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For the past two decades, it has widely been assumed by linguists that there is a single computational operation, Merge, which is unique to language, distinguishing it from other cognitive domains. The intention of this paper is to... more
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      NeuroscienceEthologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Computability TheoryComplexity TheoryFinite Automata
In this work we will analyze some recent proposals about how the result of the application of a generative algorithm is recognized as a unit for the purposes of further computations, and how each correlates, either explicitly or... more
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      LanguagesAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Quantum ComputingPhilosophy of Mind
Original version of my PhD dissertation (University of Reading), a much shorter version of which (~ 60% shorter) was defended on 1/2018. This work is a study of the nature of cognitive computation, with a focus on the relation between... more
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      MathematicsField TheoryAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Physics
Debido a su carácter marcadamente algebraico, la materia de Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales puede ser percibida como excesivamente teórica, con el consiguiente riesgo de rechazo por parte del alumno. Compartimos aquí nuestra... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Learning And Teaching In Higher Education
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Finite AutomataInformatics engineering
Use of Computational and Automata Theory is common now a day in lexical analysis in compilers and programming languages, morphological analysis, image compression, bioinformatics etc. However in computer games and computing game theory... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Game TheoryGame studiesGame Design
A range of syntactic and semantic data from English and Spanish supports the recognition of two kinds of coordination, which we call et- and que-coordination after the coordinators et and -que in Latin. Et-coordination is hypotactic and... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Languages and LinguisticsSpanishSyntax
This work analyses the relationship between Temporal Logic and Automata Theory. Firstly, we introduce the historical background of both fields. Then we explain the core concepts, and we construct an finite automaton from a temporal logic... more
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      Modal LogicAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Temporal and Modal LogicFinite Automata
At least since Aristotle (Poetics, XX), and as emphasized by Saussure (1916), the dual character of linguistic terms –comprising both sound and meaning- has been recognized as central to natural language. Generative Linguistics has... more
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      Computer ScienceTheory Of ComputationAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Physics
Resumen Debido a su carácter marcadamente algebraico, la materia de Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales puede ser percibida como excesivamente teórica, con el consiguiente riesgo de rechazo por parte del alumno. Compartimos aquí... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Learning And Teaching In Higher Education
There exists a widespread myth among those who discuss these topics that mirror-image constructions are inherently "easier" than reduplications, whereas this is an artefact of the way Chomsky and others defined some of the early classes... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Mathematical LinguisticsFormal grammarsFormal languages
We propose an abstract framework for modeling state-based systems with internal behaviour as e.g. given by silent or epsilon-transitions. Our approach employs monads with a parametrized fixpoint operator † to give a semantics to those... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Concurrency TheoryCategory TheoryCoalgebras
NB. If someone could tell me how to open this up for comments, I would. This almost completed article was one of the many attempts to clarify the way in which the mathematics of formal language (and automata) theory (like various... more
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      MathematicsAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Languages and LinguisticsResearch Methodology
According to the author, Hjelmslev’s Glossematics is not adequate to base Greimas’s narrative structures for several reasons. First, Glossematics could be effectively encoded as a Turing Machine. Unfotunately, it would be generative only... more
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      SemioticsAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Digital StorytellingMetalanguage
Debido a su carácter marcadamente algebraico, la materia de Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales puede ser percibida como excesivamente teórica, con el consiguiente riesgo de rechazo por parte del alumno. Compartimos aquí nuestra... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Learning And Teaching In Higher Education
International Journal of Information Science & techniques (IJIST) focuses on system modeling and information techniques in real engineering and scientific problems This journal provides a forum that impacts the development of scientific... more
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      Information Theory (Mathematics)Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Artificial IntelligenceInformation Theory
We extend the Expressionist project, and thereby the re-emerging area of grammar-based text generation, by applying a technique from software verification to a critical search problem related to content generation from grammars. In... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Natural Language GenerationInteractive Digital StorytellingVisibly Pushdown Automata
We present a novel procedural framework for interactively modeling building façades. Common procedural approaches, such as shape grammars, assume that building façades are organized in a tree structure, while in practice this is often not... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Computer Graphics3D Modelling (Architecture)Procedural Content Generation
Proof-theoretic models of grammar are based on the view that an explicit characterization of a language comes in the form of the recursive enumeration of strings in that language. That recursive enumeration is carried out by a procedure... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSyntax
Artykuł opublikowany w 13 numerze czasopisma "Problemy Studiów Nauczycielskich" przedstawia podręcznik dla studentów kształcących się w kierunku nauczania informatyki, wydany nakładem Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie. W artykule... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Programming LanguagesInformation Theory
Aloe barbadensis (aloe-vera) also famous as a first aid plant is a valuable natural medicine. Its leaves have parallel venation that contains a soothing thick gel inside it and is useful for treatment and curing of wounds and diseases. In... more
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      AlgebraAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Program SemanticsInformation Technology
In this paper we will attempt to classify Lindenmayer systems based on properties of sets of rules and the kind of strings those rules generate. This classification will be referred to as a 'parametrization' of the L-space: the L-space is... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Languages and LinguisticsComputational LinguisticsTheory of Automata
Ejemplo 59 Sea la gramática S → aHb, H → aHb, H → ε La única variable anulable es H. Y la gramática equivalente, que resulta de aplicar el algoritmo 2 es: S → aHb, H → aHb, S → ab, H → ab
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Computability Theory, Automata Theory, Symbolic Computation
We are presenting an innovative, deterministic approach to constructing highly compressed automata commonly used in malware signature scanning. Our implementation allows building a very efficient (storage-wise) approach for automata, with... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Cellular AutomataIntrusion Detection Systems
I would like to thank people who contributed to this thesis and to my personality during the time I was writing it. First of all, I would like to thank my advisor Hasan Ibne Akram for his constant encouragement, guidance and feedback.... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Information SecurityNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Several attempts proposed epistemic logic to specify and reason about the knowledge of agents with a discrete model of time. Many extensions of this logic have been seen in the literature to specify and reason about agents' knowledge in... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Software EngineeringInformation Technology
In this paper, we propose new models and algorithms to perform practical computations on W3C XML Schemas, which are schema minimization, schema equivalence testing, subschema testing and subschema extraction. We have conducted experiments... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)XMLTheory of AutomataXML Schema
n this talk we review some foundational notions that underlie theories of natural language syntax and, more generally, structure in formal symbolic systems. We introduce and explain the main features of the models that are used to... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Dynamical SystemsLanguages and LinguisticsSyntax
In this paper we will attempt to classify Lindenmayer systems based on properties of sets of rules and the kind of strings those rules generate. This classification will be referred to as a 'parametrization' of the L-space: the L-space is... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)SyntaxArtificial LanguageFormal languages
Theme One is a computer program with a dual objective — to perform tasks of inductive and deductive problem-solving that arise in research and to explore the integration of these reasoning types in human and computer information processing.
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      SemioticsModel TheoryComputer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)
We introduce a new formal model -- based on the mathematical construct of sheaves -- for representing contradictory information in textual sources. This model has the advantage of letting us (a) identify the causes of the inconsistency;... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Formal methodsTopologyContradiction
—In this article, we are interested in the discrete event systems modelled by LADDER language, formal language, the automaton or its extensions. We analyze the mega-data of over 1000 articles published in the last forty years to determine... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Discrete-Event SystemsSupervisory Control of Discrete Event SystemsFinite Automata
Compositional coordination models and languages play an important role in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). In this paper, we introduce a formal model for describing hybrid behaviors of connectors in CPSs. We extend the constraint automata... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Software EngineeringCyber Physical SystemsCoordination
We prove that the bisimulation-invariant fragment of weak monadic second-order logic (WMSO) is equivalent to the fragment of the modal µ-calculus where the application of the least fixpoint operator µp.ϕ is restricted to formulas ϕ that... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Modal Mu CalculusMonadic Second-Order Logic
Existing risk analysis techniques are often hard to handle in real world contexts without the use of appropriate software because of their computational complexity. This makes managers and security analysts use simplified methods to... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraProbability TheoryAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)
In this paper, we study the data interoperability problem of web services in terms of XML schema compatibility. When Web Service A sends XML messages to Web Service B, A is interoperable with B if B can accept all messages from A. That... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Web ServicesTheory of AutomataXML Schema
We study the load balancing problem in the context of a set of clients each wishing to run a job on a server selected among a subset of permissible servers for the particular client. We consider two different scenarios. In selfish load... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)MultidisciplinaryLoad BalanceUpper Bound
""The paper defines a specialized language ("the Notation") for a formalised description (by formulae) of the soil mapping units of the Legend of the Soil Map of Romania at the scale 1:200,000 (SMR-200). The Notation is elaborated to be... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Formal syntaxSoil MappingFormal Semantics
This essay provides a novel account of iterated epistemic states. The essay argues that states of epistemic determinacy might be secured by countenancing iterated epistemic states on the model of fixed points in the modal $\mu$-calculus.... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Modal Mu CalculusEpistemic modality
We present a Generalized LR parsing algorithm for unrestricted context-free grammars working in complexity O(n 3 ). It differs from previous approaches in the use of dynamic programming techniques to cope with the non determinism, instead... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Natural Language ProcessingParsingCompiler Construction
Runtime monitoring is a widely used approach to ensure code safety. Several implementations of formal monitors have been proposed in the literature, and these differ with respect to the set of security policies that they are capable of... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Computer Security And ReliabilityInformation SecurityComputer Security
Visibly pushdown automata are special pushdown automata whose stack behavior is driven by the input symbols according to a partition of the alphabet. We show that it is decidable for a given visibly pushdown automaton whether it is... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Visibly Pushdown Automata
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingComputational Physics
We propose an abstract framework for modeling state-based systems with internal behavior as e.g. given by silent or ǫ-transitions. Our approach employs monads with a parametrized fixpoint operator † to give a semantics to those systems... more
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)LogicMonadsCoalgebra
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)PKI (Cryptography)Network SecurityPublic Key Infrastructure
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Operating SystemsCompilersDatabase Systems