Recent papers in Amblyopia
A peculiar occasional observation prompted our attention some years ago on the relationship between age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and amblyopia. A 75-year old gentleman, family friend of one of us (ECC) for decades, developed an... more
ABSTRACT Amblyopia is a developmental ocular disease of childhood-onset which may lead to persistent sequelae into adulthood. Early detection and management of amblyopia usually result in an improved visual outcome. The purpose of this... more
Non-strabismic, non-amblyopic intermittent central suppression (ICS) has been the crux of the challenge I have in accepting the conventional wisdom of suppression development: " Diplopiaphobia. " Reconciling the on-again, off-again... more
Emerging technologies are now giving us unprecedented access to manipulate brain circuits, shedding new light on treatments for amblyopia. This research is identifying key circuit elements that control brain plasticity and highlight... more
This study reports the presentation of 961 children who underwent amblyopia treatment at seven orthoptic We thank
Purpose To investigate the psychosocial impact of amblyopia therapy on children and their carers. Method The study was prospective and incorporated a repeated-measures design.
The validity and repeatability of visual acuity measures are particularly important in the detection and monitoring of childhood visual anomalies such as amblyopia. The repeatability and sensitivity of a new computerised visual acuity... more
To investigate the age-specific prevalence and causes of visual impairment and blindness in an epidemiologic study of an adult Scandinavian population.
Although historically, treatment of amblyopia has been recommended prior to closure of a critical window in visual development, the existence and duration of that critical window is currently unclear. Moreover, there is clear evidence,... more
Ophthalmologic symptoms are often not sufficiently accounted for by organic pathology. The complaints of these patients have been labeled hysterical, psychogenic, nonorganic, or functional. The psychiatric nosology in this area may be the... more
We describe a psychophysical method for assessing binocular integration using dichopticallypresented uniform fields. By temporally modulating uniform field luminances at different frequencies between the eyes, a rhythmic bear is... more
The major types of ametropia and visual problems for Hong Kong Chinese and Caucasian children are different. Consequently, the referral criteria developed for Caucasian children may not be applicable to Hong Kong children. Results of our... more
Historically, the trochlear (IV) nerve has been "neglected" by neurologists and ophthalmologists.
Amblyopia is one of the most common causes of visual impairment in adults and children, and visual loss may be permanent if not treated in time. Though many studies have been done on occlusion therapy which is the mainstay in the... more
PURPOSE. Development or restoration of binocular vision is one of the key goals of strabismus management; however, the functional impact of stereoacuity has largely been neglected. METHODS. Subjects aged 10 to 30 years with normal,... more
Purpose Anisometropia of more than one dioptre during the sensitive visual period may cause amblyopia. Its management requires refractive correction, and occlusion. Compliance with treatment is critical if visual improvement is to... more
Amblyopia is a developmental ocular disease of childhood-onset which may lead to persistent sequelae into adulthood. Early detection and management of amblyopia usually result in an improved visual outcome. The purpose of this study was... more
Objective: To develop a questionnaire to assess the acceptability of amblyopia treatment and its effect on the child and family. Methods: A 20-item parental survey was developed and pilot tested on 64 subjects, aged 3 to 6 years,... more
Purpose: To compare the Kay Picture Test and the logMAR Crowded Test. Methods: Monocular visual acuity measurement was attempted on 103 paediatric subjects (aged between 2.5 and 16 years) attending eye clinics, using each of the visual... more
Aim: To describe the visual response to spectacle correction (''refractive adaptation'') for children with unilateral amblyopia as a function of age, type of amblyopia, and category of refractive error. Method: Measurement of corrected... more
for Quality Eye Care without any external financial support. Authors and reviewers of the guidelines are volunteers and do not receive any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The guidelines are externally... more
To investigate the level of agreement between orthoptists and medical practitioners in the comprehensive eye examination of children seen in an orthoptist-led triage clinic. Patient records over a 6-month period were retrospectively... more
Mata adalah cerminan jiwa, demikian kata pepatah. Sehingga tidak ada salah jika kita membahas secara tuntas anatomi dan fisiologi mata. Anatomi dan fisiologi mata perlu diketahui lebih dalam, untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut... more
The visual outcomes for infants 18 months or younger with cataracts have improved dramatically over the past couple of decades. Earlier detection of infantile cataract and prompt surgical removal-with subsequent visual rehabilitation with... more
To describe the prevalence of hyperopia and associated factors in a representative sample of Australian schoolchildren 6 and 12 years old.
Background: Standard clinical treatment methods for amblyopia penalize the non-amblyopic eye, with subsequent compliance problems, and do not address the binocular vision abnormality. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a novel... more
The fundamental concept in the emerging field of rehabilitation and brain plasticity is that although there is much constancy in brain function and organization across our lifetime, there is remarkable variability as well. This... more
To report the distribution of stereoacuity thresholds and ocular characteristics associated with reduced stereoacuity in a representative sample of 12-year-old Australian children.
Citation information: Debert I, de Alencar LM, Polati M, Souza MB & Alves MR. Oculometric parameters of hyperopia in children with esotropic amblyopia.
Objective-To determine visual acuity improvement in children with strabismic and combined strabismic-anisometropic (combined-mechanism) amblyopia treated with optical correction alone and to explore factors associated with improvement.
Background: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been shown to enhance visual cortex plasticity in adult animals (Maya-Vetencourt, Sale et al. 2008). The aim of this study was to assess whether SSRIs increase visual cortex... more
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference between full chart, single line, and single optotypes visual acuity (VA) test results in healthy and amblyopic children. Methods: Thirty-five children with amblyopia (20 with... more
To identify children with isoametropic amblyopia due to moderate to high hyperopia and evaluate associated findings and visual acuity outcome.Charts from two university's pediatric ophthalmology clinics were reviewed retrospectively.... more
Purpose-To determine the amount and time course of binocular visual acuity improvement during treatment of bilateral refractive amblyopia in children age 3 to <10 years old