Clinical Supervision
Recent papers in Clinical Supervision
Problematic substance use is a significant concern for Aboriginal communities across Australia. Most approaches to intervention are individualised, locating the problem and the solution in the substance user. When problematic use is... more
Failure and defeat create despair, but can also create new ways to imagine our therapeutic work with people. This essay explores one approach to understanding this idea.
Abstract The supervisory relationship is perceived to be the foundation for the work that will occur in supervision. As supervision is different from therapy, the supervision alliance is considered to be one of the elements that make up... more
Author: Glenn E. Boyd You Are Not Alone: A Student’s Guide to Clinical Supervision is surprisingly frank, funny, and encouraging. It urges beginning students to be proactive and engaged in the clinical supervision process without apology... more
In recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have placed increasing emphasis on multicultural education and issues of race, gender, class, language, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, various types of supervision... more
Background: The extension of roles within the Primary Care Team is one approach recommended to address the shortage of GPs in the UK. A key aspect of care that Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) can undertake is acute home visits. Aim:... more
Background: Clinical supervisors are responsible for managing many facets of clinical learning and face a range of challenges when the need for “difficult” conversations arises, including the need to manage conflict and relationships.... more
Book review: Diversity in Supervision, Coaching and Counselling
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
Group work trainees have benefited from experiential instructional methods that allow them to participate in actual group experiences. The reflecting team process can serve as one such instructional method. It provides an experiential... more
Within the social work profession, supervision is highly valued. Yet it is not clear how supervision supports good practice or how supervision makes a difference for children and families. In this study, using paired observations of group... more
In recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have placed increasing emphasis on multicultural education and issues of race, gender, class, language, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, various types of supervision... more
This paper takes a new look at the methods of embodiment for psychotherapy supervision. It makes a rigorous distinction between knowledge derived by language and knowledge derived by the body without the intervention of conscious thought.
The authors propose the Supervision of Leadership Model (SLM) as an integration and extension of the Discrimination Model (DM) and Socially Just and Culturally Responsive Counseling Leadership Model (SJCRCLM) to address the supervision of... more
Commented [LG1]: Reminds me of Silberman's "mindlessness"-a key idea, I believe. {Silberman, C.E. (1971). Crisis in The Classroom, The Remaking of American Education. New York: Vintage. } Commented [LG2]: This entire pattern of... more
When invited to contribute a workshop to the BASPR conference I readily agreed. It wasn't until a few months later, when pressed for a title, that I became aware of what was of most interest to me. At this point I realised that several... more
Because spirituality training for counselors and supervisors is vital to counselor development, the authors examined the relationships between purpose in life, the integration of spirituality into supervision, and the supervisory working... more
The author discusses the need for counselor educators and supervisors to promote the intersectional nature of identities in counselor trainees and supervisees, especially as supervision serves as the vanguard for professional development... more
This article discusses the importance of a renewed journey into self-exploration for the Child and Youth Care (CYC) supervisor. The article pays tribute to Gerry Fewster's (1990) seminal work Being in Child Care, A Journey into Self to... more
An overview of relational-cultural theory and Relational-Cultural Therapy (RCT) is provided. First, a summary of the overarching framework for relational-cultural theory is offered. The theory's roots in feminist and psychodynamic... more
Asthma is a disease characterized by wide variations in pathogenesis that cause resistance to flow in intrapulmonary airways. The dramatic changes in the architecture of the airway walls are usually connected to allergic reaction or... more
The purpose of this article is to start a discussion around the importance of peer super- vision with social service volunteers (New Zealand Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations [NZFVWO], 2001, pp. 61-63). This will be achieved... more
In this study, the written reactions of 34 White master's counseling students to a list developed by Peggy McIntosh describing her experience of White privilege were analyzed using qualitative methodology. Three general themes and... more
Trauma helpers require specialized supervision. Individual, group and team supervision for trauma counselors and therapists are described and evaluated. Originally published in: Wilson, J. P. & Drozdek B. (Eds) (2004), Broken Spirits.... more
Supervisão é a acção e o efeito de supervisionar, isto é, fazer a inspecção de um trabalho ou de uma tarefa realizada por outra pessoa. Quem supervisiona encontra-se numa posição de superioridade hierárquica, uma vez que tem a capacidade... more
The significant changes in social work education and industry sectors have led to an increase in alternative supervision structures. This study investigates how the different models of supervision stimulate or hinder a supervisee's... more
Definir a la psicoterapia únicamente desde los aspectos cibernéticos de la relación terapeuta-paciente, es quedarse varado en una parcialidad de su dialéctica. En esta dirección, con la finalidad de realizar un análisis completo –y con la... more
This thesis presents the construction of social work supervision from the perspectives of social work practitioners and supervisors. In particular, the research explored how social work supervision was constructed, the influence of the... more
For over 50 years common supervisory models are being proposed that can be used for different therapeutic approaches. Amongst them two categories are of major interests in order to build a common supervisory approach: structured and... more
Like many teacher educators supervising teaching practice, we have spent countless hours in post-observation conferences (POCs) attempting to facilitate teacher candidates’ self-reflection, guided by the firm belief that through the... more
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Following an appropriate personal and professional model of supervision is an integral part of conducting ethical and effective supervision. A model of supervision helps guide a supervisor in facilitating growth of the counseling trainee,... more
Despite the growing interest on making clinical practice accountable, research on how specific components of professional competence are relevant in actual training/supervision practice is as yet unspecified. This study explores this... more