Recent papers in Colors
COMMUNICATE THROUGH COLOUR Use of colours in marketing strategy for the fast-moving consumer goods industry In this dissertation, I shall determine how a conscious use of colours can increase the effectiveness of communication and... more
The Philippines is a country that is both largely dependent on marine resources for its people's socio-cultural and economic activities, yet also highly vulnerable to extreme weather events caused by climate change. Recognizing this,... more
The Archimedes Palimpsest is a 10th-century parchment manuscript that was erased in the 13th century and overwritten with a Christian prayer book. The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, MD, USA has supervised a ten-year collaboration by... more
To determine what effect the set size of a group of colors has on the time required to recognize whether or not a target color belongs to the set. FINDINGS Increasing set size-from one to two colors results in a significant increase in... more
All rights reserved This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect... more
The objective of this report is to present practical measures that can be implemented to help countries minimize the economic and social consequences when confronted with power shortages. By reviewing the causes of and responses to power... more
Le cercle chromatique est la représentation circulaire des couleurs dans l'ordre d'un arc-en-ciel. Les couleurs primaires « matière » (pigments, peinture, crayons, etc.) sont: Le Cyan Le Magenta Le Jaune Elles ne peuvent pas être obtenues... more
In examining writings by Winckelmann, Goethe and Hegel, the essay demonstrates that within the neo-classical tradition arguments emerged that had clear racial im-plications. While eighteenth-century classicism started off dismissing color... more
In seabirds, colors of feathers and external tissues have only recently been studied, and ultraviolet (UV) color has not yet been detected. Using live individuals as well as museum skins, we found UV peaks of reflectance in two large... more
American Director Wes Anderson's films are an interesting case study on the use of representation and visual language as elements capable of implementing the narrative underlying the film plot. His films, in fact, are constructed... more
Packaged food products are now available in supermarkets which has increased consumer choice. In addition, competition between packaged food products has also increased. The consumers decision making process is strongly infl uenced by... more
This review explains how color combinations influence our perception and our aesthetic appreciation. In addition, the studies under review, which are purely qualitative, describe the semantic processing of color associations (according to... more
RESUMEN Este artículo investiga algunos de los valores plásticos y estéticos que presidieron la selección y la preparación de las materias colorantes empleadas para iluminar los códices creados por los nahuas del México Central durante el... more
More than one hundred multi choice problems and their solutions in colors, dyes and pigments chemistry are represented in this paper review. Reviewing the basic, fundamental principles and/or the knowledge of colors, dyes and pigments... more
Packaged food products are now available in supermarkets which has increased consumer choice. In addition, competition between packaged food products has also increased. The consumers decision making process is strongly infl uenced by... more
Bbu çalışmada yeni-gerçekçi Fransız ressam Yves Klein (iv ƙlayn) 'ın hayatı, eserleri hakkında temel bilgiler verilmiştir. Yeni gerçekçilik, II. Dünya Savaşı sonrası ortaya çıkmış çağdaş bir sanat akımı olarak dünyaya bakış açısı,... more
Науката за цветовете буди интереса не само на физици, биолози, анатоми, художници, но и на философи, езиковеди, литератори. Чрез багрите предметите и хората придобиват своеобразна индивидуалност и уникалност във времето и пространството.... more
Öz Tarihi insanlık tarihi kadar eski olan renkler, insanlar tarafından duyguların ifadesinde çokça kullanılmıştır. Edebi eserlerde de gerek doğaya ait unsurların ifadesinde, gerekse insana ait duygu ve düşüncelerin yansıtıl-masında... more
1-Introduction: Color considered one of the main aspects of visual communication. It has a remarkable impact on people's way to receive and interpret images. Color also has a functional role in attracting attention, conveying messages and... more
Ortaçağ’da renklerin tarihi ülkemiz akademik çevrelerince çalışılmış bir konu değildir. Bu konunun doyurucu bir şekilde çalışılmamış olmasının sebebi, klasik bir tarih anlayışı ile yapılamayacağından kaynaklanmaktadır. Çünkü renkler... more
Le pellicole del regista statunitense Wes Anderson costituiscono un interessante caso studio sull"uso della rappresentazione e del linguaggio visuale come elementi in grado di implementare la narrazione sottesa alla trama cinematografica.... more
To alter the hue of an image in real-time to correct color blindness using a mobile application.
SHADES OF THE RED COLOUR IN POLISH AND ITALIAN – THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS The main goal of this article is the comparative analysis of non-basic hues of the red colour in Polish (25 lexemes) and Italian (44 lexemes). Both languages... more
There are few semantic categories as ubiquitous yet elusive as those designating colors. Shiyanthi Thavapalan's The Meaning of Color in Ancient Mesopotamia (based on her 2017 doctoral thesis submitted to the Department of Near Eastern... more
Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la significación simbólica del color como manifestación de la Belleza divina en el Diarium spirituale (La revelación de los secretos, Kashf al-asrâr) de Rûzbihân Baqlî Shîrâzî (m. 606/1209), uno de... more
The chapter is the third in a series of joint studies on colors in Japanese literature, focussing on the role that the fictionalization of his experience in London as a scholar played on Natsume Soseki (1867-1916) ' s overall allegoric... more
This article investigates the colors of the Nahua manuscript known as Codex Borbonicus and compares them with the chromatic qualities of the first color reproduction of this docu-ment, a photochrom executed at the end of the 19th century.... more