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1st year Philosophy Undergraduate at Roehampton University
1st Essay for Classical Philosophy
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPlatoAllegory of the Cave
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      American LiteratureReligionAnthropologyPhilosophy
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      PlatoSocratesAllegory of the CavePlato's Apology of Socrates
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Plato's Republic clearly outlines his ideal of state eduction for the three classes in his state — the hoi polloi & merchants, the guardians, & the philosopher king(s). But who and what is the education ultimately for? IF it leads to the... more
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      PlatoPropaganda & Indoctrination StudiesTotalitarianismPoliarchy v. Elitism
What does it mean, the king is naked? The earlier version of this essay, which discusses the political implications of the concept of truth by Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, and Alain Badiou with reference to Plato’s allegory of the cave... more
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      Political TheoryPlatoIdeologyMartin Heidegger
The main topic of this synthesis is consumerism.
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      PlatoConsumerismReasoning about UncertaintyFaith
In Hamlet’s kingdom the main mechanism that acts as a catalyst to the plot is the Ghost, a shadow- like figure, something in-between truth and falsity, which delineates reality and the characters’ perception of it. Shakespeare in his play... more
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      PlatoShakespeareCounterfactual ThinkingHamlet
Plato’s educational scheme is indeed a “turning around” of the soul. His intensive training program involves (1) the soul’s liberation from the shackles of ignorance, (2) the soul’s painful but rewarding realizations of new realities,... more
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      PhilosophyEducationPlatoAllegory of the Cave
Worth noting, is that Wall-Romana relies heavily on biographical explanatory arguments for constructing his historiographical model and that this seems genuinely at odds with his over-zealous advocacy of post-structuralist methods such as... more
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      PsychoanalysisQueer TheoryImmanuel KantCinema
This paper discusses the lessons learnt from an analysis and interpretation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave in the context of modern society dominated by technological advances and more specifically by the wide spread use of the Internet... more
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      PhilosophyEducationWeb 2.0Internet Studies
In this article I reinterpret Plato’s allegory of the cave as dramatizing democracy’s dependency on slave labor. Doing so, I argue that Plato allegorizes not the birth of the philosopher, as in the dominant readings of the allegory, but... more
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      Political TheoryPlatoJacques RancièreAlain Badiou
ABSTRACT: This work addresses the controversial issue of the utopian nature of Plato's Republic. The thesis is that it is legitimate to consider the Republic as the first utopia in the history of Western literature only if it is... more
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      PlatoResilienceUtopian StudiesUtopian Literature
In this essay I test and contest Lerner’s grandiose and pessimistic generalizations in his _The Hatred of Poetry_ (2016) via Emily Dickinson, who figures prominently in his text. I then turn to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “The Poet,” a... more
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      American LiteraturePlatoLiteratureEmily Dickinson
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      PlatoAllegory of the Cave
The promulgation of the S.B. 2366 of the 14th Congress ofthe Philippines; which entails to that: “No Filipino Child must be Left Behind” became the basic foundation for education to be accessible and to uplift them. It is the primary... more
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      PlatoPhilosophy of EducationJean Jaques RousseauAllegory of the Cave
The article focuses on the topic of Greek and Roman influences on His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. The author presents the ancient origins of several motifs of the trilogy, for example compares the daemon from His Dark Materials to... more
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      English LiteratureChildren's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureDemonology
This is a draft of my dissertation, defended on August 17, 2016 at The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy in Washington, DC. A hard copy can be ordered through Pro Quest. The published version can be seen here:... more
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      MythologyEpistemologyGreek LiteraturePlato
Plato tells the 'Allegory of the Cave' to Glaucon and here how it goes-once there was a cave and in that cave some people were chained from their birth. They could not move their legs, nor even their necks. In such a position all they... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAegean ArchaeologyAegeanArchaeology of Crete
Plato’s story, as it appears in the Republic speaks of both the human desire for liberation, and our inherent need for transcendence. The fact that such a description of human existence still rings true for us almost 2500 years on is a... more
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      MythologyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPlato
My paper aims at thematizing the notion of “arche-screen,” meant as the ensemble of the conditions of possibility of “monstration [showing],” which in the history of our culture have gradually been opened by the rupestrian wall, the veil,... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual CultureVisual perceptionMaurice Merleau-Ponty
Abstract: In this paper I claim that Plato’s Cave is fundamentally a political, not an epistemological image, and that only by treating it as such can we appreciate correctly its relation to the images of the Sun and the Line. On the... more
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
I present first the challenge for epistemology when it faces the dilemma between rationalism and empiricism, followed by a presentation of the ideas introduced by Ruyer in order to ask if they can be articulated to the "third way" in... more
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      EpistemologyInformation TheoryPlatoAxiology
„Der Beitrag von Meinolf Schumacher zeigt zunächst am Beispiel des Gefängnis-Topos, daß die Bildhaftigkeit des Textes nicht in jedem Fall eine Umsetzung ins graphische Medium evoziert. Gerade die Gefängnismetaphorik, für die eine feste... more
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      Late Latin LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval German LiteratureTheodicy
Porphyry's position in the ancient hermeneutic tradition should be considered separately from his place in the Platonic tradition. He shows considerable respect for allego-rizing interpreters with links to Pythagoreanism, particularly... more
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      PlatoPlato and PlatonismNeoplatonismPorphyry
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      PlatoPopular CultureSocratesAllegory of the Cave
Although many commentators on Rousseau’s philosophy have noted its affinities with Platonism and acknowledged the debt that Rousseau himself expressed to Plato on numerous occasions, David Williams is the first to offer a thoroughgoing,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyMetaphysicsPolitical Philosophy
Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll der philologisch basierte Versuch unternommen werden, ein besseres Verständnis dessen zu erreichen, was Platon mit dem Wort φύσις in seinem Höhlengleichnis der Politeia gemeint haben könnte. Während sich die... more
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      ClassicsPlatoAncient PhilosophyPlato and Platonism
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      Medieval LiteraturePlatoPatristicsMedieval German Literature
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      Ancient HistoryMythologyPhilosophyPlato
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      PlatoPhenomenologyAncient Greek PhilosophyAllegory of the Cave
Including arguments about The Dimensional Dollar and Profit through the Senses.
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophyMetaphysics
Brins d'éternité, numéro 35 (printemps 2013), p. 96-104.
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      Fiction WritingMythologyPhilosophyHilary Putnam
The primary aim of my research project is to analyse and evaluate the symbols and images found in the treatise, On the Cave of Nymphs, in the Odyssey by the Neoplatonic philosopher, Porphyry of Tyre (234-c305 C.E.) and to offer an... more
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Plato's famous allegory was employed while analyzing a number of famous literary pieces like Gulliver's Travels, Wings, The Man Who Lived Underground, and The Bluest Eye. Though Henry James's masterpiece The Portrait of a Lady is not... more
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      English LiteraturePlatoHenry JamesAllegory of the Cave
Weil’s allusions for Ex. 3,14, “I am who I am”, in the Marseille’s writings are the basis of this contribution, which is aimed at exploring some aspects of the encounter between Platonism and Christianity in the author’s thought. Weil... more
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      Simone WeilPlato and PlatonismChristian SpiritualityTranscendence
Readership All interested in the Platonic tradition, particularly Neoplatonism, tradition of the ancient allegorical interpretation, ancient literary criticism, Homer and his reception. For more information see Order... more
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Grounded in the idea that God is a moral ideal that invites our continual reflection and growth, and drawing on the biblical narrative of the golden calf and the Platonic allegory of the cave, this essay considers how the words of the... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyPlatoPhilosophical Theology
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      PlatoAllegory of the CavePlatón
Plato's famous allegory was employed while analyzing a number of famous literary pieces like Gulliver's Travels, Wings, The Man Who Lived Underground, and The Bluest Eye. Though Henry James's masterpiece The Portrait of a Lady is not... more
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      PsychologyEnglish LiteratureArt HistoryArt
Platons Höhlengleichnis und Nietzsches Dialog vom Wanderer und seinem Schatten beleuchten den Zusammenhang von Wahrheit - und Klugheit. Jenseits des Wahrheitsbegriffs, der bloß auf die Adäquatio von Begriff und Gegenstand geht, umfasst... more
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      PlatoTruthFriedrich NietzscheAllegory of the Cave
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      Medieval LiteraturePlatoMedieval German LiteratureHans Blumenberg
This edited volume brings together contributions from prominent scholars to discuss new approaches to Plato’s philosophy, especially in the burgeoning fields of Platonic ontology and psychology. Topics such as the relationship between... more
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Proclus' Commentary on the Republic Translated, Annotated, and Introduced by Brian Duvick Volume 2 Essay 12 On the Cave in the Seventh Book of the Republic
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      PlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyProclusPlato and Platonism
Cinema always seeking and exploring new and various sources to adapt and creation of films as its final product. On the other hand, philosophy is more applied as a framework for expression, critic, description, and explanation or... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoAllegory of the CaveCinematic Adaptation
Originally written as a speech, this thesis was exposed in the class of Political Philosophy at the University of Milan in March 2018. This paper pays a brief tribute to Professor Stephen Hawking analyzing some interesting insights... more
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      PhysicsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyCosmology (Physics)
From Chauvet Cave to Plato’s cave, we can track the achievement of a heightened awareness of our ways of noticing reality, not as an ‘intellectualization’ of reality, but as a series of visual, artistic accomplishments – a significant... more
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      AestheticsPlatoImmanuel KantPaleolithic Europe
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      PlatoConservatismPlato and PlatonismAllegory of the Cave
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      Comparative LiteratureAllegory of the CaveEuropean Literatures and Cultures