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In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyMythology
ABSTRACT Adopting a revisionist disposition and following an interdisciplinary pattern of analysis, this paper attempts to unstigmatize the female profile in the double work Astarte Syriaca (1875-77), often deviously regarded as allusive... more
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      Pre-Raphaelite PaintingRossetti, Dante GabrielLiterature and PaintingIntermediality; Literature and photography; Literature and painting
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      Biblical ArchaeologyWiccaAstarte
Devotion to the goddess Tanit/Tinnit, a permutation of Astarte, took place in Mediterranean cave sanctuaries and on Phoenician ships. Employing both material and textual evidence, it is argued that her worship at sea and at port required... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyTheologyNew Testament
The planet Venus has been linked to more than one deity in the Near East, starting at least from the IV millennium B.C. onwards. The Sumerians and most of the ancient Semitic peoples possessed a Venus deity. It turns out that all these... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyPhoeniciansAncient ReligionMediterranean archaeology
Tout le monde a entendu ou lu l’expression Allah Akbar que l’on nomme Takbir et que les musulmans prononcent habituellement et en toutes occasions, pour exprimer la grandeur de Dieu, durant la prière, l’émerveillement ou encore par les... more
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      ArchaeologyIslamic StudiesHadith StudiesIslam
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      AstarteSacred ProstitutionPhoenician Punic Religion
By the end of the Roman Republic the goddess Venus was one of Rome’s most prominent deities: patron goddess of Sulla and Pompey, divine ancestress of Caesar, and after Jupiter the deity with the largest number of sanctuaries within the... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman Religion
En este artículo se presentan y comentan dos recientes noticias [de 2006] a propósito de los resultados de las últimas excavaciones en este emblemático yacimiento sevillano, verdadero "buque-insignia" de una civilización "tartésica", que... more
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      TartessosPhoenician & Punic EpigraphyPhoenician and Punic StudiesAstarte
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesLevantine Archaeology
Lions, wolves, bulls, horses, deer, birds, serpents, sphinxes, griffins, exvotes, offerings and representations of divinity were represented in stone, clay, gold and silver by protohistoric jewelers and sculptors. Their finding in... more
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      IconographyArchaeology of ReligionAncient ReligionIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
Conjunto de amuletos fencio-púnicos con figuraciones de Astarté y de Horus/halcón junto con dos escarabeos supuestamente localizados en el núcleo urbano de Mago/Maó, calle de Santa Caterina, aunque falta información sobre este hallazgo de... more
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      Menorca / MinorcaBaleares /Balearic IslandsPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyAmulets
RESUMEN: La fundación de Cartago se engloba dentro de la colonización o movimiento migratorio fenicio por el Mediterráneo Occidental y Central. Cartago es la única ciudad fenicia con una leyenda fundacional, pero las únicas menciones que... more
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      CartagoAstarteMelqartMarco Juniano Justino
In this essay a clay figurine of a so-called "dea gravida" (pregnant goddess) from Achziv, dating to the 8 th-7 th century BC and preserved in the Museum of the Near East Egypt and Mediterranean of Sapienza University of Rome, is... more
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      Phoenician and Punic StudiesArchaeology of the LevantAstarteClay Figurines
Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird der phönizisch-punische kultische Ausdruck, mqm ʾlm mtrḥ ʿštrny, gemeinhin als Andeutung eines hohen priesterlichen Amtes verstanden, behandelt. Im Besonderen erhält das dritte Wort mtrḥ eine neue Deutung,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSemitic languagesHistory of Religion
Part V of Odysseus' Second Voyage from Kirke to Ithaka. Identification Scheria of the Phaeacans as Lanzarote, Canaries, with their Faycáns, on basis of courses, wind directions, distances, surroundings, double harbour, flora and fauna,... more
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      HomerPhoeniciansBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Ancient myth and religion
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      Ancient HistoryAncient ReligionAncient myth and religionAncient Near Eastern History
A photo essay on the abundant attestation of the Lion-Throned Goddess in ancient Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Canaan/Israel/Palestine. Phoenician scarabs and stone thrones, Canaanite ivories, the Lady of Galera. Cherubim and the Mercy... more
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      Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyShekhinahArchaeology of JordanAstarte
In May 27-29 1996 the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem hosted the symposion "Capital Cities: Urban Planning and Spiritual Dimensions". It accompanied the exhibition "City of the Bible" held in the same museum. This article features the... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyAncient Egyptian ArchitectureRamesside Period
Atlantic theory. Identification of Kalupso's Ogugia as S. Miguel, Azores. detailed research into the data of Homer, etymologies, relative location, the cave and the mystical side of Kalupso; new archaeological views.
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      Celtic StudiesPhoeniciansAncient ReligionBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
La présente contribution présente une stèle inédite déposée près de l’entrée principale de la casbah qui domine la ville d’El Kef, l’antique Sicca Veneria, en Tunisie centrale occidentale. Il s’agit d’une stèle punique tardive, datable... more
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      IconographyTheologyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
Sobre el culto y la advocación a la diosa Tanit en la iconografía y epigrafía numismática, simbolismo y evolución.
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      IconographyAncient NumismaticsAncient CoinsIconography of ancient coins
Grazie allo studio sulla ceramica inscritta rinvenuta nel santuario dell'Astarte di Malta, si analizzano le tipologie ceramiche e le morfologie dei recipienti utilizzati nel santuario, avanzando una ricostruire sulla provenienza di alcune... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Maltese History
During the XXV season of excavations carried out by Rome «La Sapienza» University Expedition to Motya, a terracotta mould was found in the Sacred Area of the Kothon. The mould shows a quarter of a silenus bringing the handle of a vase.... more
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      IconographyPhoeniciansMediterranean StudiesAncient Mediterranean Religions
In this paper I try to offer a general overview about Greek and Roman numismatic iconography concerning Oriental Religions. I will pay special attention to the representation of Egyptian Gods and, in particular, to Ammon iconography in... more
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      Ancient CoinsHarpocratesEgyptian godsIsis
SUMMARY: Lecture 12 discusses the end of Early Minoan period, the rise of Middle Minoan period, and the emergence of palace centres on Crete. This lecture is designed mainly as an educational resource for college students (i.e., normally... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyCannibalismAncient Greek History
The papers in this special edition of WdO were coedited by Rüdiger Schmitt and myself. First presented to the Expressions of Religion in Israel section (M. Christian, chair) of the International Society of Biblical Literature meeting in... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMaritime ArchaeologyFeminist TheoryTheology
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      PhoeniciansMediterranean StudiesAncient Mediterranean ReligionsPhoenician
In Near Eastern texts, mention is made of a goddess ‘ttrt ḫr/‘štrt ḥr which is sometimes rendered as the “Hurrian Astarte.” Until now, the second element * ḫr* has not been satisfactorily explained. In this article, a new etymology of the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionNear Eastern ArchaeologyMusic
A well-known statue of enthroned goddess from Soluntum might be seen as an example of the persistence of ancient oriental iconography in Hellenistic Sicily. Although in 1831 the finding spot of the statue was clearly indicated by its... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPhoenicians
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionMusicMythology
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      Comparative ReligionClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyComparative Literature
Contents: 1. SCIENCE AND SCRIPTURE: 2 1.1 How to resolve contradictions 2 1.2 Why astronomy might be concealed in the Bible 3 1.3 Some key terms to understand of following text 3 2. DECIPHERING BIBLICAL CALENDARS 4 2.1 Three... more
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      Solar and Astral deitiesBaalMilky WayCanaanite Deities
El reciente hallazgo en el mes de Junio de 2020, en la calle San Juan nº37-39 de Cádiz (en el local de la conocida como "Cueva del Pájaro Azul") de estructuras portuarias fenicias, abre sin duda nuevas horizontes en la perspectiva de la... more
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IERODULIA A FUMETTI-Scene di vita dal tempio di Astarte Ericina Nel 2020 Entertainment Game Apps, Ltd. ha chiesto a The Phoenicians Aps di rappresentare la cultura fenicia per promuovere Mediterranean, un videogioco culturale sviluppato... more
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      Living HistoryArcheologia Fenicio-PunicaSiciliaFumetti
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      Book of ChroniclesAstarteAsherahAschera
Il mondo meditarraneo antico conobbe, oltre all'iside faraonica ed all'Iside greco-alessandrina, anche un iside semitizzata nata dal sincretismo, avvenuto a menfi pre-tolemaica, fra Iside-Hathor Egizia ed Astarte cananea. Il commercio... more
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      Archeologia Fenicio-PunicaSincretismAstarteIside
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      Ancient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyGreek HistoryAncient Religion
This article has as main argument the research focused on Carambolo Hoard, a liturgic ensemble belonging to the sanctuary of El Carambolo - Tarteso- (Museo Arqueológico de Seville collection) and its iconographic interpretation. The work... more
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      IconographyPhoeniciansPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyProtohistory
This paper sets out to explore the modes and effects of the interaction between Greek and non-Greek polytheistic religious cultures through the case study of Hellenistic Delos, an insular melting pot in the middle of the Aegean.... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHellenistic HistoryAncient Mediterranean ReligionsCross-Cultural Studies
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelAstarteTyre
The Atlantic Coastal Plain has long been recognized as a natural laboratory useful for testing hypotheses surrounding the environmental and ecological effects on marine fauna. To conduct these studies in a rigorous manner, a reliable... more
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      Geometric MorphometricsPaleoecologyAstarte
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      PhoeniciansMediterranean StudiesAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient Greek Religion
Barely legible Greek graffiti on the steps of the great Astarte throne from Bostan esh-Sheikh presumably date to the first century ad They might consist of personal names and month names.
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      PhoeniciansLevantine ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyPhoenician Punic Archaeology
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    • Astarte
Über die Herkunft, Beschaffenheit und Art der Tanit.
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      History of ReligionCanaanite LanguagesCarthage (Archaeology)Pre-Judaic Semitic Monotheism