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We propose and discuss improved Bayes rules to discriminate between two populations using ordered predictors. To address the problem we propose an alternative formulation using a latent space that allows to introduce the information about... more
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      Discriminant AnalysisMathematical SciencesClassificationBayes' rule
A simple trading model is presented in which Bayes' rule is used to aggregate traders' forecasts about risky assets' future returns. In this financial market, Bayes' rule operates like an omnipotent market-maker performing functions that... more
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      Mathematical SciencesMinimum varianceFinancial MarketBayes' rule
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      Computer ScienceMachine VisionImage segmentationVideo Analysis
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      StatisticsStatisticalBayes' rule
• θ is the parameter values.
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      Statistics EducationBayesian statistics & modellingBayes' ruleR
Simultaneous localization and map-building (SLAM) continues to draw considerable attention in the robotics community due to the advantages it can offer in building autonomous robots. It examines the ability of an autonomous robot starting... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionState EstimationKalman Filter
How should the Fermi paradox affect an estimate of humankind's likelihood and best means of long-term survival? A significant probability that many other civilizations have been in our situation but failed to become spacefaring increases... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArtificial General IntelligenceExistential riskBayes' rule
Incorporation of expert information in inference or decision settings is often important, especially in cases where data are unavailable, costly or unreliable. One approach is to elicit prior quantiles from an expert and then to fit these... more
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      Bayes' ruleIncentive CompatibilityStatistical distribution theory
In Part I of this paper , an equivalence between the concepts of fuzzy clustering and soft competitive learning in clustering algorithms is proposed on the basis of the existing literature. Moreover, a set of functional attributes is... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPattern RecognitionFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
Simultaneous localization and map-building (SLAM) continues to draw considerable attention in the robotics community due to the advantages it can offer in building autonomous robots. It examines the ability of an autonomous robot starting... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionState EstimationKalman Filter
This paper aims to make explicit the methodological conditions that should be satisfied for the Bayesian model to be used as a normative model of human probability judgment. After noticing the lack of a clear definition of Bayesianism in... more
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      Experimental StudyBayesian modelBayes' ruleProbability Judgment
Resumen: Cada vez son más numerosas las investigaciones que trabajan con un amplio número de variables donde existen relaciones complejas entre ellas. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas estadísticas surgidas en el campo de la... more
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      Bayesian statisticsArtificial Intelligentexpert SystemBayes' rule
This paper describes a hybrid fuzzy weights-of-evidence (WofE) model for mineral potential mapping that generates fuzzy predictor patterns based on (a) knowledge-based fuzzy membership values and (b) data-based conditional probabilities.... more
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      Natural ResourcesRegional scaleConditional probabilityKnowledge base
Clustering algorithms aim at modeling fuzzy (i.e., ambiguous) unlabeled patterns efficiently. Our goal is to propose a theoretical framework where the expressive power of clustering systems can be compared on the basis of a meaningful set... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPattern RecognitionFuzzy set theoryFuzzy Sets
Bayes’ rule shows how one might rationally change one’s beliefs in the light of evidence. It is the foundation of a statistical method called Bayesianism. In health care research, Bayesianism has its advocates but the dominant statistical... more
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      PhilosophyResearch DesignCritical RealismHealth Care
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      Bounded RationalityDecision Making Under UncertaintyApplied EconomicsLearning
or a long period in Lithuania there was a tendency to build extensively leaving huge wasteland insertions in the urban fabric of the cities. As a result cities overspread such a big territory that the edges of the cities and location of... more
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      Game TheoryPublic TransportEvaluationBayes' rule
We state a quantum version of Bayes's rule for statistical inference and give a simple general derivation within the framework of generalized measurements. The rule can be applied to measurements on N copies of a system if the initial... more
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      State EstimationStatistical InferenceMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsMachine LearningNeural Network
While gait recognition is the mapping of a gait sequence to an identity known to the system, gait authentication refers to the problem of identifying whether a given gait sequence belongs to the claimed identity. A typical gait... more
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      BiometricsLinear Discriminant AnalysisVerificationBayes' rule
We discuss a Bayesian discovery procedure for multiple comparison problems. We show that under a coherent decision theoretic framework, a loss function combining true positive and false positive counts leads to a decision rule based on a... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsDecision TheoryRidge Regression
This paper presents a novel unsupervised methodology for automatic disam- biguation of nouns found in unrestricted corpora. The proposed method is based on extending the context of a target word by querying the web, and then measuring the... more
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      Word Sense DisambiguationBayes' ruleSemantic Interpretation
A set of ERS SAR and optical MODIS-images were classified to land cover and tree species classes. Different methods for pixel and decision based data fusion were tested. Classifications of featuresets were carried out using Bayes rule for... more
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      Land CoverData FusionLand cover classificationHigh Resolution
A concern has been expressed that "the Jaynes principle can produce fake entanglement" [R. Horodecki et al., Phys. Rev. A 59, 1799]. In this paper we discuss the general problem of distilling maximally entangled states from N copies of a... more
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      Quantum MechanicsState EstimationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Dental age estimation methods based on the radiologically detected third molar developmental stages are implemented in forensic age assessments to discriminate between juveniles and adults considering the judgment of young unaccompanied... more
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      Forensic ScienceSaudi ArabiaSouth IndiaAdolescent
This paper describes a method to estimate the position of a mobile robot in an indoor scenario using the odometric calculus and the WiFi energy received from the wireless infrastructure. This energy will be measured by wireless network... more
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      Wireless NetworkMobile RobotRadio PropagationBayes' rule
Learning and memory operations in neural circuits are believed to involve molecular cascades of synaptic and nonsynaptic changes that lead to a diverse repertoire of dynamical phenomena at higher levels of processing. Hebbian and... more
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      Computer ScienceHebbian learningNatural SciencesSpiking Neural Networks
I outline an argument for a subjective Bayesian interpretation of quantum probabilities as degrees of belief distributed subject to consistency constraints on a quantum rather than a classical event space. I show that the projection... more
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      PhilosophyQuantum InformationQuantum MechanicsBayes' rule
This paper compares two methods to estimate the position of a mobile robot in an indoor environment using only odometric calculus and the WiFi energy received from the wireless communication infrastructure. In both cases we use a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMobile RobotRadio PropagationROBOTICA
This paper describes a hybrid fuzzy weights-of-evidence (WofE) model for mineral potential mapping that generates fuzzy predictor patterns based on (a) knowledge-based fuzzy membership values and (b) data-based conditional probabilities.... more
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      Natural ResourcesProbabilityModelsRegional scale
This paper states necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence, uniqueness, and updating according to Bayes' rule, of subjective probabilities representing individuals' beliefs. The approach is preference based, and the result is... more
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      Economic TheorySubjective ProbabilityBayes' ruleBayesian Confirmation Theory
This work presents an automated method for chromosome segmentation and classifieation. It takes the advantage of t b multi-spectral information in M-FISH chromosome images and d i z e s the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Bayes rule.... more
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      GeneticsImage ProcessingMicroscopyImage Analysis
Regularization methods are characterized by loss functions measuring data fits and penalty terms constraining model parameters. The commonly used quadratic loss is not suitable for classification with binary responses, whereas the... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsMachine LearningBiometrics
A set of ERS SAR and optical MODIS-images were classified to land cover and tree species classes. Different methods for pixel and decision based data fusion were tested. Classifications of featuresets were carried out using Bayes rule for... more
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      Land CoverData FusionLand cover classificationHigh Resolution
Subjective beliefs and behavior regarding the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer were surveyed among attendees of the 2006 meeting of the American Economic Association. Logical inconsistency was measured in... more
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      Prostate CancerSocial InfluenceBayes' ruleEconomic Loss
An objective pilling evaluation method based on the multi-scale two-dimensional dual-tree complex wavelet transform and linear discriminant function of Bayes' Rule was developed. The surface fuzz and pills are identified from the... more
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      Materials EngineeringPrincipal Component AnalysisHigh FrequencyManufacturing Engineering
The slippage problem occurs when an unspecified observation in a given random sample is from a distribution other than that for all the remaining observations. This paper studies the problem in terms of the 'slip' in the mean direction of... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsOutlier detectionBayes' rule
The Non-Use of Bayes Rule: Representative Evidence on Bounded Rationality * The ability to process new information and to compute conditional probabilities is crucial for making appropriate decisions under uncertainty. In this paper, we... more
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      BiotechnologyBounded RationalityDecision Making Under UncertaintyLabour Economics
Dental age estimation methods based on the radiologically detected third molar developmental stages are implemented in forensic age assessments to discriminate between juveniles and adults considering the judgment of young unaccompanied... more
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      Forensic ScienceSaudi ArabiaSouth IndiaAdolescent
When resources are divided among agents, the characteristics of the agents are taken into consideration. A simple example is the bankruptcy problem, where the liquidation value of a bankrupt firm is divided among the creditors based on... more
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      Economic TheoryAgent BasedSocial ChoiceFlat Tax
Information processing in the nervous system involves the activity of large populations of neurons. It is possible, however, to interpret the activity of relatively small numbers of cells in terms of meaningful aspects of the environment.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVisual perceptionInformation ProcessingBayesian Analysis
Resumen: Cada vez son más numerosas las investigaciones que trabajan con un amplio número de variables donde existen relaciones complejas entre ellas. Las redes bayesianas son herramientas estadísticas surgidas en el campo de la... more
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      Bayesian statisticsArtificial Intelligentexpert SystemBayes' rule
A whole body counter (WBC) designed to measure bremsstrahlung from 90Y, the short-lived daughter of 90Sr, has been used since 1974 to measure 90Sr-body burdens in residents along the Techa River, which was contaminated by releases from... more
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Individual classifiers predict unknown objects. Although, these are usually domain specific, and lack the property of scaling up prediction while handling data sets with huge size and high-dimensionality or imbalance class distribution.... more
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsMachine LearningNeural Network
The exploration for oil and gas requires real-time petrophysical expertise to interpret measurement data acquired in boreholes and to recommend further steps. High time pressure and the far reaching nature of these decisions, as well as... more
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      PetrophysicsOil and gasDecision support systemBayesian Inference
Load forecasting is significantly important for the electricity production in the deregulated economy. It has many applications including energy purchasing and generation, load switching, contract evaluation, and infrastructure... more
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      Uncertainty analysisBayes' ruleBayesian Belief Network
This paper concerns the problem of classification based on training data. A framework of information geometry is given to elucidate the characteristics of discriminant functions including logistic discrimination and AdaBoost. We discuss a... more
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      Analytical ChemistryPrincipal Component AnalysisInformation GeometryLogistic Regression
This paper describes a method to estimate the position of a mobile robot in an indoor scenario using the odometric calculus and the WiFi energy received from the wireless infrastructure. This energy will be measured by wireless network... more
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      Wireless NetworkMobile RobotRadio PropagationBayes' rule
This paper presents a new method to forecast the short term electricity price as a kind of time series. A clustering based forecasting method is introduced. The proposed method contains input-output decomposition and using a simple... more
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      Time SeriesElectricity pricesTime Series ForecastingBayes' rule