Border area Spain - Morocco
Most cited papers in Border area Spain - Morocco
This article presents the conclusions drawn from field work done in Morocco between 2007–2019 of the Judeo-Spanish repertoires of Northern Morocco and their internal societal functions. My findings conclude that their communal use is... more
Taking the perspective of the Central and West African women blocked at the Moroccan-Spanish border, reveals how EU policies, in exporting their anti-migrant war to African countries, seem to have reinforced a continuum of male dominance:... more
This article ethnographically explores how Central and West African masculinities and femininities are shaped and reshaped at the Moroccan-Spanish border in the context of the increased securitisation and politicisation of migrations from... more
Perceptions of shared history, culture, and ethnicity ensured Muslim Moroccans a secure place in the traditionalist hierarchy of Francisco Franco's Spain. These perceptions shaped the colonial policies of Franco's 'National Catholic'... more
This article addresses the dynamics of migration control along the Spanish-African borders and the associated problem of migrant deaths. The past decade and a half has seen rising numbers of migration attempts, large investments in... more
Over the course of the long nineteenth century, between 1785 and 1913, Spain underwent processes of national construction similar to those experienced in other European countries. This phenomenon can be analysed through the crucial aspect... more
This contribution analyses the experiences of women from Central and West Africa seeking to cross the Moroccan-Spanish border. Exploring embodied narratives collected in the field between 2015 and 2017 and based on the sociology of... more
This essay develops key connections along lateral axes with other Moroccan litera- tures written in Castilian/spanish, Catalan, and English through a transcolonial per- spective. The unprecedented social and political developments that... more
This article re-conceptualizes the idea of a "Moroccan" literature with regard io the transnational ard plurilingual experiences from which it arises. Advancing a comparative outlook that is grounded in linguistic difference, laila... more
This article examines the impact of cultural perceptions on military operations, using the history of the Spanish army in Morocco as a case study. Emphasizing what they regarded as the fundamentally non-Western character of indigenous... more
ستعرض هذا البحث نشوب وتطور الصراع بين کل من بريطانيا وأسبانيا للسيطرة على القسم الشمالي من مضيق جبل طارق؛ حيث يستهدف النظر في تطور العلاقات الثنائية بين أسبانيا وبريطانيا في الإطارين الإقليمي والدولي خلال القرن العشرين في مناسبات معينة... more
For centuries, the Strait of Gibraltar has been a crossroads between Africa and Europe. Since the 1980s, however, it has increasingly become a "zone of illegality" (Hannoum 2020) where racial governmentality produces illicit lives and... more
La frontière Ceuta-Bab Sebta est un point de tension récurrent entre les autorités marocaines et espagnoles. Cette enclave espagnole en Afrique est devenue l’un des points d’entrée des migrations clandestines en Europe mais aussi d’un... more
Blog post on the 13 Feb. 2020 ECtHR Grand Chamber judgment in the N.D. and N.T case
Trois contributions dans le livre: -Tyszler, Elsa. « La frontière comme instance de hiérarchisation racialisée des circulations : le cas de la frontière maroco-espagnole » in Les migrants et la police, Babels, Editions Le passager... more
The purpose of this article consists in to re-conceptualising the idea of an Amazigh literature with regard to the transnational and plurilingual experiences from which it arises. Along these lines, the second generation of Amazigh... more
Sınır, sahip olduğu boyutlar, içerdiği anlamlar, taşıdığı işlevler, oluşturduğu yapılar ve neden olduğu değişimler açısından sosyolojik bir olgu olarak işlev görmektedir. Modern devletlerin egemenliklerini sembolize eden sınırları konu... more
Building on this previous work, I pose the following series of questions: What is the potential readership of this literature of diaspora? Why does it not have a place in Spain’s book market? What is its future? In this essay, I frame... more
Lo que este artículo plantea es la búsqueda de una cultura nacional marroquí más allá de la etapa colonial legitimada por la preocupación que comparten los escritores post-independentistas de fijar distancias en mayor o menor medida en... more
In: Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: "Aliens in Uniform" in Wartime Societies. Edited by Eric Storm and Ali Al Tuma (Routledge, 2016)
Western Sahara is a disputed territory located in northwest Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to northeast, Mauritania to the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. It has been a Spanish colony until 1975,... more
Escritoras y compromiso: Literatura española e hispanoamericana de los siglos XX y XXI. Eds. Ángeles Encinar and Carmen Valcárcel. Madrid: Visor, 2009. 555-67
La multiplication et la diversité des textes littéraires au Maghreb autour de la problématique migratoire suscitent un intérêt accru pour leur capacité à sonder l’intériorité de l’imaginaire socioculturel marocain. Les fictions... more
Preview Link: .Press Jacket Blurb: _Portuguese Tangier (1471-1662)_ is a “virtual archaeology” exploration of the Portuguese urban fabric heritage, both... more
Conquered in the 15th century, Ceuta is a town on the northern coast of Morocco belonging to Spain and subject to the laws of the European Union. Being small and removed from the Spanish mainland, the enclave has always depended on flows... more