Art and Activism
Most downloaded papers in Art and Activism
This study examines artists’ approaches to social change in New York City from 1966 to 1976. During this period, overlapping communities of artists and art professionals sought means of providing a social meaning and purpose for their... more
At the nexus of art, urbanism and social activism is a rethinking of cities from the bottom--up
This article aims to explore the notion of activist-art, identifying it as a distinct tendency in Modern art through a re-examination of historical and theoretical approaches to the radical avant-garde, drawing on autonomist Marxist and... more
A companion piece to Brave New Avant Garde with an emphasis on art activism and creative industries.
Disobedient Objects was a major exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. It focused on art and design objects produced within activist social movements since the late 1970s internationally. It opened from 2014-15. It was the... more
“The phenomenon of art activism is central to our time because it is a new phenomenon” insists Boris Groys in his 2014 eFlux essay “On Art Activism,” and yet art activism has a solid backstory brimming with risks and minor victories,... more
As wondrous lands are represented as “wastelands” to make way for urban and industrial development in Hawaiʻi, kūpuna or elders and cultural practitioners are currently building a movement across the islands to mobilize moʻolelo (stories... more
Black Mask/Up Against the Wall Motherfucker existed from 1966-69 in New York, moving from abstract painting and intermedia environments to street posters and increasingly militant political happenings. They were definitive, influential... more
In this article I analyse the notion that social movement politics and contemporary art interventions increasingly traverse a porous boundary, be it in terms of practices, relations, or institutions. Premised on Nicolas Bourriaud's... more
Concerning my and our work in Eurocentric academia, to rethink Transgender studies, trans* politics and activism in relation to decoloniality, the text focuses on body-politics, knowledge production and trans* imaginary in the context of... more
This paper will try to investigate new and original forms of government of the commons. The Italian academic debate on common goods is at present very much alive, fed by several practical attempts which are variously spread and among them... more
En la década del setenta se desarrollaron prácticas gráficas alternativas que actuaron en la frontera entre lo poético y lo político y han sido mayormente excluidos del discurso canónico de la historia el arte en Puerto Rico porque... more
This article considers how computational simulation can be used to amplify imagination and make its effects sharable, persuasive and activist. It argues that this is not only possible but important for the future of design and introduces... more
Convocarte — Revista de Ciências da Arte n.º 5 Revista Internacional Digital com Comissão Científica Editorial e Revisão de Pares Tema do Dossier Temático ARTE E ACTIVISMO POLÍTICO: PERSPETIVAS DA HISTÓRIA DA ARTE E ESTUDOS DE CASO Ideia... more
This essay examines three critical artists who orchestrate participatory spectacles and experiences as a means of challenging neoliberal financialization, an overarching paradigm and process that is reshaping economics, politics, society... more
Kampung Dago Pojok is a local neighborhood within the Dago area of Bandung, an area wellknown for its cultural and artistic activities which have contributed significantly to the development of Bandung as a 'creative city' in the early... more
The uprising that started with Taksim Square’s Gezi Park in Istanbul on 28 May 2013 emerged as a unique movement of resistance in Turkey’s history and has continued without interruption in the last several weeks. The Gezi Park Movement... more
Este texto centra-se na relação da Arte Pública e a Política, particularmente nas origens históricas do 'novo género de arte pública' em articulação com as práticas que daí descendem.
This paper examines the protection of indigenous peoples’ intangible heritage at the international level. It addresses the problem of appropriation and commodification of traditional and artistic cultural expressions (‘TCEs’) through the... more
This article examines Henri Lefebvre's concept of revolution-as-festival, its textual sources and its relationship to contemporary notions developed by Georges Bataille and the Situationist International. It is a companion-piece to the... more
When I first became involved with the research of Saharawi culture and politics in 2011, one of the first people I had access to in order to start learning about the conflict and the role of music in the Saharawi struggle for independence... more
The Situationist International (SI) have become a canonical reference point when discussing artists' participation in political action or activism. This article attempts to decentre the SI from this position, by tracing their theories and... more
urban space, art, and social movements 2 2 Rebel streets : urban space, art, and social movements Art's presence in the urban space is dynamic and interactive that communicates the complex forms of globalization, cultural hybridity, and... more
The question can no longer just be whether “art and social practice” or creative forms of activism are part of larger neo liberal agenda nor if they are potentially radical in their conception, delivery or consumption. The question also... more
Art activism has been a key element in current social movements and uprisings, even as the relation of art and activism appears to have changed significantly during recent decades. In the aftermath of the alter-globalization movements,... more
Bifrost is an environmental arts-research intervention on climate change led by educators and researchers from the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES) working in close collaboration with visual artists and... more
This article explores forms of ‘grief-activism’ commemorating those who have perished on the move, in the waters surrounding EUrope, at physical border barriers, or on EUrope’s streets and in its detention centres. Contestations in death... more
Über das Verhältnis von Kunst und Aktivismus
ABSTRACT Departing from Judith Butler’s ground-breaking book Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, this article will explore why extra cultural meaning is attached to resisting bodies that are involved in demonstrating... more
The article explores cinematic and photographic images of the ‘Greek crisis’ in order to show how the visual can render the crisis both visible and invisible, clear and opaque, normalized and contested. Greek new wave cinema, iconic... more
An inner link has always connected the artistic avant-garde with acts of insurgency carried out by socially disenfranchised populations insofar as both embrace the possibility of an emancipated future that is radically at odds with the... more
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In this chapter, I describe one part of the strange and fateful symmetry between art and money, focusing on how this entanglement has evolved through the advance of financialization. I have selected the six works by radical artists from... more
Catálogo de la exposición del mismo nombre editado en ocasión de la muestra realizada en el Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos y en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile. Curadora: Paulina Varas
The pillars of the autonomous cantons of the Rojava Revolution in Syrian-Kurdistan enforce secular politics, gender equality through quotas, and the reduction of centralized structures to a minimum. These pillars are not derived from the... more