Cross-Media Studies
Recent papers in Cross-Media Studies
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This course invites students to develop a crossmedia mode of thinking about storytelling in a converged media environment. Students will learn the basics of researching, organizing and telling stories effectively across multiple media... more
This paper attempts a direct comparison of the available alternative channels that can be employed in a cross media publishing scheme. More precisely it examines the content, the publishing speed, and the rhythm of the publishing... more
A review of an introductory guide to radio studies
Brittany Luberda, “Curating across Material: Reflections on ‘Reigning Men’ and ‘Cross-Pollination’,” Journal18 (October 2017),
Our prices are recommended retail prices and are exclusive of shipping costs. We reserve the right to alter prices. We supply to libraries at a discount of 5%. * incl. VAT-only applies to Germany and EU customers without VAT Reg No **... more
This thesis is based on an empirical study of the BBC’s Muddle Earth multiplayer online game. It is a study of game production in the context of cross-media strategies, and follows the adaptation journey of the Muddle Earth IP from a... more
The paper is devoted to the complex analysis of the cross-media phenomenon that originated from the media-sphere as a sequential form of information presentation and reception. To date, the cross-media sense, its peculiarities and... more
-The paper analyzes the current tendencies in cross-media journalism, which represents a special kind of digital journalism ìnnovative type. The objective of scientific research is to make comprehensive analysis of main characteristics... more
Contemporary public discussions on graffiti are characterized by the co-existence of contradictory claims. On the one hand graffiti is described as vandalism, and on the other as an artistic movement. Michel Foucault’s discourse theory,... more
Media researchers have been interested in the problem of media convergence since the 1980s. But the huge wave of publications, conferences and discussions about media convergence began just after the publication of Henry Jenkins’ book... more
I DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my beloved Parents who have supported me all the way since the beginning of my studies.
Анотація. У статті на основі аналізу теоретичних джерел, зарубіжної та української медійних практик запропоновано авторське бачення співвідношення та дефініцій понять «мультимедійна редакція», «конвергентна редакція» та «крос-медійна... more
The paper analyses the peculiarities of the media convergence process that causes origination and development of a number of digital innovations in the field of media. Digital revolution provoked by media market evolution activated... more
В статье проанализировано различные подходы к определению терминов „мультимедиа”, „кросс-медиа”, „трансмедиа”, продемонстрировано эволюцию значений в процессе развития цифровой и конвергентной культур, предложено использовать термин... more
Vivere, non si può vivere senza passato" A.Bocelli e G.Trovato -VIVERE I.1 Il Passato 1 : una stagione del Tempo "As time goes by" Frank Sinatra -AS TIME GOES BY Cos'è il Passato? Fatti? Sensazioni? Forse è fatto di sensazioni… forse un... more
Draft before shortenings and corrections. To appear in: Hassler-Forest, Dan/Nicklas, Pascal (Hg.): The Politics of Adaptation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
"Nanna Verhoeff's new book is a a must for anybody interested in visual culture and media theory. It offers a rich and stimulating theoretical account of the central dimension of our contemporary existence - interfacing and navigating... more
The present study looks at the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise and the role of digital games from the conceptual frameworks of transmedia storytelling and the Japanese media mix. We offer a historical account of the development of "the... more
STRESZCZENIE Konwergencja mediów stanowi przedmiot zainteresowania medioznawców od lat osiemdziesiątych. JednakŜe to dopiero przełomowa książka Henry’ego Jenkinsa, Kultura konwergencji… wywołała istną falę publikacji, konferencji i... more
""" Slam poetry, which first came into being in Chicago in 1986 as a competitive form of performance poetry, is only the latest development in a series of poetry movements in the United States that radically turned away from the... more
This dissertation reconsiders radio in order to rethink questions of communication, affect, and historical artistic practices in wireless media. I displace avant-garde preoccupations with radiation, speed, time and space overcome,... more
As contemporary cinema intersects with both celebrity (Church Gibson 2011) and convergence culture (Jenkins 2006), it is vital that the academic analysis of screen costuming moves beyond the film text to consider the wider institutional... more
This dissertation investigates how people in the northern US Southwest used clothing and representations of clothing in other media to signal aspects of social identities in the Chaco and post-Chaco eras (AD 850–1300). This was a time... more
Questo lavoro nasce con l’intento di trovare la soluzione a un problema che normalmente nessuno sembra volersi porre: come si riconoscono i personaggi? Prima di andare a osservare le possibili vie alla risposta, è opportuno focalizzare... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
During the last two decades of the 20th ICTs (Information Communication Technologies) have revolutionized newspaper organizations. As technology for the distribution of journalistic information in various forms has become more easily... more
The ‘active audience’ has theoretically been conceptualized from two perspectives: in political economy, it is suggested that television audiences work for the networks while watching and that they contribute to the valorization process... more
This essay explores some of the ways in which Smallville, as one of many examples of popular media, places us in the position of the Swamp Thing: the series confronts us not only with the history of Superman as a transmedia phenomenon,... more
“Transmedia” is a term that emerged in the first decade of twenty-first century to denote the strategies and practices of global media industries to develop content and tell stories across multiple media, including the digital platforms... more
This book combines economic studies of innovation systems with studies of mediatisation, media convergence, trans- and cross-media and with other approaches within media and culture studies. It elaborates on a new concept,... more
The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the print media industry has changed considerable the work process but it has also offered new paths for delivering its content.
Abstract: Allen Ginsberg’s and Eric Drooker’s collaborative publication Illuminated Poems (1996) exemplifies an important literary, visual and cultural site of media contestation. The article raises the issue that poetry needs to be... more
[Texto incompleto, solo se reproduce el índice y la primera y última página]. Capítulo publicado en Salustiano del Campo y José Félix Tezanos (dir.), España siglo XXI, Vol. 5: Literatura y Bellas Artes; (editado por Francisco Rico y... more
Il n’existe plus de villes hors Paris ou départements servis par deux ou plusieurs quotidiens, le phénomène de concentration est abouti désormais. La recherche a montré qu’un journal en position de monopole perd des lecteurs, pertes... more
El presente artículo analiza la práctica de la narrativa transmedia en el contexto de la ficción femenina, a través de los casos de dos series televisión: Infidels (TV3, Televisió de Catalunya) y Mistresses (BBC). Para la investigación,... more
The independent movie All About Lily Chou-Chou (Iwai Shunji, 2001) is part of a layered transmedia project. At the core of its expanded narrative is the complex relationship between fiction and reality, in an attempt to give a voice to... more
This article will serve to provide a historicised examination of the configuration that have come to be known as transmedia storytelling, offering two interrelated examples of how transmedia storytelling was exploited in the 1920s and... more
Essere dentro e fuori dalle cose Teoria critica della cultura Intervista con Francesco Panaro a cura di Giulio Sapori Tomba del tuffatore, Paestum. Raffigurazione simbolica del passaggio da una condizione ad un'altra.