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64 pages
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En In 1743 Ignazio Maria Vittorelli, representative of the Jesuit hagiography, wrote a book dealing with the lives of Teodora Costanza Caracciolo, Aurelia Imperiali and Beatrice Caracciolo, all charismatic figures within their community. Aurelia's long existence was based on merciful charity. The consolatory power of her word and her doing, her sober morals, her intense religious belief and her enriching piety attracted the attention of the subjects. She was able to keep together the moments in which marriage duties, maternity, loneliness coincided with the community's obligations and the role she played, taking part to the social game with kindness and sobriety, building an excellent ethical model. All her initiatives showed the certainty that the needs were the images of Christ, and therefore they represented the privileged means of approaching God. Her life represents an apology of the Christian action of a powerful woman that dedicates her entire life to reach the aim; i...
Questo libro è un fioretto offerto alla MADONNA DELLE GRAZIE, venerata da secoli nella nostra città con questo titolo. Maria è la "piena di grazia" e "chi vuol grazia e a Lei non ricorre sua distanza vuol volar sanz'ali".
Notiziario dell'Associazione Nobiliare Regionale Veneta
Da Giotto a Gentile. Pittura e scultura a Fabriano fra Due e Trecento Comune di Fabriano Enti promotori Sponsor tecnici Fabriano, 26 luglio-30 settembre 2014 Sede espositiva Fabriano, Pinacoteca Civica “Bruno Molajoli” nello Spedale di Santa Maria del Buon Gesù, 2014
in IL MUSEO DIOCESANO D'ARTE SACRA DI VOLTERRA, a cura di U.Bavoni, A.Ducci, A.Muzzi, Pisa 2018, pp. 80-83
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in IL MUSEO DIOCESANO D'ARTE SACRA DI VOLTERRA, a cura di U.Bavoni, A.Ducci, A.Muzzi, Pisa 2018, pp. 90-93
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Мапирање математичких концепата у орнаментици фолклорног наслеђа Војводине кроз интеграцију теорије и праксе у иницијалном образовању васпитача као подстицај за ликовно стваралаштво, 2024
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