Recent papers in Meteorology
The design of flood control structures requires rainfall intensity estimation for design discharge computation. To make the rainfall intensity values easily available in Warri, Delta state of Nigeria, this research developed rainfall... more
The Increasing pace of Industrialization throughout the world has brought with It a serious, and ever Increasing threat from air pollution. It Is true that this threat Is being taken seriously, and that many responsible research workers,... more
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are useful alternative techniques in modelling the complex vehicular exhaust emission (VEE) dispersion phenomena. This paper describes a step-by-step procedure to model the nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 )... more
Every day in the news it seems like there are more and more stories about record-breaking weather. Kevin Kloesel is a Texas Ex and Director of the Oklahoma Climatological Survey, working right in the heart of Tornado Alley. He will talk... more
The horizontal flow of SO2 gas from day side to night side of Io is calculated. The surface is assumed to be covered by a frost whose vapor pressure at the subsolar point is orders of magnitude larger than that on the night side.... more
Design traffic volumes, vehicle emission factors and meterological data are used to assess the impact of a suburban limited-access highway segment. Mesoscale effects are determined by emission inventory techniques. Microscale effects are... more
Designing a fuel-sampling program that accurately and efficiently assesses fuel load at relevant spatial scales requires knowledge of each sample method’s strengths and weaknesses. We obtained loading values for six fuel components using... more
Periodicity mining is used for predicting trends in time series data. Discovering the rate at which the time series is periodic has always been an obstacle for fully automated periodicity mining. Existing periodicity mining algorithms... more
The detailed topological or 'connectivity' properties of the clusters formed in diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) and cluster-cluster aggregation (CCA) are considered for spatial dimensions d = 2,3 and 4. Specifically, for both... more
This paper was finished and distributed May 7, 1991 to several people in the Eugene, Oregon area, including John Moseley, the vice president of research for the University of Oregon. He once greeted me enthusiastically on the street... more
Complementary analysis of satellite mission data (altimetry, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS)) and climate fields over 2000–2009 was conducted to investigate the variability of the water cover surfaces and the... more
Understanding the impact of aerosols on the earth's radiation budget and the long-term climate record requires consistent measurements of aerosol properties and radiative fluxes. The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)... more
Urban flooding is an inevitable problem for many cities around the world. In the present paper, modelling approaches and principles for analyses of urban flooding are outlined. The paper shows how urban flooding can be simulated by... more
Les conditions de température de l'air sont parmi les paramètres les plus importants du climat d'une région ou d'un pays. Trois aspects de la température sont traités, à savoir les températures minimales, les températures maximales et... more
Despite the availability of the sensor and smartphone devices to fulfill the ubiquitous computing vision, thestate-of-the-art falls short of this vision. We argue that the reason for this gap is the lack of an infrastructure to... more
The parameter terms (second column) for log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale and log (Aerial tree cover + 1) × scale were incorrectly given positive rather than negative values. The correct values are: log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale... more
The potential of a ground-based microwave temperature profiler to combine full tropospheric profiling with highresolution profiling of the boundary layer is investigated. For that purpose, statistical retrieval algorithms that incorporate... more
This paper presents some of the findings of the European project, RUROS, concentrating on the effect of microclimatic conditions on the use of open spaces in an urban Mediterranean environment. The findings confirm that there is a strong... more
The geographical area of Northeastern Bulgaria boasts a specific climate conditions. They are a prerequisite for the expression of adverse and hazardous natural phenomena. This report analyses the genesis and location of the adverse and... more
Positive cloud-ground lightning is considerably more complex and less studied compared to the negative lightning. This paper aims to measure and characterize the significant parameters of positive return strokes electric field, namely,... more
The first part of this note provides all trigonometrical formulas which allow the direct spectral analysis and the computation of those long-term variations of the earth's orbital elements which are of primary interest for the... more
An unsupervised method that utilizes a combination of statistical and machine learning techniques is presented in order to classify statistically independent rainstorm events and create a limited number of design hyetographs for the Water... more
The author conducted a ground damage survey after riding out Hurricane Elena in Pensacola, FL. We drove the Mississippi coast just after the storm and documented high wind and storm surge damage. High water marks were obtained using a... more
This work discusses the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the earth. Brought into focus are the processes of the hydrologic cycle. This study is a useful starting point on the study of hydrology. The cycle... more
The impact that volcanic eruptions may have upon environments far from the volcanic source is conventionally assumed to depend on climatic modification by emitted gases. However, recent research has suggested that the damage caused by the... more
Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) Radar wind data for the period June through September 1996 have been examined to study vertical variation of Madden-Jullian Oscillations in wind and eddy kinetic energy (eke) in the normal monsoon... more
A numerical study is performed to elucidate the dominant turbulent processes that occur in urban areas. Comprehensive data from direct numerical simulations (DNS) over idealized three-dimensional arrays of buildings are analysed to study... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
The daily rainfall over India during the monsoon season (June-September) is governed by the interplay of the large-scale, synoptic and mesoscale disturbances, many of which are sporadic rainfall spells and extremely intense. These spells... more
Advances in earth observation technology over the last two decades have resulted in improved forecasting of various hydrometeorological-related disasters. In this study the severe tropical cyclone Gonu (2-7 June, 2007) was investigated... more
La preocupacion del hombre en observar el cielo para conocer la influencia de los astros en los ciclos vegetativos ha existido desde siempre. El saber popular nos ha dejado en la tradicion una rica y variada metodologia para pronosticar... more
This paper describes the architecture of a data level comparative visualization system and experiences using it to study computational fluid dynamics data and experimental wind tunnel data. We illustrate how the system can be used to... more
To gain occupational legitimacy, workers depend on claims of accuracy. How are these claims assessed? Organizations judge competence and effectiveness using metrics, which can be massaged. Using a case study of operational meteorology,... more
In January 2002, the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) promoted a fourth reentry test campaign, choosing an old Russian upper stage as a study case. As in the past, ISTI -formerly CNUCE -was involved, acting as the... more
This paper presents the measurement and analysis of the consistency of rain induced impairment on Line-of-sight links in middle belt region of Nigeria. The experiment was carried out at the Globacom switch house, Jos Plateau state... more
Wildland fuelbeds are exceptionally complex, consisting of diverse particles of many sizes, types and shapes with abundances and properties that are highly variable in time and space. This complexity makes it difficult to accurately... more
Mingo Creek is located just east of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The creek flows northward from rolling hills to a shallow flood plain. Over the last three decades, the watershed has been highly commercialized with large subdivisions and industrial... more
The emission and scattering from desert surfaces are analyzed using simulations and measurements from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) microwave satellite instruments. Deserts are... more
Although a few studies on rainfall spatial and temporal variability in the UAE have been carried out, evidence of the impact of climate change on rainfall trends has not been reported. This study aims at assessing the significance of... more
Fog is a significant factor affecting the Air Traffic Control (ATC). Significant limitations of the airport capacity are due to fog that causes the reduction of the visibility (Runway Visual Range, RVR). Today METAR (Meteorological... more
This work describes the results of research into a source-oriented pollen concentration forecasting technique. Tests were conducted using the National Center for Atmospheric Research/ Penn State Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5), the... more
Electric radiation fields produced by lightning cloud flashes have been analyzed using Fourier methods to obtain amplitude spectra for frequencies in the range of 20 kHz to 20 MHz. Time to thunder measurements were used to extract the... more