Recent papers in Bio-Politics
Multitud ha de ser un libro no solo ampliamente recomendado para especialistas en temas de riesgo y terrorismo, sino en cuestiones de bio-política en general. La posición inicial de los autores intenta ser una lectura holística de... more
This article investigates how colonial attitudes towards race operate alongside official multiculturalism in Canada to justify the legally exceptional exclusion of migrant farm workers from Canada’s socio-political framework. The Canadian... more
Radical, ‘eventful’ bodily vulnerability has yet to receive sustained attention in contemporary human geography. As one way of addressing the implications of existential vulnerability, this thesis explores the social geographies of people... more
2016 Full uncorrected manuscript: Thinking Film Series (Bloomsbury Academic) edited by Sarah Cooper and David Martin-Jones.
This article explores Andy Warhol's early films as a mechanism of bio-political production: both challenging capitalist logic of production and mobilizing subjectivity as a source of financial value. The article introduces... more
Tracing a history of agro-food studies which are mainly originated from the modern nutrition science that was codified in the late 19th century and has led the diet modification as a selfconstruction down to the present, the reductionist... more
Erving Goffman -Giorgio Agamben I. Στόχος και δομή της εργασίας Ο σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι συγκριτικός. Θα προσπαθήσει να εξετάσει δύο έργα που εντάσσονται στο χώρο της πολιτισμικής κριτικής. Από τη μία το έργο Στίγμα,... more
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was not only a brilliant inventor, but also a great visionary who foresaw the future problems that humanity will face: energy, food, water, pollution, death and birth issues, etc. The essay, based on Nikola... more
for the energy and ideas you have contributed to this book. All of the chapters in this book began life as essays published in books or journals. They have all been polished and updated, and in some cases completely rewritten for this... more
This article puts forward two main arguments. First, it highlights the relation between different phases of neoliberalism in Morocco together with the specific methods and techniques of urban government that were deployed in efforts to... more
This paper explores in details the basics and dynamics of Palestinian hunger strikes from the time they were first documented until the recent days.
This article explores Andy Warhol's early films as a mechanism of bio-political production: both challenging capitalist logic of production and mobilizing subjectivity as a source of financial value. The article introduces Maurizio... more
"Resumen - Abstract Jean-Luc Nancy recorre el cuerpo como una Summa, como un Corpus, lo sustrae del horizonte bio–teleológico del organismo para entregarlo al horizonte del acontecimiento, lo cual implica dejar de pensar en un cuerpo... more
مقالب بحثي قصير في نقد سياسات الحركة الحقوقية والنسوية المعاصرة ، بالتركيز على كشف وتفكيك النزعة البيو- سياسية المتطرفة التي ترتكز عليها تلك السياسات
This paper draws on the work of Michel Foucault in order to analyze the constellation of political strategies and power at the US/Mexico border wall. These strategies, however, are incredibly diverse and often directly antagonistic of one... more
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Btihaj Ajana (King’s College London) - Languages: English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian. SECTIONS: 1. BODY AND THE DIGITAL QUANTIFICATION OF THE SELF 2. HISTORY OF THE QUANTIFICATION OF BODIES 3. POLITICS OF... more
Mitten in der "Aids-Krise", 1987, veröffentlichte die CDU-Politikerin Rita Süssmuth, damalige Bundesministerin für Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit in der BRD, ein Buch mit dem Titel "AIDS. Wege aus der Angst". Damit rekurrierte Süssmuth... more
In this paper, he commentary on Welfare Economics (WE) may seem to be an anti-modernist agenda that wants to negate the scientific endeavour of modern state for the well being of the subjects. This type of responses that negates western... more
Discursive governance of pro-population politics refers to norm-based mechanisms of governance that utilise intentionally selected slogans in political discourse for dissemination of ideas to further the interests of political... more
Bio-politics', according to Foucault, concerns natural environment and bodies, which are both 'ungovernable.' Problems regarding radiation risk are typical problems of governability; radiation can contaminate the whole environment and can... more
A chapter from Rational Freedom vol 6 Mediation by Dr Peter Critchley In the context of debates over postmodernity there is value in. integrating the critical insights of Marx and Weber in relation to capitalist modernity, relating the... more
Il presente contributo muove dall'assunzione di uno specifico orientamento filosofico nei confronti di tre dimensioni: ciò che accade nel presente; ciò che è il mondo; ciò che siamo noi. Questa particolare postura consiste in un ἦθος,... more
[Micromega-Almanacco di filosofia, 8.2020, pp. 129-144] The paper reflects on the role of philosophy in bio-political matters, i.e. powers, rights and duties concerning (human) life. The case study is a discussion occurred between R.... more
La presente reflexión se deriva de un proyecto de investigación en el área de la telemedicina y su relación con la responsabilidad social y ética como apoyo a la responsabilidad civil y penal del médico en su ejercicio profesional. Para... more
2016 Full uncorrected manuscript: Thinking Film Series (Bloomsbury Academic) edited by Sarah Cooper and David Martin-Jones.
A summary of my forthcoming book. Dwelling on a politics of and in life, it works across multiple locations of mass violence to understand an affirmative bio-politics. The underlying theme is an emphasis on the social as a location for... more
In this thesis ethnographical interviews with women in Buenos Aires are analyzed with discourse theory in order to examine how discourses of safe/unsafe and urban poor construct places and bodies. A central element of discourse is argued... more
This article considers the biopolitical implications of the recent election of Donald Trump as President. It argues that self-regulation predicts his failure not his success. Mr Trump has provided ample evidence of his unsuitability for... more
New on our #TRAFOBlog: “The workshops are seedbeds for degeneration”: Forms of Exposure and Protection of Workers’ Bodies in Vardar Macedonia by Ivana Hadjievska in our series »Factory Reloaded« more