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We present algorithms and systems for interactive boundary computation of Boolean combinations of sculptured solids. The algorithm is applicable to all spline solids and computes an accurate boundary representation. To speed up the... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationGeometric ModellingModel validation
Buildings vary in shapes, types and locations, but are correlated in the original elements and relations to constitute the unified building Type or a certain architectural style from a certain place. These relations are linking points... more
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      ArchitectureShape Grammar (Architecture)Geometric ModellingOttoman Studies
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      Geometric ModellingSurface Reconstruction
We present a project on research and development of the high level language HyperFun for shape modeling using implicit surfaces and the more general function representation (FRep). An approach to collaborative Web-based shape modeling... more
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      Computer Science EducationGeometric ModellingIsosurfacesLevel Set Methods
In this paper an extension of L-systems is proposed, based on three-dimensional (3D) generalized maps that allow an easier control of the internal structure of 3D objects. A first and original application of this extension is also... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGeometric ModellingComputer GraphicThree Dimensional
Current geometric and solid modeling systems use semi-algebraic sets for de ning the boundaries of solid objects, curves and surfaces, geometric constraints with mating relationship in a mechanical assembly, physical contacts between... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer GraphicsComputational GeometryGeometric Modelling
Abstract: The new Road Design Italian Standards (“Norme funzionali e geometriche per la costruzione delle strade”, DM 5.11.2001), allows the use of polynomial curves for the design of the road alignment design. Such polynomial curves... more
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    • Geometric Modelling
Computing boolean operations between general planar polygons is one of the fundamental problems in geometric and solid modeling. In this work we present a new algorithm to calculate intersection, union and di!erence, valid for general... more
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      Geometric ModellingEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingComputer GraphicFormal Model
This paper objectively presents a provable construction of generating a length of magnitude , as the geometrical solution for the ancient problem of doubling the volume of a cube. Cube duplication is believed to be impossible under the... more
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      Geometry And TopologyAlgebraic GeometryNon Euclidean GeometryComputer Graphics
In many areas of industry, it is desirable to create geometric models of existing objects for which no such model is available. This paper reviews the process of reverse engineering of shapes. After identifying the purpose of reverse... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignReverse Engineering
This article presents the HyperCAL3D applications in Descriptive Geometry education (DG). First, the main features of this application are briefly presented, relating to the conceptual, methodological and technological base used in its... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingGeometria DescritivaDescriptive Geometry
In our paper, we attempt to investigate methods of determining jersey porosity which is this fabric's principal physical characteristic. In fact, end use, liquid absorbency, thermal comfort and resistance are closely related to pore size... more
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      Image ProcessingGeometric ModellingPorosityPermeability
La plastie décrite par Eric Malingue est dérivée de la plastie en Z. Le but de l'étude a été d'évaluer son efficacité théorique grâce à une modélisation géométrique, et son intérêt clinique dans la maladie de Dupuytren. Dans la plastie de... more
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      Geometric ModellingTreatment OutcomeFasciaMathematical Computing
This article addresses the experimental investigation and modelling of the uneven fibre distribution inside yarns of a textile composite. The test data is given for the tri-axial carbon-fibre braid; a considerable irregularity is revealed... more
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      Geometric ModellingFinite ElementCarbon fibreTextile Composite
In this paper, we present an FL-system, an extension of an L-system that allows us to generate any kind of object hierarchy and mesh on the fly. This has been made possible thanks to a modification of the classical L-system rewriting... more
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      Geometric ModellingProcedural Geometric Modeling
Leaf springs are one of the frequently used oldest suspension components. They are used in conventional and commercial vehicles. The past literature review shows that leaf springs are designed as forces are generalized on the elements... more
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      Static AnalysisGeometric Modelling
In geometric modelling and computer-aided design a polynomial is usually represented in Bernstein form. Forward error analysis for the computation of the derivative of a polynomial in Bernstein form is performed. The corresponding running... more
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      Applied MathematicsGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignOrthogonal polynomials
The paper discusses the blending problem m geometric modelhng, and it provides a comprehensive review of solutions that use parametric surfaces A terminology and a classification are presented to help clarify the nature of blending, and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer GraphicsGeometric ModellingComputer Aided Design
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      MathematicsGeometry And TopologyCrystallographyGeometric Modelling
El objeto de este documento de “Recomendaciones Técnicas para la documentación geométrica de entidades patrimoniales” es proponer un modelo normalizado para la producción de modelos vectoriales tridimensionales del Patrimonio Cultural en... more
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      DocumentationGeometric ModellingCultural Heritage Recording, Documentation and Information Systems3D Laser scanning (Architecture)
Plants and plant organs are commonly modeled using skeletal techniques. Plant structure is then described in terms of axes, around which limb surfaces are built using standard geometric modeling techniques, such as generalized cylinders... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingProcedural ModellingL-systems
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      Geometric ModellingInformation ExtractionFinite element modellingTerrestrial Laser Scanning
In this study, experimental data, geometrical models, and FE analysis are presented for typical structurally stitched multilayer preform composed of quasi-UD carbon-fibre woven fabric. The term 'structural' presumes here that the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringGeometric ModellingFinite Element Analysis
Computer aided geometric design is an area where the betterment of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. The traditional methods for generating surfaces were... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGeometric ModellingGeometric modelComputer Aided Geometric Design
Geometric Modellers based on a Boundary Representation scheme are well suited for display operations, but boolean operations require algorithms with quadratic complexity. Using a class of extended Octtrees which is presented here, boolean... more
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    • Geometric Modelling
Geometric model and multidimensional scaling of similarity looks at relations between objects in a geometric space as coordinate points (Tversky, 1977). The distance between two coordinate points represents the dissimilarity among those... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMultidimensional ScalingGeometric Modelling
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    • Geometric Modelling
Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the... more
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      DesignShape ModelingGeometric ModellingAircraft Design
Industrial Geometry aims at unifying existing and developing new methods and algorithms for a variety of application areas with a strong geometric component. These include CAD, CAM, Geometric Modelling, Robotics, Computer Vision and Image... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignReverse Engineering
Plants and plant organs are commonly modeled using skeletal techniques. Plant structure is then described in terms of axes, around which limb surfaces are built using standard geometric modeling techniques, such as generalized cylinders... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingProcedural ModellingL-systems
Propriété littéraire et scientifique réservée pour tous les pays du monde. Ce document ne peut être reproduit ou traduit en tout ou en partie sans l'autorisation écrite du Directeur général du CERN, titulaire du droit d'auteur. Dans les... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingComputer Graphic
An original method has been developed to model geology using the location of the geological interfaces and orientation data from structural field. Both types of data are cokriged to interpolate a continuous 3D potential-field scalar... more
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsGeometric ModellingGeomodelling
An original method has been developed to model geology using the location of the geological interfaces and orientation data from structural field. Both types of data are cokriged to interpolate a continuous 3D potential-field scalar... more
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsGeometric ModellingGeomodelling
The available technologies for the presentation of audiovisual scenes to large audiences show different degrees of maturity. While high quality physics based rendering of 3D scenes is found in many visual applications, the presentation of... more
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      Computer VisionImage-based RenderingGeometric ModellingOptical Flow
The drape behaviour of the dry textile structure is tremendously important to ensure a homogeneous distribution of tows and to control the fibre volume fraction inside a composite material. The composite forming operation into a 3D shape... more
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      Geometric ModellingComposite MaterialVolume Fraction
3D geometrical modelling of pore space micro-structures to simulate microbial decomposition of organic matter
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      Geometric ModellingOrganic Matter
Previously, we proposed a method for incorporating molecular geometry in a biological rule-based model by encoding molecular curvature into the rules and associated binding rate constants. We combined this method with a 3D rigid-body... more
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      Computer ScienceImmunologyMonte Carlo SimulationGeometric Modelling
Fast and accurate fitting of non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces through large sets of measured data is an important problem in applications such as reverse engineering and geometric modelling. This paper presents a... more
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      EngineeringComputational ComplexityGeometric ModellingReverse Engineering
Halo Matrix (patent # 61/404,639) is a Geo-Spatial 3D Mapping and Positions System that defines an 3D mapping surface containing an approximation region in air space; capturing a sequence of depth maps over distance and time of of the... more
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      Geometric ModellingSatellite Positioning
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      Mathematics EducationGeometric ModellingMathematical ModellingPrimary School
Nowadays, bulbous bow forms have become a common design feature in most conventional ship designs. The design of a bulbous bow is usually attempted with the use of certain form parameters that are imposed using the designer's experience... more
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      DesignComputational Fluid DynamicsGeometric ModellingModeling
This paper presents a study of moisture retention and isothermal transfer in a cement and lime mortar. The extended range of pore sizes and the intrinsic heterogeneity of the medium do not allow the use of a single-scale percolation... more
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      EngineeringGeometric ModellingMultiphase FlowPercolation
Many complex cellular processes involve major changes in topology and geometry. We have developed a method using topology-based geometric modelling in which the edge labels of an n-dimensional generalized map (a subclass of graphs)... more
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      Electron MicroscopyGeometric ModellingSystems BiologySignal Transduction
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringStructural Engineering
Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the... more
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      DesignShape ModelingGeometric ModellingAircraft Design
Current geometric and solid modeling systems use semi-algebraic sets for de ning the boundaries of solid objects, curves and surfaces, geometric constraints with mating relationship in a mechanical assembly, physical contacts between... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer GraphicsComputational GeometryGeometric Modelling
Generating realistic 3D human face models and facial animations has been a persistent challenge in computer graphics. We have developed a system that constructs textured 3D face models from videos with minimal user interaction. Our system... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionGeometric ModellingGeometric model
ABSTRACT: 3D geometric modelling is a powerful tool to better understand geology. It allows to check and validate the consistency of the separate 1D or 2D data interpretations. Building a 3D model is also a way to share and communicate a... more
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      Geometric ModellingMathematical GeologyGeometric modelData Interpretation
An effective computer generation method is presented in this paper to more perfectly and rapidly generate the random distribution domains with large numbers of grains (pores). At first, the geometries of heterogeneous grains and the... more
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      CompositesGeometric ModellingMultiscale Computational Homogenization