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This article explores the meaning of “resistance” and suggests a new path for “resistance studies,” which is an emerging and interdisciplinary field of the social sciences that is still relatively fragmented and heterogeneous. Resistance... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsCultural SociologySocial Networks
TRADUÇÃO E TRANSFORMAÇÃO SOCIAL: UMA ENTREVISTA COM MONA BAKER Tradução de Junia Zaidan e Patrick Rezende No segundo semestre de 2018, durante estágio de pós-doutoramento junto ao Centro de Tradução e Estudos Interculturais (CTIS), na... more
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      Translation StudiesCritical applied linguisticsActivism and translationTranslation and Interpreting Studies
This talk aims to
> give you some insights into translation / interpreting theory
> give you some insights into translation / interpreting practice and stakeholders
> leave you with more questions than answers
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      EthicsTranslation StudiesTranslation theoryInterpreting Studies
Inspired by studies on minority language in translation and feminist translation studies, this article presents an analysis of a small corpus of Kurdish literature in English translation and examine the process of its constitution, its... more
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      Translation StudiesKurdish StudiesMinority LanguagesTranslation and Activisim
Translation can be considered a "means of exchange and negotiation among people, nations and states" (Gambier & van Doorslaer, 2013, p. 73). Translation studies explore the concept "translation", especially when placed outside the... more
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    • Activism and translation
One significant development in translation studies in the last two decades has been the intense interest shown by researchers in issues pertaining to the different, and sometimes multiple, roles which translators or works of translation... more
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      Relation between Translation Theory and the Practice of TranslationActivism and translationTranslation during the Late Qing Period
(Excerto de capítulo - no prelo, previsão de publicação: 2019) Resumo: Exploramos neste capítulo os modos como se dá a disputa entre narrativas concorrentes através de atos de tradução que inscrevem o conflito resultante tanto das... more
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      Activism and translationEstudos da Tradução
This chapter examines the reliance of asylum as a legal category on a transnational social-scientific vocabulary since its codification into international law in 1951. It makes a case for the use of a vernacular, non-imported lexicon in... more
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      AsylumTranslation and InterpretationActivism and translation