Recent papers in Bengali
Natural Language Processing is one of the most difficult areas in artificial intelligence. Because, completely different grammatical rules (on which the languages are based on) make the task more complicated. The same problems are found... more
The distinct genes of Bengalis become evident when they choose their gods and governments that are so radically different from those in Delhi or India. On Diwali, for instance, while others pray to the fair Lakshmi with millions of... more
Osman living in a rooftop room dreams of his father’s death but finds himself in a distorted fact no less horrible. All he witnesses sometime seem hallucination sometime real. It’s a time when receiving news of someone’s being shot dead... more
The paper discusses the issues faced while evaluating the different aspects of mapping language specific data onto the IMAGACT interface. The paper is a result of working on the IMAGACT project under the supervision of Prof. Girish Nath... more
Painting is deeply involved in the public life of Bengal. There is a lot of history hidden in the excitement of the people on the occasion of Puja Parvan and serving them beautifully. And among them painting and other arts have taken... more
Beijing/Shanghai: Cambridge University Press/ Orient Publishing Centre, 2012.
Downloadable in 11 files
Downloadable in 11 files
Salma Bani's epic creation ‘Immigration’, is one of the very few excellent novels that Bangla language has produced in the recent decades.
ভারতের ত্রিভাষা নীতির প্রয়োগ সংক্রান্ত একটি গবেষণা মূলক বই। ISBN: 978-93-5457-660-7
A seminar, accompanied by exhibitions and follow up field initiatives are planned in order to prepare the ground for a further Bengal Renaissance, for the regeneration of the best and finest in Bengali, Indian and global traditions of... more
অন্ত্যমধ্যযুগীয় বাংলায় পুরুষদের প্রতিষ্ঠিত মন্দিরের তুলনায় নারীদের প্রতিষ্ঠিত মন্দিরের সংখ্যা খুবই অল্প। কিন্তু মল্লভূম অঞ্চলে আমরা অনেক নারী-প্রতিষ্ঠিত মন্দির দেখতে পাই। সপ্তদশ শতাব্দীতেই আমরা এই অঞ্চলের নয়জন নারীকে পেয়েছি, যাঁরা মন্দির... more
Publisher's abstract: Bangladesh did not exist as an independent state until 1971. Willem van Schendel’s state-of-the-art history navigates the extraordinary twists and turns that created modern Bangladesh through ecological disaster,... more
Of identities, of experiences, of struggle: Manoranjan Byapari's book, "Interrogating My Chandal Life: An Autobiography of a Dalit", translated by Sipra Mukherjee from Bengali, despite being an engrossing read, is not an easy book to... more
তখন ১৯২৫ সাল। উপনিবেশের সূর্য মধ্য গগনে। শাসন-শোষণের সুচারু ব্যবস্থাপনা আর তথাকথিত ‘হোয়াইট ম্যানস বার্ডেন’-এর নামে অশ্বেতাঙ্গদের ওপরে শ্বেতাঙ্গদের শাসনের বৈধতার প্রচারণার জোয়ারে কঙ্গো তখন নিস্তেজ, প্রতিরোধহীন। এমনি এক বন্ধ্যা সময়ে স্বাধীন... more
— Devnagari is the most popular script in India it is used by over 400 million people all over world. Recognition of Devnagari handwritten word has been a popular research area for many years because of its various applications. This... more
The phenomenon of reversing with respect to Compound Verbs in Hindi is an interesting avenue to check for linguistic processing effects. However, if the same phenomenon is replicated in Bangla, the results are totally different with... more
"Syllable Structure of Bangla: An Optimality-Theoretic Approach is a three part study designed to provide the student/readers with a better understanding about the structure of Bangla syllables in terms of phonology and morphology. The... more
Based on a recent empirical project on 'the Bengal diaspora', the paper explores the construction and contestation of meanings around the iconic East London street, Brick Lane. Taking the 2006 protests around the film Brick Lane as its... more
In: Indo-Iranian Journal 27 (1984): 319-341.
Die Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung (IZSAF) ist eine elektronische, peerreviewed Zeitschrift, die vor allem Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen, deren Forschungsarbeit einen Bezug zu Südasien aufweist, eine Plattform zur... more
‘আট বছর’ আগের একদিন’ কবিতা নিয়ে বিস্তর আলোচনা হয়েছে। এ লেখাটি আরেকটি আলোচনা মাত্র। যাকে সাহিত্যের ভাষায় শিল্পরীতি বলা হয়, আলোচনাটা প্রাথমিকভাবে সে গোত্রের। তবে, ‘কবিভাষা’র দিকে এ আলোচনায় বিশেষ মনোযোগ দেয়া হয়েছে। কবিতার পাঠটি এক অর্থে... more
The historical Shiva, living around 7000 years ago, always worked for the welfare of all living beings, according to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti in his book Namah Shiváya Shántáya. Shiva introduced Dharma to help human beings attain the... more
The novel Chilekothar Sepai (1987), written by Akhtaruzzaman Elias is a noteworthy literary piece in Bangla language based on pre-liberation political history of Bangladesh, that is, the context of mass revolt in 1969. Crossing the... more
In light of recent attempts to defend the role of the arts in education against the effects of policies based on utilitarian principles, this paper examines the arts educational writings and practical projects of Rabindranath Tagore... more
A language is considered as a sexist language if it conveys attitudes that stereotype a person according to gender rather than judging on individual merits. Feminists believe that English language is a sexist language because it involves... more
ÔbqbPvivÕ M ‡íi ev¯Í eZv Avm ‡j Avgy i ev¯Í eZv; bM ‡ii Ges bqbPviv MÖ v ‡gi ev¯Í eZv| bqbPviv MÖ vg Avevi Avgy i Aw¯Í ‡Z¡ i wPývqK, †h-Aw¯Í ‡Z¡ i cwiwPZ Dcv`v ‡bi m ‡½ Zz jbv-m ‡Î †m wP ‡b wb ‡q ‡Q m`¨-cwiwPZ bMi| †h-bM ‡i Awb"Qvm ‡Ë¡ I... more
Each poet has his own distinguishing position and popularity in each domestic literary history. Their poems discussed here show remarkably similar thoughts and astonishingly powerful imaginations; thoughts over how to retrieve something
XvKvi cÖ wgZ ev gvb evsjvi msKU †gvnv¤ §` AvRg, mnKvix Aa¨vcK, evsjv wefvM, XvKv wek¦ we`¨vjq GB †jLvi gj cȪÍ ve `y wU: GK. cÖ wgZ (standard) evsjv GKwU bq; Kgc ‡ÿ `y wU| Av ‡iv †ewk n ‡Z cv ‡i, Kg bq| Zvi g ‡a¨ GKwU XvKvi| ¯úó K ‡i ej... more
Bengalce kuş adları tarama yoluyla toplanmış ve etimolojik çözümlemesi yapılmıştır. Daha önce 2010 yılında sitede yayımlanan 22 sayfalık dosyanın genişletilip çözümlenmiş ikinci versiyonudur.