledge. To date, studies have
tended to describe images in Chemistry in terms of the kinds of referents
they involve. Johnstone (1991), for example, classifies Chemistry knowledge
in terms of three levels: ‘macro’ or what can be seen, touched and smelled;
‘submicro’ or atoms, molecules, ions, etc.; and ‘symbolic’ or symbols, formulas, equations, etc. Gilbert (2005) develops this schema into a model of
three types of representation in Chemistry: macroscopic, submicroscopic
and symbolic. From this perspective, the top image in Figure 4.1 is ‘macroscopic’ and the bottom image is a hybrid of ‘macroscopic’ (the apparatus),
‘submicroscopic’ (atoms, cations, and electrons) and symbolic (chemical
equations and formulas). This influential model of chemical representations
usefully highlights the breadth of referents that may be included in images,
but it does not capture the varying levels of complexity these images present,
which is our concern here.
Another approach to images in science education examines the degree of
‘specialization’ of content expressed (note that this is not ‘Specialization’
from Legitimation Code Theory). For example, Dimopoulous et al. (2003)
distinguish three types of images in science: ‘realistic’ (images that represent
reality according to human optical perception), ‘conventional’ (graphs,
maps, flowcharts, molecular structures constructed according to the technoscientific conventions) and ‘hybrids’ (images that include elements from
both the other two types). They argue that ‘conventional’ images correspond to strong, ‘hybrids’ to moderate, and ‘realistic’ to weak levels of ‘specialization.’ That is, ‘conventional’ images express the most techno-scientific
knowledge, whereas ‘realistic’ images convey ‘everyday’ knowledge. The
three categories of images offer a broad sense of differences in images’
degree of what they term ‘specialization,’ which implies differences in the
complexity of knowledge. However, it does not systematically capture complexity. For example, an image of a chemical apparatus may be ‘realistic’ but
also express relatively complex technical knowledge. Thus, a model is
required for describing different degrees in the complexity of meanings
expressed by images.
A fruitful avenue for exploring complexity is through the Semantics
dimension of Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Semantics explores knowledge practices in terms of their context-dependence and complexity (Maton
2011, 2013, 2014, 2020). It has proven useful in analyzing a diverse range
of practices, including academic writing (Brooke 2017, Clarence 2017, Kirk
2017), musical performance (Richardson 2020, Walton 2020) and dance
(Lambrinos 2020). This chapter will focus on the concept of semantic density, which examines the complexity of meanings, and will extend this growing body of work to embrace images. To ‘see’ the complexity of knowledge
expressed by the images used for building Chemistry knowledge, we will
establish a model that makes explicit different levels of complexity in images
based on data from Chemistry textbooks designed for the secondary school
Zhigang Yu et al.
curriculum in NSW, Australia. This model is what is termed in LCT a translation device (Maton and Chen 2016) for relating different strengths of
semantic density to images from the textbooks. This device will then be
enacted to explore how complexity changes through secondary education
and to begin to reveal the roles that images play in organizing Chemistry
knowledge. Our analysis will suggest that images play a variety of roles, with
some connecting knowledge to ‘everyday’ phenomena and others more concerned with building connections among theoretical ideas. It also suggests
that across the years of secondary schooling, at least in textbooks for NSW,
images embody a growing range of semantic density. That is to say that,
while images in each year maintain a connection to the everyday world, they
reach up towards increasingly complex and technical meanings from the field
of Chemistry.
Seeing complexity in images: semantic density
Semantic density (SD) refers to the degree of complexity of meanings or
practices (Maton 2014). Semantic density can be stronger or weaker along a
continuum of strengths, where the stronger the semantic density (SD+), the
more complex the meanings and the weaker the semantic density (SD−), the
simpler the meanings. Put another way, the more relations with other meanings enjoyed by a practice, the stronger its semantic density (Maton and
Doran 2017). These meanings may be epistemological, such as formal definitions and empirical referents, or axiological, such as affective, aesthetic,
ethical, moral or political meanings (Maton 2014). In this chapter, we focus
on epistemological meanings and so discuss epistemic–semantic density or
‘ESD.’ For example, ‘salt’ in everyday usage refers to small white crystals
often used to add flavour to food – a relatively small number of relations
among epistemological meanings, such as its flavour, shape and uses. In contrast, as a technical word in the field of Chemistry, ‘salt’ refers to a compound
produced by the reaction of an acid with a base and involves relations with
numerous chemical concepts, such as cations, anions and ionic bonds, which
themselves relate to a large number of other meanings. Thus, in Chemistry,
the term ‘salt’ is situated within a relatively complex constellation of epistemological meanings that imbues the term with relatively strong epistemic–
semantic density.1
As we discussed in the introduction, to analyze the role of the complexity
of knowledge expressed by images in building Chemistry knowledge, a
model is needed to reveal different degrees of complexity. We begin by outlining such a model as a translation device (Maton and Chen 2016) or series
of categories for identifying different strengths of epistemic–semantic density in images used in NSW secondary school Chemistry textbooks. We then
enact this translation device to explore the complexity of images in Chemistry
textbooks through secondary school.
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 67
A model of complexity in images used for teaching chemistry
Chemistry uses a range of images, even when representing the ‘same’ phenomenon. Figure 4.2, for example, presents two images that represent water,
from textbooks aimed at Year 7 (left) and Year 11 (right) of secondary school.
The left image comprises water flowing out from the tap into the cup, a
depiction of a relatively commonplace activity that shows the physical state
and the colour of water. The right image represents water in terms of the
intermolecular force among its molecules, using the symbols ‘O’ and ‘H’ to
indicate atoms within the molecules, solid lines between ‘O’ and ‘H’ to represent covalent bonds and a dashed line to represent hydrogen bonding
between the water molecules. As our descriptions suggest, the images express
different levels of complexity: the left image embodies weaker epistemic–
semantic density than the right image, which involves a more complex constellation of meanings and thus stronger epistemic–semantic density.
As shown in Table 4.1, the variation in epistemic–semantic density we
touch on here is the first distinction in the model between more complex
(stronger ESD) and simpler (weaker ESD) images. It is marked by whether
images depend for their meanings on the complex constellation of meanings
associated with Chemistry, termed technical images, or do not, which we
term here everyday images.2 The right image in Figure 4.2 is a technical image
that makes explicit multiple meanings within the domain of Chemistry, for
example, atoms, partial charges and hydrogen bonding. The left image is an
Figure 4.2 Fresh water in a cup (left); hydrogen bonding between water molecules
((left) reproduced with permission from Shutterstock)
Table 4.1 A translation device for the epistemic–semantic density of
images in secondary school chemistry textbooks
Zhigang Yu et al.
everyday image that shows water without indicating a more complex constellation of epistemological meanings. (Although a trained chemist could read
into this image a large number of Chemistry-specific meanings, the image
itself does not rely on the complex constellation of Chemistry to convey
Secondary school Chemistry textbooks use both everyday and technical
images throughout year levels to build knowledge. Everyday images often
present things and phenomena in the physical world that can be connected
to specialist Chemistry knowledge, while technical images often build theoretical understandings of these things and phenomena.
Subcategories of technical images
This is but a first level of delicacy. Both everyday and technical images exhibit
a range of variations in complexity – as shown in Table 4.1. Focusing first on
technical images, Figure 4.3 comprises examples from a Year 7 textbook
(left), illustrating the compressibility of air, and a Year 11 textbook (right),
presenting the structure of water molecules. The left image shows that the
process of pushing a piston (the grey stick) compresses air in cylinders (in
the right side of the piston), which in turn accelerates the motion of molecules (balls with shades). The image as a whole is categorized as technical as
it relies on the constellation of Chemistry to make sense. It expresses the
knowledge that pressure influences the thermal motion of molecules.
However, its various components are not themselves ‘technical’: the balls,
arrows, walls, etc., do not express knowledge from the constellation of
Chemistry individually. It is only when combined into the image as a whole
that the ‘technical’ meaning is expressed. In contrast, the right image in
Figure 4.3 is categorized as technical whose components themselves are
also ‘technical’ in nature. This image is a structural formula that presents
the molecular make-up of water: ‘O’ and ‘H’ represent oxygen and hydrogen atoms, respectively, and solid lines denote single covalent bonds. The
image as a whole is categorized as technical as it expresses meanings from
the constellation of Chemistry, for example, geometry of water molecules,
and the components are ‘technical’ as they resonate out to numerous meanings in Chemistry, such as lone electrons and shared electrons. Thus, while
both are categorized as technicals, the Year 11 image embodies stronger
Figure 4.3 Compressibility of air (left); a structural formula of water molecules
((left) reproduced with permission from Oxford University Press)
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 69
epistemic–semantic density than the Year 7 image: both the (right) image as
a whole and its components are integrated within the complex constellation
of meanings that constitutes Chemistry.
This offers a distinction within technical images: whether an image involves
components that depend for their meanings on complex constellations of
epistemological meanings. Those that do are termed technical-conglomerates;
those where only the image as whole depends on a complex constellation are
termed technical-compacts (see Table 4.1). In Figure 4.3, the left image is
categorized as compact – as a whole, it depends on meanings from a wider
constellation to express that pressure influences the thermal motion of molecules, but its components do not themselves each express chemical meanings. The right image is categorized as conglomerate: both the image as a
whole and its components (‘O’ and ‘H,’ for example) express chemical
Though we have limited the device presented in Table 4.1 to two levels
of delicacy, for simplicity, further distinctions are possible. For example,
Figures 4.4 and 4.5 are both conglomerates but represent differences in the
complexity of the knowledge they express. Both the images as wholes and
their components express chemical meanings. However, Figure 4.5 involves
considerably more components that express Chemistry meanings than
Figure 4.4. The structural formula of methane molecules (Figure 4.4)
involves only two technical components: the chemical symbols representing
atoms and the lines representing covalent bonds. In contrast, in Figure 4.5, the
two pathways, ‘green’ and ‘brown’ (the original is in colour), are themselves
technical as they show a series of organic reactions to the target product, ibuprofen molecules. The components within each pathway also express Chemistry
meanings. For example, the structural formula of ibuprofen presents its molecular structure. In addition to atoms and covalent bonds, structural formulas in
Figure 4.5 involve a group of special technical components: functional groups.
For example, the structural formula of ibuprofen molecules includes a carboxylic group (-COOH), which determines that ibuprofen molecules are a type of
carboxylic acid. Then within these functional groups are the atoms and the
covalent bonds themselves (C, H, – etc.). Thus, further distinctions can be
made within conglomerates if required. We shall draw on this in our analysis but
do not require a third level here for other subcategories.
Figure 4.4 A structural formula of methane molecules.
Zhigang Yu et al.
Figure 4.5 Two pathways for the production of ibuprofen.
(drawing after Chan et al. 2019: 364)
Subcategories of everyday images
As summarized in Table 4.1, we can distinguish between different kinds of
everyday images used in Chemistry textbooks. This often involves using
everyday images for presenting things or phenomena as they appear to the
naked eye. Such images often offer an orientation to the phenomena
explained by Chemistry as they appear in commonplace settings. A second
level of delicacy is illustrated by Figure 4.6. The left image shows the inside
of a box of matches, while the right image displays a burning match. Both
are everyday images but vary in complexity. The left image shows entities: the
box and matches. The right image shows both an entity and an event: the
burning of a match. The left image thus displays weaker epistemic–semantic
density than the right image, which includes a process. We can thereby distinguish between: everyday-entity images (ESD– –) that present entities only
and everyday-event (ESD–) images that also express events or actions.
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 71
Figure 4.6 A pile of matches (left); a burning match (right).
((left) reproduced with permission from Shutterstock; (right) reproduced with permission from
Distinctions among images and knowledge-building
The distinction between different kinds of everyday and technical images
allows us to ‘see’ the potential for knowledge-building offered by the sequencing of images in Chemistry textbooks. Using the model outlined above, we
can see how the ‘same’ Chemistry phenomenon can be imaged with varying
degrees of complexity. For example, all three images in Figure 4.7 represent
combustion of carbon; the left and middle images are from Year 10, and the
right is from Year 11. The top image presents combustion of carbon through
an everyday-event image (ESD–): a pile of wood is burning at a campsite to
provide light and warmth for people. The left image presents combustion of
carbon through a technical-compact image (ESD+) that describes energy
change during the reaction. The vertical axis shows energy levels of chemical
species and the horizontal axis indicates reaction time. The line graph shows
that, as the reaction goes on, energy decreases from a higher level to a lower
level. The image as a whole relates to the chemical concept of exothermic
reaction, which explains why the burning of wood in the left image can release
heat and warm people. With stronger epistemic–semantic density, the middle
image provides a theoretical explanation for the physical phenomenon presented in the left image. The knowledge of energy change during combustion
of carbon is then further elaborated in Year 11 through a technicalconglomerate image (ESD++), shown in the right image in Figure 4.7. This is
an energy level diagram for the formation of carbon dioxide from carbon and
oxygen via carbon monoxide. The diagram shows two pathways to the formation of carbon dioxide, in which the overall enthalpy change involved is the
same. The image as a whole is ‘technical’ as it expresses meanings from the
constellation of Chemistry: combustion of carbon to form carbon dioxide
involves two stages and releases heat. Within the diagram, the components
also express ‘technical’ meanings. The arrows that lead ‘C(s) + O2(g)’ to
‘CO(g) + ½ O2(g)’ and ‘C(s) + O2(g)’ to ‘CO2(g)’ represent incomplete and
complete combustion of carbon, respectively, and are meanings from the constellation of Chemistry. With even stronger epistemic–semantic density, the
Zhigang Yu et al.
Figure 4.7 A campfire (top); energy change during combustion of carbon (left); an
energy level diagram for the formation of carbon dioxide from carbon and
oxygen carbon monoxide (right).
((top) reproduced with permission from Shutterstock; (right) drawing after Chan et al. 2018:
right image expresses more complex Chemistry knowledge of the combustion of carbon.
Though the three images in Figure 4.7 represent the ‘same’ phenomenon,
they present differing degrees of complexity of meaning. The everyday image
presents a ‘common-sense’ or experiential version of the phenomenon and
the technical images offer increasingly complex theoretical understandings.
When sequenced together, they offer the possibility for connecting simpler
meanings to a greater range of meanings from the constellation of Chemistry,
increasing the complexity of the knowledge being expressed. To explore how
images are used in Chemistry textbooks, we shall enact the translation device
(Table 4.1) to analyze images from Chemistry textbooks designed for the
secondary school curriculum in NSW, Australia.
Changing complexity of images in chemistry textbooks
Chemistry textbooks tend to use images with a range of different levels of
complexity both within and across year levels. To explore this variation, we
will use the translation device for epistemic–semantic density to examine
Chemistry textbooks designed for secondary schooling in NSW, Australia.
Here we analyze six textbooks: Oxford Insight Science Year 7 (Zhang et al.
2013), Oxford Insight Science Year 8 (Zhang et al. 2014a), Oxford Insight
Science Year 9 (Zhang et al. 2014b), Oxford Insight Science Year 10 (Zhang
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 73
et al. 2015), Pearson Chemistry Year 11 (Chan et al. 2018) and Pearson
Chemistry Year 12 (Chan et al. 2019). It should be noted that our analysis
of images excludes the accompanying text in the textbooks; our focus here is
on what images themselves express in terms of complexity of knowledge,
rather than their multimodal interactions with verbal text.
The curriculum of secondary school Chemistry in NSW includes six years
that are categorized into three stages: Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8), Stage 5 (Years
9 and 10) and Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12). Our analysis focuses on one topic
that appears in all three stages: chemical reactions. We shall show that while
epistemic–semantic density increases across the stages, weaker epistemic–
semantic density images are present throughout. Thus, rather than a progression from simpler to more complex images, the textbooks retain simpler
images and add more complex images. That is, simpler images are not confined to an early stage of secondary schooling and left behind once technical
Chemistry knowledge has been established. Rather, a connection to the
‘everyday’ and experiential is kept from Year 7 to Year 12. In sum, they
represent a growing range of epistemic–semantic density. We suggest that
this offers textbooks the possibility of modelling moves between simpler
‘everyday’ or common-sense knowledge and more complex theoretical
Chemistry knowledge throughout secondary school.
Stage 4: From everyday-entities to technical-compacts
Figure 4.8 shows the simplest and the most complex images found in the
textbooks for Stage 4 (Year 7 and 8) in relation to chemical reactions. They
are from consecutive pages of the same textbook. The left image shows a
rusted car, illustrating a common issue for objects made of iron: rust. This is
an everyday-entity image that expresses relatively weak epistemic–semantic
density (ESD−−). In contrast, the right image shows a diagram of six test
tubes containing different environments: air, water, oil, boiled water, salt
solution and dry salt. In these test tubes, iron nails are placed to observe their
respective speed of rusting. This diagram thus also illustrates ‘rusting’ but
Rubber stopper
Boiled Salt
water solution
Dry salt
Figure 4.8 A rusted car (left); a diagram of a rusty nail experimental set-up (right).
((left) reproduced with permission from Shutterstock; (right) reproduced with permission from
Oxford University Press)
Zhigang Yu et al.
with a technical-compact image that expresses stronger epistemic–semantic
density (ESD+). The six test tubes include different environments with distinct concentrations of air, which indicates that the key variable influencing
rusting of iron is oxygen. With this range of epistemic–semantic density (from
ESD−− to ESD+), the images in Stage 4 offer imagic means to everyday
phenomena and build relatively theoretical understanding underpinning
them (though not as technical as is possible: ESD+ rather than ESD++).
Stage 5: From everyday-entities to technical-conglomerates
Figure 4.9 shows the simplest and the most complex images in relation to
chemical reactions found in textbooks for Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10). Similarly
to Stage 4, there is an everyday-entity image that expresses relatively simple
meanings (ESD−−): on the left image in Figure 4.9, showing two segments
of orange. This is illustrating a food that has weak acidity and reactivity and
thus is edible. In contrast to Stage 4, however, the kind of technical images
included in textbooks are of greater complexity: technical-conglomerate
images (ESD++). The right image of Figure 4.9 illustrates the formation of
sodium chloride through an ‘equation diagram.’ The overall diagram shows
that a sodium chloride (Na+ and Cl−) is formed by a sodium atom (Na)
donating an electron to a chlorine atom (Cl) (shown by the dashed arrow
combined with an ‘e−’). In addition, the components – the individual diagrams showing atomic structure of the atoms and ions – are technical. One
aspect of the key technical information expressed by the atomic structure
diagram is that a sodium atom has only one electron in its outer shell and a
chlorine atom has seven. A sodium atom and a chlorine atom thus tend to
lose and gain one electron, respectively, to achieve their stable status. This
technical-conglomerate means that epistemic–semantic density of images in
Stage 5 reaches higher than in Stage 4: it reaches further into complexity.
However, as shown by the left image, images expressing simpler meanings
are retained: everyday-entity images (ESD−−). Thus, images in Stage 5 span
a greater range of epistemic–semantic density (from ESD−− to ESD++) than
those found in Stage 4 (from ESD−− to ESD+).
Figure 4.9 Two segments of orange (left); the formation of sodium chloride.
((left) reproduced with permission from Shutterstock; reproduced with permission from Oxford
University Press)
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 75
Stage 6: From everyday-entities to technical-superconglomerates
Stage 6 takes a further step into complexity. The textbooks continue to
include everyday-entity images but now include far more technicalconglomerate images and introduce particularly strong technical-conglomerates
or, for want of a better term for the moment, superconglomerates. The range
of epistemic–semantic density of images is illustrated by Figure 4.10. The left
image is an everyday-entity (ESD−−) that shows batteries and is used in the
textbook to illustrate the application of electrochemical reactions in an
‘everyday’ setting. The right image is a technical-superconglomerate. It shows
the formation of a secondary amide through a condensation reaction between
ethanoic acid and methylamine. The diagram as a whole is ‘technical’ as it
shows a Chemistry reaction integrated within the domain of Chemistry.
Each side of the arrow is also ‘technical.’ The left includes diagrams known
as structural formulas for both ethanoic acid and methylamine, while the
right includes structural formulas for water and a secondary amide. These
components each in turn include multiple other ‘technical’ components. For
example, in the structural formula of ethanoic acid, the group ‘–COOH’
represents the functional group carboxyl, while ‘–CH3’ represents the methyl
group, with each of these further including technical components: the symbols ‘C,’ ‘O,’ and ‘H’ represents atoms, while the lines ‘—’ and ‘ ’ denote
single and double covalent bonds. This image thus expresses multiple levels
of technical meaning – more than that shown by the most complex images
of Stages 4 or 5. This represents significantly stronger epistemic–semantic
density. Such images occur regularly in Stage 6 and thus push the complexity
of the knowledge expressed through images to much greater heights.
A greater range of complexity
Textbooks for all three Stages of NSW secondary schooling employ everydayentity images (ESD−−) to show ‘everyday’ phenomena. However, as illustrated in Figure 4.11, there is an expansion in the degree of complexity of
other images as the years progress, increasing the semantic range of images.
As Figure 4.11 suggests, the knowledge expressed by the images in the textbooks studied maintains connections with the common-sense ‘everyday’ or
Figure 4.10 Batteries (left); a diagram showing the formation of a secondary amide
through a condensation reaction between ethanoic acid and methylamine (right).
((left) reproduced with permission from
Zhigang Yu et al.
Figure 4.11 A widening range of images’ epistemic–semantic density across stages.
phenomenal world but reaches towards increasing levels of complexity in
Chemistry knowledge. As we have emphasized, this is not simply an ascent
into greater complexity but rather into a greater range of complexity.
We conjecture that this growing range of epistemic–semantic density may
play a significant role in building Chemistry knowledge through secondary
schooling. In terms of Johnstone’s (1991) Chemistry triplet (macro, micro
and symbolic), the simplest images in each stage tend to express macroscopic
knowledge (what can be sensed) and present things or phenomena as they
appear in everyday settings. As the epistemic–semantic density range grows,
the most complex images tend to express microscopic knowledge (diagrams
of atoms, molecules and structures) in Stage 5 and symbolic knowledge
(symbolic graphs and diagrams) in Stage 6. In the field of Chemistry education, it has been widely argued that to be successful students need to move
among different types of Chemistry knowledge (Gabel 1993, Johnstone
1993, Chittleborough et al. 2005). The widening range of epistemic–semantic density of images in textbooks analyzed here suggests that this move,
particularly when shifting from macroscopic knowledge to symbolic knowledge, involves successful mastery of the increasing range of complexity of the
knowledge expressed by images.
Integrating complexities through composite images
This range of complexity is not simply found in comparing images – it may
also be expressed within images. To explore this, we introduce another form
of images: composites. These are images that bring together different degrees
of complexity of knowledge. For example, Figure 4.12 is an image that
brings together two levels of complexity representing water and ice. The
photograph on the left shows ice floating on water, a common-sense phenomenon we could see in ‘everyday’ life. The two diagrams, in contrast,
provide a chemical explanation at a microscopic level for the phenomenon:
ice floats on the water because the water molecules form a crystal lattice in
which the molecules are spaced more widely apart than in liquid water. This
arrangement of water molecules means ice is less dense than liquid water.
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 77
These everyday and technical images embody two levels of complexity and
are incorporated into one composite.
A composite image can be distinguished by considering two attributes.
First, the image presents strong boundaries between its composite parts.3
These boundaries tend to be shown by elements which create dividing lines
that disconnect constituent parts of the image or by blank spaces that form
‘gutters’ or gaps between images. Both signify that there are constituent
parts being brought together. In Figure 4.12, the circles which centre around
the molecule models separate the photo and the two diagrams. Viewed individually, each of these constituent images makes sense on their own. Second,
the constituent images of a composite embody different levels of complexity. As
mentioned above, Figure 4.12 comprises images exhibiting two levels of complexity: the photograph of a cup of water and ice embodies weaker epistemic–
semantic density (an everyday-entity), and the diagrams of water molecules
embody relatively strong epistemic–semantic density (technical-conglomerate).
By way of contrast, Figure 4.13 neither distinguishes constituents nor involves
different levels of complexity. Though it may look as if it contains multiple
components, they do not have strong boundaries around each other nor
embody distinct strengths of epistemic–semantic density.
Figure 4.12 Ice is less dense than liquid water.
(drawing after Chan et al. 2018: 183).
Figure 4.13 The addition reaction of ethene with bromine (Chan et al. 2019: 313).
Zhigang Yu et al.
Figure 4.14 The formation of the hydronium ion.
(drawing after Chan et al. 2019: 148)
The key point for our analysis here is that composites offer a way of bringing together a range of complexities in one eyeful. Significantly for our conjecture of a growing range of epistemic–semantic density through secondary
schooling, composite images in textbooks occur mainly in Stage 6 (though
remain relatively infrequent compared to non-composite images).
In addition to composites that combine everyday and technical images,
composites can also bring together technical images of different levels of
complexity. For example, Figure 4.14 (from Year 12) brings together: a
technical-compact representation of a model diagram on the bottom showing
a water molecule (the diagrammatic model consisting of one red ball and
two smaller white balls) adopting a proton (the white ball labelled ‘+’) to
become a hydronium ion (the diagrammatic model on the right of the arrow)
and a technical-conglomerate representation on the top that represents the
reaction through a diagrammatic equation. Arranging these images together
relates Chemistry meanings that are themselves complex to even more complex meanings.
The composites in Figures 4.12 and 4.14 offer a way of ‘bridging’ between
meanings with different degrees of complexity. They embody a range of epistemic–semantic density. This may help compound meanings from simpler
into complex forms. In terms of Johnstone’s (1991) chemical triplet, composite images present a transition between macroscopic and microscopic knowledges in Figure 4.12 and between microscopic and symbolic knowledges in
Figure 4.14. The change in the complexity of the images suggests that students
are expected to be able to understand the shift between the different levels of
epistemic–semantic density of the images embodied by the composites.
Along with language and chemical formalisms, images are one of the key means
of expressing Chemistry knowledge in textbooks and beyond. Images may
exhibit different degrees of complexity in different learning stages. However,
to date, there has been little exploration of how images embody the complexity
of Chemistry knowledge. This chapter has explored the complexity of images
using the concept of epistemic–semantic density from LCT and developed a
Building complexity in Chemistry through images 79
model for complexity of images as used in secondary school Chemistry textbooks in NSW, Australia. Enacting the device, we suggested that to build
Chemistry knowledge, images develop from the everyday category with relatively weak epistemic–semantic density to the technical category with increasingly stronger epistemic–semantic density. The former tends to play the role of
presenting common-sense physical and experiential phenomena, thereby offering students a common-sense ‘way into’ understanding, whereas the latter usually offers theoretical understandings of the phenomena.
Our analysis of the range of epistemic–semantic density of images across
curriculum stages suggests that knowledge expressed by the images in each
stage maintains connections with the ‘everyday’ world but shows an increasing complexity as the curriculum progresses. This widening range of epistemic–semantic density indicates that in each stage students are expected to
engage with both everyday and technical images. In Stage 6, the textbooks
additionally involve composite images that bring together images embodying
different levels of complexity, either between everyday images and technical
images or between technical images with different degrees of complexity.
This suggests that students are expected to be able to move between the
different levels of complexity to connect meanings together.
The translation device for epistemic–semantic density presented in this
chapter was developed through analysis of textbooks. However, it is likely it
will be of use to images in Chemistry more broadly, such as images used in
classroom teaching or assessments. Although in LCT terms, they are specific
translation devices for the problem-situation of a specific study (see Maton and
Howard 2018), they offer a pathway to developing a generic translation device
that works for all images in Chemistry. Our chapter is also limited to offering
a way of seeing the complexity of knowledge expressed by images in Chemistry
education. How this can be enacted to support teaching with images is, as yet,
unexplored. Nonetheless, the model offered here represents, we believe, a
valuable first step towards seeing the complexity of images in Chemistry.
1 On constellations in LCT, see Maton (2014) and Maton and Doran (2021). Here
we are only concerned the complexity of network of relations among meanings
within which a meaning is situated.
2 We have as far as possibly echoed the names of categories in the generic translation device for English discourse as a whole set out by Maton and Doran (2017)
in order to facilitate inter-modal comparison and multimodal analysis in future.
However, English discourse and images are different objects of study whose different attributes often required different labels. We should emphasize that the
current paper offers a specific translation device for images in secondary school
chemistry textbooks, rather than a generic translation device for all images in
Chemistry, let alone all images.
3 Kress and van Leeuwen (2020) call these boundaries ‘framing,’ a term which is
easily confused with a different meaning of ‘framing’ by Bernstein (1973). We
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