Administrative History
Recent papers in Administrative History
it translated into Italian and into Croatian. I was not then attracted to the idea. In the first place I believed that other historical writings in the two languages had already satisfied, with works o f greater weight, the demands o f... more
Küresel piyasa ilişkilerinin iktisadi ve toplumsal örgütlenmeye egemen olmasının istendiği bir düzende amaç, ulusal siyasetten/yönetimden bağımsız bir devlettoprak ilişkisi yaratmaktır. İl yönetimi/mülki idare sisteminde değişim, şimdiye... more
In dit inleidend artikel op de bundel 'Het openbaar bestuur in historisch perspectief' ga ik in op de wijze waarop in het verleden over de modernisering van het openbaar bestuur werd gesproken.
This paper is about the power relations in the late nineteenth-century Trabzon vilayet and refers to mechanisms and patterns of local administration.
By the end of the 19th century, the Prussian censuses registered regularly the nationality of the population according to a standard criterion: the mother tongue. The background to this institutionalization could be mapped out in terms of... more
In the "Rise of a Capital: Al-Fusṭāṭ and Its Hinterland, 18/639-132/750", Jelle Bruning maps al-Fusṭāṭ’s development from a garrison town founded by Muslim conquerors near modern Cairo (Egypt) in c. 640 C.E. into a bustling provincial... more
15 Knowles, David: Th e monastic order in England. A history of its development from the times of St. Dunstan to the Fourth Lateran council 940-1214 (dále jen Th e monastic order in England). Cambridge 1966, s. 134-136, 687. Přitom práce... more
A strand of recent German historiography on the kingdom of Westphalia emphasizes the discrepancy between Napoleon’s reformist ambitions and the actual results of his rule. This school of thought argues that Napoleon’s continued fiscal and... more
William Gurnee Sinnigen was a Classicist and Roman historian, active in the mid-to-late 20 th century. Trained at the University of Michigan by noted Roman administrative historian Arthur E. R. Boak, Sinnigen continued his mentor's work... more
sono state realizzate da Foto Alcide. Ogni ulteriore riproduzione è vietata. «I sAvJ deL PALAzzo sAntInI» INDICE 7 Matteo Garzella, Centocinquant'anni di governo rappresentativo della città 10 Nota introduttiva 11 Gian Luca Fruci, Prima e... more
The field of public policy involves two fields of study: "producing knowledge for public policy" and "producing knowledge of public policy". This distinction, which leads to defining public policy on the dualities of politics-knowledge,... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Mária Terézia, Karol Ferdinand Königsegg von Erps a reformy štátnej banskej správy v habsburskej monarchii [Maria Theresia, Karl Ferdinand Königsegg von Erps und die Reformen der staatlichen Montanverwaltung in der... more
My dissertation discusses the activity of a Middle Assyrian government agency tasked with supplying the daily Gināu offering in the Assyrian capital. In particular it focuses on the various methods of risk management this agency used to... more
The decade preceding the Greek Revolution of 1821 was one of transition on Crete. The Empire-wide political changes initiated during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II acted as a catalyst for the redistribution of local power on the island and... more
Delivered at the Tudor & Stuart History Seminar at the Institute of Historical Research, London, on 13 December 2021. English sheriffs had kept courts since the Anglo-Saxon period. Not only did the Tudor sheriff assist the justices of... more
الملخص لما قضت الدولة العثمانية على الدولة المملوكية عام 1517م، عملت على تأسيس إدارتها في الجزيرة العربية؛ للسيطرة على الأوضاع في البحر الأحمر وخليج البصرة. ونظراً لوجود الأماكن المقدسة الهامة للعالم الإسلامي في الجزيرة العربية فقد أضفى... more
The Communization of the Romanian society in the late 40’s and early 50’s has not meant only political, economic and social changes, but also a new administrative system, including a different territorial-administrative framework. By the... more
Eberhard Crailsheim, "Aufbau und Verwaltung der iberischen Kolonialreiche," in Andreas Obenaus (ed.), Europas maritime Expansion Ideen und Innovationen, Entdeckungen und Eroberungen vom 9. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (Vienna, Mandelbaum... more
Paru comme deuxième partie de l’article écrit en collaboration avec Christian Guilleré : Guido Castelnuovo, Christian Guilleré, « Les finances et l'administration de l'État savoyard au XIIIe siècle », dans Pierre II de Savoie, « le petit... more
Dengan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Purworejo Nomor 1 2019, Pemda Purworejo dalam bentuk DPRD dan bupati petahana Haji Agus Bastian MM, telah mengakui kenyataan asal-usul sang ibukota Bagelen dan jasa leluhur - artinya bahwa HUT kabupaten... more
Siyaset ya da politika, toplumu yönetmekle ilgili görüş ve anlayış biçiminde tanımlanabilir. Aristo, siyasetin temel tanımını "devlet işleri" olarak belirlemişti. Siyaset; iktidar mücadelesi, yöneten-yönetilen arasındaki ilişkilerin... more
The Cairo Geniza preserved thousands of Arabic-script texts, among them documents from the Fatimid and Ayyubid government administration. This essay offers a brief overview of the state document corpus from the Geniza. It also surveys... more
The paper surveys the data for ‘gifts’ in the sphere of administration and officialdom in first millennium BCE Babylonia, in particularly in the times of the Neo-Babylonian empire. Its ultimate objective is to investigate to which degree... more
A history of the Neo-Assyrian empire, seen mainly from the point of view of the "everyday" documents from the state archives of the Assyrian capital cities, analyzed by genre and function, with many textual quotes. Reviews: Pierre... more
This study, my professorial thesis, or Habilitationsschrift, focuses on administrative confusion and social disruptions in the Habsburg monarchy from the Thirty Years' War to Charles VI (r. 1711-40). I will demonstrate that these two... more
The book reconstructs in detail the development of the Croatian and Slavonian Military Border in the 16th century. Special emphasis is put on the 1570s when Habsburgs and Inner-Austrian Estates profoundly reformed their military... more
The National Archives in London holds many rolls produced by or for the Exchequer in the thirteenth century which have received little attention. These rolls were used in the process of compiling the pipe rolls, the great annual summaries... more
6. L'AAI ncl Minisl(ro dall'lnlerno c lc prospetlivc tlcll'a:;sistenza sociale nella riforma regionale di Giovanna Tosatti* l. L'AAI nel Ministero dell'Interno Nel 1962, come è noto, con la legge del 12 agosto, n. 1340 I'AAI, fino a quel... more