Women, Social Assistance and
the Supreme Court of Canada
Les auteures assurent que le rkcent jugement de la Cour
Suprkme dans le cas de Louise Gosselin renforce et crke des
entraves dans le systk.mejudiciaire qui veut remkdier h h
discriminatiuon contre les bkneFciaires de la skcuritksociale
dont plusieurs sont des femmes. L'article examine les cas
rkcents de Gosselin, Kimberlq, Rogers et Falkiner vs Ontario
qui dknoncentpubliquement l'intrusion de l'intimitket de la
dignitkainsi que la volontkde n discipliner et de contraindre
les bPn@caires, qui sont h la base des assomptionsstPrkotypkes
de la Cour suprkme du Canada. Cet article met en 1umii.re
li'ncomprkhensionde la Cour qui ne reconnaftpasla nature
des recoupements et des klkments liPs aux dksavantages sociokconomiques de ceux qui sont les moins aptes B se depndre.
As the labour market continues to shift to a paradigm of
"non-standard" work, women are disproportionately slotted into positions of part-time, casual, contract, or shift
work, with little security, fewer benefits, and minimal
professional advancement. Given the prospect of lowpaying and irregular waged work, while continuing to
shoulder the preponderance of child-rearing and other
unpaid "domestic" responsibilities, social assistance has
become a necessary reality in many women's lives.' Perhaps contrary to popular (mis)conceptions of free-riding,
this assistance comes at aprice. For many social assistance
recipients, it permits heightened surveillance and regulation over their private activities, both at the state and
societal levels. For instance, recipients of social assistance
are often subject to scrutiny regarding spending habits,
lifestyle, and other normally private choices. Underlying
this is the pervasive implication that once public funds
("ourntax dollars) are used, what is "boughtn becomes
public property. Or, at the very least, recipients of social
assistance should feel indebted to the generosity of the
state. Under this understanding social assistance is neither a right nor a remedy, but simply a benevolent gesture
of goodwill, with poorly defined and arbitrarily enforce-
able rights against the grantor.
These themes are starkly highlighted in a recent judgment from the Supreme Court of Canada, which considered whether certain distinctions made under the Quebec social assistance laws violated the human rights of
Louise Gosselin. With a narrow five-four majority, it was
held that Ms. Gosselin's rights under the Canadian Charter
ofRights and Freedoms were not violated? The majority
held that the Quebec government's decision to reduce
the monthly benefits of single social assistance recipients
under thirty to one-third the normal rate-a mere $170
per month-was neither an infringement of the security
of the person nor discriminatory. Ms. Gosselin had framed
her case as a class action, claiming on behalf of the class
of social assistance recipients affected by the regulations
from 1985 to 1989. Due to constraints of space, we
confine our remarks to reviewing the latter determination that Ms. Gosselin's right to equality under section
15 of the Charter4was not violated by the Quebec social
assistance regime.5 The decision (particularly the majority judgment) lacked a nuanced evaluation of the social
context of social assistance recipients and recognition of
the disproportionate impact poverty has on women.
This disregard led to three primary difficulties with the
legal analysis: (1) failure to account for the actual experience of recipients and the consequent use of stereotypes
as a substitute for evidence; (2) an impoverished-understanding of the intersectionality of discrimination; and
(3) the reinforcement of underlying stereotypes about
the poor.
Failing to Account for the Social Context of Social
Assistance Recipients
Among the many issues discussed by the Supreme
Court of Canada in Gosselin one of the most contentious
was the evidence required to support Ms. Gosselin's7
claims. In considering the evidence, the Court arguably
misapplied the standard established in previous jurispru175
dence. In the absence of what it viewed as appropriate
evidence, the majority seemed to resort to the use of
stereotypical generalizations to underpin its legal argument. These stereotypes are problematic, not only because
they went unacknowledged in the judgment and are
incorrect, but also because they have been effectively
cemented through the legal mechanism of judicial notice,
which allows the court to rely on certain widely accepted
facts without proof. Thus judicial notice, in addition to
the reliance on legal precedent, allows these stereotypes to
be reapplied unquestioned
as presumed facts. Thus
they will now be difficult
Given the prospect
of low-paying a ~ d
irregular waged
work, white
shoulder other
beeame a necessary
reality i@many
~ o r n e nfives.
to challenge.
A Dz@ential Standard
of Prooffir Social
Assistance Recipients?
~ h i e f ~ u s t iMc~achlin
in her decision for the maioritv ofthe court held that
the claimant had not adduced sufficient evidence
to ground her claim. This
position was made clear
throughout her decision
beginning with her reference to the lack of "direct
evidence of any other
young person's experience
with the government programs" provided by Ms.
This was seen again
in the majority's concern
for making inferences about the program's ability to
respond to the needs of a particular group "absent concrete e~idence."~
McLachlin C.J. expressed further concern with the mode of evidence adduced by the plaintiff,
pointingout that Ms. Gosselin "alone provided first-hand
evidence and testimony as a class member,"'O and that
there was "no indication that Ms. Gosselin [could] be
considered representative of the [under thirty] class.""
These judicial dicta are troubling for the following
reasons. First, McLachlin C.J. appears to have applied a
higher standard of evidence to the social assistance recipient-claimant in this case than has generally been required
in section 15 equality challenges. In the highly influential
earlier case of Law v. Canadz, Iacobucci J., speaking for
the Court, expresslywarned against imposing too heavy a
burden on claimants and clarified that claimants would
not be required to adduce social science evidence or other
data "not generally available, in order to show a violation
of the claimant's dignity or freedom." Rather, they should
be allowed, if appropriate, to rely on judicial notice and
logical reasoning
- to establish their claims.'2
Second, although it appears that the majority did not
explicitly ask for the claimant to adduce data or social
science evidence, this palliative does not withstand closer
inspection. The majority complained that Ms. Gosselin
had not adduced sufficient evidence of the problems
faced by other members of the class of social assistance
recipients she claimed to represent and implied that she
might not be representative of the class. This begs the
rhetorical question of how many claimants would be
required to prove that Ms. Gosselin is representative of
a class.13We think it unlikely that the testimony of four
(0.005 per cent of participants), 15 (0.02 per cent) or
even 100 (0.1 per cent) participants in a program of
75,000 participants would have been adequate or rigorous enough to meet this elusive standard of representativeness. Ultimately the evidentiary requirements to demonstrate discrimination against even a minute fraction of
participants could become an extensive research exercise
In s o c k science data collection. This burden of proof
seemed particularly onerous since Ms. Gosselin's claim
of the existence of the group "harmed by facts deriving
from a common origin"14had already been proved in the
authorization as a class action; as the authorization was
not a live issue in the appeal, there was no legal requirement that Ms. Gosselin provide extra proof that she
represented the class. O n the level of principle, a claimant's decision to organize the claim as a class action
should not jeopardize her case, particularly since it discourages the use of collective action to seek a judicial
remedy for a social problem faced by a group.
Third, the inadequacy of Ms. Gosselin's evidence, as
held by the majority, seemed to have affected the finding
of discrimination in her particular case. Discrimination
against even one claimant, however, should be sufficient
to found a Charter violation. As Bastarache J. accurately
pointed out in his dissent, "it would be a departure from
past jurisprudence for this Court to refuse to find a
Canadian Charter breach on the basis that the claimant
had not proven disadvantage to enough others."I5Stringent evidentiary requirements on claimants to show discrimination, means that they consequently shoulder a
large part ofthe evidentia~~burden
that should procedurally
(and properly) rest on the government to defend its
The fourth major problem is the barrier this decision
creates for socio-economically deprived claimants who
may wish to challenge the allocation of benefits by the
government. Placing such a high standard of evidence on
claimants may put these challenges out of reach of such
parties, both in terms of the investment required to
generate the data for these cases as well as the difficulty of
contacting people who live in poverty. Those living in
poverty are often transient due to insecure accommodations and employment, potentially with limited access to
technology and other resource^.'^ Further, such individuals may be reluctant to respond to any demands for
information to avoid jeopardizing the benefits they currently receive.
The Use of Stereotypes
The heightened threshold for evidence presented by
claimants may lead courts to rely more heavily on assumptions or stereotypes about the classes of claimants before
them. Although McLachlin C.J. explicitly rejected this
approach, it was arguably central to the majority's analysis. First, McLachlin C.J. repeatedly rested arguments in
her judgment on the stereotype of the enhanced employability of younger people. She stated, for example that
"young adults as a class do not seem especiallyvulnerable
or undervalued."17She continued by stating that to believe
that young adults may be subject to "negative preconceptions" would be a "counter-intuitive" proposition,18 adding that "[ilf anything, people under 30 appear to be
advantaged over older people in finding employment.""
These comments were based on a belief that youth are
more flexible and have more modern skills than older
A second stereotype underpinning the majority judgment (and workfare programs generally) was that youth
must be forced through financial desperation to pursue
work-training opportunities.'' Further stereotyping in
Gosselin posited that younger people do not respond as
well as older people to the incentive programs created by
the g o ~ e r n m e n t . ~ ~
Not only did the Court base its decisions on stereotypical assertions regarding youth employment, it also denied
that it was engaging in this exercise. Bastarache J. pointed
out that even though the legislature might have had
positive intentions in differentiating
- between the over and
under thirty groups, doing so was based on the "unverifiable presumption that people under 30 had better chances
of employment and lower needs."23 McLachlin C.J. refuted this argument in saying that Bastarache J.'s point
seemed "to place on the legislator the duty to verify all its
assumptions empirically, even when these assumptions
are reasonably grounded in everyday experience and common sense."'*
Although not touched on by the Court, many more
considerations can underpin youth employability.25The
problems with the "fact" of youth employability upon
which the majority relies are both theoretical and empirical. Theoretically, youth are not necessarily at an advantage. Youth are burdened by the assumption that they can
"family breadwinners" with whom older employers may
identify. Both these (mis)perceptions may make it easier
for an employer to terminate a young person's employment or decide not to hire her in the first place. Further,
youth may be thought to be unreliable, transient, rebellious, and resourceful such that they will find a way to
survive with less money. By contrast, older claimants may
be particularly advantaged by the fact that they have more
job and life experience, greater awareness of available
training programs and opportunities, longer track records,
greater knowledge of the system, and larger networks of
contacts. Also, older claimants may inspire greater commitment from employers as they share certain contextual
These misperceptions about younger claimants, and
potentially more favourable conditions for older claimants, are supported by the empirical evidence. The most
recent Statistics Canada data for 2001 (easily accessible
and accurate data available through the internet) demonstrate that the perception
that youth may be more able to
find and maintain employment is i n c o r r e ~ tThe
. ~ ~ group
facing the highest rates of unemployment is that of 15 to
19-year-olds (16.6 per cent); the lowest rate is held by 45
to 54-year-olds (5.4 per cent). Even between groups with
relatively similar participation rates, younger people fare
worse than older people: 23 to 34-year-olds have a 6.9 per
cent unemployment rate
whereas 45 to 54-year-olds
have a 5.4 per cent unemContrary
ployment rate. These staf r n i ~ ) c ~ @ ions
~ e P of
tistics are oaralleled bv the
data available for Quebec
in the census years 198 1,
assistarrce comes at
1986, 1991, and 1996,
which show 20 to 24-yeara price. For many
olds as having unemploysocial assistance
ment rates of 16.3 per cent,
it permits
18.4 per cent, 17.2 per cent
and 17.1 per cent in those
heia htened
years a n d 25 to %-yearsurveillance and
olds (with relatively similar
participation rates in the
regulation over their
labour market) as having
Private activities,
unemployment rates of 8.0
both at .Ithe state and
percent, 10.8percent, 10.8
per cent and 10.6 per cent.27
societal fevels.
Unemployment rates for
in Quebec
have consistently been over five per cent higher than those
of older people.
Finally, McLachlin C.J. justified her conclusions by
noting that "the idea that younger people may have an
easier time finding employment than older people" was
not an "arbitrary and demeaning stereotypenz8and, therefore, was unproblematic. This ignores the majority's own
find jobs easily if they look for them and that they are not
warning that paternalistic intentions for a group's "own
Finally, the seemingly heightened burden on this particular group of claimants, and in particular on Ms.
Gosselin as the representative of the group, leads to the
possible inference that the evidence provided by someone
in poverty is somehow less worthy ofbeing believed. As we
will see in the following section, the idea that the credibility of those receiving social assistance is somehow impaired, especially in the context of claiming benefits, is
derived from particular stereotypes of youth living in
good" can still be discriminatory when based on presumed or stereotypical characteristics of a group.29The
idea that younger people, simply because they are young,
are more capable than those 30 and over of finding
employment if they only make the effort to do so, is such
an unsupported a ~ s u m p t i o n This
. ~ ~ assumption effectively acts as an unquestioned standard that young people receiving social assistance are required to meet, or, in
other words, a stereotype incorporated into the analysis
to justify the finding of no discrimination. Although not
demeaning in the strict sense, it is still an arbitrary
There is no reason in principle, therefore, why a
discrimination claim positing an intersection of
grounds cannot be understood as analogous to, or as
a synthesis of, the grounds listed in S. 15(1).33
However, the judicial drive to categorize, and more
specifically, to work within traditionally recognized categories, is apparent in Gosselin,where each of the judges
unquestioningly accepted that the distinction faced by
Ms. Gosselin was based on the ground of age. T o be fair,
this was how the claimant framed her section 15 claim. We
Quite aparl Cram a question of whether a minimum level of
assistance should be a governmental obligation, discriminatory
treatment within a social assistance scheme is parlicuriavly
egregious because its purpose purports tca be highly
cornptementavy to greater equality goals
generalization. Despite having recognized earlier in its
judgment that the market conditions were largely responsible for disproportionately high rates of youth unemployment, the majority used "everyday experience
and common sense" to validate the generalization that
"younger people may have an easier time finding employment than older pe~ple."~'
By using the government's non-malicious intent as an analytical tool for
masking the discriminatory assumptions underlying that
intent, the majority allows these assumptions to be perpetuated, endorsed, and left unquestioned.
Failure to Account for the Intersectional and Subtle
Nature of Discrimination
In the past, the legal analysis of section 15 focused
largely on slottingclaimants into discretegrounds (such as
sex, sexual orientation, race, ability, and so on) which
resulted in claimants whose identities traversed more than
one of the judicially-defined watertight compartments
(e.g. a lesbian woman of colour) being forced to distort
their identities in order to gain legal re~ognition.~'
In the
process, the more nuanced and contextual aspects of the
discrimination they faced were ignored, marginalized or
misunderstood. Recently, in the Law case, the Court
appeared to try to address this rigidity and its consequences by acknowledging a more holistic approach:
[I]t is open to a claimant to articulate a discrimination claim under more than one of the enumerated
and analogous grounds. If the court determines that
recognition of a ground or confluence of grounds as
analogous would serve to advance the fundamental
purpose of S. 15(1), the gound or grounds will then
be so recognized.
would argue, however, that this is, if not wrong, then
inaccurate and created four problematic issues for the
analysis in this case.
First, a Court is required to account for "the claimant's
already disadvantaged position ... resulting in
substantively different treatment ..." 3 4 in assessing
whether she has suffered discrimination. In this case, the
claimant's status as either a person living in poverty, an
unemployed person, a recipient of social assistance, or all
three, has placed her in an already disadvantaged position under the regulation. This disadvantage was exacerbated by the lower social assistance rates she received as
a person under 30. Therefore, a truly contextual and
purposive analysis cannot exclude consideration of her
socio-economic status.
- the legislative distinction in Gosselin was
formally one of age, it was the claimant's socio-economic
status and her dependence on social assistance that made
this distinction possible. It has been recognized that the
poor, and especially those on social assistance, are disproportionately susceptible to state-sanctioned invasions of
regulation of personal lifestyle,36and discrimination.37By summarily deciding, as the majority did in
Gosselin, that the prohibited ground is one of age alone,
there can only be a fragmented and partial understanding
ofhow age and socio-economicstatus interact to discriminate against the claimant. The granting and withholding
of resources for basic human necessities should be the
distinction at issue. Recognizing this distinction (either
combined with age or as a primary ground) would allow
for a more accurate, realistic, and contextual approach to
a claim of discrimination. The following comment made
by former Justice La Forest as chair of the Canadian
Human Rights Act Review Panel, which recommended
the inclusion of "social condition" as a prohibited ground
of discrimination to address the claims of discrimination
of those living in poverty, is apposite:
Some barriers related to poverty could be challenged
on one or more of the existing grounds. However,
these cases have rarely been successful. They are
difficult to prove because they do not challenge the
discrimination directly.. .. [I]f a ~ o l i c yor practice
adversely affects all poor people or all people with a
low level of education, aground-by-groundconsidera-
tion of the issue can be seen as a piecemealsolution that
fails to take into account the cumulative effect of the
problem. [emphasis added]38
Second, in both the majority and dissent, poverty was
understood as an externality. None of the justices was
willing to consider poverty as a possible ground, in itself
or in combination with another ground, so long as the
finding- that the claimant had been subject to differential
treatment could be based on an enumerated ground (in
this case, age). The majority characterized poverty as the
product of the lack of individual effort to become employed. The dissent, written by Bastarache J. situated
poverty as a precursor of discrimination, to be considered
~ ' the words ofMcLachlin
merely as a background f a ~ t o r . In
C.J. writing for the majority:
Given the lack of pre-existing disadvantage experienced by young adults, Ms. Gosselin attempts to shift
the focus from age to welfare, arguing that all welfare
recipients suffer from stereotyping and vulnerability.
However, this argument does not assist her claim.
The ground ofdiscrimination upon which she founds
her claim is age.. .. Re-defining the group as welfare
recipients aged 18 to 30 does not help us answer that
question, in particular because the 30-and-over group
that Ms. Gosselin asks us to use as a basis of comparison also consists entirely of welfare recipient^.^'
they relate t o discrimination claims based o n
socio-economic status. There was evidence before the
Court in Gosselin of multiple intersecting !grounds: that
women in poverty were more susceptible to abuse, harass; ~ ~persons with disabiliment, and sexual e x p l o i t a t i ~ nthat
ties, racialized persons, Aboriginal persons, and single
parents disproportionately live in poverty;43and, as we
have seen, that age and geography are also markers of
poverty for both youth and seniors. Clearly, a claim based
on numerous characteristics should not delegitimize or
preclude the claims of those who suffer discrimination on
fewer grounds or on a single gound. At the same time, an
additive or compounding approach to the intersectionality
of discrimination does not further the cause of substantive
equality but rather devolves it into a formalistic calculus.44
Unfortunately, all the judgments in Gosselin, for the most
part, glossed over intersectionality and opted instead for
the more simplistic, but necessarily incomplete approach
of focusing on the single enumerated ground of age.
Underlying Stereotypes
People living in poverty or of low socio-economic status
face a host of barriers and discrimination. Earlier we
argued that differential standards of proof for social assistance recipient claimants may lead to reliance on stereotypes by the court, which are then entrenched through
judicial notice and precedent. Here, we will highlight the
more insidious stereotypes that may have influenced the
decision in Gosselin and which could erect roadblocks to
achieving substantive equality in future cases. The following comment of the majority is one example:
Simply handing over a bigger welfare cheque would
have done nothing to help welfare recipients under
30 escape from unemployment and its potentially
devastating social and psychological consequences
above and beyond the short-term loss of income. A
young person who relies on welfare during this
crucial initial period is denied those formative experiences which, for those who successfully undertake
the transition into the productive work force, lay the
foundation for economic self-sufficiency and autonomy, not to mention self-esteem. The longer a
young person stays on welfare, the more difficult it
becomes to integrate into the work force at a later
time. In this way, reliance on welfare can contribute
to a vicious circle of inability to find work, despair,
and increasingly dismal prospects. [emphasisaddedI4'
Although the majority was willing to compare those
over 30 to those under 30 at the level of generality in
determining pre-existing disadvantage, it refused to evaluate differences between social assistancerecipients because
they constituted a disadvantaged group as a whole. This
"minus one" approach to evaluating discrimination is
rigid and unrealistic. It only allows single deviations from
the societal norm: young versus old; affluent versus poor;
employed versus unemployed. This sort of dichotomous
thinking can (and should) be avoided ifsubstantive equality is to be achieved.
This leads to a third problem: while the Court forewarned us in an earlier decision not to encourage a "race
to the bottom" ofcompeting disadvantage^,^' the decision
in Gosselin to focus on the single enumerated ground of
age only highlights the lacuna in the jurisprudence regard-
This kind of statement fails to recognize that dependence on social assistance offers neither a liveable existence
nor a valued status in our society. It ignores that the
effort involved in simply surviving on only $170 per
month could be an all-consuming job in itself. Daily
trials would include finding enough food when access to
ing intersectionality and equality rights-particularly
food banks is limited and restricted; finding reasonable
accommodations when rents are high, when landlords
flected in the majority judgment where evidence mitigatare unwilling to rent to social assistance recipients, and
ing a finding of discrimination was cited (as to the
when public housing is scarce; finding employment withunemployment rates of youth in Quebec at the time),
out the expected attire and tools for job interviews; and
but subsequentlydisregarded in favour of "common sense"
maintaining employment, or even accepting promotion,
assumptions that youth, if they just tried hard enough,
when the amount of any extra revenue or cost-saving
could become "productive" members of society. There
measure is "clawed-back" by social assistance as an offset
was no discussion that the scheme itself may have created
to the deemed amount of needs.46For women in particuor perpetuated barriers to employment. For instance, the
lar, there is also often the added burden of childcare, the
social assistance claw-back, which is still a strong aspect
higher incidence of discrimination in hiring and in pay,
of our current social aid schemes, was completely igand the heightened exposure to sexual harassment or exnored. Thus, it was open to the majority to freely assume
ploitation. In this light, a greater
that social assistance was simply
amount of assistance or "a bigger
an income supplement:
"\IVelfare re~ipients
welfare cheque" could, in fact, be
more conducive to employability
[There is no] evidence of the
seen i unremiHi ngl y
because it would enable people to
actual income of under-30s
negative terms by the
have a small measure of security
who did not participate; clearly
and time to assess their options
e~oanovrrieatlvsecure, Vivid "aid received is not necessarily
and opportunitie~.~~
stereotypes[bingo, booze, equivalent to "total income.""
In addition to failing to account
etc.] ~e\reala rang@of
for the simple realities of those
Even though
- receiving
- income
living in poverty, the paternalisin excess of the maximum level of
irnaaes of Social
tic undertones of the passage
assistance would be contrary to
Assistance Recipients the Reeulation
above would seem to be based on
" social
underlying stereotypes ofthe poor
indolent and feeble aid, possibly even criminal,50and
and the young as being unemperpetuate the stereotype
to abusers of the system. would
ployed by choice, lack of motivaof "welfare cheats" abusing the
tion, or laziness. Clearly the masystem, it was the majority's asjority did not intend to invoke stereotypes, but its subtle
sumption that it occurred that was the basis for findingassumptions (combined with the lack of proof or discusthat no discrimination existed.
sion of their veracity) are reflective of the insidious disUnderlying all of these stereotypes-dishonesty, irrecrimination faced by the poor in society generally. Jean
sponsibility, and laziness, for example-is the latent and
Swanson provides an evocative account of such discrimilurking conception of social assistance as charity rather
than as a societal duty or individual right. So long as social
assistance is conceived of as, at best, the benevolent
Somewhat surprisingly, moral explanatory accounts
generosity of the majority, and at worst, stealing from the
of poverty were more common and powerfully perrich to give to the poor, then the human dignity of those
living in poverty or those receiving social assistance will
ceived causes of poverty: lack of responsibility, effort
always be impaired.
or family skills were universally cited explanations.. ..
The majority used the term "dignity" freely when
Most secure participants [in a political focus testing
study] see children as deserving and their parents as
supporting its judgment. The concept of dignity, howless so [possibly unwitting agents of their children's
ever, is inherently malleable and can be avessel to be filled
misfortune] ... Welfare recipients are seen in unreby many different concepts, as has been discovered by
many common law courts around the
The mamittingly negative terms by the economically sejority's conception of dignity in Gosselin is particularly
cure. Vivid stereotypes [bingo, booze, etc.] reveal a
range of images of SARs [Social Assistance Recipichallenging. References to the dignity of work and
long-term self-sufficiency regardless of whether it means
ents] from indolent and feeble to instrumental abusers of the system. Few seem to reconcile these hostile
living with one's parents or being unable to survive
images of SARs as authors of their own misfortune
demonstrate a lack of consideration for the realities of the
class before them: there is no discussion of the "dignity"
with a parallel consensus that endemic structural
. of
unemployment will be a fixed feature of the new
being compelled to perform the workno one else wants for
minimum wage. Certainly, there is little dignity in the
stereotypical assumption that social assistance recipients
Such blatant contradictions between group characterwill not participate in work or training opportunities
istics and societal realities are recurring indications that
unless forced through financial deprivation. Fundamenstereotypes are at play. As discussed above, this is retally, the workfare nature of the Quebec legislation re-
moved the choice to work and the right to be free from
coercion that should be central to human digr~ity.~'
Quite apart from a question of whether a minimum
level of assistance should be a governmental obligation,
discriminatory treatment within a social assistance scheme
is particularly egregious because its purpose purports to
be highly complementary to greater equality goals: to
promote the equal participation in our society of groups
that may be particularly vulnerable to systemic, attitudinal,
and other barriers to the realization of their potential or
goals as individuals; to promote "a society in which all
are secure in the knowledge that they are recognized at
law as equal human beings, equally capable, and equally
As this piece has argued, the recent decision in Gosselin
reinforces and creates barriers to the use of the justice
system to remedy discrimination against social assistance
recipients, many ofwhom are women. The direct impact
of social assistance regimes on women is evident in the
r s Falkiner
~ ~
v. Onrecent cases of Kimberly R ~ ~ e and
t a r i ~Both
. ~ ~ very publicly challenge the infringements of
privacy and dignity, as well as the strong impulses to
"discipline" and coerce recipients that lies at the root of
many of the Supreme Court of Canada's stereotypical
assumptions. Gosselin could have addressed these problems head-on, but failed to do so and even created tools to
justify regressive conclusions. The Court's failure to incorporate the intersecting and textured nature of socioeconomic disadvantage in its analysis impoverished the
understanding of equality protected by the Charter. kThe
erection of evidentiary barriers, the substitution of stereotypes for reasons and facts and the use of stereotypes as
rhetorical props will only enhance this trend. The bounded
nature of legal decision-mahng, through backward-looking- doctrines such as precedent and judicial notice, bodes
poorly for a radical change in future cases. The promise in
section 15 of substantive equality for all Canadians will
remain unhlfilled so long as procedural and evidentiary
obstacles to collective action are erected and so long- as the
law fails to acknowledge and critically examine the complex nature of socio-economic disadvantage and discrimination.
parent mothers and unattached women are over-represented as social assistance recipients in relation to their
proportion of the population, as well as forming the
majority of social assistance recipients, online: National
Council of Welfare <http://www.ncwcnbes.net/>.
3Gosselin v. Quebec, 2002 SCC 84.
4Section 15(1) of the Charter provides that: "Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right
to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law
without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability."
In Gosselin the Supreme Court primarily relied on the
g o u n d of "age" in determining whether discrimination
had occurred. Notably, the Charter does not provide
explicit protection for discrimination for social condition,
socio-economic status or poverty.
5 ~further
~ rdiscussion on the breach of an "economic"
right to security of the person, see the judgment ofArbour
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors
and are not to be attributed to Justice Canada in any way.
'This is highlighted by statistics available from the Na-
'See N. Kim and T. Piper, "Back to the Poorhouse ...:
Gosselin v. Quebec" (2004) 38 McGill L.J.
'Who will be referred to throughout as either the "appellant" or "claimant."
'Supra note 1 at para. 8.
'Ibid. at para. 54.
''Ibid. at para. 8.
"Ibid. at para. 47.
12Lawv. Canada, [l9991 1 S.C.R. 497 at paras. 77-78.
13Supranote 1 at para. 33.
I4Ibid. at para. 249.
I5Supranote 1 at para. 249.
"See e.g. Statistics Canada, "Internet use rates, by location
ofaccess and household income," online: StatisticsCanada
17Supranote 1 at para. 33.
'*Ibid. at para. 32: Concerns about age-based discrimination typically relate to discrimination against people of
advanced age who are presumed to lack abilities that they
may in fact possess. Young people do not have a similar
history ofbeing undervalued. This is by no means dispositive of the discrimination issue, but it may be relevant, as
it was in Law.
191bid.at para. 34.
201bid.,citing McKinnq v. University of Guelph, [l9901 3
S.C.R. 229 at para. 92 [McKinnq].
'lSee e.g., Gosselin, ibid. at para. 60. See also ibid. at para.
250, per Bastarache J.
"Ibid. at para. 250.
231bid.at para. 248.
'*Ibid. at para. 56 [emphasis added].
251bid.at para. 250.
26StatisticsCanada, "Labour Force Characteristics by Age
and Sex," online: Statistics Canada <http://www.statcan
.ca/english/Pgdb/labor20a.htm>. Bastarache J. reached a
tional Council of Welfare which documents that single-
similar conclusion on an analysis of the statistics adduced
Natasha Kirn,. LL.B. (Dalhousie), LL.M. Candidate
Tina Piper, LL.B. (Dalhousie), B. C.L. (Oxon), Dphil Candidate (Oxon).
in Gosselin, supra note 1 at para. 235 [emphasis added]:
The purpose of undertaking a contextual discrimination
analysis is to try to determine whether the dignity of the
claimant was actually threatened. In this case, we are not
dealing with a general age distinction but with one applicable within a particular social group, welfare recipients.
Within that group, the record makes clear that it was not,
in fact, easier for persons under 30 to get jobs as opposed
to their elders. Thus, the stereotypical view upon which
the distinction was based, that the young social welfare
recipients suffer no special economic disadvantages, was
not grounded in fact; it was based on old assumptions
regarding the employability of young people. The creation of the assistance programs themselves demonstrates
that the government itselfwas aware of this disadvantage.
"See Statistics Canada, "198 1-1996 Census - Labour
Force Activity by Sex and Age Groups, Quebec, Both
Sexes," online: Statistics Canada <http://www.statcan.ca/
'*Supra note 1 at 248.
Z9Zbidat para. 27. See also ibid. at para. 243, per Bastarache
J. (only a "detrimental" purpose is to be considered).
30Seeibid. at paras. 403- 10, Lebel J.
31Zbid.at para. 56.
32SeeNitya Iyer, "Categorical Denials: Equality Rights
and the Shaping of Social Identity" (1993) 19 Queen's
L.J. 179, discussing the problems of falling through the
cracks or pushing others through the cracks in the context
ofMossopandSymesv. Canada ([l9931 4 S.C.R. 695). See
also Nitya Duclos, "DisappearingWomen: Racial Minority Women in Human Rights Cases" (1993) 6 C.J.W.L.
25. See also Audrey Macklin, "Symes v. M.NR.: Where
Sex Meets Class" (1992) 5 C.J.W.L. 498.
33Supranote 8 at para. 93-94.
341bid.at para. 88.
35Seee.g. Glasgow v. Nova Scotia (Minister of Community
Services) (1999), 178 N.S.R. (2d) 115. A similar reading
could be inferred from the result in Re Privary Act (Can.),
[2001] 3 S.C.R. 905.
36Falkinarv. Ontario (Minister of Community and Social
Services) (2002), 59 O.R. (3d) 481 (C.A.) and other cases
where the "spouse in the house" rule affecting social
assistance has been found unconstitutional.
37Seee.g. Dartmouth/Halifax County Regional Housing
Authority v. Sparks (1993), 119 N.S.R. (2d) 91 (S.C.);
Sheilagh Turkington, "A Proposal to Amend the Ontario
Human Rights Code: Recognizing Povertyism" (1993) 9
J.L. and Social Pol'y 134; Martha Jackman, "Constitutional Contact with the Disparities in the World: Poverty
as a Prohibited Ground of Discrimination Under the
Canadian Charter and Human Rights Law" (1994) 2 Rev.
Const. Stud. 76; Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA)
Review Panel, PromotingEquality: A New Vision (Ottawa:
CHRA Review Panel, 2000) (Chair: Girard V. La Forest)
[CHRA Review Panel].
38CHRAReview Panel, ibid. at 108 [emphasis added].
39Zbid.at para. 238.
40Supranote 1 at para. 35.
41Lovelacev. Ontario, [2000] 1 S.C.R. 950 at para. 69.
Bastarache J. reiterates this stance in Gosselin (supra note
l at 237). Similarly, a contextual and sensitive inquiry at
the grounds-definition stage should not mean a substantially heightened burden for the claimant. The test, and
the judges applying it, should be receptive to new and
complex claims without insisting on strict standards of
causation between the ground(s) and discrimination nor
perfect proof as to the discreteness or insularity of the
"See Gosselin, supra note 1 (Factum of the Inte~enner,
National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL),
paras. 5-9), online: PovNet <http:l/www.povnet.orgl
gosselin/gosselin-part l .htm> [NAWL
43SeeCHRA Review Panel, supra note 37 at 108; NAWL
Factum, ibid. See also A. Wayne MacKay, Tina Piper, and
Natasha Kim, "Social Condition as a Prohibited Ground
of Discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights
Act" (Canadian Human RightsAct Review, 2000), online:
Canada, Department ofJustice, Canadian Human Rights
Act Review <http://canada.justice.gc.ca/chra/en/
44SeeIyer, supra note 33.
45Supranote 1 at para. 43 [emphasis added].
46SocialAidAct,supra note 2, ss. 3, 12; Section VIII of the
Regulation respecting social aid, supra note 2.
47Seee.g. NAWL Factum, supra note 43 and Gosselin,
supra note 1(Factum of the Intewenor, Charter Committee on Poverty Issues).
**Partof a submission by Jean Swanson of End Legislated Poverty obtained from HRDC through an Access to
Information request and cited in CHRA Review Panel,
supranote 37 at 110 [all notes in square brackets except the
first in the CHRA report].
*'Supra note 1 at para. 5 1.
50Seethe case of Kimberley Rogers who died while under
house arrest for social assistance fraud. The results of a
coroner's inquest into her death included a number of
recommendations for changing the operation of the social
assistance scheme. Dawn Ontario: Disabled Women's
Network Ontario, "Justice With Dignity: Committee to
Remember Kimberly Rogers," online: Dawn Ontario
51 See e.g. National Coalitionfor Gay and Lesbian Equality
v. MinisterofHomeAffairs, [2000] 2 S. Afr. L.R. 1, [2000]
1 B. Const. L.R. 39 (S. Afr. Const. Ct.). See further Err01
P. Mendes, "Taking Equality into the 21st Century:
Establishing the Concept of Equal Human Dignity"
(2000-2001) 12 N.J.C.L. 3. Compare Roger Gibbins,
"How in the World Can You Contest Equal Human
Dignity?" (2000-2001) 12 N.J.C.L. 25.
521nterestingly, the majority noted that one of the
motivations for the implementation of a "conditional"
scheme was that section 15(3)(a) of the Canada Assistance
Plan (R.S.C., c. C-l, as rep. by B~d~etIrnplementationAct,
1995, S.C. 1995, c. 17, S. 32) did not allowworkfareto be
compulsory. Portrayed as "one of the major cornerstones
ofthe social security system in Canada," this portion ofthe
Canada Assistance Plan reflected the principle set forth in
the first paragraph of article 6 of the International Covenant on Economic, Socialand Cultural Rights, 16 December 1966,993 U.N.T.S. 3, art. 6, Can. T.S. 1976 No. 46
(entered into force 3 January 1976, accession by Canada
19 August 1976): "The State Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right to work, which includes the right
of everyone to the opportunity to gain his [or her] living
by work which he [or she] freely chooses or accepts.. .. "
[emphasis added]. See Gosselin, supra note 1 at para. 44.
53Egan,supra note 14. See also Canadian Human Rights
Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6, S. 2; Act to combatpoverty and
socialexclusion, S.Q. 2002, c. 61, Preamble, S. 1.
54Supranote 50.
55Falkinerwas on appeal from the Ontario Court of
Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. The case concerned the constitutionality of the loss ofwelfare benefits
by persons who CO-residewith a member of the opposite
sex (the spouse in the house rule). Revoked in the late
1980s, it was re-implemented in 1995. Of the thousands
cut off from social assistance, 90 per cent were womenmany of them single mothers. The Ontario government
re-revoked the rule and the appeal was abandoned.
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