History of Pakistan
Recent papers in History of Pakistan
The confusions over ancient place known as "A sitting place of Derya Khan" who remained a prime minister during the dynasty of Sama period (1353-1521 AD) are conversed in this article.
Web: www.pildat.org PILDAT is an independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit indigenous research and training institution with the mission to strengthen democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan.
Me and my friends tried to give some information about Pakistan and explain what makes Pakistan a failed state as we prepared this presentation for Failed States class. I hope it will be useful.
Amrita Shodhan explores the complex legacy of Partition in India and the difficulties faced by historians in unpicking these narratives. She re-evaluates the events of August 1947 and situates them in a longer history that forms the... more
Publisher's abstract: Bangladesh did not exist as an independent state until 1971. Willem van Schendel’s state-of-the-art history navigates the extraordinary twists and turns that created modern Bangladesh through ecological disaster,... more
This article talks about the current religious, political and social practices, worldviews of different scholars on these practices and my personal understanding of these worldviews with a special focus on Islam and Pakistan. It is... more
"Polish Eagles over Himalaya"-the book about Polish Airmen who had helped to establish Royal Pakistan Air Force since 1947
Turkey is fast becoming one of the largest markets for the trafficking of women from nearby former Soviet states who are brought into the country and forced into prostitution, an international agency said in a report released this week.... more
This study aims to analyze the ethnic dilemma in the Pamir region, or Badakh Mountains of the Badakhshan region, that became the reason for the call of independence of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region from Tajikistan. This paper also... more
India and Pakistan – two multi-religious and multi-lingual countries, sharing a geographical and historical space, with indistinguishable level of extreme poverty and extreme inequality at the hour of independence – have clearly... more
By drawing upon a series of immensely popular Punjabi films that centre around the character of Maula Jatt, this paper explores the code of masculinity depicted in the genre of rural based Punjabi vendetta films. The character of Maula... more
The review explores the book titled Pakistan on the Brink: The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan written by Ahmed Rashid as the third book of a trilogy.
The Obama administration considered Pakistan “the most dangerous country in the world” and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff worried about insurgents there gaining control of nuclear weapons. So understanding Pakistan really matters. In... more
This book is a window into contemporary Pakistan and my role in shaping it. I have lived a passionate life, perhaps an impetuous one in my early years, but always I have focused on self-improvement and the betterment of my country. Often... more
This collection of thirteen articles from the Journal of the Sind Historical Society concentrates on precolonial and colonial Sind. These articles reveal much about Sindh’s past and historically showcase the region’s broad socio-cultural... more
The question of legality of the Durand Line is not much of an interest for the international political and academic community. Most of the Global Powers readily buy Pakistan’s legal argument and agree that the Durand Line is a sacrosanct... more
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB [MA-Part 2 ANNUAL EXAMINATION_2020] Subject: Political Science, Paper: VI (Comparative Political Systems) You can get Solved Paper by emailing at fatimatariq98@gmail.com. PARTICULARLY DESIGNED FOR THE STUDENTS... more
"Reflecting Pakistan’s increasing multifaceted problems, the book under review presents the history of Pakistan of the last six decades. It highlights the major turning points that have shaped Pakistan’s “historical travails”. It... more
"Mass communication refers to the process by which we communicate with a large group of people through mass media" The source in the mass communication situation is a group of individuals who usually act within predetermined roles in an... more
ABSTRAC Pakistan although is overwhelmingly a Muslim majority state, however some minority religions exist in it too. The formation of Pakistan was based on the struggle by Muslim minority to get equal rights and representation in the... more
In the race of two R’s; revenue and rating, we often see that news agencies would go to any lengths to make their news sensational. News and reports lack in-depth research and prioritize entertaining people. Their target is to make their... more
Analytic piece on music, languages and nation formation in Coke Studio Pakistan. Published in Dawn newspaper, on August 25, 2019. It includes the original piece submitted to Icon/Dawn, with the proper footnotes and percentage numbers,... more
This thesis is a comparative investigation of how federal institutions accommodated linguistic and religious identities in India and Pakistan. There are three explanatory variables. The first is the history of self-rule for the... more
This study attempts to explore, investigate and analyse causes and consequences of the pliability of the cultural heritage of Pakistan which is showing the signs of disappearing on the eve of extremism in Pakistan particularly of the... more
Pakistan's constitution has experienced a thorough evolution in her short history. This paper explores this constitutional development thoroughly through the pre- and post- independence years. The clashes of various interest groups in a... more
and the Muslim World is the outcome of an international seminar organised by the UGC-Centre for Pakistan Studies at the MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
A lot of terracotta figurines were made in the Indus Valley between 3150 B.C. and 1080 B.C. In that period, heaven and earth were dominated by a limited number of deities: first by Kartikeya and his three spouses and later by Saraṇyū and... more
One of the landmark cases in Constitutional History of Pakistan. Notes on the following cases are also available. Feel free to contact at fatimatariq98@gmail.com Case List: 1. Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1955... more
The very complexity of that story, however, puts it beyond the compass of a book of this size. Accordingly, I have settled for a more limited - and manageable - project: to describe and explain the process by which Indians and Pakistanis... more