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This paper focuses on the effects of nonbinding recommendations on bargaining outcomes. Recommendations are theorized to have two effects: they can create a focal point for final bargaining positions, and they can decrease outcome... more
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      EconomicsDispute ResolutionArbitrationModeling
We develop an endogenous growth model with capital and pollution externalities to analyse whether environmental policy should be decided upon by a parliament or an independent regulator. We find that an independent regulator gives raise... more
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      Comparative PoliticsEnvironmental policyTaxationVoting
Mutually beneficial cooperation depends on implicit social contracts, but instituting a social contract faces two fundamental problems: The first is cooperating to produce a surplus; the second is deciding how to divide this surplus. This... more
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      Game TheoryBargainingCooperationBehavioural Economics
The literature on the autonomy of international organizations describes how bureaucratic agents often operate with slack that allows them to pursue their preferences in the shadow of institutional mandates. We study the division of... more
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      Development StudiesInternational DevelopmentInternational organizationsInternational Political Economy
This study examined industrial conflict and its management strategies in selected manufacturing companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study utilized co-relational survey method which involves the use of structured questionnaire and... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorCommunicationHuman Resource Management
What grants influence in the European Council? Drawing on general theories of negotiation, this article isolates and illustrates three complementary sources of bargaining power in the European Council: state sources of power,... more
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      International NegotiationEuropean UnionNegotiationEuropean Union Politics
Scholars and policymakers currently lack systematic criteria for determining the credibility of China's foreign policy signals, which has produced widely divergent conclusions about its likely intentions. "China optimists" view China's... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryChinese foreign policySecurity Dilemma
This article examines power dynamics in political groupings during the 2014 Afghanistan presidential election and assesses the impact on political stability and order. The focus is the power dynamics of local political-economic and... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
Terrorists attack civilians to coerce their governments into making political concessions. Does this strategy work? To empirically assess the effectiveness of terrorism, the author exploits variation in the target selection of 125 violent... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryCriminologyPolitical Sociology
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      TerrorismBargainingHostage NegotiationsBargaining Theory
This Chapter briefly introduces the concepts of Integrative Bargaining and Distributive Bargaining, and then goes on to weigh one against the other. Finally, it proceeds to recommend a mixed technique of negotiation which involves the... more
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      NegotiationConflict ManagementBargainingBusiness Negotiations
In this PhD thesis, the issue of the development of Roman citizenship for women in the late Republic and the early Empire is explored. Roman women as citizens are often marginalised, both in ancient sources and in definitions of... more
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoryGender HistoryRoman Law
In this study, a detailed analysis of Porter five forces of oil and gas industry has been conducted. Porter five force analysis of oil and gas industry revealed many key aspects for a new entrant to make its competitive strategy and for... more
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      LeadershipOil and gasBargainingProfitability
Academic and policy debates on migration and refugee 'crises' across the world have yet to fully engage with the importance of cross-border population mobility for states' diplomatic strategies. This article sets forth the concept of... more
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      International RelationsRefugee StudiesDiplomacyInternational Migration
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A bargaining theoretical model on the Iranian nuclear crisis is presented in our study with particular emphasis on U.S.-Iranian relations. We argue that until 2013 minimal costs of bargaining failure made it hardly possible for the... more
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      Trust Theory (Evolution of cooperation)BargainingUnited States Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign Policy
Conceptually located between decision analysis and game theory, the emergent field of "negotiation analysis" seeks to develop prescriptive theory and useful advice for negotiators and third parties. It generally emphasizes assessment of... more
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      Applied PsychologyGame TheoryPolitical ScienceNegotiation
Purpose – This paper aims to identify and discuss four major sources of power in negotiations. Findings – The four sources of power are alternatives, information, status and social capital. Each of these sources of power can enhance a... more
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      Power (social)NegotiationBargainingLeverage
"This paper applies the insights of obsolescing bargaining theory to a situation in which a host country interacted with both multinational corporations and an international organization, the World Bank. Drawing on resource curse... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment StudiesAccountabilityGovernance
The usual purpose of negotiations is to explore options and reach an agreement, if possible. We investigated a notable exception to this generalization, where a party negotiates without any intention of reaching an agreement. False... more
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      Social PsychologyBargainingNegotiations
Implicit in the rationalist literature on bargaining over the last half-century is the political utility of violence. Given our anarchical international system populated with egoistic actors, violence is thought to promote concessions by... more
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The Brexit negotiations present a puzzle for scholars of international bargaining, who tend to assume hard bargaining follows from advantages in bargaining power. In spite of its relative weakness vis-à-vis the EU27, however, the UK’s... more
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      International Relations TheoryBritish PoliticsInternational NegotiationsEuropean Union Politics
A strong authoritarian state such as China has a range of institutions and instruments at its disposal to resolve social conflicts. This study proposes a new mechanism—citizen's engagement of a profit-seeking intermediary—that helps to... more
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Este artigo realizará, a partir de revisão bibliográfica, análise crítica do modelo de justiça criminal negocial proposto pelo projeto de Código de Processo Penal (PLS 156/09), denominado " procedimento sumário ". Partindo-se da... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeBargainingPlea Bargaining
We examine a specific class of bargaining problems where the golden and silver ratios appear in a natural way.
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      EconomicsGame TheoryStochastic GamesBargaining
Little is known about how accurately individuals perceive externalities and how their perception affects bargaining behavior. This paper uses the setting of an unregulated taxi system in Lima, Peru to analyze taxi drivers’ ability to... more
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      Development EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsTransportation StudiesBehavioral Economics
It seems natural to think that compromises ought to be fair. But it is false. In this paper, I argue that it is never a moral desideratum to reach fair compromises and that we are sometimes even morally obligated to try to establish... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial and Political PhilosophyBargainingFairness
Driven by the low transaction costs and interactive nature of the internet, customer participation in the price-setting process has increased. Today, platforms such as eBay have popularized online auctions on a global scale, Priceline has... more
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      TaxonomyAuctionsBargainingPay what you want
This paper presents a novel understanding of the changing governance structures in global supply chains. Motivated by the global garment sector, we develop a geographical political economy dynamic model which reflects the interaction... more
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      Development StudiesSupply Chain ManagementGlobalizationBargaining
An evolutionary modeling approach to understanding how underrepresented groups can be disadvantaged in epistemic communities, even in the absence of bias.
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      Philosophy of ScienceFeminist epistemology (Philosophy)BargainingEpistemic communities
Philosophers of science and social scientists have argued that diverse perspectives, methods, and background assumptions are critical to the progress of science. One way to achieve such diversity is to ensure that a scientific community... more
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      Game TheorySocial SciencesDiversityCollaboration
According to the recalibrational theory of anger, anger is a computationally complex cognitive system that evolved to bargain for better treatment. Anger coordinates facial expressions, vocal changes, verbal arguments, the withholding of... more
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      EmotionEvolutionary PsychologyAngerBargaining
Although community development by elected local bodies is considered to promote pro-poor development, there is little systematic evidence on what forces shape elected leaders' distributional decisions and how communities influence... more
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      Comparative PoliticsSocial WorkDevelopment StudiesVoting Behavior
Vivoda, for their moral and financial support throughout the preparation of this book. Moreover, lengthy telephone discussions with my dad and his wholehearted help with getting hold of a lot of relevant literature were very important. My... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyNegotiationMultinational Corporations
O acordo de barganha (“plea bargain”) pode ser entendido como um pacto firmado entre a acusação e o acusado, objetivando a renúncia ao julgamento e a redução da pena em contrapartida à assunção da responsabilidade do injusto imputado.(1)... more
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      BargainingPlea BargainingProcesso PenalCriminal Procedural Law
When states come to believe that other states are hostile to their interests, they often reorient their foreign policies by realigning alliance commitments, building arms, striking first, mobilizing troops, or adopting policies to drain... more
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      Game TheoryInternational RelationsCommunicationDiplomacy
1 Einführung Aber das größte und hervorragendste Recht im Staat ist mit der Stellung (auctoritas) der Auguren verbunden. So beurteile ich das aber nicht, weil ich selbst Augur bin, sondern weil diese Einschätzung zwangsläufig ist. Denn... more
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      Decision MakingDivinationRoman ReligionBargaining
We explore the properties of voting rules and procedures employed by appellate courts in the US. Our model features: (1) a two-stage decision-making process (first over case disposition, then over majority opinion content), (2)... more
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      Judicial PoliticsBargaining
Intersectionality theory explores the special sorts of disadvantage that arise as the result of occupying multiple disadvantaged demographic categories. One significant methodological problem for the quantitative study of... more
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      Game TheoryIntersectionality TheoryEvolutionary Game TheorySocial Norms
This study aims to investigate the process of buyers’ subsequent attitudes and subsequent actions and their relationships depended on the bargaining outcomes. Depth interviews were employed in order to explore the success, the failure,... more
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This chapter develops a method for analyzing bargaining problems in which the bargainers are uncertain about the performance of alternative bargaining outcomes. Monte-Carlo selection is combined with fallback bargaining (FB) in order to... more
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      Game TheoryDecision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingPolicy Analysis and Decision Making
In important conflicts such as wars and labor-management disputes, people typically rely on the judgment of experts to predict the decisions that will be made. We compared the accuracy of 106 forecasts by experts and 169 forecasts by... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)Decision MakingPolicy Analysis and Decision MakingForeign Policy
In uni-dimensional policy space, the median voter theorem provides a unique equilibrium characterization under simple majority rule. But for general decision procedures, the core is generically non-unique. We make a selection from the... more
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    • Bargaining
Many societies have state norms of equity—that those who make symmetric social contributions deserve symmetric rewards. Despite this, there are widespread patterns of social inequity, especially along gender and racial lines. It is often... more
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      Game TheoryEvolutionary Game TheoryBargainingSocial Inequality
The introductory article to this volume positions the Afghan case within the broader literature on the political economy of war-to-peace transitions. The paper begins by critiquing the rise of democracy promotion, and then employs a... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
A PPT of my MA thesis research.
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      SociolinguisticsBargainingAfrican LinguisticsDakar
The essay begins with a short account of how the problems of bargaining are historically situated in the uneven development of capitalism. It then focuses on the genre of bargaining as differently understood and described by economists... more
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      Political EconomyMarxismLinguistic AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Children's enrollment and school attainment are critical issues as it is at such a stage of their development that children acquire competencies that determine their future. Therefore, understanding the determinants of enrollment and... more
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We examine the previously unstudied effects of silent pauses in bilateral negotiations. Two theoretical perspectives are tested—(1) an internal reflection perspective, whereby silence leads to a deliberative mindset, which in turn prompts... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyOrganizational CommunicationNatural Language Processing
We use tools from evolutionary game theory to examine how power might influence the cultural evolution of inequitable conventions between discernible groups (such as gender or racial groups) in a population of otherwise identical... more
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      Power (social)Evolutionary Game TheorySocial NormsBargaining