Church and State
Recent papers in Church and State
The practice of taxing church property while exempting other nonprofit groups appears to violate the “no special burden” principle of the free exercise clause. The Supreme Court case of Walz v. Commission charted a course between the free... more
Contemporary political theology often defines itself against Lutheran social ethics, which is portrayed as politically disengaged and overly deferential to state power. At the same time, contemporary political theology often embraces the... more
Generations of scholars have studied the multifaceted experiences of the Franciscans in Mexico and how the Franciscan order shaped New Spain and the early Mexican republic. Recent scholarship has given long-overdue attention to the... more
La época republicana en Colombia, con las innovaciones propias de la situación política revolucionaria, inauguró también un nuevo capítulo en las discusiones en torno a las relaciones entre Iglesia y Estado, con las respectivas pugnas y... more
В статье анализируется процесс регистрации в 1906-1916 годах 95 общин старообрядцев Томской губернии, отражённый в официальной губернской прессе. Характеризуется отношение представителей разных толков и согласий к самой регистрации и... more
The article describes the situation of the Turin's catholic church in the Second Vatican Council Year with specific regard to the relations between the catholic community and FIAT. L'articolo descrive la situazione della Chiesa torinese... more
У статті наведено результати дослідження правосуб’єктності релігійних організацій, виявлених їх особливостей, а також викладено пропозиції щодо вирішення проблем, які виникають при практичній реалізації релігійними організаціями своєї... more
The volume introduced by this paper consists of a number of papers focusing primarily on theoretical, methodological issues pertaining to the book’s general theme, whereas the majority of papers focus on a country or region where a... more
Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) was one of the unique states in the first quarter of XX century. Despite the historical relations between the Church and the State in Georgia, the social-democratic government changed its... more
В революции образ врага всегда функционален. В течение 1920-1930-х годов в СССР был создан целый бестиарий образов врага: белогвардейцы, интервенты, помещики, капиталисты, кулаки, члены антисоветских политических партий, «церковники»,... more
The present study discusses a theme not at all evaluated in the Romanian historiography: a German project to achieve the religious union of Romanians and Bulgarians of Orthodox religion with Rome. The project, advanced by Chancellor von... more
In this article, I am not interested in providing an elaborate analysis of mutual dependency between politics and religion - even if I agree that such a relationship exists and that it has very important social arrangements and... more
This book by Edwin Gaustad was the first book I read on Roger Williams in 2002. It inspired me to proceed with research on Williams during the ensuing decade while I was working full time as a litigation lawyer and then, finally, in... more
Review or Between Church and State: Public Education in a Multicultural America, by James W. Fraser
A Citizen’s Guide on How to Use the U.S. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT This handbook does not contain legal advice, which can only be given by an attorney. It is intended to help persons make Freedom of Information requests and obtain... more
The idea of State secularity—which needs to be distinguished from secularism—has never been easily accepted in Poland. The main reasons for that are the Polish experiences from the past, such as the traditionally strong position of the... more
s Warsaw Pact troops rolled through Czechoslovakia on 21 August 1968, I was one of a team escorting our church's youth choir on a tour of northern Bohemia. A local pastor woke us at 4 a.m. as the streets filled with tanks. We were in... more
The article refers to Protestant tradition in its Lutheran dimension and further historical development, especially the Evangelical line of thought. It sketches the basic characteristic of Protestantism, showing how denominational... more
How did the concept of the secular state emerge and evolve in Australia and how has it impacted on its institutions? This is the most comprehensive study to date on the relationship between religion and the state in Australian history,... more
The work operates in two sections, analyzing first the variety of peace movements since the eighteenth century, and secondly, the varieties of emphases present in these peace movements. Section 1 begins with a short discourse on what is... more
Foredrag på seminaret «Menighetsråd i 100 år», arr. Kirkerådet, KIFO og MF KOM 4.2.2022
av Per Kristian Aschim, førsteamanuensis II ved MF vitenskapelig høyskole og fagsjef i Presteforeningen
av Per Kristian Aschim, førsteamanuensis II ved MF vitenskapelig høyskole og fagsjef i Presteforeningen
Pyhä sota ja kansalaisuskonto uudella Venäjällä ("Sacred war and civil religion in new Russia") addresses rhetoric of just war; patriotism; church-state collaboration, the memory of WWII and its use in memory politics.
Every kingdom has its own culture and values. The problem in Christianity is that it does not have the culture and values of the Kingdom of God. Christians remain sunken into being part of the kingdoms of men, whose leadership and culture... more
Tom zawiera zapis wspomnień księdza profesora Zygmunta Zielińskiego. Ten wybitny historyk dzieli się z czytelnikiem refleksjami dotyczącymi okresu od drugiej wojny światowej do współczesności. Autor opisuje swój pobyt w seminarium... more
Lancement, relances, levée des sanctions spirituelles dans le temps long de la tradition chrétienne (V e -XXI e s.) COLLOQUE
სტატიის მიზანი სეკულარიზმის სამართლებრივი განზომილების მიმოხილვა, მისი ძირითადი მოდელებისა და თანამედროვე პრობლემების შეფასებაა, რაც, თავის მხრივ, ქართულ სინამდვილეში, გლობალური კონტექსტის გათვალისწინებით, ეკლესია-სახელმწიფოს... more
Resumen En el presente artículo de investigación, se analiza, mediante una metodo-logía de tipo cualitativo y una perspectiva de tipo histórico-politológico, la celebración a Santiago, con el objetivo de destacar que su restauración fue... more
There is an ideological civil war taking place in the United States, and in western civilization overall. This is a battle that displays itself along political lines, social lines, academic lines, and along religious lines. This... more
A még 2002-ben írt és 2005 folyamán napvilágot látott tanulmány röviden bemutatja a Reinhard–Schilling-féle konfesszionalizációs elméletet. Majd ennek alkalmazásával a felső-magyarországi felekezeti viszonyokat elemzi, Lippay György... more
Deklaracja o wolności religijnej to wśród tekstów Soboru Watykańskiego II dokument pod wieloma względami szczególny: jeden z najkrótszych -lecz mający największą liczbę kolejnych wersji poprzedzających ostateczną; dokument o niezbyt... more
Amiatinus-including a slew of works that celebrated 1,300th anniversary of Coelfrith's departure with it for Rome-is that she has tried to address its significance in the round. She uses it as a gateway into the biblical world of Bede,... more L'objet de cet ouvrage est de suivre la pensée d’un ecclésiologue majeur du 20e siècle, Nicolas Afanassieff, qui a significativement contribué à renouveler la vision théologique de... more
Starting with the description of the often neglected relativization, doubts and common misconceptions regarding the legal recognition of the Islamic Community in Austria the author sees a manifestation of the same problem in the new... more
Las relaciones entre la Iglesia Católica y el Estado venezolano están formalmente reguladas por el Concordato entre la República y la Santa Sede firmado en 1964. Este acuerdo, asentado en el paulatino entendimiento entre autoridades... more
El autor parte del caso argentino para analizar la existencia de argumentos constitucionales que justificarían la abstención del Estado de disponer símbolos religiosos en espacios bajo su control.
C onfucianistes, bouddhistes, taoïstes, musulmans, évangéliques protestants, Église catholique, Falun Gong… Les religions investissent une Chine que l'on aurait pu croire sécularisée par des décennies de communisme. Cette vie religieuse... more