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In this paper we address the issue of privacy preserving data mining. Specifically, we consider a scenario in which two parties owning confidential databases wish to run a data mining algorithm on the union of their databases, without... more
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      Information SystemsData MiningSoft ComputingPure Mathematics
Security in wsn using cryptology report,
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      AlgorithmsSecurityWireless Sensor NetworksCryptology
The purpose of this paper is to show that there exist DESlike iterated ciphers, which are provably resistant against di erential attacks. The main result on the security of a DES-like cipher with independent round keys is Theorem 1, which... more
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      Pure MathematicsProvable SecurityCryptologyDifferential cryptanalysis
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      CryptologyCryptocurrencyBlockchain Technologies
Abstract. The security of many recently proposed cryptosystems is based on the difficulty of solving large systems of quadratic multivariate polynomial equations. This problem is NP-hard over any field. When the number of equations m is... more
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      CryptologyEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingGrobner basesMultivariate Tutte polynomial
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Cryptography, Steganography and Digital watermarking are widely used for Image Encryption and Textual Data Encryption and also we have various classification of these techniques. In this paper we study of Hybrid Cryptographic Encryption... more
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      Information SystemsElectronic EngineeringMathematics of CryptographyComputer Science
In this era of information technology and e-commerce security is the key aspect while transmitting confidential information over insecure network like internet. In order to protect the information, various security mechanisms are used.... more
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      Applied CryptographyCryptographyEncryptionCryptology
The research examined the effect of international business on SMEs growth in a competitive environment, particularly Nigeria. The secondary data were gathered from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)... more
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A common trend in applications of block ciphers over the past decades has been to employ block ciphers as one piece of a "mode of operation"-possibly, a way to make a secure symmetric-key cryptosystem, but more generally, any... more
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      Pure MathematicsCryptologyNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsData Format
With the advent of the World Wide Web and the emergence of e-commerce applications and social networks, organizations across the world generate a large amount of data daily. Data security is the utmost critical issue in ensuring safe... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyComputer ScienceComputer EngineeringMobile Ad Hoc Networks
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      Japanese StudiesBasque StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
This article provides a general introduction to the subject of Cryptology, Crytography and Crytoanalysis and explains the terminology and the practical application of security techniques… In recorded History , technological innovations... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityInformation Security AuditingEncryption
In  these days communication technology is very advanced. Digital communication has become very important to secure transmission of information between the sender and the receiver. Security for exchange is a very important feature because... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyComputer ScienceComputer EngineeringMobile Ad Hoc Networks
With the advent of the World Wide Web and the emergence of e-commerce applications and social networks, organizations across the world generate a large amount of data daily. Data security is the utmost critical issue in ensuring safe... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyComputer ScienceComputer EngineeringMobile Ad Hoc Networks
Information security becomes more important with rapid improvements and changes in information technologies. Today, there are many different attacking techniques that can be used to obtain information or data from especially computer... more
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      Information SecuritySecurityCryptographyEncryption
Elliptic curves were being used only for mathematical studies until Miller and Koblitz introduced elliptic curves to crypto-community in 1985 with independent works. Since then, elliptic curves became one of the most significant tools in... more
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      CryptographyPublic Key Crypto systemsElliptic curvesCryptology
This is a comined book review of Katherine Ellison, Susan Kim (eds.), A Material History of Medieval and Early Modern Ciphers. Cryptography and the History of Literacy, Routledge: Oxford 2018. && Katherine Ellison, A Cultural History... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCryptologyHistory of Cryptographyhistorical ciphers
Este diccionario, el más completo en el campo de la inteligencia y de la seguridad, cuenta con 1.500 términos definidos en español y con sus correspondientes traducciones al inglés, francés y portugués. Incluye también unos prácticos... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesSecurity StudiesSecrecy
Cryptologia Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Abstract In 1967's The Broken Seal: The Story of ''Operation Magic'' and the Pearl Harbor Disaster, Ladislas Farago claimed that Herbert... more
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With the advent of the World Wide Web and the emergence of e-commerce applications and social networks, organizations across the world generate a large amount of data daily. Data security is the utmost critical issue in ensuring safe... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyComputer ScienceSocial NetworksComputer Engineering
Abstract—Growing in cyber attacks has driven a growth in demand for network security. Cryptology is the science of secret communication systems including cryptography and cryptanalysis. Different heuristic and meta heuristic algorithms... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceNetwork SecurityGenetic Algorithms
This article examines the evolution of cryptology as a business trait and a distinct state-controlled and -regulated profession in sixteenth-century Venice. It begins by briefly discussing the systematic development of cryptology in the... more
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      IntelligenceInternational TradeBusiness HistoryCryptology
Today we regard cryptology, the mathematical and technical science of ciphers and codes, and philology, the humanistic study of natural or human languages and documents, as separate domains of activity. But the contiguity, even intimacy... more
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      PhilologyHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)History Of ComputingComparative Literature
This article provides a general introduction to the subject of Cryptology, Crytography and Crytoanalysis and explains the terminology and the practical application of security techniques… In recorded History , technological innovations... more
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      Information SecurityInformation Security AuditingEncryptionInformation Security and Privacy
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      CryptologySteganography and CryptographyCodex of Rohonc
The distinction between the Domain of Natural Numbers and the Domain of Line gets highlighted. This division provides the new perception to the Fermat's Conjecture, where to place it and how to prove it. The reasons why the Fermat's... more
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      Number TheoryElliptic curvesCryptologyArithmetic
For over sixty years deluded Bacon and Shakespeare scholars supported by universities around the four corners of the globe, fanned by the international news media, have deceived the rest of the world into believing that the Friedmans, the... more
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This paper is based on the performance analysis of message digest 5 and secure hashing algorithm. These two topics are related with cryptography and cryptography is an extension of cryptology and cryptanalysis. The purpose of this paper... more
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      Information SecurityComputer SecurityCryptographyAnalysis
The goal of this paper is A) to suggest topics for a peircean semeiotics of cryptology and B) to show that, especially when compared with previous attempts, peircean semeiotics are better suited to the study of the semiotic processes in... more
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      SemioticsCharles S. PeirceCryptographySteganography
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      HeuristicsWriting Systems & DeciphermentSumerianElamite
(this is a new version of my other paper "Some neglected arguments for the reality of Peirce’s cryptology") (WARNING: according to at least two Peirce scholars, this is badly written; sorry about that, I do my best... I still hope this... more
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      Charles S. PeirceCryptanalysisCryptologyPeircean Logic
We estimate the yield of the number field sieve factoring algorithm when applied to the 1024-bit composite integer RSA-1024 and the parameters as proposed in the draft version [17] of the TWIRL hardware factoring device . We present the... more
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    • Cryptology
We describe results from an apparatus and protocol designed to implement quantum key distribution, by which two users, who share no secret information initially: (1) exchange a random quantum transmission, consisting of very faint flashes... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum CryptographyProtocol DesignPure Mathematics
Linear A is an ancient writing system that was used on the island of Crete and a few surrounding Aegean areas between 1750 and 1450 BC to represent the Minoan language(s). Linear A is believed to be a syllabic script, but has yet to be... more
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      Historical LinguisticsWriting Systems & DeciphermentEtymologyAegean Archaeology
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is the best known and most widely used cryptosystem for civilian applications. It was developed at IBM and adopted by the National Buraeu of Standards in the mid 70’s, and has successfully withstood all... more
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      Pure MathematicsCryptologyDifferential cryptanalysisNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
The present world order is an invalid fallacy, a mere delusion to please the fancy of the self-styled elites – all those who plunged the entire Mankind into injustice, bias, inhumanity, falsehood, discord, bloodshed, abject poverty for... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
We revisit narrow-pipe designs that are in practical use, and their security against preimage attacks. Our results are the best known preimage attacks on Tiger, MD4, and reduced SHA-2, with the result on Tiger being the first... more
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      CryptologyTime ComplexityHash Function
The paper analyses the mathematics behind cryptology and the applications it holds. This is an introductory document.
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      MathematicsCryptographyCryptologyNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek LanguageWriting Systems & Decipherment
The Hill cipher is a classical symmetric encryption algorithm that succumbs to the know-plaintext attack. Although its vulnerability to cryptanalysis has rendered it unusable in practice, it still serves an important pedagogical role in... more
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      CryptographyLinear AlgebraCryptanalysisData Security
Filológiai okok egy monoalfabetikus titkosírásfejtő szoftver mellett: a program működése és tapasztalatai. A monoalfabetikus -egy betűnek egy rejtjelet megfeleltető -titkosírások a régmúlt itt maradt emlékei. A kriptológia tudománya már... more
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      History of HungaryCryptologyHistory of CryptographyCodebreaking
This paper discusses the attempt of an algorithmic approach to contribute to the decipherment of Linear A. With the assistance of software developed in Python, Linear A clusters can be compared to various dictionaries of languages... more
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      AlgorithmsWriting Systems & DeciphermentGrammatologyHistory of Reading and Writing
Yasal Sorumluluk Reddi Bu Raporda yer alan hiçbir husus, herhangi bir token satma veya satın alma teklifi veya talebi değildir. Solana, bu Raporu yalnızca kamuoyundan geri bildirim ve yorum almak amacıyla yayınlamaktadır. Solana'nın... more
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      Computer ScienceWorld LiteraturesTechnologyWeb Technologies
This document contains two hidden messages from the Book of Enoch, hidden within the italicized words and also in the footnotes when written sequentially. It appears to be from one Watcher to another. I used the Princeton, 1955 copy of... more
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      History of ScienceBiblical TheologyAstrophysicsCryptology
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      History of SciencePaintingCryptology
A comparison  of English, Japanese, and Navajo "code talk" understandings based in the cultural context of perception. Focus on the combat code developed by Diné talkers in the USA Marine Corps during WWII in the Pacific combat theatre.
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      SemioticsJapanese StudiesAnthropologyCommunication
Digital signatures are an important primitive for building secure systems and are used in most real world security protocols. However, almost all popular signature schemes are either based on the factoring assumption (RSA) or the... more
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      Lattice TheoryEmbedded SystemsFPGAApplied Cryptography
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentArchaeological DeciphermentEtruscanSumerian