Recent papers in Apiculture
segments the crop protection chemicals market with currant trends and forecasting of the revenues for herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. It also identifies the driving and restraining factors for the crop protection chemicals market... more
The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of replacing roasted, soaked, and coarsely ground lupin meal (RSCGLM) for soybean meal (SBM) as a protein ingredient on fertility, hatchability, and chick quality of white leghorn layers. A... more
Propolis is a natural substance collected by honey bees from various plants such as, poplar, palm, pine, conifer secretions, gums, resins, mucilage and leaf buds. It is collected and brought very painstakingly by honey bees to be used for... more
The in vitro rearing of honey bee larvae becomes an important tool for modern studies. Honey bee larvae are very fast in their growth. Thus, it is not easy to control the larvae within the beehives. Therefore, the need for rearing the... more
Potere allo sciame è il progetto della Scuola Ambulante di Agricoltura Sostenibile per un’apicoltura semplificata, naturale e responsabile, che favorisce il benessere animale. Un metodo alternativo a quello convenzionale che promuove una... more
A b s t r a c t The aim of this study was to develop an effective method of overwintering reserve honey bee queens in two-storey mini-plus mating nuclei and in 3-comb nuclei (frames 36 x 26 cm, Wielkopolski hive). The assay was performed... more
This research report categorizes the global water soluble types, and geography; forecasting the revenues and analyzing fertilizers market on the basis of origin, types, applications, crop the trends in each of the following submarkets:
Descripción breve de la función que emplea cada abeja dentro de una colmena según su jerarquia
Η καλλιέργεια Αρωματικών Φαρμακευτικών Φυτών (ΑΦΦ) έχει αναπτυχθεί ιδιαίτερα τα τελευταία χρόνια στην Ελλάδα. Έχοντας μία πλούσια βιοποικιλότητα σε έμβιους οργανισμούς αλλά και ποικιλία ενδιαιτημάτων, η Ελλάδα ενδείκνυται για την... more
parasito externo que ataca a las crias y afultos de las abejas
The study was conducted to investigate the cost of production, net income and creation of employment in apiculture practices in the Central Province of Zambia. The study aims to find out the type of technology used in honey production,... more
descipción breve de las causas de la enjambrazon
Aims: Apiculture is one of the potential businesses in Bangladesh. This study tries to examine, the profitability of apiculture practice by using financial analysis of investment costs and benefits. Study... more
La desaparición de abejas en todo el mundo se esta viendo más evidente. En México, a las autoridades parece no importale, pero ya esta generando pérdidas.
A survey study was conducted to study the benefit-cost analysis of apiculture enterprise in Jutpani VDC, Chitwan district. Data were collected by interviewing randomly selected 18 beekeepers for sample survey. Benefit : Cost (BC) ratio of... more
Regarding traditional beekeeping in Crete, based on the beekeeping methods and hives that have been recorded in recent centuries, we can distinguish two areas: central-western Crete, where vertical hives with movable combs were in use,... more
Information on the long-term consequences of Nosema ceranae to honey bee lifespan and effectiveness of Nosema control with fumagillin is scarce and not always consistent. Our objective in this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of... more
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is the major challenge for beekeeping worldwide. Therefore, various methods and materials for Varroa control have been suggested and tested including; plant extracts, essential oils, biological agents,... more
Mangrove eco-systems of Sundarbans maintain a very rich biodiversity. The Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris) in the forest of Sundari (Heritiera minor), Hental (Phoenix paludosa), Jelegaran (Ceriops decandra), Golpata (Nipa fruticans)... more
This paper based on a conference lecture is the most updated summary of the discovery of the 9th century BCE apiary at Tel Rehov, Israel and the identification of bee remains as Anatolian bees.
Diseases are known to be one of the major contributors to colony losses. Within a Europe-wide experiment on genotype -environment interactions, an initial 621 colonies were set up and maintained from 2009 to 2012. The colonies were... more
breve descripción de la reproduccion de las colmenas y de las abejas
Alimentacion de las abejas en epoca de crisis o escases floral, para prevenir el avandono de la colmena
Chapter 6 La apicultura en el ager de Segóbriga (Cuenca, Spain) ..
The study investigated the return on investment committed to apiculture (beekeeping) for honey and bee wax production in the Mampong Ashanti Municipality of Ghana. In pursuit of the investigation, twelve apiculturists (beekeepers) were... more
In this article, some traditional Greek Top Bar Hives are presented which can be considered the first with interchangeable uniform length top bars.
Srědnjevěčni pčelari: stilj, oblěčenje, pribory (pol. 11 -pol. 15 stolěťja) Sophia GERMANIDOU Archaeologist, Greek Ministry of Culture, GREECE
The first part of the book presents archaeological evidence from the Prehistoric Aegean and onward, which demonstrates the existence of an enduring, highly valued and advanced prehistoric Aegean apiculture. Some well known ceramic vessels... more
Beekeeping activity is one of the interesting activity that only takes small fraction of time of the beekeeper. The economic return of beekeeping is such a huge, i.e., Less input but high output. The other important thing is, its... more
In post-colonial Malta, Apis Mellifera, or the Western honeybee, exists as multiple subspecies. Recent attention on foreign honeybee importation has concerned Maltese beekeepers as the archipelago suffers from climate change. The Maltese... more
The evaluation of the beekeeping activity from the perspective of social sciences needs the integration of specialist information from various knowledge fields. Biology, economy, agricultural sciences, as well as some border line... more
L’abeille et son élevage sont soumis, depuis plus de vingt ans, à un ensemble de perturbations (pesticides, maladies, changements climatiques, pratiques agricoles) qui se combinent et interfèrent, plaçant les apiculteurs devant un horizon... more
Un articolo estratto dalla mia tesi di Laurea. Un introduzione alla simbologia dell’ape e del miele in Età Classica nel mondo Greco, simbolo di vita e di morte, ma anche di rinascita, il miele e le api hanno da sempre accompagnato l’uomo... more
Noţiuni generale despre propolis :Propolisul şi rolul său Propolisul este o răşină pe care albinele o recoltează de pe mugurii unor arbori. O depozitează pe picioarele din spate, o aduc în stup, unde este descărcată de către alte albine.... more
By dispensing with the need for ink while simultaneously providing a writing surface that retains plasticity over time, wax boards represent the precursors of modern tablets and one of the most relevant media in human history. Their... more