Ancient Mediterranean Religions
Recent papers in Ancient Mediterranean Religions
The bronze crescent moon with Etruscan dedication to the lunar deity Tiur is a remarkable epigraphic document associated with Città della Pieve by virtue of its long collecting history, which sees it at the center of attention of... more
This bachelor’s thesis deals with Classical antiquity’s concepts about society, religion and woman’s place in these structures. The goal of this thesis is to investigate these concepts influence on woman’s status and role in the early... more
The Collaborative Research Centre 1136 'Bildung und Religion' is pleased to invite you to attend the conference 'Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World', organised by Tanja Scheer and Irene Salvo, to be held on Wednesday the... more
Росица Гичева-Меймари Нов български университет ЧАСТ І. 1. ОБРЕДНИ ЛИЦА, ОБЛЕКЛО И АТРИБУТИ. В: Маразов, И. (ред.) "МИФ-12" Обредът. Департамент "История на културата", Нов Български Университет, София, 2007, с. 153-186. ЧАСТ І.2. ОБРЕДНИ... more
19,11) Durch die Hände des Paulus tat Gott auch nicht alltägliche Wunder, (12) so dass man sogar die Schweißtücher und Gürtel, die seinen Körper berührt hatten, den Kranken auflegte, und die Krankheiten wichen von ihnen und die bösen... more
Classical Quarterly 71.1 (2021): 259-75. This article examines the Roman tradition that Numa once negotiated with Jupiter about human sacrifice. Complete versions of the myth survive in Ovid, Plutarch and Arnobius (citing Valerius... more
The commercial level trading which emerged at the start of the Bronze Age was made possible by a common written language. That language was Akkadian in its syllabic (cuneiform) form, its phonetic form (Phaistos Disk and these Minoan... more
Most students of Roman society labor, still, in the shadow of Mommsen' s Staatsrecht. Though its various inadequacies have long been recognized, the edifice that Mommsen built remains a comfortable, if complex, home base from which we... more
Рецензия на: Гринбаум Д.Г. / Даймон в эллинистической астрологии: происхождение и влияние пер. с англ. Г. Н. Зеникова. М.: [Б. и.], 2019. 598 с.
Dear Colleague, We would like to thank you very sincerely for your presentation at the international symposium, entitled “Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine... more
Esta publicación se ha beneficiado de las siguientes ayudas para su financiación:
ASTARTE from EL CARAMBOLO. Who´s that girl? This paper presents a review from the sculpture in bronze named «Astarté from El Carambolo». Currently, you can visit this phoenician goddess in Sevilla, the scultpure belongs to the stable... more
The religious geography of Hatay, the southernmost province of Turkey, is shaped through a tapestry of sanctuaries of shared religious heritage. This chapter features four of the most prominent sites that illustrate the religious... more
Mainly we study the Iberian phase (fourth century BC) of one of the caves in the Sierra de los Hermanillos, identified as a sanctuary-cave, which is a new thing in Murcia, although these caves are well known in the surrounding areas of... more
Mainly we study the Iberian phase (fourth century BC) of one of the caves in the Sierra de los Hermanillos, identified as a sanctuary-cave, which is a new thing in Murcia, although these caves are well known in the surrounding areas of... more
"Estas páginas contienen una reflexión sobre un tema importante en el mundo antiguo: el aprovisionamiento de cereal al ejército romano. El hecho de que la base de la alimentación fuera el grano y su ausencia la causa más frecuente del... more
Encyclopedia Entry
The Italian Mission in Gerasa has employed most of the human and financial resources for carrying out the conservation and the restoration of the sanctuary of Artemis, the most important religious complex built in the heart of the ancient... more
Sanctuaries and religion were instrumental in forming the worldview of the ancient Cypriots, and one would expect that social power relations, meanings, and identities were expressed through the holistic concept of sacred landscapes. This... more
How can material artifacts help illuminate the religious lives of women in antiquity? In what ways do archaeological and art historical studies recover women’s religious perspectives and experiences that the literary record misses or... more
In a special thematic issue of Journal of Ancient Judaism edited by Jonathan Kaplan and Kelley Coblentz Bautch. Modern commentators on the Vitae Prophetarum have tended to assume that every prophet’s burial in this text was considered... more
The Book of the Archangels is a Christian magical text, traceable to the early Medieval period, but likely originating in late Antique Byzantium. This text was hitherto only published in its original Greek form, by R. Reitzenstein , and... more
I recenti scavi della Missione archeologica a Mozia della Sapienza nella Zona C hanno individuato il primo stanziamento fenicio, con una serie di pozzi e l'Edificio C8, i cui resti fotografano i momenti iniziali di vita della colonia... more
This article explores the relationship between power and cult, not in the age of the Cypriot city-kingdoms per se but rather in the context of a changing political landscape that eventually led to the abolition of the autonomous polities... more
Wachsmann, S. and et al. 1990. The Excavations of an Ancient Boat from the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret). Atiqot 19. Jerusalem, Israel Antiquities Authority.
Introduction: -Hathor in anthropomorphic form -The Seven Hathor-Goddesses -The Hathor-head -Zoomorphic forms of Hathor -Hathor in the form of 'menat'-necklace Iconographic index: I part: Hathor in anthropomorphic form -Hathor in the... more
Much like our world today, Late Antiquity (fourth-seventh centuries CE) is often seen as a period rife with religious violence, not least because the literary sources are full of stories of Christians attacking temples, statues and... more
The God Ra: Iconography (with all the forms and names from the "Litany of Ra") Introduction: -Ra as a falcon-headed man -Anthropomorphic form of Ra -Zoomorphic and combined forms of Ra -The Sun with the forms of Ra Iconographic index:... more
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.