Bird and Mammals
Recent papers in Bird and Mammals
Amaç: 2007 - 2015 yılları arasında arazide karşılaşılan, hakkında kısıtlı da olsa veriler edinilen memelilere ilişkin bilginin paylaşılması mevcut çalışmanın amacını teşkil etmektedir. Bu veriler, fotoğraflar, kısmen düzenli olarak... more
Le Chott de Djendli (3700 ha) appartient au complexe des zones humides Sud-constantinoises. L’étude menée de février 2006 à mars 2007 nous a permis la caractérisation bioécologique des éléments tant biotiques qu’abiotiques du site. Elle... more
ECOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN LAKE AYATA (OUED RIGH VALLEY: NORTHERN ALGERIAN SAHARA). **** ABSTRACT: Ayata Lake (155 ha) belongs to the complex of wetlands of Oued Righ Valley in Algerian Lower-Sahara.... more
Introduction: Banbhore situated at bank of Charo creek and 65km from the Karachi in the district Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan. The main objectives of research were to observe the avian diversity of coastline of Banbhore, Sindh, Pakistan.... more
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The assessment of feeding conditions and variations in diet composition over the pre-breeding period of birds plays a key-role in the understanding of reproductive performance. Pellets regurgitated by the Little Owl, Athene noctua, were... more
The inscriptions on the rocks show that the purpose of the primitive Egyptians is not only for the purpose of entertaining, but in self-defense, or as a means of obtaining the tools they have (ostrich feathers), or to get what they intend... more
Resumen La meteorización es una variable ampliamente utilizada en los análisis zooarqueo-lógicos y tafonómicos, dada su utilidad para evaluar la integridad y el contexto de depositación de los materiales arqueológicos. En este artículo... more
Official site of session: In the Early Middle Ages (the period from 6th to 12th century) animals accompanied human societies. Birds started every day with a choir of their songs, big... more
Bone fragments of a young and an adult Grey Dwarf Hamsters (Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas, 1773)) were found in Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo (Linn aeus, 1758)) diets in South-East Bulgaria (UTM squares MH 91/92 and NH 21/22). These new... more
Remains of the Romanian Hamster Mesocricetus newtoni were found in Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) pellets in South-East Bulgaria (UTM square NG09). This new locality for the hamster species lies 50 km south-west of the nearest previously known... more
We highlight hitherto unreported populations of two globally threatened phalangerid species on south-east Sulawesi’s offshore islands – bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) and small Sulawesi cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis) – and observations... more
This paper overviews the contamination caused by persistent organochlorines in endocrine system of mammals. To overcome yield loss in crops plants via pests, it is necessary to control them. There are a number of pest control strategies.... more
Prion protein (PrP) of mammals and avians has several putative Cu-binding sites. The generation of superoxide anion is catalyzed by Cu-binding motifs in mammal PrPs in the presence of certain co-factors such as H2O2 and phenolics or... more
The data on activity pattern and time budget of Swamp deer (Rucervus duvauceli duvauceli) were collected through instantaneous scan sampling from Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh, India Diurnal activity pattern of Swamp deer showed... more
Si presenta, al XV Congresso del Gruppo Iberico di studio sulle albanelle (genere Circus), la situazione italiana delle 4 specie che frequentano con regolarità il territorio
A record of Amur Falcon at Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan, India.
Remains of the Romanian Hamster Mesocricetus newtoni were found in Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) pellets in SouthEast Bulgaria (UTM square NG09). This new locality for the hamster species lies 50 km southwest of the nearest previously known... more
Bone fragments of a young and an adult Grey Dwarf Hamsters (Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas, 1773)) were found in Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo (liNNaeUs, 1758)) diets in SouthEast Bulgaria (UTM squares MH 91/92 and NH 21/22). These new localities... more
Мартынович Н.В, Алкин С.В. Кости птиц из пещеры близ стоянки Усть-Чёрная в Восточном Забайкалье // Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий: Материалы итоговой сессии ИАЭТ СО РАН 2014 г. – Том XX. –... more
Population declines among migratory Arctic-breeding birds are a growing concern for conservationists. To inform the conservation of these declining populations, we need to understand how demographic rates such as breeding success are... more
We highlight hitherto unreported populations of two globally threatened phalangerid species on south-east Sulawesi’s offshore islands – bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) and small Sulawesi cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis) – and observations... more
The exact anatomical location for an iron particle-based magnetic sense remains enigmatic in vertebrates. For mammals, findings from a cornea anaesthesia experiment in mole rats suggest that it carries the primary sensors for... more
Genetic networks can characterize complex genetic relationships among groups of individuals, which can be used to rank nodes most important to the overall connec-tivity of the system. Ranking allows scarce resources to be guided toward... more
A b s t r a c t Forest plantation and plantation plays an important role to provide secondary habitat for wildlife, including birds. One of the factors that might influence the avian population is different age or vegetation structure.... more
The Moraceae family has been the theme of several ecological aproaches, their anatomy and phenology features provide a variety of interactions with wildlife, and relevant studies have highlighted the Ficus genus as an important source of... more