Bangladesh Studies
Recent papers in Bangladesh Studies
During independence war and just after independence, development work was mostly done by international organizations using volunteers or skilled staffs (doctors, nurses, agricultural experts, economists etc.). The volunteers, however,... more
European Publisher Springer Includes Articles on Allama Mashriqi & Tazkirah in New Encyclopedia Springer, a globally recognized and well-respected publishing company (originally founded in Germany in 1842), has included articles on... more
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is causally linked to acute and chronic form of hepatitis, which due to continuous immune mediated inflammation and scarring may lead to cirrhosis and/or hepatocellular carcinoma. HBV spread via exchange of... more
this report is about the fish resources in bangladesh. bangladesh has rivers, beels, haors and a huge coastal area. the sector can be divided in to 3 sub sectors and they are inland captured fish, inland culture fish and marine fish.... more
Osman living in a rooftop room dreams of his father’s death but finds himself in a distorted fact no less horrible. All he witnesses sometime seem hallucination sometime real. It’s a time when receiving news of someone’s being shot dead... more
This article shows the different aspects of the youth development in Bangladesh and depicts the ways to develop the conditions of the youth society.
The book uses an ethnographic approach to explore why the Tablighi Jamaat movement remains so successful in contemporary times. It shows that this success results from the positive image that it cultivates, and the systematic preaching... more
Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) has long played an important role in Japan’s diplomacy, contributing significantly toward stability and economic development of less developed nations of Asia. This paper analyzes Japan’s ODA to... more
Beijing/Shanghai: Cambridge University Press/ Orient Publishing Centre, 2012.
Downloadable in 11 files
Downloadable in 11 files
General Knowledge
The short form of 1946 to 1971
The short form of 1946 to 1971
আমাদের জাতীয় জীবনে ১৯৭১ সাল একটি অতীব তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ বছর। এই বছরই বাংলাদেশ পাকিস্তানি ঔপনিবেশিক শাসন-শোষণের নাগপাশ থেকে মুক্ত হয়। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময় পাকিস্তানি বাহিনীর দোসর হিসেবে কাজ করেছিল এদেশীয় রাজাকার, আলবদর, আলশামস নামধারী কিছু নরপশু।... more
Publisher's abstract: Bangladesh did not exist as an independent state until 1971. Willem van Schendel’s state-of-the-art history navigates the extraordinary twists and turns that created modern Bangladesh through ecological disaster,... more
This book provides some thoughtful articles on the contemporary issues of Bangladesh education. Most of the writers are young in age and they all are working in education sector of Bangladesh. Through this book, one can know what your... more
The aim of the paper is to highlight the variables that determine the propensity to receive remittances and the amount of remittances by households in rural Bangladesh. The empirical model incorporated the determinants of remittances in... more
There is a saying that if you want to do or be something in your life then 1st know its origin, because without knowing the origin of anything you may not be able to create new things or change anything in your life. The subject is itself... more
« Southeast Asian Buddhist Monks in the Peregrinação: Tracing the “Rolins” of Fernão Mendes Pinto in the Eastern Bay of Bengal », Jorge M. dos Santos Alves (ed.), Fernão Mendes Pinto and the Peregrinação. Studies, Restored Text, Notes and... more
Fairs and festivals have always played a significant role in the life of the citizens of this country. They derive from them a great amount of joy, entertainment and color for life. While most of the festivals have sprung from religious... more
Religious and other communal violence, though they are ever recurring phenomenon in South Asia, in its modern history it is increasing dramatically day by day. People in South Asia are becoming more and more violent. The main cause of... more
Çalışma, on birinci asırdan günümüze tasavvufun Bangladeş’teki yaklaşık bin yıllık görünürlüğü üzerinedir. Bölge insanının tarih ve kültürü üzerindeki etkisi panoramik tarzda ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çerçevede tasavvufun bölgedeki... more
This first book-length study on kanthas published outside of South Asia focuses on two premier collections, one assembled by the legendary historian of Indian art, Dr. Stella Kramrisch, the other by Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz, leading... more
Author ডা. শামসুল আরেফীন , আসিফ আদনান , মাওলানা জাফিরুদ্দিন , ড্যানিয়েল হাকিকাতজু Publisher দারুল ইহদা
Edition 1st Published, 2020Number of Pages 248
Country বাংলাদেশ
Language বাংলা
Edition 1st Published, 2020Number of Pages 248
Country বাংলাদেশ
Language বাংলা
This paper contains information about the tea stalls of Bangladesh and the stall's owners. It discusses their day to day activities. What they do and how they do it. It also contains advice about improving their business by making several... more
On 31th December 2017 the Bangladesh Law Commission published a final Report on The Negotiable Instruments Act,1881. The Report incorporates mainly four major recommendations to amend the existing Act. A draft Amendment Act incorporating... more
According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs(1) a person has an undeniable potential to seek out and fulfil as many self-actualising goals as possible at each level of their wellbeing. Given that basic physiological needs such as... more
A language is considered as a sexist language if it conveys attitudes that stereotype a person according to gender rather than judging on individual merits. Feminists believe that English language is a sexist language because it involves... more
Throughout the recorded history, the Middle East has been playing a vital role in the global geopolitics. The significant geographic characteristics supplemented by an enormous oil reserve has turned the region as one the most highlighted... more
This study builds an aim to find the positive forces which inspires people in becoming entrepreneurs, implementing change management, technical know-how for leading and managing change in entrepreneurship, in microcosm the barriers... more
gy w³hy ‡×i his-story, B¾Z I j¾v mv ‡qgv LvZz b 1 1971-Gi MYal© Y: ¯ §" wZ I we¯ §" wZ 1.K exiv½bv cwiPq MVb I gy w³hy ‡×i †PZbvi AvZ¥we ‡iva †U·U ev·: gy w³hy ‡×i bvix ‡Kw›`ª K BwZnvm-iPbv: bvix ‡`i hy ×cȪ' wZ I cÖ wk ¶Y 1.L MYal© ‡Yi... more
This course is designed to introduce students to an array of places and peoples i n South-, Southeast-, and East-Asia, using a multidisciplinary lens. We will consider the making of Asian "nations" and "ethnicities." We will seek out... more
আবুল মনসুর আহমদ ছিলেন একজন সমাজ সচেতন এবং জীবনঘনিষ্ঠ সাহিত্যিক। সমাজ এবং পরিপার্শ্বের ধর্মীয় এবং রাজনৈতিক কুসংস্কার, বিরোধ, ভণ্ডামি এবং ধর্মব্যবসার বিপক্ষে তিনি সারাজীবন সোচ্চার ছিলেন। সুতীক্ষ্ণ দৃষ্টিতে মানুষের এই বিভ্রম এবং... more
The foreign policy of Bangladesh is tied closely to the realities of its economic condition. Since independence the country has required a great deal of foreign assistance in the effort to keep its people fed and to build, for the first... more
Bangladesh-China bilateral relationship has its foothold right through the historical records of two thousand years. Ever since the establishment of the formal diplomatic relationship in October 1975, Bangladesh and China continued to be... more
This paper tries to highlight the dysfunctional relationship of the indigenous people and their rights. Despite having the treaties and conventions, indigenous people are not getting the proper access to their rights. This paper tries to... more
There is fundamentally more to Baul spirituality and scripture than merely the music and lyrics that one comes by, and conceivably nobody can ‘delve deep’ into the music form without having some basic understanding and concepts about its... more