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Beine, Julia Jennifer; Fischer, Frank; Orekhov, Boris: Greek Drama Corpus. Last update: 04.08.2021. URL: (last access 01.10.2021).
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      Greek TragedyDigital HumanitiesStylometricsNetwork Analysis
Πρόκειται για την παρουσίαση που δημιουργήθηκε για τις ανάγκες της υποστήριξης της Μεταπτυχιακής μου Εργασίας. Θίγονται επιγραμματικά οι στόχοι και τα συμπεράσματα της έρευνάς μου, η οποία ήταν επικεντρωμένη στην μορφή και τον ρόλο που... more
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      Ancient Greek ComedyHetairaiHetaeraAncient Greek Litterature
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      Greek ComedyMenanderTheatre HistoryAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
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      AristophanesEtymologyAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Language
Tradicionalmente relacionados somente à perpetuação de herdeiros, a sexualidade e o corpo feminino não foram validados enquanto objetos de estudo pela historiografia do século XIX até meados do XX. Contudo, é notório como ambos estiveram... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGender StudiesAristophanes
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      PlatoSophoclesDemosthenesAncient Greek Theatre
We propose to this simply meant 'instrument for moving', referring to the notorious use of the beet as a laxative, which also explains both why the word was considered funny by the Greeks and also why the Doric form (incorrectly listed as... more
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      EthnobotanyHistory of MedicineEtymologyAncient Indo-European Languages
Popular participation and the nature of political power in democratic Athens have long been object of debate among scholars. This workshop will focus on a specific facet of this debate: the political class of Athenian democracy. Was there... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek TragedyGreek EpigraphyPublic Deliberation
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      AristophanesGreek and Latin prosody and metricsAncient Greek ComedyColometric Analysis
The tragedies of Euripides are composed of traditional mythological material, yet the characters in his tragedies question the validity of their own stories, including the involvement of gods and goddesses. Philosophy, historiography, and... more
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      RationalismAncient Greek RhetoricAncient Greek HistoriographyAncient Greek Philosophy
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      Greek ComedyRoman ComedyAncient Greek Comedy
About the alleged father of Comedy.
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek ComedyAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
Intervention au séminaire doctoral
"Femmes de pouvoir"

Université de Lille
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      ClassicsMenanderWomen's StudiesGender and Sexuality
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greece (History)
[Please message me if you would like to request a full digital copy of this publication.] In the wake of the disastrous end to the Sicilian expedition in 413, Euripides brought Hypsipyle to the stage, thus renewing the Dionysian... more
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      MusicologyGreek TragedyAristophanesDramatic Literature
"Häusliche Gewalt" in den Komödien des Aristophanes, in: E. Nemeth (Hg.): Violence in Prehistory and Antiquity - Gewalt in der Vorgeschichte und im Altertum, Kaiserslautern/Mehlingen 2018, S. 225-236.
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      Greek HistoryGreek ComedyAristophanesDomestic Violence
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      EuripidesAncient GreecePolisAntigone
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesMenanderNew Comedy
in Actas del IX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos (Madrid 1995), Madrid 1998, vol.4, pp. 313-316.
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      Ancient Greek ComedyReception of Ancient Greek ComedyAristophanes' Assemblywomen
The paper deals with five quotations from Attic drama preserved in the books 17-18 of Priscian’s Ars (6th c. AD), which were written drawing on an ancient Atticist lexicographical source (1st/2nd c. AD). Progress in studies on the... more
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyGreek ComedyTextual Scholarship
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      Greek LiteratureLiterary TheoryAncient Greek Comedy
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      AristophanesAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek ComedyHorses
Este artigo analisa a ocorrência da imagem do cão que furta alimento em quatro peças supérstites de Aristófanes: Acarnenses, Cavaleiros, Vespas e Pluto. Seu objetivo é delimitar o topos, entender sua relevância para a antiga comédia ática... more
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      AristophanesAncient Greek ComedyAncient Greek Drama
ABSTRACT - The reason for the demagogue Cleon’s pressing charges against Aristophanes was not the latter’s criticism of Athenian imperialism in the comedy Babylonians staged in 426 a.C. From Diceopoli’s speech (Aristoph. Ach. 520-516),... more
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      AristophanesAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Comedy
LSJ glosses μυρίνης ‘sweet wine’, citing for this meaning Diph. fr. 17.10, Posidipp.Com. fr. 36 and Ael. VH 12.31, but adds immediately thereafter ‘prob(ably) wine flavoured with μύρον’ (perfume), for which more specific sense the reader... more
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      Ancient Greek LanguageAncient Greek LiteratureAncient Greek ComedyGreek symposion
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAncient Greek Comedy
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesGreek and Latin prosody and metricsAristophanes Plutus
AIA/SCS Joint Meeting

Toronto, 5-8 January 2017
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      AristophanesGreek and Roman Gods & GoddessesAncient Greek ComedyThe Birds by Aristophanes
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesHoraceRoman Satire
Comentario al verso 885 de Pluto.
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      Greek ComedyAncient Greek Comedy
BMCR 2016.10.3
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesComedy
pdf available here: Greek drama has been subject to ongoing textual and historical interpretation, but surprisingly little scholarship has examined the people who composed the theater... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek TragedyTheatre History
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      Greek ComedyFragmentary dramasAncient Greek ComedyFragmentary Plays
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    • Ancient Greek Comedy
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    • Ancient Greek Comedy
Tesi triennale discussa presso l'Università di Pisa (14.10.14), relatore prof. M. Tulli.
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesSocratesAristophanic comedy
In the scarce texts we have of the comic writer Epicharm, 6th-5th centuries B.C., and the mimographer Sophron, 5th century B.C., both of them of Syracuse, there are attested to different notations to reflect the hiatuses /eo/ and /eɔː/ ,... more
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      Ancient Greek LinguisticsAncient Greek ComedyEpicharmus
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      AristophanesAncient Greek ComedyAncient Greek Drama
The Paestan vase-painting of Zeus on a see-saw (from an unidentified mythological comedy) represents a type of comic scene known in ancient Greek theatre: erotic flirtation between two personages (an aspiring lover and his ladylove) is... more
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      AeschylusPlautusAncient Greek ComedyDiphilus
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      AristophanesAncient Greek Comedy
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    • Ancient Greek Comedy
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    • Ancient Greek Comedy
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Comedy
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      Greek ComedySecond SophisticClassical Reception StudiesReception of Antiquity
In the most important modern Greek dictionaries we find an entry for the word "peripolis", which is recorded as a coinage of the comic poet Phrynichus in fr. 34 K.-A. from his lost play entitled Muses (405 B.C.); but, if we consider the... more
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      Ancient Greek ComedyPhrynichus Com.History of Classical PhilologyJulius Pollux
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      Visual StudiesRoman ComedyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreVision and the Gaze
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      Greek ComedyAelianAncient Greek ComedyReception of ancient Greek and Latin drama
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesClassical Reception StudiesAncient Greek Comedy
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      Greek ComedyFragmentary dramasAncient Greek ComedyPherecrates
This book is a study of the ways in which classical Athenian texts represent and evaluate the morality of deception. It is particularly concerned with the way in which the telling of lies was a problem for the world's first democracy and... more
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      Political PhilosophyClassicsGreek HistoryGreek Tragedy