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, Nous souhaitons par cet écrit contribué au débat sur l"article 37 qui sera à coup sûr le débat politique majeur de la première moitié du 21 e siècle burkinabé. Cela se comprend aisément dans un pays où l"on compte sur la force du droit... more
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      Burkina FasoAlternanceDémocratieConstitutionnalisme
This is a working paper presented at Consolfood 2018 in University of Algarve, Portugal. Abstract: There has been a recent boom in renewable energy programs in African refugee settlements. Solar cookers are being disseminated with... more
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      Gender and DevelopmentEnergy and EnvironmentSolar EnergyBurkina Faso
Ce mémoire étudie les rapports entre sciences et politiques institutionnelles au Burkina Faso. Il investit donc une problématique qui relève de l’ensemble plus vaste qu’est l’approche cognitive des politiques publiques. Mais, s’inspirant... more
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      ExpertiseSciencesBurkina FasoConstitution
Background Helicoverpa armigera and H. zea are amongst the most significant polyphagous pest lepidopteran species in the Old and New Worlds respectively. Separation of H. armigera and H. zea is difficult and is usually only achieved... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsGene FlowBiology
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    • Burkina Faso
1. ABSTRACT The lack of adequate maps is one of the critical issue to deal with in the developing countries. Some technical projects involving the environment and the land planning need correct and updated maps. Several test had been... more
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      Satellite remote sensingDeveloping CountryBurkina FasoCase Study
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      CommonsDecentralizationIntegrated Water Resources ManagementBurkina Faso
Please cite this article in press as: S.A. Zakane, et al., Guidelines for maternal and neonatal "point of care": Needs of and attitudes towards a computerized clinical decision support system in rural Burkina Faso, Int. J. Med. Inform.... more
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      EngineeringInformation TechnologyTechnologyMedical Informatics
Works on the political and economic thoughts of Thomas Sankara have gained recent currency in the light of the resurgence of decolonization of knowledge in both the global North and South. This chapter works from the wide-ranging and... more
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      Political SociologyAfrican StudiesPolitical EconomyMarxism
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are health conditions that cannot be transmitted from one patient to another, and usually manifest a prolonged, persistent, and slow pathology. NCDs are responsible for over 70% of all deaths, with nearly... more
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      ColombiaMedia effectsSyriaBangladesh
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
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      Early ChildhoodChild LaborStandard DeviationBurkina Faso
RESUME L'étude des conséquences de la sécheresse sur les écoulements des petits bassins versants d'Afrique soudanosahélienne nécessite la constitution de chroniques de ruissellement. A cet effet, un modèle pluie-lame ruisselée a été mis... more
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      Climate ChangeTime SeriesBurkina FasoLand Use
An experiment was carried out in Burkina Faso to evaluate the potential for mechanical transmission of Trypanosoma vivax by the African tabanid Atylotus fuscipes. The experiment was carried out in a corral (10 m × 10 m) completely covered... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary ParasitologyBurkina FasoBlood sampling
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      Water PollutionEnvironmental PollutionEnvironmental RiskBurkina Faso
Afrotropical malaria vectors of the Anopheles gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae), particularly An. gambiae sensu stricto, are attracted mainly to human hosts. A major source of human volatile emissions is sweat, from which key... more
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      ElectrophysiologyAnimal BehaviorCarbon DioxideMedical and Veterinary Entomology
Riverine tsetse flies such as Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides are the vectors of human and animal trypanosomoses in West Africa. Despite intimate links between tsetse and water, to our knowledge there has never been any... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyRiversGuineaBurkina Faso
The major droughts of the early 1970s and 1980s and the continued climate variability experienced in the Sahel have attracted immense international interest. A plethora of aid organizations and projects have entered the region,... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate variabilityEnvironmental SciencesBurkina Faso
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      GeriatricsData AnalysisDrug interactionsComorbidity
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      MultidisciplinaryBurkina FasoApplied SciencesAntibacterial activity
The past decade has recorded remarkable interest in socioeconomic inequalities in health care. A multivariate analysis of the World Health Survey data for Burkina Faso was conducted using STATA. This included questions on household... more
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      PovertyHealth CarePrincipal Component AnalysisHealth Disparities
In the French-speaking countries of Africa, strategies of conservation, inherited from the colonial time, exclude the bordering people in the management of the national parks plant resources. Today, policies and legislation try to... more
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      Sustainable forest managementForest PolicyBurkina FasoLegislation
The antimalarial drug piperaquine is associated with delayed ventricular depolarization, causing prolonged QT interval (time taken for ventricular de-polarisation and re-polarisation). There is a lack of safety data regarding... more
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Pour citer cet article : Aristide Kaboré F, et al. Aspects épidémiologiques, étiologiques et impact psychosocial des fistules urogénitales dans une cohorte de 170 patientes consécutives, prises en charge dans trois centres du Burkina Faso... more
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      AdolescentPregnancyBurkina FasoDivorce
It is now widely recognized that local farmers possess an important body of knowledge concerning soils and their use for agriculture. This article argues that in order for that knowledge to be useful for sustainable development... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentIndigenous KnowledgeBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
HNS en f 1 2000-08-00 rxetninKing soil and water conservation in a changing society a case study in eastern Burkina Faso
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      GeographyEconomicsConservationCase Studies
Qui sont les comptables nationaux et prévisionnistes, quels sont leurs cadres de pensée et à quelles contraintes se heurtent-ils dans les travaux quotidiens des administrations africaines ? Quel rôle jouent les organisations... more
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      African StudiesNational Income and Product AccountsMauritaniaBurkina Faso
Les cardiopathies de l'enfant déterminent en Afrique un problème de santé publique difficile à prendre en charge, de part la densité de la population jeune, le faible niveau socioéconomique et l'insuffisance de plateaux techniques... more
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      AdolescentEchocardiographyCongenital Heart DefectsChild
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
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      Cultural StudiesBehaviorGhanaDeveloping Countries
À partir d’une enquête menée au Burkina Faso auprès d’individus vivant dans la rue — qui s’autodésignent par le terme «bakoroman» —, cet article pose la question des statuts communément associés aux différents âges de la vie. En... more
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      Youth StudiesAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodYouth SubculturesStreet Children
Female sex workers (FSWs) are vulnerable to violence within and beyond the workplace. Violence is associated with increased burden of HIV, possibly explained through physiologic or behavioral causal pathways. These analyses sought to... more
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      ViolenceAdolescentBurkina FasoYoung Adult
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      Streptococcus pneumoniaeSeasonalityBurkina FasoCase Study
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      DermatologyBurkina FasoSkin DiseasesClinical Sciences
Cet ouvrage explore les systèmes médiatiques d’Afrique subsaharienne francophone et propose des clés pour aborder leurs spécificités via nombre d’éléments historiques, politiques, sociologiques, juridiques, économiques et techno-... more
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      JournalismBurundiBurkina FasoJournalisme
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    • Burkina Faso
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      African StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAfrican HistoryColonialism
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      Development EconomicsEducationWorld BankForeign Aid
Given the importance of cowpea [Vignaunguiculata(L)Walp] in fighting malnutrition and poverty, a socio-economic assessment of cowpea diversity found on the Ghanaian market was conducted. The objective was to investigate emerging consumer... more
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      MarketingConsumer StudiesBurkina FasoHierarchical Cluster Analysis
To ensure the acceptability of community-based insurance (CBI) by the community and its sustainability, a feasibility study of CBI was conducted in Burkina Faso, including preference for benefit package of CBI, costing of health services,... more
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      Community-Based Mental Health ServicesConsumer BehaviorDeveloping CountriesHealth insurance
Farmers in the Sahel have always been facing climatic variability at intra-and inter-annual and decadal time scales. While coping and adaptation strategies have traditionally included crop diversification, mobility, livelihood... more
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      Public OpinionClimate ChangeClimate variabilityWest Africa
Objectives: To develop scores for food variety and diversity to assess the overall dietary quality in an African rural area; and to study their relationship with the nutritional status of women of childbearing age. Design:... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAnthropometryWest AfricaDiet
Traduzione dell'appello alla cancellazione del debito coloniale africano, il "Discours sur la dette" pronunciato dal presidente del Burkina Faso alla conferenza OUA di Addis Abeba (29 luglio 1987).
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      African HistoryInternational Political EconomyColonialismPost-Colonialism
Des plantations ivoiriennes à la rue ouagalaise. Transmission silencieuse d'une tradition de mobilité Parce que je sais que dans cette famille personne ne veut prendre soin de moi. Donc à un moment, je me suis dit que je dois aller... more
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      Migration StudiesStreet ChildrenBurkina FasoIvory Coast
À partir de l’étude d’extraits de conversations réalisées au Burkina Faso au sein de deux familles, cet article propose de questionner la circulation des catégorisations issues de la dialectologie africaniste et leur rôle dans la... more
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      Language and IdentityIdentityBurkina FasoSpatialité
La vie et les travaux de Thomas Sankara peuvent être évoqués comme un rappel du pouvoir et du potentiel de l'action humaine pour engendrer des transformation sociopolitiques et économiques... La transformation révolutionnaire de la Haute... more
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      Gender StudiesRevolutionsFrench colonialismGender and Politics
n recent years, Muslim associations in Burkina Faso have undergone a major transformation, driven by the development of the transnational dimension of Islam and a more direct involvement of this religion in the socio-political life of the... more
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      Islam in AfricaBurkina FasoTijaniyya
There is an increasing understanding that forests and the forestry sector are key elements in poverty reduction strategies in Africa. However, issues of equity between various forest users are becoming a major challenge to environmental... more
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      Property RightsLand tenureApplied EconomicsForest Policy
The situation of Deaf education in Burkina Faso with a focus on the School for the D/deaf "Esperance" located in Fada n'Gurma, in the eastern part of the country
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      African StudiesDeaf EducationSign Language LinguisticsLanguage and Deafness
Lack of adequate nutrient supply and poor soil structure are the principal constraints to crop production under low input agriculture systems of West Africa. Experiments at two sites (Mediga and Yimtenga) were conducted in Burkina Faso to... more
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      West AfricaLand tenureEnvironmental SciencesBurkina Faso
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      RiskDeveloping CountryBurkina FasoInfant
Cet article présente les limites et les incohérences des innovations sociales et environnementales apportées par la nouvelle législation minière burkinabée. En s’inscrivant dans une appréhension post-coloniale fortement influencée par... more
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      Burkina FasoMining LawRSE et développement durableDéveloppement Durable