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Agitation is a common problem in patients suffering from dementia and encompasses a variety of behaviors such as repetitive acts, restlessness, wandering, and aggressive behaviors. Agitation reduces the probability of positive social... more
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      MusicDementiaMusic TherapyDementia Care
Since its accession to the Indian union, Jammu and Kashmir is facing several inter –state and intra –state upheavals. As an enduring inter –state problem between India and Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir attracted enormous international... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningIntra-State ConflictJammu and KashmirAgitation
Although the 2017 revival of the #MeToo campaign has received mass media praise, it’s direct contribution to the current social shift fighting for social and political justice has yet to be empirically documented. Did this campaign... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityGlobalizationRace and RacismMedia Ecology
This co-authored article reflects upon the form and process of the project “A Polyphonic Essay on Intimacy and Distance” commissioned for the Transart Triennale 2016. The reflection on this process locates itself in four core areas: the... more
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      Feminist TheoryCollaborationDiscoursePolyphony
Die Umgestaltung der DDR-Universitäten verdankte sich Personen, die sich der Erziehung der Nachwachsenden zum "sozialistischen Menschen" verpflichtet hatten. Diese richteteten Strukturen ein, mit deren Hilfe missliebige... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of ScienceTransformation of University SystemsCultural Memory
Agitation may occur in many settings: upon emergence from anesthesia, in the context of certain mental illnesses, secondary to brain injury or substance abuse, as a side effect of medication, and with certain forms of cognitive... more
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      DementiaAlzheimer's DiseaseAgitation
Most of food waste consisting mainly with carbohydrates that can be fermented to produce ethanol. The carbohydrate polymers are hydrolyzed using HCl acid to be split into glucose. Hydrolysis process carried out with the aid of stirring so... more
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      Food WasteEthanolAgitation
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
In the Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus and “Why Are There Several Arts, Not Just One?”, Jean-Luc Nancy engages with the work of Immanuel Kant in order to launch an aesthetic inquiry into the quandries of representation and the... more
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      Jean-Luc NancyImmanuel KantAesthetics and Theory of ArtsKnowledge Creation
The purpose of this experiment is investigate flow patterns by using baffles or free baffle with different agitator and to calculate agitator power requirements by using selected agitator type and agitation rate.
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      Fluid DynamicsAgitation
The dynamics in Kashmir valley have undergone a vast change in past few years. Recent developments have shown that the underlying separatist sentiment aided overtly and covertly by Pakistan has again started to manifest itself,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
Die Ereignisse, Tatsachen etc., die den Ausgangspunkt des Agitationsprozesses bilden, sind unter diesem Gesichtspunkt Informationsquellen. Ganz abstrakt gesehen, sind Menschen, Gruppen von Menschen. Informationstheoretisch ist das... more
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      Social CyberneticsManipulationKybernetikAgitation
Political communication depends on publicity which for a long period of time could only be provided by mass media. But the relation between the political system and the media system was and still is quite difficult, always depending, for... more
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      Information SystemsPropagandaRhetoricsPersuasion
После революционных событий 1917 г. молодая советская власть начала создавать корпус массовых периодических изданий, обслуживающих новую идеологию. Для реализации политики женского «раскрепощения» в 1920-е годы было решено выпускать... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSiberian StudiesMass Communication and Media Studies
The distilled water productivity of the single basin single slope solar still is very low. In this work, the experimental modification was carried out in the single basin single slope solar still to improve the performance. Experimental... more
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      Solar StillDistillationAgitation
The transesterification reaction models available in the literature are valid only for one particular mixing condition. In this work, a modeling strategy is presented in order to predict the effect of mixing conditions in the... more
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This Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been
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The elderly need proper medical and psychiatric care and attention. So, choosing an appropriate therapeutic method for their psychological care, especially in the elderly with cognitive impairment, will be effective in improving their... more
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      Mild Cognitive ImpairmentCognitive RehabilitationApathyHumor Therapy
To identify knowledge gaps regarding new-onset agitation and impulsivity prior to onset of cognitive impairment or dementia the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment Neuropsychiatric Syndromes (NPS)... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseImpulsivity and self-controlDemenciasAgitation
Article presents and discusses Czechoslovakian and Soviet propaganda films. In the text there were shown motives that are common for both Czechoslovakian and Soviet films. Referring to presented analysis it is possible to state that the... more
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      PropagandaCinematographyNewsreelsPropaganda Film
The protests that broke out after the elimination of HM Commander Burhan Wani on 08 July 2016 took the State and security establishment by surprise and caught them completely off guard. This unrest was qualitatively different from... more
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The language of politics has to be of too different kinds--- one for agitation and other for propaganda (see Lenin's "What is to be done?"). For more theoretical formulations, a higher style is required.
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This paper examines the perceived deprivations in the Niger Delta that have led to the demand for resource control in the Niger Delta region. The study relies mainly on secondary sources for its analysis. There is a reliance on existing... more
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      Social SciencesNatural ResourcesNigeriaSocial deprivation
Electoral code contains numerous regulations allowing the candidates the freedom of electoral campaign (which means the opportunity to present themselves as well as the their own programme). Such freedom is not - and might not be –... more
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Bir manik hastada valproata bağlı ajitasyon ve irritabilite: olgu sunumu Valproat duygudurum düzenleyici özellikleri olan bir antikonvülzan ilaçtır. Aynı zamanda ajitasyon, irritabilite ve dürtüsel saldırgan davranışlar ile başa çıkmak... more
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      Adverse Drug ReactionsAgitationSodium ValproateIrritability
Telengana stands on the threshold of achieving of its 60-year-old dream of statehood. But the outpouring of rage among people in the other regions of Andhra Pradesh and the revival of the demands for new states across the country pose a... more
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      Indian studiesIndiaIndologyStatehood
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      Russian Civil WarAgitationRed ArmyDesertion
There are times to 'speak French', that is to agitate and arouse the people with a definite view and goal to attain. There are also other times to 'speak German', that is, to spread ideas with a long-term view and goal. This is how Lenin... more
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Production of biodegradable plastic, polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) was demonstrated using culture of moderately haloalkalitolerant Halomonas campisalis MCMB-1027. Production of PHA was carried out at different aeration (0.5-1, 1, and 1.5... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringAgitationAeration
To the Editor: Dexmedetomidine has been used to treat agitation and delirium in the intensive care units (ICUs). 1 However, there is very little literature reporting agitation following use of dexmedetomidine. A 45-year-old male weighing... more
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      Chronic PainDexmedetomidineAgitation
Objective: Alzheimer's is a progressive and debilitating disease of the brain that causes serious damage to human thoughts and memory and is associated with psychological disorders such as insomnia and agitation. This study aimed to... more
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      PsychiatryAlzheimer's DiseaseInsomniaMeditation
Self-injurious behaviors (SIBs) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are destructive symptoms that can lead to dangerous injuries and life-threatening risks. Agitation and SIBs may not respond to psychopharmacological and behavioral... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersMedicineElectroconvulsive therapyAgitation
Concrete is a composite material obtained by mixing cement, sand, aggregates with water in suitable proportions. Concrete after mixing has to be transported at the final positions before setting takes place. Placing of concrete at its... more
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      SegregationConcretePipelineQuality Control