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By bringing together two sets of qualitative fieldwork conducted in 2016 and 2017 with humanitarian organizations and migrant women on the two sides of the Eastern Moroccan-Spanish border, this article examines the ways in which women... more
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      Gender StudiesHumanitarianismBorder StudiesCritical Race Theory
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
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      Fiction WritingSpanish Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpanish Studies
This article examines the impact of cultural perceptions on military operations, using the history of the Spanish army in Morocco as a case study. Emphasizing what they regarded as the fundamentally non-Western character of indigenous... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Cultural History of War
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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)Migration StudiesBorder area Spain - MoroccoSpanish cinema (Film Studies)
ستعرض هذا البحث نشوب وتطور الصراع بين کل من بريطانيا وأسبانيا للسيطرة على القسم الشمالي من مضيق جبل طارق؛ حيث يستهدف النظر في تطور العلاقات الثنائية بين أسبانيا وبريطانيا في الإطارين الإقليمي والدولي خلال القرن العشرين في مناسبات معينة... more
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      European HistoryNATOGibraltarSpain (Mediterranean Studies)
This contribution analyses the experiences of women from Central and West Africa seeking to cross the Moroccan-Spanish border. Exploring embodied narratives collected in the field between 2015 and 2017 and based on the sociology of... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesBorder StudiesResistance (Social)
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      Latin American StudiesCuban StudiesAl-AndalusBorder area Spain - Morocco
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
Building on this previous work, I pose the following series of questions: What is the potential readership of this literature of diaspora? Why does it not have a place in Spain’s book market? What is its future? In this essay, I frame... more
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      Spanish LiteratureBorder StudiesMoroccan StudiesBorder area Spain - Morocco
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      Early Modern HistoryNorth Africa StudiesMedieval IslamAl-Andalus
Process of building a city (Melilla) located in North Africa. Architecture and urbanism in the first half of the twentieth century.
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      North Africa StudiesMilitary ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArt Nouveau
This article re-conceptualizes the idea of a "Moroccan" literature with regard io the transnational ard plurilingual experiences from which it arises. Advancing a comparative outlook that is grounded in linguistic difference, laila... more
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      Moroccan StudiesMoroccoBorder area Spain - MoroccoMoroccan Literature
Since the independence of Morocco from France in 1956, the area known as Western Sahara has been in dispute between several parties including Morocco, Spain [who previously administered it], Algeria, Mauritania, and the Saharawi Arab... more
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      Public OpinionSovereigntyPublic Opinion (Political Science)Morocco
Résumé : Cette thèse s’intéresse au contrôle migratoire en actes à la frontière maroco-espagnole et ses effets sur les personnes ciblées. Mettant en lumière les processus de minorisation des ressortissant-e-s d’Afrique centrale et... more
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      Gender StudiesViolenceEthnographyBorder Studies
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAfrican StudiesEuropean Studies
Preview Link: .Press Jacket Blurb: _Portuguese Tangier (1471-1662)_ is a “virtual archaeology” exploration of the Portuguese urban fabric heritage, both... more
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      Portuguese HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonHistory Portuguese and Spanish
The anthropological study presented herein aims to analyze the current politics of mobility and migration, focusing on the cases of Mexico and Morocco as transit and receptor countries that are currently containing the flows of people who... more
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      Transnational migrationMigration PoliticsMexico (Anthropology)US-Mexico Borderlands
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      European Neighbourhood PolicyMoroccoMoroccan International Relations and CooperationBorder area Spain - Morocco
مقال مترجم الأسلحة الكيماوية في الريف الحرب الكيماوية في المغرب
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      Moroccan StudiesBorder area Spain - MoroccoMarocHistoire du Maroc contemporain
Este diario es resultado de la observación realizada en tres zonas de convivencia fronteriza en tres continentes distintos (África, Asia y Europa), al tiempo que da cuenta del seguimiento mediático de los refugiados sirios, afganos e... more
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      CartographyEuropean StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaRefugee Studies
Situación de vulnerabilidad y falta de derechos humanos de los menores marroquíes en situación de calle.
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      Human RightsMigrationInternational Human Rights LawIrregular Migration
On May 18th 2021 more than 8000 people irregularly crossed the EU external border between Morocco and Ceuta. Morocco was accused of not acting diligently enough to prevent this unprecedented influx. Interestingly, this occurred in a... more
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      Border StudiesGeopoliticsSecuritizationMigration Studies
تهريب الكيف بالمغرب خلال فترة الحماية
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      HistoryMoroccoBorder area Spain - MoroccoHistória
Capítulo II dedicado al análisis de la política exterior de Marruecos durante los primeros diez años del reinado de Mohamed VI prestando una atención especial a las relaciones con Argelia y Estados Unidos
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      MoroccoBorder area Spain - MoroccoEuropean Union external relationsMaroc
سجناء حرب الريف من خلال وثائق إسبانية
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      Border area Spain - MoroccoHistoire du Maroc contemporainSpanish Protectorated in MoroccoEspaña-Marruecos
For centuries, the Strait of Gibraltar has been a crossroads between Africa and Europe. Since the 1980s, however, it has increasingly become a "zone of illegality" (Hannoum 2020) where racial governmentality produces illicit lives and... more
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      Border StudiesEuropean UnionInternational MigrationMorocco
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      SpanishSpanish Literature (Peninsular)Border StudiesCross-border cooperation
Abstract: This article analyzes the differential problematizations of “Muslim Ceutíes,” “migrants,” and “porteadores” (carriers) in the Spanish enclave town of Ceuta located on the south shore of the Gibraltar Strait in North Africa. I... more
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      MulticulturalismBorder StudiesRace and RacismBorder Crossing
Historically, education has always been the springboard for socioeconomic development of nations. Undoubtedly, education proved to be the catalyst of change and the front wagon that drives with it all the other wagons pertaining to other... more
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      Programming LanguagesTeaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second Language
Un equipo de investigadores —Jesús Albert Salueña, Luis Feliu Bernárdez, Jorge Garrido Laguna, Irene González González, José Luis Isabel Sánchez, Juan Pando Despierto y Francisco Ramos Oliver—, bajo la dirección de José Manuel Guerrero... more
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      North Africa StudiesMoroccan StudiesColonialismSpain (Mediterranean Studies)
Perceptions of shared history, culture, and ethnicity ensured Muslim Moroccans a secure place in the traditionalist hierarchy of Francisco Franco's Spain. These perceptions shaped the colonial policies of Franco's 'National Catholic'... more
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      Military HistoryColonialismMoroccoSpain (History)
This essay develops key connections along lateral axes with other Moroccan litera- tures written in Castilian/spanish, Catalan, and English through a transcolonial per- spective. The unprecedented social and political developments that... more
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      Catalan StudiesMoroccan StudiesMoroccoBorder area Spain - Morocco
Over the course of the long nineteenth century, between 1785 and 1913, Spain underwent processes of national construction similar to those experienced in other European countries. This phenomenon can be analysed through the crucial aspect... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusicMusic History
الجزر الجعفرية خلال القرن العشرين
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      Border area Spain - MoroccoRelaciones España Y MarruecosHistoria Del Norte De Marruecosتاريخ المغرب
Es difícil pensar que la Historia, como disciplina, llegue a ser nunca asimilada a una Ciencia, aunque se intente englobar dentro de las llamadas humanas. ¿Qué profesionales de la Historia pueden surgir cuando la objetividad se sacrifica... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Spanish HistoryContemporary Spanish HistoryDecolonization (African History)Border area Spain - Morocco
Sınır, sahip olduğu boyutlar, içerdiği anlamlar, taşıdığı işlevler, oluşturduğu yapılar ve neden olduğu değişimler açısından sosyolojik bir olgu olarak işlev görmektedir. Modern devletlerin egemenliklerini sembolize eden sınırları konu... more
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      SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
¡Otra vez aquí! Después de tres números de la revista, innumerables entradas tanto en la web como en facebook, comentarios en el twitter y un sinfín de desvelos, seguimos en la brecha sin desfallecer gracias a vuestra fidelidad que nos... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Resumen: En este texto se propone abordar, mediante un diálogo entre dos estudios de casos, la cuestión de las condiciones de producción de la violencia sexual contra las mujeres ilegalizadas en las fronteras de Europa. Sobre la base del... more
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      Border area Spain - MoroccoEstudios de GéneroSexual and Gender-Based ViolenceBorders and Frontiers
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      MoroccoBorder area Spain - MoroccoMarocSaharan borders and border disputes OCRS Saharan nationalism Tuareg POLISARIOn Morocco
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      European Neighbourhood PolicyBorder area Spain - MoroccoEuropean Union, European Foreign Policy, European Neighbourhood Policy, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Union for the Mediterranean, Eastern Partnership, Foreign Policy Analysis, Principal-Agent
Inspired by Kenbib’s Les Protégés (1996) this article will develop an exploration of the way Spanish protectorate scholars used musicology to “look” at their Jewish protégés in Morocco and how traces of this scholarly gaze remain in place... more
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      MusicPerformance StudiesMoroccoSephardic Studies
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      Middle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesTransnationalismMoroccan Studies
In Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa:  an Encyclopedia, v.  2, ed. Edward Ramsamy (Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE Reference, 2012)
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      CorsairsBorder area Spain - MoroccoEarly modern SpainMedieval Spain and North Africa
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      Immigration And Integration In EuropeImmigration HistoryBorder area Spain - Morocco
Taking the perspective of the Central and West African women blocked at the Moroccan-Spanish border, reveals how EU policies, in exporting their anti-migrant war to African countries, seem to have reinforced a continuum of male dominance:... more
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      ViolenceRace and EthnicityGenderMorocco
Estudio de los pintores orientalistas decimonónicos que se inspiraron en Marruecos.
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      Border area Spain - MoroccoOrientalismCatalan PaintingTanger
Recently the spotlight of world news was and still is on the thousands of migrants waiting in Greece or Eastern European countries to be admitted in the European Eldorado. Many of them come from Syria, escaping war and the persecution to... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen and Gender Issues in IslamMoroccoBorder area Spain - Morocco