Legitimation Code Theory
Recent papers in Legitimation Code Theory
This tour-de-force will set the agenda for the future of the sociology of education. Maton's writing is always engaging and thought-provoking. .. a 'must-read'.
This case study explicates the knowledge-knower structures that are valued in the assessment of Graphic Design (GD) practical work in a multi-campus Private Higher Education (PHE) context. Assessment, which provides the measure for... more
Multimedia such as animations are increasingly common in science teaching. Existing research overwhelmingly focuses on developing principles for designing multimedia that support cognitive processing of information. This chapter meets an... more
Mathematics is a key aspect of science but how mathematics can be successfully integrated in science teaching remains a vexing issue. That students often struggle with mathematics in science lessons, even when they have little problem... more
Denne artikel praesenterer fund fra et afsluttet ph.d. projekt, der som det første i Danmark anvender de analytiske redskaber semantisk taethed og semantisk tyngde fra Karl Matons Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Begrebernes anvendelighed... more
This paper aims to deal with the question of researching knowledge within a learning-by-doing activity with students on an education program. It does this by making use of the semantic field of legitimation code theory to investigate... more
For papers, resources, research networks and much more, go to: http://www.legitimationcodetheory.com/"
For papers, resources, research networks and much more, go to: http://www.legitimationcodetheory.com/"
In Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts, students are expected to express disciplinary knowledge in a second/foreign language. One construct that has proven useful for the identification and realization of language... more
”What should I write?” – ”You should know that for yourself”: about how focus on respectively knowledge and action in teacher-student conversations leads to obscurity in instruction Anna-Vera Meidell Sigsgaard Abstract (English): Using... more
This thesis addresses several aspects of the teaching and learning of thermodynamics in the context of first year university Physics. Thermodynamics is a topic that attracts far less attention at the first year level, both in terms of... more
Artykuł opublikowany w 13 numerze czasopisma "Problemy Studiów Nauczycielskich" przedstawia podręcznik dla studentów kształcących się w kierunku nauczania informatyki, wydany nakładem Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie. W artykule... more
The paper begins by arguing that knowledge-blindness in educational research represents a serious obstacle to understanding knowledge-building. It then offers sociological concepts from Legitimation Code Theory - ‘semantic gravity’ and... more
This case study explicates the knowledge-knower structures that are valued in the assessment of Graphic Design (GD) practical work in a multi-campus Private Higher Education (PHE) context. Assessment, which provides the measure for... more
Academic discourse is the gateway not only to educational success but to worlds of imagination, discovery and accumulated wisdom. Understanding the nature of academic discourse and developing ways of helping everyone access, shape and... more
This paper introduces the dimension of Semantics from Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) and its application in developing EAP students' academic writing.
Harmony with nature, pristine countryside, organic farming, a vegan diet, renewable energy, sustainable development. This imagery tends to be associated with ‘green liberal’ environmentalist movements and more broadly, left-wing political... more
This thesis considers the recontextualisation of African music in formal South African curricula. The research is situated in South Africa, where post-apartheid education policy promotes the inclusion of indigenous knowledge in the... more
This talk focuses on the power of language, specially the discursive construction of a transnational eco-fascist environmentalist movement. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative methods from linguistics and sociology, this paper shows... more
This article examines how dynasties applied the Five Elements theory in their respective legitimation discourses throughout the history of imperial China. Drawing on both documentary and visual sources, I reveal that the Liao, Jin, and... more
While work-integrated learning (WIL) continues to gain prominence worldwide, the range of definitions indicates no consensus on what it actually includes. This contributes to a creative space in which to uncover its more nuanced forms and... more
My article about Śāntamūrti: The Legitimate Disposition(s) of the ‘Temple of Peace’ Social Network is in this ebook. The website for this document is http://rci.nanzan-u.ac.jp/jinruiken/publication/nenpo.html
In this working research paper I draw on empirical work I have been involved in since 2016, involving over 1200 teacher mentors, to discuss a key issue that has arisen – the professional knowledge required to mentor effectively. This work... more
Her research centres on enabling epistemological access in the sciences in a higher education context, focusing specifically on curriculum structures, pedagogic practices and student learning. Recent journal publications include... more
Multimodal analysis examines how different modes, such as space, gesture, and language, instantiate meaning together. In this paper, a Systemic Functional-Multimodal Discourse Analysis demonstrates how teachers enact their pedagogy with... more
Maton, K. & Moore, R. (eds) (2010) Social Realism, Knowledge and the Sociology of Education: Coalitions of the mind. London, Continuum.
Introduces LCT, especially Specialization and Semantics. Introduces the book. Describes how LCT builds on Bourdieu's gaze and Bernstein's concepts. Outlines key attributes of LCT as a framework.
NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK! Maton, K. (2014) Knowledge and Knowers: Towards a realist sociology of education. London, Routledge. ‘This tour-de-force will set the agenda for the future of the sociology of education. Maton’s writing... more
This paper presents an introduction to how systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) offer complementary insights into education, focusing on key ideas that brought the theories into dialogue over the past... more
For papers, resources, research networks and much more, go to: http://www.legitimationcodetheory.com/
This thesis explores the interpersonal landscape of senior high school humanities subjects. It investigates the humanities’ humanity, that is, the values and attitudes which underlie different subjects and how these differ in texts... more
Sociologists of education rooted in social realism have for more than a decade argued that knowledge matters in education, there are different kinds of knowledge, not all forms of knowledge are equal and that these differentiations have... more
Theoretically influenced by Bakhtin’s (1986) concept of dialogism – according to which any discourse is both permeated by and directed towards other discourses (i.e., backward and forward orientation) –, this thesis seeks to investigate... more
Christie, F. & Maton, K. (2011) Disciplinarity: Systemic functional and sociological perspectives. London, Continuum.
Short article for the SSPS Magazine on S-Club, a data analysis workshop with the LCT Centre for Knowledge-Building.
How to bring together methodologies. Shows how a quantitative instrument was developed and evolved through a series of studies of school music and educational technology (the biggest ever 1-to-1 laptop programme). Focuses on how the... more
Yu, Z., Maton, K. and Doran, Y. J. (2023) Building complexity in chemistry through images, in Blackie, M.A.L., Adendorff, H. and Mouton, M. (eds) Science Education: Exploring knowledge practices with Legitimation Code Theory, Routledge.
Inclusive education is embedded in South African policy with the expectation that teacher education will equip pre-service teachers to teach inclusively. As a result, courses in inclusive education are offered in most Initial Teacher... more
Lesson plan: Description of lesson plan/presentation Justify: Justification of choices Theory: Description of theory Theory/evidence: Using theory to provide evidence Reflect-self: Reflection by writer Reflect-other: Reflection by peers... more
Abstract The growing demands on higher education have placed an unprecedented external pull on universities. Bernstein (Pedagogy, symbolic control and idenity: theory, research, critique, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., Lanham,... more