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CHAN Hon Man, BJAS, (2014)
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryClassical Chinese literatureNineteenth Century
(This is just the preface to the first edition. The second edition will come out soon.)
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      Classical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese PhilosophyChinese Language
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureChinaChinese poetry
明代湯顯祖(1550—1616)《邯鄲夢》以《枕中記》為本事,《枕中記》本以唐代歷史為據,可知《邯鄲夢》故事情節應當發生於唐代之時,而檢查《新、舊唐書》,戲曲中一些角色及事蹟的確可以證明跟唐代歷史有著千絲萬縷的關係。湯顯祖既然是明人,他的作品會否隱含著跟明代歷史相似的細節?本文即以《邯鄲夢》所述「吐蕃侵唐」之戰事為例,比對《邯鄲夢》與唐、明兩代歷史之間的異同;從而探討箇中「一事兩史」的關係。本文進一步從現存史書、詩文等材料推測:《邯鄲夢》中平定吐蕃的「盧生」,可能就是湯顯祖摯... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literatureChinese history (History)
M.A. Thesis, Peking University (written in Chinese), 2009. M.A. Degree in Classical Chinese Literature. English Title: “The Influence of the Buddhist Ethical Ideas of Non-Injury and Body Sacrifice on the Tang Dynasty Short... more
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      Chinese BuddhismBuddhist StudiesPali literature & languageChinese Language and Culture
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      Japanese StudiesBibliographyManuscript StudiesClassical Chinese literature
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      Classical Chinese literatureChinese HistoriographyTraditional Chinese narrative
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese ReligionsPainting
It seems that neither Sima Qian's 司馬遷 famous “compensation theory” of Hanfei’s eloquence (“Fei, as a person, suffered from a stammer and was incapable of leading a discussion, but he excelled in the production of writing”... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyClassical Chinese literatureEarly ChinaClassical Chinese Philosophy
This is a translation of Édouard Biot's 1851 translation of the 小司徒 chapter of the Zhouli (Rites of Zhou), with the Chinese version and those commentaries included by Biot. I have also tried to verify Biot's translation against the... more
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      Classical Chinese literatureEarly ChinaEarly Chinese History
Poster designed for presentation at the inaugural Leiden Summer School in Chinese Digital Humanities (July 2016). Introduces current research project on cataloguing and analyzing exchange poetry of the Late Tang and Five Dynasties period... more
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      Comparative LiteratureDigital HumanitiesSocial NetworksLiterature
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      Silent FilmCostume and Identity in FIlmMainland Chinese FilmHistory of Republican Period China
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    • Classical Chinese literature
I have written this work to introduce my premise about Zhuangzi`s work "The happiness of fishes". Zhuangzi, not knowingly, or maybe knowingly, have made his life eternal, through his work. This work shall try to prove this premise. In... more
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      PhilosophyClassical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese PhilosophyClassical Chinese
Literati landscape painting was the mainstream of Chinese art in the Yuan dynasty; its keynote is the idea of yi, literally, escaping for freedom, which is represented by the notion of reclusiveness at the conceptual level and the notion... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryChinese ArtClassical Chinese literature
В китайской культуре духи-ежи относятся к нескольким типам духов. Это могут быть звери-оборотни, которые превращаются в людей и взаимодействуют с человеком. В отличие от других живот-ных, например лис, ежи-оборотни не были очень... more
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      Classical Chinese literatureAnimal SpiritsChinese Folklore
CCR Translation Contest for Young Scholars Registration Now Closed for the 2016 Chinese Cultural Relics CCR Translation Contest for Young Scholars. Thank you for your entries! Click for update on submissions and evaluation process.... more
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      Asian StudiesArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologySoutheast Asian Studies
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      HermeneuticsLiterary HistoryClassical Chinese literature
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Classical Chinese literatureLiterary translation
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      Literary CriticismPoeticsLiterary TheoryChinese poetry
〈疏影〉的詞旨向無定解,較為主流的政治說仍有缺陷。本文指出〈疏影〉所詠的梅花品種,並非前人研究所舉引的古梅而是綠萼梅,故詞中著重渲染和綠色相關的事物。修建於宣和四年(1122)的艮嶽是北宋最大型的皇家園林,其萼綠華堂種植了數以萬計的綠萼梅,象徵了北宋的記憶和命脈,以姜夔〈疏影〉為首的詠綠萼梅之作,無不以綠萼梅塑造宋室偏安的孤寂情態。本文從綠萼梅出發,重新討論〈疏影〉與徽欽二帝的關係,並指出綠袖佳人與王昭君的典故,又見於姜夔和范成大圈子的詩人;姜夔藉綠萼梅象徵宋室命脈,並呼籲時... more
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      Classical Chinese literatureChinese history (History)Chinese literature
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      Women's StudiesClassical Chinese literature
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyChinaClassical Chinese literature
English abstract: An ardent alchemy or finding immortality in the kitchen. This chapter analyzes late imperial Chinese vernacular narratives depicting the transmission of the Way to two Taoist female adepts, Sun Bu’er 孫不二 and He Xiangu... more
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      Women's StudiesChinese StudiesClassical Chinese literatureTaoism
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      Classical Chinese literatureChinese history (History)Early Medieval China History
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    • Classical Chinese literature
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      Chinese Language and CultureChinese Tea CultureClassical Chinese literatureThe Internet
The approach of allegorical interpretation was widely used by Chinese traditional scholars in novel studies. However, since the rise of modern Chinese scholarship at the beginning of the 20th century, the long-prevailing allegoresis... more
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      SinologyClassical Chinese literatureChinese history (History)Journey to the West
This textbook for undergraduates is based on my classroom experience and does not assume either experience with poetry (of any sort) or knowledge of Chinese. Its structure is chronological since I want to get students to see the power of... more
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      PoetryPoeticsChinese poetryClassical Chinese literature
English abstract on pp. 74-75.
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      BuddhismChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesDaoism
Connaître les grands maîtres Chinois et leurs pensées peut donc nous éclairer sur les valeurs et les moeurs asiatiques et le poids de leur héritage dans la vie moderne. Nous analyserons ici seulement quatre grands penseurs anciens :... more
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      Classical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Philosophy
本文是以《醒世恒言》卷3〈賣油郎獨佔花魁〉爲討論對象,聚焦於文本對身分建構及認同抉擇之書寫。歷來相關的論述,多側重於秦重與瑤琴二人之間的愛情抒寫,對於文本所穿梭的人物、情節、對話甚至是物件所串聯而成的象徵意義,較少被論者關注。藉由此一問題的提出,本文試圖從「身分、空間與命運的易位」、「言與物的認同及象徵」以及「作爲身分標識的姓名及稱呼」所形成的對照組切入,進一步掌握它們各自的建構與被建構歷程,以期探究娼妓書寫在大敘事中,所展現的普遍性及代表性,是否存有另一面值... more
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyChinese Language and CultureMing Dynasty
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      Chinese PhilosophyGhostsClassical Chinese literatureChinese literature
Abstract This article examines the indeterminacy of gender and poetic roles of early five-syllable poems (wu yan shi 五言詩). The indeterminacy pervasive in early poetry came to be perceived as a problem beginning in the late third century.... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesClassical Chinese literatureEarly Medieval China History
作为明清笑话书的代表作之一,清代笑话书《笑林广记》号称大成之作。因为其内容五花八门、无所不包,并且它包含着不同作者,甚至不同时代的笑话,所以我们可视之为中国各个朝代的笑话集的顶点。在最近几年学术界对幽默研究表示了前所未有的关注的背景下,本文试图按照若干西方文论而对《笑林广记》进行新颖的分析、解读。基于这种比较研究,本文的意图是将这部笑话书放置到比较文学的视野下,在某种程度上可以说,本文拟让《笑林广记》进入到比较文学学界。... more
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      Comparative LiteratureClassical Chinese literatureChinese literatureHumour Studies
An English translation of the Nineteen Old Poems 古詩十九首, which were preserved in the Wen Xuan (文選 ca 520) but probably date back to the Han dynasty several hundred years before.
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      Classical Chinese literatureLiterary translation
Esta é uma seleção de ensinamentos do Lunyu, de Confúcio (551-479 a.C.), um dos maiores vultos da filosofia e da religião mundial. Confúcio ensinava que a sobrevivência da civilização dependia do exercício correto de uma cultura racional,... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesClassical Chinese literatureChinese literature
"Wen zhi" (Form and Content) is a term widely used in traditional Chinese literary criticism. Informed by Occidental literary studies, modern Chinese scholars specialising in literary theories, Chinese literary criticism, the dynastic... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literature
A short analysis on the concept of harmony
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      PlatoClassical Chinese literatureClassical Philosophy
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      DaoismChinese BuddhismArchaeology Of ChinaChinese Art
《安徽大学藏战国竹简(一)》所收《草虫》篇,据整理者在说明部分言:“简本《采蘋》残,首章缺失,第二章仅存二字,第三章残缺。《毛诗》三章,章四句。” 说明《采蘋》篇与《草虫》的残损程度类似,故本文也与《草虫》篇解析类似,以讨论《采蘋》的诗旨为主。... more
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      Classical Chinese literaturePre-Qin Period in Chinese HistoryLiterature Studey of the Book of Songs
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      Chinese PhilologyClassical Chinese literatureChinese literature
「我的藝友與文友」:蕭遙天與臺港友朋交遊考 一、 小 引 二、 奔荒走南天 三、 鄭曼青、 黃性賢 四、 張大千 五、 饒宗頤 六、 易君左 七、 錢賓四 八、 結 論 二十世紀中期中國憂患頻仍,兵燹不斷,天災人禍深重而起的政治動 盪、人口遷徙,引發承傳文化的曲折與開展,此端賴南來知識人而得自植閎 肆,影響迄今未嘗或已。準此,本文試以蕭遙天(1913-1990)及士林交遊, 對文化的風氣影響切入,鉤連其時的相知相識,如何延伸至後來檳榔嶼、臺... more
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesLiteratureLife history
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      Classical Chinese literatureSupernatural Folklore
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    • Classical Chinese literature
译者按:1991 年,美国汉学家奚如谷(Stephen H. West)和伊维德(Wilt L. Idema)合作完成了《西厢 记》的英译本,其底本为现存最早、最完整的弘治版《西厢记》(1499),译作出版后受到中外学界的一致 好评。奚如谷现任美国亚利桑那州立大学汉学系主任,曾任伯克利大学东亚系讲座教授、美国东方学会西 部分会主席等职。伊维德为哈佛大学东亚系教授,历任哈佛东亚系主任、费正清研究中心主任等。两人治... more
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      Classical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Theater/DramaTraditional CHinese Narrative and Drama
Originally published in Journal of the American Oriental Society 121.4 (2001), and revised over the years.
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      Chinese ArtErotic artClassical Chinese literatureChinese archaeology
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      Chinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literatureChinese literatureTang Poetry
歷來治《孟》者大多聚焦討論《孟子》〈知言養氣章〉中哲學概念之內涵,卻未曾著力疏通此章之文理。具體言之,此章開首討論「不動心」,結尾卻論孔子,兩段文字究竟有何關係?不少學者通過重新定義此章之篇幅範圍,強行將結尾一段從〈知言養氣章〉割裂出去,如此解讀方式實不理想。本文通過考察〈知言養氣章〉之修辭,指出此章通篇暗用《論語》〈吾十有五而志於學章〉立論,此即其一貫文脈。根據孟子的詮釋,孔子自四十歲起的精神境界,都與進退出處之抉擇相關。循此入手,並結合相關內證,本文指出〈知言養氣章〉章首... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesConfucian PhilosophyChinese Philology