Recent papers in Catalonia
Llibre sobre la trajectòria professional i vital de l'arquitecte modernista manresà Ignasi Oms i Ponsa.
(Col·laboradors: Francesc Balañà i Lluís Cuspinera)
(Col·laboradors: Francesc Balañà i Lluís Cuspinera)
This paper's ambition is to explore how the material, social and symbolic legacy of conflicts that have taken place since the turn of the 20th century may be made more resonant and comprehensible to visitors. We take the Spanish Civil War... more
El maar de la Crosa ha estat sempre al punt de mira de molts investigadors del quaternari. El perquè s’explica per tractar-se d’un dipòsit lacustre a l’interior del cràter d’un volcà; i, sabent que d’altres referents sempre han aportat... more
In this essay, we trace the symbolic conundrums of belonging, and of the reconciliation of identities, in the context of Catalan and Scottish sport and politics. Our discussion will commence with a necessarily concise consideration of... more
The aim of this article is to motivate a theoretical frame to explain possible elements of influence on national identity in Catalonia of the XXI century. According to a first brief summary of the existing theoretical discussion, we... more
HUNGARIAN FLORINS FROM THE MONASTERY OF SANT PERE DE RODES Data of Numismatics Connected to the Catalan Relationships of Hungary in the Middle Ages In 1989, during the renovation of a Catalan Benedictine monastery (Sant Pere de Rodes),... more
En aquests apunts ens concentrarem a explicar algunes característiques de l’alumnat d’origen brasiler a Catalunya i de la seva llengua de referència, el portuguès; a parlar d’algunes accions que grups locals duen a terme per donar a... more
Fernando Pessoa IBÉRIA INTRODUÇÃO A UM IMPERIALISMO FUTURO Lisboa: Ática / Babel, 2012 Edição, introdução e notas de Jerónimo Pizarro e Pablo Javier Pérez López; posfácios de Humberto Brito e Antonio Sáez Delgado. Revisão: Ana Cunha... more
In 1659, the kingdoms of France and Spain signed the Treaty of Pyrenees, a peace treaty by which a piece of the Spanish territory became part of France. Since then, Catalan identity has persisted on both sides of the border. However,... more
This chapter examines the prospects of a consociational compromise in Spain and Catalonia as a response to the protracted constitutional stalemate between the two governments. While Spain's transition to democracy in the late 1970s had a... more
This book investigates the sociolinguistic dimension of the internationalisation of higher education, examining the linguistic tensions and ambiguities experienced by universities around the world, particularly in non-anglophone contexts.... more
This exploratory cohort study investigated the phenomenon of Digital Diplomacy by sub-state actors within the field of para-diplomacy, specifically the use of social media platforms by Catalonian Secretaries and Delegates of the... more
Comparison between the ultra-nationalistic fanatical Catalans and the German Nazism.
Los héroes catalanes murieron en defensa de su idioma, sus privilegios y sus constituciones que los convertían en el pueblo más libre y democrático de la Tierra. El rey Borbón Felipe V aplastó su soberanía a partir de 1714 con los... more
Comentários à declaração de independência feita pelo Parlamento da Catalunha em 09.11.2015.
The socio-economic territories of the Upper Paleolithic nomad populations are founded on the basic overview of social resources, defining them as oriented elements to the production and / or reproduction of these groups. Some human... more
El presente informe presenta los resultados, conclusiones y reflexiones de la investigación “La ideología de la maternidad intensiva como eje de la violencia simbólica” financiado por la Unitat d’Igualtat de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra... more
El vell racisme biològic no és, avui, la ideologia responsable del gros de situacions de discriminació i intolerància que es produeixen en l'actualitat. Ara per ara, els quadres de desigualtat més importants que afecten a comunitats... more
How can we explain that a part of the Catalan population gives support to secession while others reject it? Is it only a matter of identity, or do instrumental calculations related to the economic consequences of a hypothetical secession... more
The linguistic conjunction regime in the Catalan education system has been subject to several controversies over the years and we can see one position in favour and another against the model. In this article we identify the main arguments... more
Aquest article pretén realitzar una primera aproximació al coneixement del paisatge històric del Segrià meridional, una regió que comprèn grosso modo els termes municipals d'Almatret, Llardecans, Maials i la meitat meridional del de... more
"Sallent será para la Revolución Social lo que Jaca fue para la revolución democrática" Con toda seguridad uno de los lugares más intensos del conflicto entre el movimiento obrero y la legalidad republicana en la década de 1930 fue la... more
Introducció històrica al marc general de les formes d’organització de la pesca marítima a la Mediterrània Occidental i els règims sobre els que es fonamenta la seva gestió.
Public organizations around the world are embarking on open government initiatives, pursuing transparency, public participation and collaboration, and are working to redefine their relationships with citizens and with each other. In this... more
Вопросы сепаратизма являются одними из самыми актуальными для современной политической ситуации в Европе. Яркими примерами этих тенденций являются Великобритания и Испания. Обе страны столкнулись с общими проблемами, но решают их... more
This is the book review published in the International Journal of Iberian Studies. To cite this review: Calzada, I. (2020) [Review of the book Smart City Barcelona: The Catalan Quest to Improve Future Urban Living, by A. Vives].... more
Since 2012, Catalans have been working harder towards independence from Spain through the use of mass demonstrations and various referendums, both referendums deemed illegal as well as legal. Civil society movements in Catalonia have been... more
Scotland is not the only sub-state unit in Europe where relevant political actors make claims for independence. To generate insights on these independence demands, we compare the drivers, arguments and popular support for secession in... more
La serie de conflictos entre cristianos y musulmanes que caracteriza a la Edad Media y que colectivamente ha sido llamada controversialmente la «Reconquista» está identificada con cierto interés en las fuentes documentales y narrativas de... more
The National Library of Catalonia possesses a collection of eighty printed books of polyphony published between 1503 and 1628. This is one of the richest and most diverse collections of printed music to be found in the archives and... more