Vertebrate taphonomy
Recent papers in Vertebrate taphonomy
Dispersed skeletal remains from pellets of Tyto alba found on a rocky surface in Sierra La Peregrina were analyzed. The pre depositional attributes correspond to those determined for the predator in fresh samples. The post-depositional... more
Observation: Please note this is a major update with 11,468 entries (and corrections) from previous lists published online between July 2017 and January 2018. This list include papers, conference papers, chapters, books, theses and... more
In the context of increased scrutiny of the methods in forensic sciences, it is essential to ensure that the approaches used in forensic taphonomy to measure decomposition and estimate the postmortem interval are underpinned by robust... more
Microscopic analysis represents a powerful tool for understanding taphonomy. Our work, as in other studies, aims to identify the origin of different kinds of marks on bones. In this paper, we test the application of a HIROX Digital... more
Nu mb e r 1 8 M a r c h 2 0 1 4 I SSN 1342-4092
Cecilio BARROSO RUIZ, Marie-Antoinette de LUMLEY, Anne-Marie MOIGNE, José Antonio RIQUELME CANTAL, Ana ECHASSOUX, Patricia VALENSI, Luis VERDÚ BERMEJO. Los restos humanos recogidos en la cueva del Boquete de Zafarraya están todos... more
Twenty-five Neogene–Quaternary whales hosted in Italian museum collections and their associated fauna were analysed for evidence of whale-fall community development in shallow-water settings. The degree of bone articulation, completeness... more
Forensic investigations involving animal scavenging of human remains require a physical search of the scene and surrounding areas. However, there is currently no standard procedure in the U.K. for physical searches of scavenged human... more
Tafonomia é a ciência que estuda o processo de preservação dos restos orgânicos no registro sedimentar e como esses processos afetam a qualidade do registro fóssil (Behrensmeyer et alii, 2000). O termo Tafonomia (do grego: tafos =... more
The main focus of this investigation is the lithic and bone artifacts from the Middle Pleistocene site of Bilzingsleben (Thuringia, Germany), especially their traces of use. As a result, many traces both on lithic artifacts and faunal... more
The "Tooth Draw Deposit" is an extensive, high diversity, multitaxic, dinosaur-rich, bone bed in the latest Cretaceous, Hell Creek Formation. The mapped portions of the deposit show a complex channel lag formed by a combination of both... more
During the Pleistocene-Holocene transition at ~10.0 uncalibrated, or ~11.7 calibrated kya, the Americas were undoubtedly inhabited by humans from north to south ends. The groups living in that time had cultural and adaptive differences in... more
During the Pleistocene-Holocene transition at ~10.0 uncalibrated, or ~11.7 calibrated kya, the Americas were undoubtedly inhabited by humans from north to south ends. The groups living in that time had cultural and adaptive differences in... more
Leopard remains are rare in the European fossil record, probably a consequence of its solitary and elusive habits. Equi, dating back to Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3), represents a rich and outstanding exception. Historical excavations... more
Up to now, the ichnological vertebrate record from the Barremian Mirambel Formation (NE Spain) has remained completely unknown despite the fact that osteological findings have been reported in recent years. Here we provide an overview of... more
The archaeological evidence for foodstuffs is an underappreciated topic within the field of Classics. While syntheses and narratives exist for prehistoric periods, this project foregrounds evidence for foodstuffs within an examination of... more
Abstract This paper reviews the ultrastructure and chemistry of fish bone, with an emphasis on zooarchaeology and stable isotope analysis. On the basis of the chemical composition of the collagen and the relationships between the... more
El marco de interacción que se establece entre el Homo sapiens y otras especies, es uno de los nichos de estudio en los que podemos profundizar a raíz de los restos materiales. La capacidad que tenemos de crear nuestro propio mundo con... more
Tank deposits consist in the main source of information about the Paleoecology of Quaternary vertebrates of Brazil and paleoenvironments of the Brazilian Intertropical Region (BIR) during the Late Pleistocene-early Holocene. Taphonomic... more
It is provided an overview of bone manufacture during the Republican period in Rome. Bone working played an important role within ancient production systems, endowing objects with multiple values, from mundane to symbolic purposes in... more
In the last few decades, some progress has been made towards a synthesis of the data on the presence of early hominins in Europe and their dispersals across the continent in the Early and Middle Pleistocene. The sites that have been... more
P. Valensi, H. de Lumley, M. Beden, L. Jourdan, F. Serre. Chapite 13 - Sous la direction de Henry de LUMLEY "Palynologie - Anthracologie -Faunes -Mollusques Ecologie et Biogeomorphologie Paleoanthropologie -Empreinte de pied humain... more
The Valsequillo region in Puebla, Mexico, is an important fossil record that was formed in a context of flood plain of a paleolake within a huge volcanic area. During the 60´s and 70´s of the XX century, several archaeo-paleontological... more
Many of the 'myths' of direct ancestors of 'all hominids' or of Homo or of H. sapiens and age of these 'ancestors' are shown to be 'false' or based on poor character analyses and/or suboptimal classifications and/or inconsequent choices... more
Abstract—The Fruita Paleontological Research Natural Area (FPA) is remarkable for the abundance and diversity of Upper Jurassic terrestrial fossils preserved within an area of approximately one square kilometer. Taking advantage of the... more
Bizkaiko arkeologi indusketak excavaciones arqueologicas en Bizkaia la cueva de arlanpe (lemoa): ocupaciones humanas desde el Paleolítico Medio antiguo hasta la Prehistoria reciente.
Squamate (lizard and snake) remains are abundant in the terminal Pleistocene Natufian archaeological sites of the Levant, raising the question of whether they constitute part of the broad-spectrum diet characteristic of this period.... more
Oryctodromeus is a small bipedal dinosaur known from middle Cretaceous (95-100 My) Wayan Formation of Idaho and the Vaughn Member of the Blackleaf Formation of Montana. This taxon is hypothesized to be a burrowing dinosaur, which cared... more