Coronavirus through the Eyes of Hospitality Customers

2022, COVID-19 and the Tourism Industry Sustainability, Resilience and New Directions

The COVID-19 virus, which emerged in China, spread rapidly worldwide and turned into a global pandemic. This process has forced regions and countries to make some decisions. There has been a transition from the global social order to an order of introversion and restrictions. Although the pandemic has been tried to slow down with bans, restrictions, penalties, and temporary closures, it has not been successful yet. It is expected that the adverse effects of the virus will decrease over the next two years. While this is the case, the tourism sector is also affected by this change. In this study, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospitality customers was considered. A structured interview form was conducted with the customers, and the data obtained were evaluated using the thematic analysis method. The MAXQDA program was used as an analysis tool. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that the customers were affected by the process. It was resolved that some customers, in particular, change their holiday decisions. Despite the pandemic period, it was determined that customers feel safe in their holiday experiences and can perform some holiday activities. It was determined that the customers who find the operational precautions sufficient consider the country precautions as improvable. With the data obtained, it was tried to reveal the current state of customers’ holiday experiences during the pandemic period.

COVID-19 and the Tourism Industry This book offers international perspectives on the economic, social, geo political, and environmental implications of COVID 19 on tourism, an un precedented situation for this sector. It considers the challenge of making the tourism industry more resilient to such crises and the future sustainability of tourism. Contributions ex plore the changing dimensions of tourism marketing post COVID 19; the rising challenges in tourism education and ways to handle the crisis; the impact of the pandemic on tourism governance; and the emerging ethical issues of stakeholders’ responsibility. The book will be useful for researchers, students, and practitioners in the felds of tourism, geography, and crisis management disciplines. Anukrati Sharma is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce and Management, University of Kota, Kota, Rajasthan, India. Azizul Hassan is a member of the Tourism Consultants Network of the UK Tourism Society. Priyakrushna Mohanty is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tour ism and Travel Management, Jyoti Nivas College, Bengaluru. Routledge Insights in Tourism Series This series provides a forum for cutting edge insights into the latest devel opments in tourism research. It offers high quality monographs and edited collections that develop tourism analysis at both theoretical and empirical levels. Millennials, Spirituality and Tourism Edited by Sandeep Kumar Walia and Aruditya Jasrotia Tourism, Safety and COVID-19 Security, Digitization and Tourist Behaviour Salvatore Monaco COVID-19 and the Tourism Industry Sustainability, Resilience and New Directions Edited by Anukrati Sharma, Azizul Hassan, and Priyakrushna Mohanty For more information about this series, please visit: Routledge Insights in Tourism Series/book series/RITS COVID-19 and the Tourism Industry Sustainability, Resilience and New Directions Edited by Anukrati Sharma, Azizul Hassan, and Priyakrushna Mohanty First published 2022 by Routledge 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2022 selection and editorial matter, Anukrati Sharma, Azizul Hassan, and Priyakrushna Mohanty; individual chapters, the contributors The right of Anukrati Sharma, Azizul Hassan, and Priyakrushna Mohanty to be identifed as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identifcation and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record has been requested for this book ISBN: 978 1 032 07502 0 (hbk) ISBN: 978 1 032 07512 9 (pbk) ISBN: 978 1 003 20746 7 (ebk) DOI: 10.4324/9781003207467 Typeset in Times New Roman by codeMantra Contents List of fgures List of tables List of contributors Introduction ix xi xiii 1 A N U K R AT I SH A R M A , A Z I Z U L H A S SA N A N D PR I YA K RUSH NA MOH A N T Y PART ONE COVID-19 and Tourism: Introduction 1 The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Demand and Supply 5 7 A DE J U MOK E A BIO SE A N D HO SE A OL AY I WOL A PAT R IC K 2 Coronavirus through the Eyes of Hospitality Customers 19 GÜ R K A N ÇA L I ŞK A N , E M R A H YA ŞA R S OY, A N D H ÜSE Y I N PA M U KÇ U 3 The Bright Side of COVID-19 in the Context of Tourism: Models of Wellness Tourism and Purposeful Travel Drive the Way Forward 37 Y U E WA NG A N D L AU R A E L L 4 The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism and Hospitality Industry – A Review A N U K R AT I SH A R M A A N D SH RU T I A ROR A 58 vi Contents PART TWO COVID-19 and Tourism Marketing Sustainability 5 Marketing and Demarketing Strategies for Hotel Operation under Epidemics and Pandemics 71 73 M A R I A JO SÉ M AGA L H Ã E S A N D SUSA NA M A RQU E S 6 Futurology of Ethical Tourism Digital & Social Media Marketing Post COVID-19 92 BR IGH T ON N YAGA DZ A A N D FA R A I C H IG OR A 7 Rebranding Destinations for Sustainable Tourism Recovery Post COVID-19 Crisis 109 Z A N E T E GA R A N T I , JOH N V IOL A R I S , GA L I NA BE R JOZ K I NA A N D IOR DA N I S K AT E M L I A DI S PART THREE Tourism Education and Research for Tourism Sustainability 8 Why Do We Teach Tourism? 125 127 JOH A N R . E DE L H E I M 9 Students Shaping Their Future: Virtual Reality Interactive Exercise to Engage in for Learning 145 N U R I A R E C U E RO V I RT O PART FOUR Ethics and Responsibilities in Tourism Management Post COVID-19 Pandemic 161 10 Ethics and Responsibility in Tourism – the Impact of COVID-19 163 H A ROL D G O ODW I N 11 The Importance of Tourism Security and Safety after COVID-19 ÖZ GÜ R YAY L A , A L I S OLU NO ĞLU A N D H ÜSE Y I N K E L E Ş 179 Contents vii 12 Defning Responsibilities of Tourists in the Post-COVID-19 Period 190 A N I L A T HOM A S 13 Applied Ethics in Post-COVID-19 Destination Management 210 JOR DI A RC O S PU M A ROL A , M A RTA C ON I L L T E T UÀ A N D N Ú R I A GU I TA RT CA SA L DE R R E Y PART FIVE COVID-19 and Tourism Governance 223 14 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka: The Dilemmas of Industry Sustainability 225 R . S . S . W A R AC HC H I A N D W. K . A . C GNA NA PA L A 15 Managing Events Tourism Sustainability Post-COVID-19: Exploring the New Realities 239 PR I YA K RUSH NA MOH A N T Y, PI NA Z T I WA R I A N D N I M I T C HOW DH A RY 16 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Small Tourism Enterprises in Pakistan 252 K A L S O OM B . A N D M E H TA B A L A M 17 Perspectives in the Strategic Management of Destinations in the Post-COVID Period 267 DÁ L I A L I BE R AT O, BE AT R I Z L I M BA D O, BRU NO S OUSA A N D PE DRO L I BE R AT O Index 289 Figures 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.2 5.1 Growth in the global tourism industry (2000–2020) Change in monthly tourist rates compared to 2019 (2020) Changes in monthly tourist numbers in 2019–2020 Change in tourist rates by the region compared to 2019 (2020) Expanded scenarios of the WTO Map of the number of cases according to the WHO (data on the date of March 20, 2021) (World Health Organization, 2021e) Map of death number according to the WHO (data on the date of March 20, 2021) (World Health Organization, 2021e) Number of COVID 19 cases in Turkey (URL 6) (data on the date of March 21, 2021) Number of deaths caused by COVID 19 in Turkey (World Health Organization, 2021f) (data on the date of March 21, 2021) Number of tourist arrivals to Turkey by the year (from January to November 2020) (URL 2) Code system Vacation decision – COVID 19 effect (code map) Precautions are taken by the hotel (code map) Sense of confdence (code map) Activities (code map) Precautions taken by the country (code map) Ecotourism continuum comparted to a new wellness tourism continuum Location map of Heilongjiang province Location map of Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark attractions map Open space thermal springs in Geopark Semi open space volcanic stone sunbathing Characteristics of tourism and hospitality industry Sustainable tourism and hospitality Room revenue as a function of both the number of single rooms (x axis) and of the maximum rate of guest occupancy (y axis) 10 20 20 20 21 23 23 24 25 26 29 29 30 31 31 32 40 43 45 46 51 52 60 66 79 x Figures 5.2 Room revenue as a function of the number of single rooms (x axis) at 10%, 25%, and 40% reductions in guest capacity 5.3 Summary of Marketing and Demarketing strategies 6.1 Ethical tourism digital and social media marketing decision making framework 9.1 Proposed model 15.1 A sustainable approach for managing events in the post COVID 19 phase 16.1 Conceptual framework 79 88 95 149 246 254 Tables 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 16.1 17.1 17.2 17.3 Distribution of the number of cases by regions Distribution of the number of cases by country Visits to Heilongjiang province by foreign nationals (person times) Tourist source market for Heilongjiang province New dimensions pre and post COVID 19 Room revenue as a function of both the number of single rooms (x axis) and of the maximum rate of guest occupancy (y axis) Types of Nordic HEs Number and type of Nordic THEs Faculty belonging of Nordic THEs Research intensive institutions offering THE programs, number and percentage of total Languages Nordic THEs are offered in Profle of respondents (N = 21) Descriptive analysis Reliability and convergent validity of the fnal measurement model Measurement model discriminant validity Evaluation of the estimated models Hypotheses testing Different codes and its identifed themes Peri pandemic travel experiences/responsibilities Various sectors affected by COVID 19 pandemic Perception about growth of domestic tourism Perception about sustainability and accountability in practices Adopting practices for the sustainability of rural tourism Qualitative Data Analysis Theoretical background of the interview guide Areas most affected by COVID 19 Tourism products and services with decreasing demand 23 24 48 49 65 79 131 137 137 138 139 150 151 152 152 153 153 194 196 198 199 202 203 258 275 277 279 xii Tables 17.4 Evidence on the impact on different phases of confnement 17.5 Summary of evidence on modifcation of the typology of demand 17.6 Evidence to the future perspectives for the tourism sector 280 281 282 Contributors Editors Dr Azizul Hassan is a member of the Tourism Consultants Network of the UK Tourism Society. Dr Hassan has been working for the tourism in dustry as a consultant, academic, and researcher for over 20 years. His research interest areas are technology supported marketing for tourism and hospitality, immersive technology applications in the tourism and hospitality industry, and technology infuenced marketing suggestions for sustainable tourism and hospitality industry in developing countries. Dr Hassan has authored over 150 articles and book chapters in leading tourism outlets. He is also part of the editorial team of 25 book projects from Routledge, Springer, CAB International, and Emerald Group Pub lishing Limited. He is a regular reviewer of a number of international journals. Priyakrushna Mohanty is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tour ism and Travel Management, Jyoti Nivas College, Bengaluru. He is a former U.G.C. Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Tourism Studies, Pondicherry University, India. Mr Mohanty is an awardee of the prestigious Travel Corporation (India) Gold Medal for his outstanding performance in Master’s degree in Tourism Studies from Pondicherry University, India. He also holds a Master’s degree in Commerce along with three PG Diploma Degrees in Rural Development, Research Meth odology, and Teaching Skills. Mr Mohanty has served the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. for two years following which he was recruited as a Guest Faculty in the Department of Tourism Stud ies, Pondicherry University. He has published more than 20 articles and chapters in both international and national journals and edited books. He has presented more than 25 papers in both international and national conferences to his name and has been invited by a number of national and international institutes as guest speaker. Mr Mohanty is passionate about academic areas of Research Methodology, Tourism Sustainability, xiv Contributors Sustainable Livelihood, Events Tourism, Technology, and Tourism along with Gender issues in Tourism Development. Dr Anukrati Sharma is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce and Management, University of Kota, Kota, Rajasthan, India. In 2015, she received a Research Award from the University Grants Commission(UGC), New Delhi, for her project “Analysis of the Status of Tourism in Hadoti and Shekhawati Region/Circuit (Rajasthan): Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Prospects.” Her doctorate from the University of Rajasthan is in Tourism Marketing, and she completed her dissertation research on Tourism in Rajasthan – Progress & Prospects. She has two postgraduate degree specialties – one in International Business (Master of International Business) and the other in Business Administration (Master of Commerce). Her special interest areas are Tourism, Tourism Marketing, Strategic Management, and International Business Management. She has edited books such as Maximizing Business Performance and Effciency through Intelligent Systems, under IGI Global, Sustainable Tourism Development: Futuristic Approaches under Apple Academic Press, USA under the series Advances in Hospitality and Tourism, Tourism Events in Asia: Marketing and Development under Routledge, USA, Future of Tourism: An Asian Perspective, under Springer, Singapore, Overtourism as Destination Risk: Impacts and Solutions under Emerald Publishing U.K., Over-tourism, Technology Solutions and Decimated Destinations under Springer, Singapore, Event Tourism in Asian Countries: Challenges and Prospects under Apple Academic Press, USA, The Emerald Handbook of ICT in Tourism and Hospitality under Emerald Publishing U.K., Sustainable Destination Branding and Marketing: Strategies for Tourism Development under CABI. She has an authored book on Event Management and Marketing Theory, Practical Approaches and Planning. Another book authored by her is titled International Best Practice in Event Management published by United Kingdom Event Industry Academy Ltd. and Prasetiya Mulya Publishing, Indonesia. She is at present editing books on The Emerald Handbook of Destination Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality, Emerald Publishing, UK, Festivals and Event Tourism: Building Resilience and Promoting Sustainability to be published under CABI, UK. Event Tourism and Sustainable Community Development: Advances, Effects and Implications to be published under Apple Academic Press, USA, and Strategic Tourism Planning for Communities: Restructuring and Rebranding under Nova Science Publishers, USA. A member of 17 professional bodies, she has attended a number of national and international conferences and presented 45 papers. She has been invited to talks/lectures/ panel discussions by different countries such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Uzbekistan, and Turkey. Contributors xv Contributors Adejumoke Abiose is currently enrolled as a doctoral candidate at the De partment of Cultural and Heritage Tourism, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Adejumoke is a doctoral student with research interests in Sustainable Development, Destination Branding and Tour ism Marketing, Hospitality Management, Tourism Development, Re search Methodology, and Community Based Tourism. Mehtab Alam is a PhD scholar, from University of Cyberjaya, Selangor Malaysia. As a core area of Management and Public Policy; Soft Image and Image Development of Pakistan through tourism development are the primary part of research completed for degree of Master of Philos ophy (M. PHIL). He obtained degree in Master of Arts in English Lan guage & Literature and also holds Bachelor of Education from Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. In addition to this, he serves in vari ous Public and Private Institutions those include the National Assembly, Parliament of Pakistan as Research Associate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan on assignments/tasks of image development. As a writ ing specialist he also served in Skyscrapers Pvt Ltd. Over the years, his interest in research is developed and allow him to keep in touch with the advancement in research on various topics and subjects of management. These incorporated the feld of Social, Communication, & Management Sciences, or issues of international concerns like Public Diplomacy, For eign Policy and key changes brought about trade and business forb cli mate. During the time Mehtab Alam has the opportunity to interact with highly qualifed and experienced individuals from various backgrounds. Various articles/chapters are in process of publications. R. S. S. W Arachchi is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism at the Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. His research focuses on Eco tourism, Cave Tourism and Sustainable Tourism. He has involved in various adminis trative activities in the University and contributed his service for various government and private sector projects in Tourism. Jordi Arcos-Pumarola holds a PhD in Education and Society from the Uni versity of Lleida, a Master Degree in Innovation in Tourism Manage ment, specialization in Cultural and Natural Heritage Management by Barcelona, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT – UB, and a Bachelor in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. He is a member of the Research Group on Tourism, Culture, and Territory at CETT UB, where he also works as a lecturer on cultural tourism and tourism research methods. His two main research lines are cultural and literary tourism, and ethics in tourism. xvi Contributors Shruti Arora, PhD, is currently working as a guest faculty in the Depart ment of Commerce and Management, University of Kota, Kota, Rajast han, India. She has over 10 years of experience in education. Her core subjects are marketing, general management, international business management, and customer relationship management. She has published several research papers in international refereed journals and one chap ter in edited book in the Routledge Advances in Event Research Series in 2018. She has also authored the book Event Management and Marketing: Theory, Practical Approaches and Planning. Galina Berjozkina is a Senior Lecturer at City Unity College Nicosia. She is a PhD student at the University of Strathclyde, Department of Work Employment and Organization, engaged in research on seasonal employ ees’ work performance in the tourism industry. She is lecturing courses on Tourism Planning and Development, Hospitality Animation, and In troduction to Hospitality amongst others. Her academic interests include tourism, hospitality, and management. She has attended several academic conferences and has published a book on Destination Management. Gürkan Çalışkan started his master education in the Department of Tour ism Management at Gazi University in 2016 and graduated in 2019. He began his academic career in 2019 as a research assistant in the Depart ment of Tourism Management at Kastamonu University. In the same year, he started his doctorate education in the Department of Tourism Management at Kastamonu University. His academic studies are focused on virtual, augmented reality, and technology in tourism. He is improv ing himself on quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. He mainly conducts his research with qualitative analysis methods. He generally uses Maxqda and VOSviewer analysis tools for qualitative research. He has completed some courses on qualitative analysis methods and quanti tative analysis methods. Farai Chigora has a Doctorate in Business Administration from University of KwaZulu Natal (South Africa), a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Commerce and a Dean of Postgraduate Studies at the Catholic Univer sity of Zimbabwe. He is a tourism branding specialist with interest in destination branding, strategic marketing, business research and related business areas which he has authored in various refereed international journals. Nimit Chowdhary is an engineer and holds MBA and PhD degrees in Man agement. He has more than 26 years of postgraduate teaching and re search experience. He has been a Full Professor close to 14 years serving at Mizoram University, IITTM (Gwalior, Noida and Nellore) and cur rently serving as the Head of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Recently, Arizona State University accorded him the honor of Adjunct Professorship. He Contributors xvii is a recipient of AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers; SIDA Fel lowship, Sweden; Guest Scholarship, Sweden; Linnaeus Palme Exchange Programme Grants, Sweden; PIMG Research Excellence Award, Gwal ior; Scholars’ Grant (EMTM), Erasmus Mundus, Europe among others. Recently, he was chosen for prestigious LEAP Programme at Oxford University. His research has focused on tourism, travel, service experi ences, and now transformation. He is a referred researcher in many in ternational journals. He has researched for UGC, ICSSR, AICTE, and Ministry of Tourism, Government of India worth around US$ 5 million. He has supervised 15 PhDs, authored eight books, edited two books, and contributed more than 116 papers. Marta Conill-Tetuà holds a PhD in Didactics of Heritage, Arts and Cultural Tourism from the University of Barcelona. She is currently working for the Vallès Occidental county council on the tourist management of the territory, and is particularly involved in the gastronomy tourism project "Xarxa de Productes de la Terra". Her main research interests are cul tural tourism and cultural heritage. Johan R. Edelheim worked for more than a decade globally in the hospi tality and tourism industries before becoming a secondary and tertiary educator in the same felds. He now teaches at the Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies at Hok kaido University. Prof. Edelheim has diplomas and degrees from educa tion, philosophy, cultural studies, hospitality, and business. Behind most of his research lies a deeply rooted aim for humanism and equality. His studies focus in different ways on tourism, hospitality, leisure, education, and society. Prof. Edelheim chairs the Tourism Education Futures Initi ative (TEFI) network. Laura Ell is a spa and wellness tourism consultant with a two decade track record of successfully advancing tourism enterprises and destinations. Her assignments have been through agencies such as UNWTO, WWF, World Bank, USAID, and UNDP as well as the private sector. Her work has yielded award winning resorts and destinations as they appeal to the new market of visitors seeking authentic, healthful travel. Laura’s research on Indigenous inspired spa travel was nominated for the Gov ernor General of Canada’s Gold Academic Award and she helps spas re spectfully integrate ritual into spa for more immersive experiences. Laura has been featured on CNN Travel and lectures for numerous institutions and is a faculty member at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. Laura is also a certifed EDGE Expert which is a green building program through the IFC, an initiative endorsed by the World Bank. Zanete Garanti is a PhD holder and Associate Professor in City Unity College Nicosia, Cyprus. She is lecturing Marketing and Management courses and is actively researching marketing topics on branding, social xviii Contributors media marketing, and infuencer marketing. Her recent studies are on travel and tourism infuencers, brand personality, loyalty and equity on social media networks, e referral, brand image, and personality of Iran as a destination amongst others. Her work is published in internationally recognized books and journals. Harold Goodwin has worked on four continents with local communities, their governments, and the inbound and outbound tourism industry. He is a Professor Emeritus and Responsible Tourism Director at the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manag ing Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership and adviser to the World Travel Market on its Responsible Tourism Programme at WTM London, which attracts 2,000 participants each year, and WTM Africa and Latin America and Arabian Travel Market. He chairs the panels of judges for the World Responsible Tourism Awards and the other Awards in the family, Africa, India, and Latin America. W. K. A. C Gnanapala is a Professor in Tourism Management attached to the Dept. of Tourism Management, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Currently, he is working as the Vice Chancellor (Acting) of the University and the Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies. Further, he is the predecessor Head, Department of Tourism Management, Pro gramme Coordinator of the MSc. in Ayurvedic Hospital Management degree programme. He obtained his frst degree, B.Sc. Tourism Manage ment, form the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and the M.Sc. in Management from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He completed his Doctoral degree in Tourism Management at the School of Business, Xiamen University, P.R. China. His research interests include consumer behavior in tourism, travel motivation & satisfaction, wildlife tourism, sustainable tourism planning & development, destination management and marketing etc. He has published his research works as nearly 20 books and book chapters, more than 30 research articles in refereed and indexed journals, more than 50 international conference presentations. Núria Guitart-Casalderrey graduated in Tourism and Offcial Master De gree in Innovation in Tourism Management, specialization in Tourism Management of Urban Destinations by Barcelona, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT – UB. PhD Student in Geography. Territorial Planning and Environmental Management from the Univer sity of Barcelona. She is a researcher of the Research Group on Tourism, Culture, and Territory at CETT UB. Her main research lines are urban tourism management and tourism governance. Iordanis Katemliadis is a Senior Lecturer at City Unity College Nicosia with more than ten years of teaching and industry experience. He is actively researching destination management organizations, destination brand ing, and destination marketing. He is a PhD candidate at the University Contributors xix of the Aegean and he is lecturing Destination Management, Hospitality Marketing, and Events Management among others. Hüseyin Keleş is a Lecturer at Manavgat Tourism Faculty in Akdeniz Uni versity, Turkey. He received his Master’s degree at Travel Management and Tourism Guidance from Selcuk University in 2017. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in feld of Tourism Management at Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey. His primary research interest involves tourism secu rity, festival management, destination management, and the interactions between tourist and local people. Dália Liberato, PhD Tourism, Tourism Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Porto, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Portugal. Coordinator of Tourism Activities Management Degree. Researcher in CiTUR, IELT | Nova FCSH and CEI – ISCAP (Portugal). Pedro Liberato, PhD Tourism, Tourism Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Porto, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Portugal. Coordinator of Master Program – Tourism Management, and Head of Tourism and Lei sure Department. Researcher in CiTUR, IELT | Nova FCSH and CEI – ISCAP (Portugal). Beatriz Limbado, Master in Hotel Management – Sales and Marketing, Researcher in Polytechnic Institute of Porto, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Portugal. Maria José Magalhães is pursuing her PhD in tourism in the University of Aveiro, after obtaining a PhD in Textile Engineering, a MSc in Environ mental Sciences (Specialization in Environmental Quality) and a degree in Textile Engineering, having graduated as top of her class, all from the University of Minho. She started her academic career at University of Minho (1996) and later served as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal, where she lectured undergraduate and graduate courses in the felds of Quality and Organization Development, Mathematics and Tourism. She is an Associate Researcher at GOVCOPP (Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies) research center at University of Aveiro amd was a member of 2C2T (Centre for Textile Science and Technology), at Uni versity of Minho, where she was involved in national and international research projects. Her current research topics focus on personal and or ganizational safety and security materials and processes; and regional sustainable development through Tourism. Susana Marques completed her Ph.D. in Marketing at the University of Stirling (Scotland) with a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology. She has a Master in Business Administration, with a specialization in Marketing, from University of Minho (Portugal) and a Graduate Certifcate in Research Methodologies from the University of xx Contributors Strathclyde (Scotland). She initiated her academic career at University of Minho (1997) and is, since 2014, a faculty member and Program Di rector of the Marketing undergraduate degree at the Higher Institute for Accountancy and Administration – University of Aveiro. Her research focus on the felds of Relational Marketing, Tourism, Social Marketing, and Critical Marketing. Priyakrushna Mohanty is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tour ism and Travel Management, Jyoti Nivas College, Bengaluru, India. He is also a U.G.C. Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Tourism Studies, Pondicherry University, India. He is an awardee of the prestigious Travel Corporation (India) Gold Medal for his outstanding performance in Master’s degree in Tourism Studies from Pondicherry University, In dia. He also holds a Master’s degree in Commerce along with three PG Diploma Degrees in Rural Development, Research Methodology, and Teaching Skills. Mr Mohanty has served the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. for two years following which he was re cruited as a Guest Faculty in the Department of Tourism Studies, Pondi cherry University. He has published more than 15 articles and chapters in both international and national journals and edited books. Mr Mohanty is passionate about academic areas of Tourism Sustainability, Sustain able Livelihood, Technology, and Tourism along with Gender issues in Tourism Development. Brighton Nyagadza is a full time digital marketing lecturer at Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (MUAST), Zimba bwe, an Associate of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), United Kingdom, Power Member of the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), Ire land, Dublin, and Member of the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ). His research expertise revolves on corporate storytelling for branding, public relations, marketing metrics, fnancial services market ing, digital marketing, and educational marketing. He has published in several reputable referred journals such as Cogent Business & Management, Cogent Social Sciences, Taylor & Francis (United Kingdom), The Marketing Review (TMR) (Scotland), Journal of Digital & Media Policy (JDMP) (Bristol), Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research (JGEMBR) (United Kingdom), Retail and Marketing Review (RMR) (UNISA) (South Africa), European Journal of Business and Management Research (EJMBR), and Africanus Journal of Development Studies (AJDS) (UNISA Press). Hosea Olayiwola Patrick holds a PhD in Political Science from the Univer sity of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. He is at this time a Postdoctoral fellow and lecturer in the School of Built Environment and Develop ment Studies of the same institution. Patrick is a transdisciplinary re search scholar with research interest in Public Policy, Security, Peace and Contributors xxi Confict, Environmental Politics, Political Economy, International Rela tions, Area Studies, Research Methodology, and Sustainability Research. Hüseyin Pamukçu received a Master’s degree from the Department of Busi ness Administration of the Institute of Social Sciences at Afyon Kocatepe University. In 2017, he received his PhD from the Department of Business Administration of the Institute of Social Sciences at Sakarya University. He started to work as Research Assistant in 2013; Faculty Member as Assistant Professor in 2018 at Tourism and Hotel Management Depart ment of Tourism Faculty in Kastamonu University. Currently a member of Kastamonu University Faculty of Tourism, Pamukçu has contributed numerous international and national research papers (articles, papers, book chapters, chapters in newspapers and magazines, etc.) to the lit erature. Pamukçu is invited to some international organizations as a speaker. He is married with one child. Ali Solunoğlu is an Assistant Professor at Balıkesir University in Turkey. He graduated from Gazi University in 2010. He completed his Master’s degree in Tourism Management Education in 2013 from Gazi University and his PhD degree in Gastronomy and Culinary Arts from the same university in 2018. He works as a project manager and project staff in var ious projects supported TUBİTAK and other public institutions. Basic felds of study include tourism marketing, gastronomy and culinary arts, street food, and entrepreneurship trainings. Bruno Sousa, PhD Marketing and Strategy, is a Professor in Polytechnic In stitute of Cavado and Ave (IPCA, Portugal), Head of Master Program – Tourism Management. Researcher at CiTUR and Applied Management Research Unit (UNIAG), Portugal. Kalsoom B. is Assistant Professor at Centre for Policy Studies, COMSATS University Pakistan. Key Competent Areas in Research are evidence based opportunity of Public services, inequality, explicit planning of pub lic facilities at regional and local level – Big data, Urban Sustainability, Foresight & Public Policy – Public Sector Governance, Public Manage ment & Reforms – Governance, inter provincial & Local Government – Public Services Ethics, Social Equity, Crowdsourcing, Social Innovation in Public Sector – behavioral insights in Public Sector, Outsourcing, Collaborative Management. She has more than 15 years of extensive experience in teaching and research. Her recent research fndings appear in various International, National Journals and conference proceedings on issues of public sector reforms, public Policy, governance, sustainable Management and foreign affairs of China in higher education. Pinaz Tiwari is a research scholar in the Department of Tourism and Hospi tality in Jamia Millia Islamia, India. She has worked in the tourism sector for two years. She has expertise in customer management and has been xxii Contributors involved in travel agents’ capacity development projects in the organiza tion. She has done her graduation in Commerce from Delhi University and completed her MBA in Tourism with specialization in International Tourism Business. She looks forward to making a career in teaching and creating a difference in the tourism industry with her research works. Her interest areas are in tourism marketing, destination management, tourism education, stakeholders’ capacity development, and responsible tourism. She has contributed different chapters related to overtourism and tourism education in different books under well known publications. Anila Thomas is an Associate Professor and Head in the Department of Tourism and Travel Management at Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore, Karnataka. A very passionate researcher and an academi cian, Dr Thomas has a long teaching experience of almost 21 years. She has presented many research based papers at both International and na tional conferences and widely published in both journals and books. She completed her PhD thesis in Tourism Management in 2012 from Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu. Her research interests include Historicity of various Tourism destinations, Destina tion Planning and Policy making, Women’s contributions in the feld of Ayurvedic Medical Tourism, and Community involvement for Sustain ing Tourism Resources. John Violaris is a Professor of Economics and Management at the Depart ment of Business Administration at the City Unity College Nicosia and acts as the Director of Academic Programs of the College. He also lec tures distance learning courses at the Frederick, Neapolis and European Universities. He has earned a BA in Economics from the American Uni versity of Beirut and an MSc in International Management and a PhD in Economics from Kensington University. He has been lecturing modules in Economics and Management since 1978 at a number of Colleges and Universities, among others: the Frederick Institute of Technology, the Frederick University (where he has also served as its frst Dean of the School of Economic Sciences and Administration), the Intercollege, the Ledra College, the Alexander College, the University of Nicosia, the Ne apolis and the European University, as well as the Mediterranean Insti tute of Management (MIM). He is the author, among other publications, of a unique, bilingual textbook in Economics and the co author of chap ters in three books. He has also published and/or presented his research work at international conferences and scientifc journals. Nuria Recuero Virto is currently employed as Assistant Professor at Univer sidad Complutense de Madrid. She is now in the Deanship of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism, as Delegate for the Dean for Institutional Communication and Digital Transformation. She was awarded a Post Doctoral (2014–2018) and Predoctoral Scholarship (2010 2014). Due to Contributors xxiii this background, her specifc areas of interest are: tourism marketing, employer branding and neuromarketing. She was fnalist of FITUR’s awards for best doctoral thesis (2013). Her research has been published in journals such as Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Jour nal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Tourism Review, among others. Yue Wang is deputy director of Technology Innovation Research Center on National Territory of Heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Urban Plan ning, Survey and Design. The main research direction includes healing gardens, wellness tourism, cultural heritage conservation, and hollowing phenomenon of rural areas. The number of published papers is nearly ten. She has given lectures on healing garden through web meetings and the awards include the 1st prize of the Provincial Excellent Urban and Rural Planning Award, 2018 World Golden Award of FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards on Heritage (restoration/conservation) cate gory, and Honorable Award of 2018 UNESCO Asia Pacifc Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. In 2019, she worked with UNWTO as the leader of translation team for Heilongjiang Inclusive Tourism Devel opment Plan and Ice and Snow Tourism Plan. Emrah Yaşarsoy is a research assistant of tourism faculty at Kastamonu University/Turkey. His research interests include tourism marketing, des tination branding, and destination management. He has more than ten published articles, papers and books. He has been teaching International Hospitality Management, Meeting and Congress Management, Tourism Management and Effective Communication Technics for two years. He is currently working on some new articles and book chapters regarding tourism. Emrah received his Master’s degree from Bournemouth Univer sity in 2014, where he studied as a government scholar and then he has graduated his philosophy of doctorate at Kastamonu University in 2019. Özgür Yayla is an Assistant Professor at Manavgat Tourism Faculty in Ak deniz University, Turkey. He received his Master’s degree in Tourism Management and PhD degree in Recreation Management from Gazi University. His primary research interests involve recreational activi ties, service quality, and the interaction between residents and tourists in destinations. Introduction Anukrati Sharma, Azizul Hassan and Priyakrushna Mohanty COVID 19 has become an unprecedented threat to the global tourism industry, and exceptional problems like these require extraordinary re sponses. The aim of this book is to be one of the solutions, i.e. it will try to assess the impacts of COVID 19 on different spheres of tourism and suggest solutions that can put the sector back on track. The book provides a com prehensive analysis of the interrelated topics regarding COVID 19 and the global tourism industry. In this book, readers will gain insight into the eco nomic, social, and environmental implications of COVID 19 for the travel and tourism industry. Further, issues about ethics and the responsibility of stakeholders in the Post COVID 19 scenario have been discussed at length. This book is essential from many aspects, especially about the varied posi tive outcomes of the COVID 19 pandemic. The focus of this book is on how the tourism and hospitality industry can recover from the negative impacts of COVID 19. In order to speed up the recovery and redesign of the tourism industry, there is a need to push many new and innovative marketing ideas. In the book, the suggestions for recovery from the COVID 19 pandemic are discussed exclusively. The book contains fve sections: the frst section contains an introduc tion, effects, and impacts of the COVID 19. The second part of the book discusses the tourism marketing strategies aimed at sustaining the tourism business during and after COVID 19. This section of the book discusses marketing, de marketing strategies, ethical issues in social media market ing, and rebranding strategies for sustainable tourism. A central focus of the third part of the book is how education and research play a vital role in educating the community about the scope of tourism studies, why tourism studies are important and how the study of tourism can promote learning and shape the future of students while preparing them for managing crisis situations. The fourth part of the book discusses an important aspect of tourism, namely ethics and responsibilities in tourism management during a crisis situation like COVID 19. This section of the book contains wonder ful chapters emphasizing the importance of tourist safety post COVID and clearly defning the responsibilities of tourists. The ffth and last part of the book provides a detailed analysis of COVID 19 and Tourism Governance. DOI: 10.4324/9781003207467 1 2 Anukrati Sharma et al. A plethora of topics are included in the ffth part, including how small tour ism businesses will survive in a post COPID 19 era, how to manage local events, and what role destinations will play in strategic management of the destinations. In total, there are 17 chapters in the book. The book highlights contributions from all corners of the world and hence, provides the readers with a holistic view. In the frst chapter of the book, the authors Adejumoke Abiose and Hosea Patrick outline tourism supply and demand. COVID 19 has a severe impact on demand and supply as well as a rapid decline in jobs, according to the authors. In the chapter, the authors suggest policies and planning for pro tecting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Chapter 2 by Hüseyin Pamukçu, Gürkan Çalışkan, and Emrah Yaşarsoy titled “Impact of COVID 19 on Hotel Industry: Emerging Issues and Chal lenges” provides a positive insight towards the decrease of the adverse effects of COVID 19 on the hospitality industry. The authors used the MAXQDA program and thematic analysis method to draw the conclusion. “The Bright side of COVID 19 in the Context of Tourism” is the chapter number three authored by Yue Wang and Laura Ell who show hopes for the tourism sector. The authors discussed the current and ongoing management along with theoretical and applied tourism planning and execution. The chapter is quite aligned with SDGs. Chapter 4 by Anukrati Sharma and Shruti Arora which is titled “The Effect of COVID 19 Pandemic on Tourism and Hospitality Industry – A Review” is all about the suggestions for a speedy revival and recovery of the economy. The chapter analyzes the impacts of COVID 19 on the tourism and hospitality industries and offers recommendations for the speedy recov ery and sustainability of both industries. Maria José Magalhães and Susana Marques authored a chapter entitled “Marketing/Demarketing Strategies for Sustainability of Hotel Operations” that introduced innovative management tools for stratifying marketing so that revenues could be maximized and risk was minimized. Brighton Nyagadza and Farai Chigora discuss ethical digital marketing strategies in their Chapter 6, titled “Futurology of Ethical Tourism: Dig ital and Social Media Marketing for Sustainable Tourism Post COVID”. A critical analysis was provided on the ethics of infuence, privacy eth ics, and representation ethics. They also discussed Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), Micro Vlogging, Voice Search, Blogging, and Social Media Marketing. “Rebranding of Tourist Destinations to Drive Tourism Recovery and Sustainability – Post COVID 19 Period” is Chapter 7 by Zanete Garanti, John Violaris, Galina Berjozkina, and Iordanis Katemliadis explained how rebranding and repositioning destinations are crucial for sustainable tour ism recovery after COVID 19, as tourism has to pursue all tourism models to gain competitive advantage. There is no doubt that travel after COVID 19 will and should be more responsible, and destinations that rebuild their Introduction 3 image and rebrand themselves towards safe, sustainable and transformed tourism experiences will regain travelers’ trust and activity levels. Chapter 8 by Johan R. Edelheim focused on one of the most important as pects of tourism education. The chapter titled “Why do We Teach Tourism” analyzes why tourism has been taught in higher education institutions. The author presented the newness of tourism education by drawing attention to the critical matter dealing with tourism courses that are no longer of beneft to students. Chapter 9 titled “Students Shaping Their Future: Virtual Reality Inter active Exercises to Engage in for Learning” presents a case study by Nuria Recuero Virto that deals with the students’ attitudes towards Virtual Real ity and their e learning performance. Chapter 10 titled “Ethics and Responsibility in Tourism – The Impact of COVID 19” by Harold Goodwin provides a comprehensive discussion of the relationship between ethics and responsibility, the similarities and differences, and the imperative to act that is at the core of the concept of re sponsibility. The chapter concludes with some suggestions for future living with COVID 19. As COVID 19 approaches, the issue of tourist safety is gaining momen tum discussed in Chapter 11 by Özgür Yayla, Ali Solunoğlu, and Hüseyin Keleş. The Responsibilities of Tourists in the Post COVID 19 Period are out lined in Chapter 12. Anila Thomas authored this chapter, which focuses on conceptual research techniques relating to revising the responsibilities of tourists in an emergency situation. Chapter 13 titled “Applied Ethics in Post COVID 19 Destination Man agement” by Jordi Arcos Pumarola, Marta Conill Tetuà and Núria Guitart Casalderrey focused on the different cases where PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests and other health resources have been made available for vis itors in order to revitalize the tourism industry. According to the author, there are various ethical arguments both in favor and against this approach. Chapter 14 is titled “Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on the Tourism In dustry in Sri Lanka: The Dilemmas of Industry Sustainability” by RSSW Arachchi and WKAC Gnanapala. The chapter discussed the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on tourism across the world and the sustainable tour ism challenges the Sri Lankan industry faces. Furthermore, the study dis cusses the resilience strategies required by the industry to succeed during and after a pandemic. The purpose of this review is to help policymakers and planners, as well as industry operators, plan their future business op erations. The authors of the article shared success stories of the Sri Lan kan tourism sector, which can be applied by other countries in their context while avoiding the negative impacts caused by COVID 19. Chapter 15 titled “Managing Global and Local Events in the Post COVID 19 Period” by Priyakrushna Mohanty, Pinaz Tiwari and Nimit Chowdhary presents a systematic review of the literature in order to examine 4 Anukrati Sharma et al. recent developments in various global events related to COVID 19 and its implications for event management. The chapter describes a framework to manage events tourism with a focus on sustainability. In particular, the framework may serve as a guide for administrators (DMOs), practitioners and academics in the post COVID 19 period. The Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Small Tourism Enterprises in Pakistan by Kalsoom B, Sumra, and Mehtab Alam, which is Chapter 16, highlights the problems that tourism related organizations and communi ties faced. According to the authors, a swift response could be used as a recovery initiative for sustainable tourist business. Chapter 17 is Perspectives in the Strategic Management of Destinations in the Post COVID Period by Dália Liberato, Beatriz Limbado, Bruno Sousa, and Pedro Liberato examines the history, the present, and the fu ture of tourism and hospitality in Portugal, keeping in mind the pandemic period. The authors used a qualitative methodological approach consist ing of a semi structured interview study conducted with entrepreneurs and stakeholders from tourism and hospitality entities in the North of Portugal. This study aims to understand the impact of COVID 19 on the tourism and hospitality industries as a whole. The book is one of its kind as it highlights the visions of the world of tourism in the post crisis situations and highlights the value of ethics and responsibilities while providing the inadequately discussed silver linings of the crisis. It is hoped that the readers will fnd the contents of the book in triguing and exciting. Happy Reading to all. 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