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Convocarte — Revista de Ciências da Arte n.º 5 Revista Internacional Digital com Comissão Científica Editorial e Revisão de Pares Tema do Dossier Temático ARTE E ACTIVISMO POLÍTICO: PERSPETIVAS DA HISTÓRIA DA ARTE E ESTUDOS DE CASO Ideia... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryActivismArt and Activism
Our scholarship on aids must be located at the crossroads of art and politics, life and art, and life and death.-Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, "Response to the Repre sen ta tion of aids" Activism is an engagement with the hauntings of... more
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      Latina/o StudiesQueer TheoryHIV/AIDSLGBT Issues
This is not strictly an academic book, but an educational experiment full of dancing stories, metaphors, allegories, creative maps, and exercises that ask you to sit at the limits of our modern desires and imagination. Half-serious... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangePostcolonial Studies
This study examines artists’ approaches to social change in New York City from 1966 to 1976. During this period, overlapping communities of artists and art professionals sought means of providing a social meaning and purpose for their... more
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      1960s (U.S. history)Political ArtNew LeftArt and Activism
Cornelia Parker is a British-born, London-based artist set to show at Australia’s Museum of Contemporary Art as part of this year’s Sydney International Art Series. Her works are marked by an unusual amount of order, coupled with an... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryArt TheoryInstallation Art
A series of conversations with the Cuban artist Tania Bruguera, organized around five key terms through which she thinks her work: Arte de Conducta, Political Timing Specific Art, Arte Util, Est-ética, and Artivism.
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      Contemporary ArtLatin American ArtPerformance ArtPolitical Art
The NFL protests are only one of many celebrity-fueled political controversies during the Trump presidency. Why is there such a proliferation of celebrity activism? More importantly, does it amount to anything? What does our knowledge of... more
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      Social PsychologyMedia StudiesPolitical PsychologyPersuasion (Psychology)
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      Artificial IntelligenceLogisticsWork and LabourThe Industrial Revolution
There is unarguable that the street has become the natural space of recent art. This is especially remarkable in a country like Spain where, since the Spanish Revolution (Madrid, May 15, 2011, the so-called 15-M) and the emergence of new... more
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      Public ArtStreet ArtArt and Activism
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      Art and ActivismFormation permanente
Field notes from Aarey forest in Mumbai, 18th May 2018.
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      Social MovementsParticipatory ResearchOrganic agricultureAnarchism
This paper traces the current prescription opioid crisis to some of its origins in the orders of race, colonialism and empire that connect our present day to the past. It is something of a sketch of a larger work that seeks to complicate... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesDrugs And AddictionCritical Race Theory
L a generación de conocimiento desde la práctica no goza de pleno reconocimiento en las disciplinas de comunicación. Los formatos de creación, producción, guión, realización... no se encuentran valorados como objetos de producción de los... more
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      Research MethodologyMedia ActivismVisual ArtsArt and Activism
Слушатели курса ФОМ-Лабс «Исследования в городе: оптика наблюдателя» посетили город Кимры, чтобы понять, как возможны социокультурные проекты в малом городе, который пережил героиновый апокалипсис в начале нулевых. В красочном альбоме... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnographyUrban StudiesSocial Activism
Radical Love, Play, Conscientização, and Expanding Boundaries: A Performance Workshop on Social Change, is a 1 1/2day event, hosted by GFRY Studio, that focuses upon theoretical praxis commonalities of Paulo Freire, Eric Fromm, and... more
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      Critical PedagogyPaulo FreirePedagogyErich Fromm
Creative activism is an approach to education that asks: ‘What can happen when we take learning outside the classroom and think of it happening everywhere?’ Two charities – House of Imagination and Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination –... more
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      CreativityArt and ActivismCreative Learning
In this interview, Saba Zavarei sheds light on her background and positionality, past and present projects and methodology, as well as the challenges of practicing activist-art in Iran. Expressing her viewpoint on a cluster of topics,... more
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      Art and ActivismArt and PoliticsIranian artInterviews With Artists
Translation from the French by Anna Knight
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      Political ArtFeminist ArtArt and Activism
Přijde mi důležité diskutovat se studenty vedle nadčasových témat dotýkajících se krásy, vesmíru, podstaty bytí apod. i témata, která se týkají aktuálního dění / událostí, které visí ve vzduchu / společenské otázky / to, jak být... more
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      EducationArt and ActivismMediaval Art
Potential of the Gap has been about method and place. In site-specific, contextual or relational art, the relationships between and relationships to are critical to the critical artistic licence. That is, relations between or to man,... more
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      Place and IdentitySpace and PlacePerformativityNew Media Performance and Installation
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      Social PracticeContemporary Latin American ArtArt and Activism
In March 2015 Allahyari & Rourke released The 3D Additivist Manifesto, a call to push creative technologies to their absolute limits and beyond into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. The 3D printer is a... more
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      EngineeringChemistryDesignCyborg Theory
This paper examines the possibility of art activism through a discussion of Brian Holmes’ work on art activism. “Eventwork” is a concept proposing four effective vectors in the cultural strategies in the history of social movements. The... more
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      Japanese StudiesArt HistoryArt TheoryArt and Activism
How can artists and artists' collectives best navigate the passage from our current neoliberalized art landscape to a radically democratic one?
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtPerformance ArtArt Criticism
Design activism is referred to as the use of design as a vehicle for activism . This mode of expression is fast gaining momentum in countries and organizations worldwide, with the aim to sustain future and social change. Design activism... more
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      IllustrationsPolitical CampaignsGraphic DesignPoster Design
Ever since the 2006 movement to preserve the Star Ferry and Queen’s Piers, Hong Kong’s social movements have never gone without artists, artists who have ignited the avant-garde spirit, walked the frontlines and used all manner of... more
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      HeroismAvant-GardeHong KongActivism
Artivism has become a central element of political change in Chile. In 2019, during the October Chile- an social outbreak, performing arts were an important part of public expression. This paper explores the role of flash mob as a form of... more
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      Social MovementsPerformance StudiesPoliticsChilean Politics
Despite much evidence of its effectiveness, nonviolence has not gained widespread recognition by the media (Summy, 2000, pp. 4-5), with the success of campaigns being attributed to their leaders or some ill-defined “people power”.... more
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      NonviolencePeace StudiesArt and ActivismCritical Art Practices
The Ana Cha Collective is a coalition of feminist scholars, artists, and filmmakers formed to interrogate the cultural world through a feminist lens and engage in a creative practice that deconstructs violent power structures. This... more
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      Women's StudiesFeminist activismFeminist ArtFeminist Art History
This article explores the meaning of “resistance” and suggests a new path for “resistance studies,” which is an emerging and interdisciplinary field of the social sciences that is still relatively fragmented and heterogeneous. Resistance... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsCultural SociologySocial Networks
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAestheticsVisual Studies
The research focuses on the field of Internet art,, which followed the emergence of the World Wide Web and often manifested as a result of the need to find alternative ways to deal with and circulate works of art other than the... more
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      Art TheoryErnesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeNet ArtPolitical Art
Allyson was clearly anxious. On the witness stand, though, she compensated with the affect appropriate for reliable testimony -calm, confident stillness masking her nervousness.
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      Performance StudiesSocial ActivismNeoliberalismActivist Art
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      Visual StudiesPerformance StudiesArt CriticismArt and Activism
We imagine that art and money are old enemies, but Max Haiven argues that this myth actually helps reproduce a horrifically violent system of global capitalism and prevents us from imagining and building alternatives. From the chaos... more
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      FinanceEconomicsArt HistoryArt
Anohni’s 2016 album HOPELESSNESS ruminates on feelings of hopelessness in the wake of climate change, domestic surveillance, and geopolitical instability. This chapter considers Ahonhi’s critiques of power through the “Trojan horse”... more
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      Transgender StudiesSurveillance StudiesArt and ActivismVoice
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      Anarchism & Postmodern TheoryArt and ActivismAdvocacy and Activism
The negative effects of climate change disproportionately impact Pacific Island nations. Although Pacific Nations contribute the least to climate change compared to other nations, they are the most impacted by rising sea levels. These... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesClimate ChangePacific Island Studies
Enlivened by queer and feminist enactments of new materialist, posthuman and affect theory, this chapter explores what has become possible with speculative pARTicipatory activist encounters with young people, educational practitioners and... more
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      PosthumanismArts EducationGender and SexualityGender Equality
Research focuses on the value of activism as regards an independent cultural organization in Serbia, which demanded specific leadership capacities and skills during the turbulent historical period, marked by the dissolution of Yugoslavia... more
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      Organizational CultureLeadershipArt and Activism
During the heat of 1969s fraught political climate, editors of the legendary multi-media magazine “SOURCE: Music of the Avant Garde” invited 20 innovative composers and musicians to respond to a single question: “Have you, or has anyone,... more
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      MusicProtest MusicExperimental MusicSound Art
A lot has been heard in recent years about contemporary art in Athens. In the international press it is often portrayed as a vibrant scene that resists the financial crisis. By now there is even a fetishism around experiencing Athens,... more
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      Public ArtArt and ActivismArtist CollectivesGreek crisis
The publication collects documents and writings from a decade of interdisciplinary and collaborative arts practice by Manu Luksch and Mukul Patel. Interrogating the social and political transformations of the late 20th and early 21st... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesExperimental Media ArtsTelematic ArtCommunity Media
English: Feminist activist art has existed in public spaces in European and American contexts since the late 1960s, but became a substantial praxis in Israel only in the late 1990s. This paper examines the characteristics of feminist art... more
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      Israel StudiesFeminist activismActivist ArtArt and Activism
Статья была опубликована в блоке «Тревога с перформативом» журнала «Гендерные исследования» (№22, 2017 ).
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      Feminist TheoryContemporary ArtMedia ActivismFeminist activism
An inner link has always connected the artistic avant-garde with acts of insurgency carried out by socially disenfranchised populations insofar as both embrace the possibility of an emancipated future that is radically at odds with the... more
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      Contemporary ArtWalter BenjaminAlejandro JodorowskyWhite Supremacy
Constrained by the concepts of Shangri-La, Tibetans are forced to strategically use peaceful means of protest. Graffiti offers an excellent option
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      Tibetan StudiesStrategic PlanningStrategic CommunicationProtest
The catalog of the exhibition “At the Front Line. Ukrainian Art, 2013-2019” speaks about the turbulent political and social situation in Ukraine of the last seven years, such as the Revolution of Dignity, the annexation of Crimea, and the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesArt HistoryContemporary ArtUkrainian Studies