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This paper provides a comprehensive review of the empirical literature in transaction cost economics (TCE) across multiple social science disciplines and business fields. We show how TCE has branched out from its economic roots to examine... more
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      Political ScienceTransaction Cost EconomicsBusiness PoliticsEmpirical Research
This essay explores the relationship between commerce and culture in the context of the recent debate over the social effect of Wal-Mart. In spite of much public debate, little is known about how Wal-Mart affects values. Using data... more
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      Political ScienceSocial CapitalData CollectionBusiness Politics
Abstract: The power of business is a very important issue for understanding the operation of democracy, but establishing the nature and extent of its power is not easy. We acknowledge that this is, in large part, an empirical problem and... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
The Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) has aggressively and persistently supported technologies key to the personal computer (PC) revolution. Uncovering this political-economic link provides an important... more
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      Political ScienceRisk TakingPolitical EconomicsBusiness Politics
The creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 was a landmark in the development of the liberal international economic order. Yet the global economic crisis of 2008 put the spotlight on the longstanding question whether WTO... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
Under what conditions are governments able to liberalize labor markets? I leverage the cases of Portugal and Spain, two countries hit by the Eurozone crisis and constrained in their policy options, that diverge in the key measure mandated... more
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      Southern EuropeLabor MarketBusiness PoliticsEurozone crisis
An increasing number of firms are engaging in social and environmental initiatives beyond their core business activities. While much has been written on the question of why business should be spending resources on social and environmental... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityGlobal GovernancePolitical ScienceInstitutional Theory
This paper applies the insights of obsolescing bargaining theory to a situation in which a host country interacted with both multinational corporations and an international organization, the World Bank. Drawing on resource curse... more
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      Political EconomyInternational organizationsPolitical ScienceResource Curse
Abstract: This essay explores the relationship between commerce and culture in the context of the recent debate over the social effect of Wal-Mart. In spite of much public debate, little is known about how Wal-Mart affects values. Using... more
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      Political ScienceSocial CapitalData CollectionBusiness Politics
Following the 2007–9 financial crisis, the EU strengthened its institutional apparatus for bank regulation, creating a trio of sectoral bodies, including the European Banking Authority (EBA). Various aspects of this new system have been... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
The Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) has aggressively and persistently supported technologies key to the personal computer (PC) revolution. Uncovering this political-economic link provides an important... more
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      Political ScienceRisk TakingPolitical EconomicsBusiness Politics
The modernization of the banking sector, and particularly the big four state owned commercial banks, has a top priority on the Chinese reform agenda. Three of the four state banks found foreign strategic investors as minority shareholders... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceRisk ManagementDeveloping Country
Business has been involved in cooperation with multilateral organizations through public-private partnerships (PPPs) since the late 1990s. With their adoption of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), multilateral institutions... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
Do neoliberal economic policies help or hinder human development? Many have argued that such policies promote economic stability and growth, which may have indirect positive effects on human welfare. Others claim that neoliberal policies... more
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      Property RightsInternational TradePolitical ScienceHuman Development
This paper outlines an approach for understanding the role of multinational corporations (MNCs) in global governance. We develop a typology of regime types with two dimensions, the goal of the regime, which can be market enabling or... more
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      Political ParticipationGlobal GovernancePolitical ScienceBusiness Politics
Amid concerns for a regulatory void in transnational fields, the principle of private regulation has become institutionalized. Many sectors have seen the emergence of multiple and overlapping standards. When comparing the sectors, there... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
In recent decades, both South Korea and Taiwan have made remarkable leaps in the development and production of semiconductors-the core element in burgeoning global telecommunications, computer, and computer equipment industries. Although... more
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      BusinessPolitical ScienceSemiconductor ManufacturingEast Asia
The promotion of additive manufacturing (AM) as a set of enabling technologies has been a prominent feature of new policies seeking to revitalize manufacturing in developed economies. Because of its differences from traditional... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
Contemporary discussions in the comparative political economy of innovation revolve specifically around the question of globalization's impact on the observable diversity of innovation patterns, institutionally grounded comparative... more
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    • Business Politics
Formal regulatory parity can entail counterintuitive effects. In a series of state statutes, municipal governments have been directed to issue cable TV franchises to new competitors only after (a) formal hearings considering the 'public... more
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      Political ScienceEconomic TheoryTelevisionEconomic analysis
This essay explores the relationship between commerce and culture in the context of the recent debate over the social effect of Wal-Mart. In spite of much public debate, little is known about how Wal-Mart affects values. Using data... more
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      Political ScienceSocial CapitalData CollectionBusiness Politics
The private sector clearly has an increasingly important and well-defined role to play in slowing the flow of technology and preventing the provision of enabling services to states pursuing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and... more
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      Regulatory CompliancePolitical ScienceExport controlsSanctions
©2004 by the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without... more
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      Political ScienceTransaction Cost EconomicsEnvironmental PollutionCommand and Control
This paper explores the East-West dichotomy of outsourcing in the European Union in the context of its 2004 eastward enlargement. The purpose of the study is to shed light on the connection between outsourcing and the causal logic of... more
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      Political EconomyWestern EuropeEastern EuropePolitical Science
The actions of the federal government can have a profound impact on financial markets. As prominent participants in the government decision making process, U.S. Senators are likely to have knowledge of forthcoming government actions... more
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      BusinessEconomicsDecision MakingPolitical Science
Over the last decades, encouragement of business engagement with environmental and socio-economic development has gained prominence due to the perceived weakening of states and multilateral institutions against the forces of global... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
We know from observation that some democracies intervene deeply in their domestic economies while others adopt a more laissez faire approach. Can we explain these differences solely with ideology, or are other political influences also at... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceEconomic policyBusiness Politics
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      Political CampaignsPolitical ScienceNetwork AnalysisPolitical Competition
Private firms are increasingly being regarded as moral agents of their stakeholders and the broader public. Stakeholders can use different types of evaluation organizations to monitor this division of moral labor, but must also monitor... more
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      BusinessEconomicsLegitimacy and AuthorityExpertise
Since the late 1980s, the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) has been a prominent vehicle used to support collaboration between US federal laboratories and private rms. This paper examines the structure and goals of... more
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      South KoreaCold WarTechnology PolicyResearch and Development
A business enterprise interested in influencing the design, adoption or enforcement of a particular law, rule or regulation often confronts a choice. Does it lobby officials directly? Or does it do so indirectly, using a collective action... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
This paper proposes a theory of political action based upon ownership structure and tests this theory utilizing data on independent expenditures during the campaign finance regulatory regime consisting of the period after the Bipartisan... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceOwnership StructureFamily Firm
Reform of the multilateral trade regime is not simply a second order problem within a wider economic crisis. The completion of the Doha Round may be a second order question but the global trade regime faces a series of broader systemic... more
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      Political ScienceTrade PolicyEconomic CrisisBusiness Politics
Until the 1990's, Switzerland could be classified as either a corporatist, cooperative or coordinated market economy where non-market mechanisms of coordination among economic and political actors were very important. In this respect,... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceNetwork AnalysisMarket economy
Formal regulatory parity can entail counterintuitive effects. In a series of state statutes, municipal governments have been directed to issue cable TV franchises to new competitors only after (a) formal hearings considering the 'public... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
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      Political ScienceCollective ActionSensitivity AnalysisBusiness Politics
This essay explores the relationship between commerce and culture in the context of the recent debate over the social effect of Wal-Mart. In spite of much public debate, little is known about how Wal-Mart affects values. Using data... more
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      Political ScienceSocial CapitalData CollectionBusiness Politics
Despite much commentary in the media and the popular assumption that the banking industry exerts undue influence on government policy-making, the academic literature on the role of the banks since the 2008 financial crisis remains... more
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceFinancial CrisisFinancial Regulation
Current explanations of demand for anti-dumping protections focus on the role of the business cycle, and fluctuations in real exchange rates. However, empirical evidence supporting these explanations is based primarily on the experience... more
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceBusiness Politics
Wind energy presents significant opportunity to provide a series of public goods. Drawing on the ideas of J.Q. Wilson and E. Ostrom, we compare options to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of deploying wind energy in two US... more
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      EconomicsBusiness Politics
This article introduces a special issue of Business and Politics on Property Rights, Financial Risk, and the Politics of a Networked Global Financial System. We introduce aspects of the articles in the issue and situate them within... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
Processes of regional trade integration may have an important impact on firms' strategies and forms of organization. This article provides an empirical case study of the impact of regional trade integration in the Andean Pact in the 1990s... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational organizationsPolitical ScienceTobacco
Processes of regional trade integration may have an important impact on firms' strategies and forms of organization. This article provides an empirical case study of the impact of regional trade integration in the Andean Pact in the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational organizationsPolitical ScienceTobacco
A recent debate in the international CSR literature has focused on the question whether CSR serves as a mirror or a substitute of country-level governance. Advocates of the mirror view highlight the role of country level institutions to... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
Reform of the multilateral trade regime is not simply a second order problem within a wider economic crisis. The completion of the Doha Round may be a second order question but the global trade regime faces a series of broader systemic... more
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      Political ScienceTrade PolicyEconomic CrisisBusiness Politics
This paper examines the determinants of financial industry actors’ regulatory preferences—examining why some financial industry actors prefer less stringent financial regulations while others prefer more stringent regulations. The... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
Firms operate in a capital market, a product market, and a market for social pressure directed at them by social activists, NGOs, and governments. An equilibrium in these three markets yields a three-equation structural model that relates... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityPolitical SciencePapersBusiness Politics
Globalization is often described as a chaotic process which signals the end of national institutions’ ability to regulate markets. However, a closer look reveals a new world of standards and regulations, often with a transnational scope... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness Politics
This essay explores the relationship between commerce and culture in the context of the recent debate over the social effect of Wal-Mart. In spite of much public debate, little is known about how Wal-Mart affects values. Using data... more
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      Political ScienceSocial CapitalData CollectionBusiness Politics