Biblical Greek
Recent papers in Biblical Greek
Since Charles Darwin made the theory of evolution popular, the church has been faced with the problem of either denying the validity of evolution or finding a way to interpret the Bible that will harmonize with both an old-earth scenario... more
K Biblické řečtině. Str. 144 - 150 (Problems with the Biblical Greek) I believe that the increased emphasis on the semiotic reading of the text with E- dem on internal formal grammatical construction, we can free ourselves from... more
Grego Bíblico - Introdução Panorâmica. Biblical Greek: Panoramic Introduction.
The purpose of this book is an “exegetical companion,” meaning anyone working on teaching or preaching from 1 Peter can use this guide as the read the Greek New Testament. The handbook does not “give all the answers” by parsing every... more
"We have needed this book for a very long time. My students share with me time and again how frustrating it is that once out of the classroom, they lose their Greek knowledge so quickly—a knowledge that took untold hours and much hard... more
Summary of William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar 4th Edition by Zondervan
The technique of translating from Biblical Greek (2): Kinds of translation technique in translating ancient literature and the example of the translation of participles in the Slovak commentary translation For a translator of ancient... more
A Studies on the Lucan "Filling of the Spirit" in Greek
Based upon the corpus of Classical and Hellenistic Greek, the goal of this study is to analyze the lexicon of fraternity both in its diachronic evolution and from the point of view of linguistic typology. The lexicon of fraternity in... more
This paper continues the enquiry into the advisability of engaging profit making organisations to deliver academic content through the kind of relationship represented by the partnership established between the Hebrew University and... more
It is well known that interpreters of the Bible are in disagreement concerning the baptism in the Holy Spirit and concerning the place of spiritual gifts in the church today. Even though this paper includes a rather broad survey of the... more
The central thrust of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians includes the Jewish historical responsibility to the global humanity, which was newly embodied in Paul’s personal mission to the nations of the world, through the proclamation of the... more
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español).
The Greek word κύριος (kurios ‘Lord’) carries amazing theological weight in the New Testament. It is often used to refer to Jesus, sometimes with the implication that Jesus is the “Master” or “Rabbi” of the disciples (e.g. John 13:13),... more
The Significance of Speaking in Tongues in Social Transformation, Spirituality and Charismatic Gifts.
With three Missionary Journeys, St. Paul has provided to spread of Christianity in Asia Minor and in Europe. In Second Missionary Journey, St. Paul crossed to Troad from Mysia, and sailed with a ship to Macedonia. Due to lack of data
Hellenistic literature, having great achievements in the fields of philosophy, drama, and poetry, did not know the theological concepts and issues which underlie the texts contained in the Hebrew Bible. So when the creators of the... more
Omwerking van T.A. Bolhuis 'Handleiding bij Nieuwtestamentisch Grieks deel 1 en 2' (Kampen 2004), aangevuld met verduidelijkingen uit Blass, Debrunner & Rekopf (1976) en Hoffmann & Von Siebenthal (2007).
In this essay I examine the contrast of kenodoxian ("empty glory") and Christ"s ekenosen ("emptying himself") to show that in humility Christ emptied himself of glory in order to accomplish the will of the Father-and thereby attaining the... more
Revisions to the Greek NT in NA28 are restricted to the Catholic Epistles—the product of the Münster Institute’s ongoing work on the Editio critica maior. The text of the rest of the NT remains unaltered. The updated manuscript data,... more
The Text on 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
Some modern scholars have brought vital discussion related to the origin language of the New Testament. Instead of being written in Greek, some of them believed that, not just partially or some words, but the whole New Testament... more
Many scholars believe that the human race has come into existence through neo-Darwinian evolution. Many religious scholars believe that God created mankind by special creation. "New Evidence for Two Human Origins" attempts to prove that... more
Tresham, Aaron. “Aspect and Aktionsart in Greek Grammars.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Far-West Region of the Evangelical Theological Society, Escondido, CA, April 8, 2011.
Neben dem griechischen Text und einer Übersetzung folgen Anmerkungen zur griechischen Grammatik und zur Diskursanalyse der Apostelgeschichte von Lukas.
Lessicografia del Nuovo Testamento. Manuale ad uso degli studenti dell'ISSR di Genova. Le dispense sono state create sulla base di quelle utilizzate dal prof. Claudio Doglio
In Greek for Life Merkle and Plummer want to encourage (and occasionally shame) seminary students and pastors to work hard at the task of learning Greek so they will be properly prepared to present God's word in their ministries. They... more
Biblická gréčtina: Kľúč k cvičeniam Pomocné študijné materiály k publikácii Helena PANCZOVÁ-Daniel ŠKOVIERA, Biblická gréčtina: Vysokoškolská učebnica. Bratislava: Lingea, 2014.
This new Introduction to Biblical Greek is in many ways not new. Schwandt bases his introduction on H. P. V. Nunn, The Elements of New Testament Greek (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1913). This has been done before: J. W. Wenham... more
Numbering systems (such as Strong’s) are a popular way to reference the lexemes of the Greek New Testament corpus but a straight enumeration is not without problems, particularly when there is disagreement about whether two forms are the... more
analysis and classification of structural markers in Ephesians 2:1-10 and the effect of this classification on translation and interpretation.
Koine Greek Grammar and its accompanying Workbook and Answer Key & Guide have been in the making for decades. It was first a small manual Kairos Greek Grammar; then it grew into a fully integrated and hyperlinked CD that has been... more
As of May 2024, here is a bibliography of over two dozen Johannine authored or edited books and over 150 published essays on or related to Johannine themes and issues
Early considerations on the word “Repent”. Following a path starting with Metanoeo , then to this Metanoia as, "A change of mind or purpose”
The goal of this paper is to examine the major areas of discussion when looking at homosexuality in the Bible, provide a brief survey of the different approaches used by both affirming and non-affirming scholars, and to make a choice on... more
A brief exegetical analysis of Ephesians 5:15-21, with homiletical application.
La fonosemantica, sebbene sia considerata un recente sviluppo della linguistica, in realtà affonda le sue origini nella remota antichità ed anzi meglio si applica alle lingue antiche piuttosto che a quelle moderne. Pertanto può gettare... more
This study investigated the unusual Greek of John 20:28 in which two articular substantives have a singular referent. This study searched through the Septuagint, the Greek New Testament canon, Biblical scholars and Greek grammarians. This... more