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Genetic manipulation of the oil-yielding crop plants for better oil quality through biotechnological methods is an important aspect of crop improvement. Due to the inherent absence of the Δ6-desaturase (d6D) function, Brassica juncea, an... more
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      GeneticsPlant BiologyPolymerase Chain ReactionBrassica juncea
Hybridization between the nearly extinct speciesDiplotaxis siettiana andBrassica juncea is prevented because of strong prefertilization barriers. Use of mentor pollen ofD. siettiana irradiated with 1000 Gy gamma radiation before the... more
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      Plant BiologyPOLLEN GERMINATIONBrassica junceaEmbryos
Pots holding 7 day-old seedlings of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were subjected to differential temperature stress by exposing plants to 30 or 40 o C for 24 h. Seedlings were sprayed with double distilled water (DDW) or 10-5 M... more
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      Plant BiologyHigh TemperatureBrassica junceaBrazilian
Thirty released varieties of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss.] were evaluated during winter (rabi) 2006-07 and 2007-08 under irrigated and rainfed environments. Analysis of variance on 14 quantitative traits was... more
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      AgronomyAgricultural SciencesAgricultureVariability
An effective plant regeneration procedure and a gene transfer system via Agrobacterium tumefaciens were developed in Brassica campestris ssp. parachinensis. Hypocotyls from 5-day-old seedlings with 2 days pre-culture were infected with... more
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      GeneticsPlant BiologyPolymerase Chain ReactionBrassica juncea
Three greenhouse experiments were carried out to determine the growth, yield, nitrate, total N and S concentration in shoots, and water uptake of hydroponically grown Brassica rapa L. subsp. nipposinica var. chinoleifera and Brassica... more
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Two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria--Sinorhizobium meliloti RMP1 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa GRC 2 were studied for integrated nutrient management to obtain improved yield of Brassica juncea. Low concentrations of urea and diammonium... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMedicine
Alternaria leaf blight disease caused by Alternaria brassicae in mustard (Brassica juncea (L) Czern and Coss) was studied in two crop seasons, 1992 and 1993 in Nepal at Nawalpur, Sarlahi (Tarai) and Khumaltar, Lalitpur (mid hill). At... more
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      SeasonalityDisease SeverityRelative HumidityBrassica juncea
Especially in the last decade, a vast number of papers on Se and its role in health issues have been published. This review gives a brief, critical overview of the main analytical findings reported in these papers. Of particular interest... more
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      EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryMetabolismFood Analysis
The effectiveness of biofumigant defatted seed meals and plants to control wireworm populations (Agriotes brevis Candeze, Agriotes sordidus Illiger, and Agriotes ustulatus Schäller) was evaluated under both semi-natural (pot assays) and... more
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      MaizeBrassica juncea
Phytomining involves the extraction of metals from solid and liquid substrates using specially selected hyperaccumulating plants. Phytomining is commercially motivated, the objective being to produce a viable metal yield, at production... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCleaner ProductionManufacturing EngineeringProfitability
Anther culture is a biotechnological technique that can be used for production of pure lines in many species. In order to access the anther culture response in Brassica juncea, four different genotypes (RH 406, RH 555, RH 749 and RH 832)... more
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      Anther CulturePlant in Vitro CultureDouble haploidsBrassica juncea
For the estimation of mid-parent and better-parent heterosis in Brassica juncea L. genotypes an experiment was conducted at NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar during 2004-05 and 2005-06 using 8 x 8 full diallel. All the 56 F 1 hybrids... more
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Pots holding 7 day-old seedlings of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were subjected to differential temperature stress by exposing plants to 30 or 40ºC for 24 h. Seedlings were sprayed with double distilled water (DDW) or 10-5M... more
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      Plant BiologyHigh TemperatureBrassica junceaBrazilian
A field research trial was conducted to study "Effect of phosphorus and sulphur levels on growth and yield of Yellow Mustard (Brassica campestris L.
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      PhosphorusMustardNutrient ManagementBrassica juncea
Four diverse genotypes of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.) and their crosses with Ogura restorer as the background were evaluated for eleven quantitative traits during winter (Rabi) 2011–12. The mean, range, phenotypic,... more
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      AgronomyAgriculturePath AnalysisBrassica juncea
Since ancient times, plants have been an exemplary source of medicine. Ayurveda and other Indian literature mention the use of plants in treatment of various human ailments. India has about 45 000 plant species and among them, several... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyTreatment
Objectives: To determine the potential of Brassica juncea to take up heavy metals (Cd, Pb and Zn) from aquatic environment. Methodology and results: The uptake of Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) was studied at various... more
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      Heavy MetalZincBrassica juncea
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      Brassica junceaIndian mustard
No abstract
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      IrrigationForecastingBotanical literaturePlant Secondary Metabolites
Since ancient times, plants have been an exemplary source of medicine. Ayurveda and other Indian literature mention the use of plants in treatment of various human ailments. India has about 45 000 plant species and among them, several... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyTreatment
The technique of phytomining involves growing a crop of a metal-hyperaccumulating plant species, harvesting the biomass and burning it to produce a bio-ore. The first phytomining experiments were carried out in California using the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPhytoremediationSouth Africa
Seven vegetable oils viz., sunflower (Heliunthus annus, L.), mustard (Brassica juncea Cross ), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), soybean [Glycine max L. (Merril)], olive (Olea europea) and oil palm (Elaeis... more
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      UniversityOil palmSoybeanPalm Oil
Arthropods ISSN 2224-4255 Articles Development - temperature relationship and temperature dependent parameters of German cockroach, Blattella germanica L. Arthropods, 2017, 6(3): 78-85 YiTian Xu, SongBin Chen, Yan Yang, WenJun Zhang... more
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      Essential oilsInsecticideArthropodsBrassica juncea
Climate change is the crucial global issue and directly effects on crop production leading towards food security. The relative importance of climate change for food security is very much, especially in developing countries like Pakistan.... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
Soils polluted by heavy metals can be reclaimed using a number of expensive tactics that either remove the contaminants or stabilize them within the soil. The value of metal accumulating plants for environmental remediation has recently... more
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      PhytoremediationCarbon DioxidePhotosynthesisBiomass
The use of higher plants to remediate contaminated land is known as phytoremediation, a term coined 15 years ago. Among green technologies addressed to metal pollution, phytoextraction has received increasing attention starting from the... more
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      ArsenicBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSorghum
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      EngineeringKineticsHeavy metalsColor
Nutrient removal is essential for aquaculture wastewater treatment to protect receiving waters from eutrophication and for potential reuse of the treated water. A pilot-scale wastewater treatment system consisting of a free water surface... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringZoology
Th is paper reviews progress in phytoextraction of soil elements and illustrates the key role of hyperaccumulator plant species in useful phytoextraction technologies. Much research has focused on elements which are not practically... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental PollutionBiological SciencesHeavy metals
The use of higher plants to remediate contaminated land is known as phytoremediation, a term coined 15 years ago. Among green technologies addressed to metal pollution, phytoextraction has received increasing attention starting from the... more
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      ArsenicBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSorghum
The large white butterfly, Pieris brassicae (L.), is an important pest of Indian mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern., and inflicts heavy damage to all the above ground plant parts with strong yield reducing impacts. Farmers have few... more
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      Pest ManagementIntegrated Pest ManagementPlant Secondary MetabolitesIPM
Growth performance, chromium (Cr) accumulation potential and induction of antioxidative defence system and phytochelatins (PCs) were studied in hydroponically grown Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) and Vigna radiata (mungbean) at various... more
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      Plant BiologyCatalaseChromiumPlant Growth Regulation
Nowadays an increasing application of nanotechnology in different fields has arisen an extensive debate about the effect of the engineered nanoparticles on environment. Phytotoxicity of nanoparticles has come into limelight in the last... more
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      Materials EngineeringNanoparticleCarbon NanotubeNanotechnology
Plant species capable of hyper-accumulating heavy metals are of considerable interest for phytoremediation, and differ in their ability to accumulate metals from environment. Using two brassica species (Brassica juncea and Brassica... more
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      Plant BiologyPeroxidaseHeavy MetalGlutathione
Napa cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) is a member of the Cruciferae family, which includes head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) and mustard... more
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      PepperPostharvest Physiology of Fruits and VegetablesNew JerseyNorth America
The Earth's climate is rapidly changing largely due to increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Agricultural practices during crop production, food processing, and product marketing all generate GHG, contributing to the... more
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      Carbon DioxideFood ProcessingCarbon FootprintEnvironmental Sciences
Apple replant disease is incited by a pathogen complex composed of multiple fungal, oomycete and nematode species. Rhizoctonia solani AG-5 can be a significant component of this complex and is effectively suppressed via multiple... more
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      Chemical and Biological EngineeringBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesDisease Control
study the effect of combinations of amount of irrigation water and nutrient applications on crop growth, evapotranspiration (ET), yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of Indian mustard on a heavy clay soil in central India. Three... more
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      Civil EngineeringMathematicsAgricultural Water ManagementSeasonality
Mustard (Brassica and Sinapis spp.) green manures tilled into the soil preceding potato crops act as biofumigants that are toxic to plant-parasitic nematodes, providing an alternative to synthetic soil fumigants. However, it is not known... more
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      ZoologyBiological ControlIntegrated Pest ManagementPotato
Sorghum allelopathy has been utilized as an economical and natural technique for controlling weeds in some field crops like wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSustainableMaizeSorghum
The production of Brassica germplasm with a wider genetic base is essential for using them properly in the genetic improvement of rapeseed/mustard. During the present study, different RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primers were... more
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      Genetic DiversityAfricanMolecular CharacterizationBrassica juncea
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      PhytoremediationHeavy MetalPseudomonas FluorescensBrassica juncea
Three years field study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of some insecticides against Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Brassica juncea variety PBR 210 was sown in 4.2 x 3 m plots with 8 treatments replicated... more
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      InsecticidesMustardBrassicaceaeMustard aphid
Androgenesis is a phenomenon in which microspores are made to bypass the sexual pathway and follow the sporophytic mode of development to generate new plants without the intervention of fertilization under specialized in vitro conditions.... more
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      Plant BiologyMolecular MechanicsGenetic transformationBrassica juncea
A method based on headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) has been applied for the analysis of volatile components in fresh potherb mustard and their pickles with different pickling time. Hierarchical cluster analysis of the... more
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      Animal ProductionAnalysisGC-MSSolid Phase Microextraction
We trialled a two-step method of producing allohexaploid Brassica with three genomes (A, B, and C) derived from pair-wise crossing among three allotetraploid Brassica species. In the first step, the three allotetraploid Brassica species... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsTechnologySpeciation
To investigate the effect of exogenously applied 28-homobrassinolide (HBL) on drought-stressed plants, photosynthesis and antioxidant systems were examined in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Seedlings of Indian mustard were subjected... more
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      Plant BiologyDrought StressPeroxidaseWater Stress