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Communities everywhere have experienced the negative effects of street gangs. The presence of military-trained gang members (MTGMs) in the community increases the threat of violence to citizens. The problem addressed was the apparently... more
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      Military IntelligenceSecurityPoliceYouth gangs
Questo lavoro si prefigge lo scopo di descrivere le reti di spionaggio e di sabotaggio, le missioni e gli agenti dei servizi segreti tedeschi e della RSI inviati nell’Italia centro-meridionale, tra il 1943 e il 1945, con l’obiettivo di... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceNeo-FascismSecond World War
my theme is the question is there a US death squad? I write about CIA assassination of honestly elected foreign leaders and of course the North American mafia make war against other families over territory. I limit my list to only... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligencePropagandaWar Crimes
For the complete version with graphs and tables, see the actual book, Burke, Fowler, and McCaskey, eds., Military Strategy, Joint Operations, and Airpower, (DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018).
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      Military IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Strategy and Military Operations
October 10, 2023 update. After an effort of many years, I have prepared a comprehensive timeline of UFO history that will be useful to UFO researchers and historians. “UFOs and Intelligence” is an up-to-date retrospective of UFO history... more
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      Cultural StudiesMilitary IntelligenceFolkloreIntelligence
В 1996 р. Чеська Республіка вступила до НАТО, а ще через шість років – до Євросоюзу. Ці два головні чинники привели до формування у чехів враження, ніби вони живуть в цілком безпечному просторі, що їхню свободу та демократію вже не... more
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      Russian StudiesMilitary IntelligenceCzech HistoryIntelligence Studies
Appendix 2 of Section D for Destruction: forerunner of SOE (Pen& Sword, 2017). This provides brief biographical summaries of the known officers, agents and principal contacts of Section D of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, aka... more
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      Military IntelligenceOccupation and Resistance in WW2MILITARY HISTORY WW2
This book, the first in American history to be subjected to prior government censorship began making news even before it was written. From the time it was no more than an outline to the present, the Central Intelligence Agency has been... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesMilitary IntelligenceIntelligence Studies
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      Military IntelligenceInternational RelationsCyberlawForeign Policy Analysis
The thesis examines the Eisenhower administration’s decisions to use space for intelligence and military purposes. By examining significant National Security Council (NSC) documents, including reports and meeting notes, the thesis... more
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      Military IntelligenceCold WarSpace SecurityArms Control and Disarmament
מאמר זה מבקש לתאר ולהגדיר את תפיסת התכסית האנושית, שהתפתחה בצבא האמריקאי לאור ניסיונו באפגניסטן ובעיראק. המאמר יעמוד על הסיבות שהובילו את הצבא האמריקאי לפתח תפיסה זאת; יתמקד בתשתית התיאורטית ובזיקות שבין התכסית האנושית לבין מודיעין תרבותי... more
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      Military ScienceMilitary IntelligencePeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorism
This monograph considers how a classical challenge that commanders face in war—namely, making critical decisions on the basis of limited and often unreliable information—has been exacerbated in the era of big data. Data overload... more
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      PsychologyMilitary EthicsMilitary IntelligenceEthics
This article argues that military organizations display a more rigorous form of collective sensemaking than ordinary bureaucratic organizations. Military organizing is predicated on the rigorous modes of thinking and acting that follow... more
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      Military IntelligenceLearning and TeachingMilitary OrganizationInternational Missions
In December 2015, then-Secretary of Defense Ash Carter changed the cultural landscape of the military by stating the U.S. military will let women serve in all combat roles beginning in 2016. Just three years prior to this announcement,... more
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      Military IntelligenceWomen's StudiesIntelligence StudiesIntelligence
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligencePolitical Violence and TerrorismTerrorism and Counter-terrorism
Intelligence and counter terrorism are key elements of the contemporary global security environment. Profound changes in the nature of states fuelled by globalization, information technology, and the influence of non‐state actors are... more
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      Military IntelligenceCounterterrorism policingTerrorism and CounterterrorismInsurgency and counterinsurgency
: These command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) technologies are at the heart of modern warfighting. They act not only as force multipliers for the military platforms into which... more
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      Military IntelligenceComputer Networks
Le Service de santé des armées répond aux missions de soutien sanitaire des militaires mais aussi aux besoins de santé du territoire. L’encadrement paramédical des hôpitaux et centres médicaux des armées est réalisé par des cadres de... more
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      Military IntelligenceNurse EducationHealth Care ManagementPrehospital Emergency Care
Fortunately, there is a science-based approach that can protect Pakistan from both internal and external threats. It is appropriately termed, Invincible Defence Technology (IDT), because it assures invincibility, peace and even economic... more
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      Political SociologySocial PsychologyMilitary ScienceMilitary Intelligence
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      ManagementMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary Intelligence
Гай-Нижник П. Військова розвідка і контррозвідка УНР та УД: створення, завдання, діяльність (1918 р.) // Національна спецслужба в українському державотворенні: збірник статей і матеріалів з нагоди 29-ї річниці утворення СБУ. – К.:... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligenceCounterintelligenceUkrainian Army
What is new about the WikiLeaks phenomenon and why is it important? Is WikiLeaks a form of journalism? What were the effects of WikiLeaks’ revelations? How has WikiLeaks impacted the future of the internet? Charlie Beckett and James Ball... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesMedia History
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary IntelligenceInternational Relations
Amerikechi CIA- Marathi Book On CIA
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence
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    • Military Intelligence
Since 2001, we are seeing increasing attention being given to understanding terrorism, with a new focus on the issue of how terrorist organisations are financed. They ask important questions regarding who finances terrorism and how do... more
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      Military IntelligenceTerrorismAfghanistanPolitical Violence and Terrorism
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
Currently the international military situation on the whole tend to ease, but the world is not peaceful, 21th century, international relations are complicated, various forces continue to divide the world in combination. Exchanges and... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
I am not the author of this work. I am posting it to provide publicly-available primary source material in support of intelligence history.
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary Intelligence
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      BusinessReligionHistoryMilitary History
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      Military IntelligenceMilitary History, Counterinsurgency and Small Wars, AirpowerAir ForceAirpower In Contemporary Conflicts. Military Interventions. Role of Air Force In National Security.
The security apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran-that is the combination of those institutions and organizations that are responsible for internal and external security including matters of national defense and intelligence-differs... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Intelligence
In the autumn of 1962, two weeks before U-2 aerial photographs confirmed Soviet deployments of nuclear missiles in Cuba, the US intelligence community attempted to image the island with the spy satellite Corona. Insufficient image... more
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      Military IntelligencePhotographyIntelligence StudiesInternational Security
Responding to the uncertainty of the post 9/11 security environment and the advent of the ‘War on Terror’, Peter Gill examines how this new context has “reinforced the incompatibility of secret intelligence and respect for human rights”... more
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      Military IntelligenceEthicsIntelligence StudiesNational Security
This article can be downloaded at The Soviet-sponsored communist takeover of Czechoslovakia in February 1948 prompted hundreds of... more
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      Military IntelligenceHUMINT-Human IntelligenceCold War historyCentral and Eastern Europe
Paper was written for class during academic studies. Introduction: The creation, implementation, and activities of Rogers’ Rangers had a significant impact on the evolution of Special Operations warfare during the Seven Years’ War and... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary Intelligence
Activities of the military intelligence of the Polish Masovian Front and the Pomeranian Front Office No. 1 in Warsaw (1919-1920)
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceWarsawSpionage
Wojciech Skóra, Zatrzymanie polskiego jachtu „Jurand” w Ustce (Stolpmünde) w 1931 roku. Epizod z początków polskiego żeglarstwa morskiego [The arrest of Polish yacht "Jurand" in Ustka (Stolpmünde) in 1931. The episode of the early Polish... more
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      Military IntelligenceWeimar RepublicPomeraniaSailing
Technology changes warfare. In the past 17-years of war, the US and its NATO allies have been fighting against the never-ending threat from mines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). If this threat was from mechanically activated... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceTactics (Military Science)
The reform or ‘democratization’ of intelligence has been studied in many countries essentially as a process of transition from authoritarian or ‘counterintelligence’ states to liberal democratic regimes in which security and... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence Studies
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      Military IntelligencePolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Military IntelligenceNapoleonic Wars
During the Great War, the Belgian ‘Second Section’ concentrated its espionage efforts on national occupied soil, operating 38 intelligence networks, and covering almost 700 agents. These networks were mainly managed from the towns of... more
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      Military IntelligenceGreat WarWorld War IFirst World War
This chapter considers the sinking of Japanese hellships carrying prisoners of war such as the Montevideo Maru and Rakuyo Maru within the wider context of the global war. It discusses international law, efforts by the Red Cross to protect... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary IntelligenceInternational Law
On the centenary of the Belgian military intelligence service ADIV/SGRS, this article considers the antecedents of military intelligence before its foundation. Without having an organized intelligence service, the Belgian army naturally... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesIntelligence and Espionage
On the basis of oral information about one of the authors family network's involvement in intelligence activities back to WW1 a reconstruction of lacking but important parts of the Danish intelligence history is attempted. English summary.
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceCold WarOccupation and Resistance in WW2
Strategy is the direction and use made of force and the threat of force for the purposes of policy as decided by politics. Strategy requires decision-makers to make assumptions, critically assess these assumptions, then based on this... more
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      Military IntelligenceDecision MakingGroup TheoryCognitive Bias
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      HistoryMilitary IntelligenceInternational RelationsIntelligence Studies
I explain how to travel to the stars now, in our future, in our past using small amounts of energy to create warp drives and traversable wormhole time machines. Stephen Hawking was wrong about this not being possible because a fact has... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Space Sciences