Politics of Bangladesh
Recent papers in Politics of Bangladesh
General Knowledge
The short form of 1946 to 1971
The short form of 1946 to 1971
This report deals with the history of the Bangladesh Awami League.
Political culture is a particular and designed perspective on how political and economic life should be done. A political culture comprises of major presumptions about how the political cycle ought to work. For instance, Americans expect... more
The 20th century witnessed a lot of nationalist movements, which gave the birth of many independent states. All these nationalist movements were led by some charismatic leaders who could convince, organize, and motivate people by their... more
Since 2009, after the December 2008 elections, the government has changed its political motives to hold power a long time and has taken a more conciliatory approach towards the political oppositions. Even the political crisis in... more
আহমদ ছফার বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক অবদান এবং অন্য অনেকের তুলনায় তাঁর স্বাতন্ত্র্যের দিকটি খুব সংক্ষেপে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে এ লেখায়। বিস্তর ছফাস্তুতি এবং সেই অনুপাতে ছফা-ঘৃণা উৎপাদনের এই দিনগুলোতে এ লেখা একটা দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি সরবরাহ করতে পারবে বলে ধারণা করি।
The nature of identity formation is complex. The production of identity in South Asia, with its colonial past, has been largely dependent on the region's colonial history. In this article we chart the process of political identity... more
The nature of identity formation is complex. The production of identity in South Asia, with its colonial past, has been largely dependent on the region’s colonial history. In this article we chart the process of political identity... more
Electoral corruption is a form of political corruption that has its roots in electoral misgovernance. It is a concept derived from criminal law that deals with significant issues of deviations from acceptable norms of voting in an... more
In keeping with the topic of the volume, this chapter shall attempt at an elucidation of the future of nationalism in a non-Western nation. Nationalism is inherently a socio-political phenomenon and as such, ever-changing. This chapter... more