Computer Aided Geometric Design
Recent papers in Computer Aided Geometric Design
We present a configurable trajectory planning strategy on planar paths for offline definition of time-dependent C 2 piecewise quintic feedrates. The more conservative formulation ensures chord tolerance, as well as prescribed bounds on... more
The purpose of this research is the analysis using meta-analysis of studies in the field of Educational Technology in Turkey and in the field is to demonstrate how to get to that trend. For this purpose, a total of 263 studies were... more
A class of single-valued curves in polar coordinates, which we refer to as p-B6zier cur\e, ha> been recently presented by' St]nchez-Reyes and independently discovered by R de Casteljau. From their definition and expression in terms of the... more
Human Interaction in meetings is one of the famous fields of social dynamics. Meeting is integral part of every organization. In this, meeting outcome is extracted using tree based approach. Meetings contents or conversation are available... more
As shown in , the nearest point on a Bézier curve in R 3 space with the control points {P i } to the test point P is P c , while from the algorithm in , the nearest point is P 5 , which is an end point of the curve.
The problem of specifying the two free parameters that arise in spatial Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) quintic interpolants to given first-order Hermite data is addressed. Conditions on the data that identify when the "ordinary" cubic... more
In this paper we prove a necessary and sufficient condition ensuring that the following problem possesses a solution: construct a twice-continuous cubic parametric spline, which interpolates a given set of planar points with a given... more
RapidMiner is a software for machine learning, data mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. The server will record large web log files when user visits the website. Extracting knowledge from such huge data demands for new... more
This paper examines a special type of rational curves called rational Frenet-Serret (RF) curves distinguished by the property that the motion of their Frenet-Serret frame is rational. It is shown that a rational curve is an RF curve if... more
A Cpoint interpolatory subdivision scheme with a tension parameter is analysed. It is shown that for a certain range of the tension parameter the resulting curve is C'. The role of the tension parameter is demonstrated by a few examples.... more
We provide a surprisingly simple cubic BCzier curve which gives a very accurate approximation to a segment of a circle. Joining the Bkier segments we obtain an approximation to the circle with continuous tangent and curvature. For 45 '... more
Current trends in free form editing suggest the development of a new novel editing paradigm for CAD models beyond traditional CAD editing of mechanical parts. To this end we wish to develop accurate, robust and efficient 3D mesh... more
Given a closed triangular mesh, we construct a smooth free-form surface which is described as a collection of rational tensor-product and triangular surface patches. The surface is obtained by a special manifold surface construction,... more
General offset curves are treated in the context of Minkowski geometry, the geometry of the two-dimensional plane, stemming from the consideration of a strictly convex, centrally symmetric given curve as its unit circle. Minkowski... more
Spirals are curves with single-signed, monotone increasing or decreasing curvature. A spiral can only interpolate certain G 2 Hermite data that is referred to as admissible G 2 Hermite data. In this paper we propose a biarcbased... more
Pythagorean-hodograph curves and related topics Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curves were introduced (Farouki and to provide exact solutions to a number of basic computational problems that arise in computer-aided design and manufacturing,... more
A tutorial 2D MATLAB code for solving elliptic diffusion-type problems, including Poisson's equation on single patch geometries, is presented. The basic steps of Isogeometric Analysis are explained and two examples are given. The code has... more
Bézier subdivision and degree elevation algorithms generate piecewise linear approximations of Bézier curves that converge to the original Bézier curve. Discrete derivatives of arbitrary order can be associated with these piecewise linear... more
Chapter ?? describes the fundamental geometric setting for 3D modeling and addresses Euclidean, affine and projective geometry, as well as differential geometry. In the present chapter, the discussions will be continued with a focus on... more
This paper aims at presenting a parametric shape grammar of traditional Suakin houses (Red Sea state, Sudan). This work systematically attempts to generate appropriate plans arrangement that allows required functional relationships... more
This paper is the third in a sequence of papers in which a knot removal strategy for splines, based on certain discrete norms, is developed. In the first paper, approximation methods defined as best approximations in these norms were... more
In this paper we present a new class of spline functions with tension properties. These splines are composed by polynomial cubic pieces and therefore are conformal to the standard, NURBS based CAD/CAM systems.
Paper, sheet metal, and many other materials are approximately unstretchable. The surfaces obtained by bending these materials can be flattened onto a plane without stretching or tearing. More precisely, there exists a transformation that... more
We discus several alternatives to the rational Bézier model, based on using curves generated by mixing polynomial and trigonometric functions, and expressing them in bases with optimal shape preserving properties (normalized B-bases). For... more
In the present paper we investigate rational two-parameter families of spheres and their envelope surfaces in Euclidean R 3 . The four dimensional cyclographic model of the set of spheres in R 3 is an appropriate framework to show that a... more
Computer-Aided Geometric Design modelers are now based on powerful mathematical curve and surface models, but there is still a considerable need for efficient tools to handle, analyze and modify these objects. Designing product shapes... more
A class of single-valued curves in polar coordinates, which we refer to as p-B6zier cur\e, ha> been recently presented by' St]nchez-Reyes and independently discovered by R de Casteljau. From their definition and expression in terms of the... more
In the last century, the expression possibilities of the art of sculpture have reached unlimited possibilities conceptually and formally. These possibilities have completely changed the forms of practice and expression in urban and... more
The problem of specifying the two free parameters that arise in spatial Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) quintic interpolants to given first-order Hermite data is addressed. Conditions on the data that identify when the "ordinary" cubic... more
We propose an iterative algorithm to generate a sequence of a prescribed number of points on a parametric curve with control of their distribution. Our algorithm depends on a free parameter which controls the achievement of a final... more
Computer aided geometric design is an area where the betterment of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. The traditional methods for generating surfaces were... more
In this paper we introduce an unified framework for topological manipulation on triangulated 2-manifolds with or without boundary. We show that there are two kinds of primitive operators on the underlying meshes: operators that change the... more
An active contour model to surface approximation is presented. It adapts to the model shape to be approximated with help of local quadratic approximants of the squared distance function. The approach completely avoids the parametrization... more
This paper examines a special type of rational curves called rational Frenet-Serret (RF) curves distinguished by the property that the motion of their Frenet-Serret frame is rational. It is shown that a rational curve is an RF curve if... more
The generation of a fair, planar Btzier curve is approached as an approximation problem with constraints.
Invention of digital technology has lead to increase in the number of images that can be stored in digital format. So searching and retrieving images in large image databases has become more challenging. From the last few years, Content... more
We present an algorithm to approximate a set of unorganized points with a simple curve without self-intersections. The moving least-squares method has a good ability to reduce a point cloud to a thin curve-like shape which is a near-best... more
We investigate the properties of a special kind of frame, which we call the Euler-Rodrigues frame (ERF), defined on the spatial Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curves. It is a frame that can be naturally constructed from the PH condition. It... more