Recent papers in Freemasonry
Presentation for the Jüdische Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, 20. 10. 2021, 18:30: Mit der zweifachen Zerstörung des antiken jüdischen Tempels zu Jerusalem durch die Babylonier bzw. Römer verlor sich... more
This concludes a two-part paper that discusses three major aspects of modern Western esotericism: esotericism as a form of thought, esotericism as gnosis, and esotericism as discourse. Freemasonry is seen as a significant and influential... more
La première femme à être initiée en Franc Maçonnerie, n'est pas madame Maria Adélaïde Deraismes connue sous le nom de Maria Deraisme, cofondatrice du Droit Humain. La première loge de cette Obédience mixte porte le nom de la jeune... more
This article presents the Masonic career of a kabbalistic lithograph in the United States in the middle of the 19th century, against the background of a sectarian debate that concerned the religious character of Freemasonry. In their... more
Alexander Barnard Davis, the esteemed leader of the Sydney Jewish community between 1862 and 1913, gave a series of lectures on the origin of the rites and worship of the Hebrews. A fascinating story emerges from the history of these... more
Ceci est la version révisée et augmentée de l'ancien article du même nom La participation de la franc-maçonnerie dans la fondation de la Grèce a été longtemps ignoré. L'ambition de cet article est de la réhabiliter. αυτό το άρθρο είναι... more
An in-depth scholarly analysis of the June 24, 1734, "Dissertation upon Masonry," the oldest surviving American Masonic speech, and the third oldest in the world. Critical commentary includes intertextual relationships and an analysis of... more
The best expose on MK gandhi .& a deep look into global politics. Vegetarianism , radical green environmentalism = agenda of the globalists to make the people weak & take over the world /natural resources. Gandhi was an occultist... more
Series of talks on freemasonry in Poland and the world.
International Symposium "Freemasonry in Central Europe" National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana 11 May 2017
ISBN 978-961-6981-27-9
ISBN 978-961-6981-27-9
This dissertation seeks to define the importance of John Dee’s interpretation of mediaeval and Renaissance esoterica regarding the contacting of daemons and its evolution into a body of astrological and terrestrial correspondences and... more
Brahmins – who are they . where do they originate from. Any proper credible verifiable evidence , as to their true origins ? More than 1, 200 clans of Brahmins . Some are considered backward classes . Everyone don’t intermarry , interact... more
A génese dos grandes Sistemas Maçónicos desenvolveu-se, essencialmente, no decurso do século XVIII, podendo-se considerar que a mesma se processou em três etapas distintas. Assim: -Entre o princípio do século e, os anos 40,... more
Nata a Londra nel 1717 la Massoneria moderna si diffuse presto anche in Italia portata da viaggiatori e commercianti inglesi. Venezia fu, con Firenze e Livorno, una delle prime città in cui la nuova società si diffuse negli ambienti... more
Martinists orders - Pasqually - Saint-Martin - Willermoz - Papus - Encausse - Elect-coen - RER - Birth and rebirth of Martinism - Elements for understanding martinism, Saint-Martin's doctrine - three points of the work: emanation, fall,... more
What is 10x more lethal than COVID-19? Viral covidiocy. 9 out of 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated in the K, Israel, Chile and Argentina, where case fatality rate was 1300% higher for the vaccinated than for the unvaccinated, plus a higher... more
Rassegna Quadrimestrale edita su Le opinioni degli autori, impegnano soltanto questi ultimi e non configurano, necessariamente, l'orientamento di pensiero della rivista MASSONICAmente o di Società Erasmo Srl. La... more
Il saggio descrive i rapporti di Giuseppe Mazzini con la massoneria e analizza poi l'uso pubblico che la massoneria fece di Mazzini dopo la sua morte (1872) e il contributo che essa dette alla costruzione del suo mito e alla diffusione... more
Az előadás tömören ismerteti Hadik-Barkóczy Ilona grófnő szabadkőművességbe való felvételének, majd a felvétel érvénytelenítésének folyamatát.
Norbert Wójtowicz, Erich Ludendorff o tym, że tajemnicą masonerii jest wszędobylski Żyd, "Wolnomularz Polski", nr 55, Lato 2013, s. 42-45.
Testo dell'intervento al convegno “Lux Obnubilata, 350 anni dalla prima edizione dell’opera di Francesco Maria Santinelli”, tenutosi a Pesaro il 9 settembre 2016.
Westphalia Press, 2019 ISBN 978–1-63391-819–1 (paper) 361 pages, $19.99 US Few names are better known within the community of Masonic researchers than S. Brent Morris. He is not only the indefatigable editor of Heredom: The Transactions... more
full text: How could the ideal of a universal brotherhood of mankind be realized in an age of nationalism, colonialism and culture wars? "With God, for fatherland and humanity?" is a comprehensive... more
written for submission to Ohio Lodge of Research, submitted June 2014; read & discussed September 2014; voted on and accepted by OLR January 2015
Join the Illuminati today, whatsApp +18133057260 and become Rich, Famous, and Powerful. This is an authorized illuminati agency whatsApp number +18133057260. Are you in US, UK, CANADA or anywhere in the world kindly join the illuminati... more
C a i n M i c h a e l T i b e r i u s H a y w a r d -H u g h e s 4 A r t a n d W a r Freemason ry is intricately woven with symboli sm. As a fraternal society i t is almost entirely speculati ve, and as such vi rtuall y ever y par t of t... more
A Quick Guide to Freemasonry was my fourth published book, and was commissioned by Lewis Masonic as part of a proposed quick guide series, aimed at mentors and new members to the fraternity. It was written in an easy-to-understand... more
"The Origin of Freemasonry and Knight Templar" is compiled by John Richardson Bennett. Published by, Published of the Ancient Craft. In 2020 Copyright by Entreacacias, SL [Publishing House]. This book has a note at the opening... more
Ελληνική μετάφραση του έργου του Dr John Dee "Monas Hieroglyphica"
De 1717 à 2017, la Franc-maçonnerie éclaire et interroge de manière incomparable trois siècles d’histoire et d’identité européenne, de Lisbonne à Saint-Pétersbourg, de Stockholm à Zagreb. Europe des Lumières, Printemps des peuples,... more
Après avoir donné quelques clés méthodologiques relative à l'étude de l'ésotérisme chrétien, l'article rappelle les circonstances de l'apparition du martinisme, et en particulier de l'Ordre Martiniste de Papus, puis de l'Eglise gnostique... more
Mayor Gillespie: «Apenas habían transcurrido dos años y medio desde nuestra llegada a Inglaterra [invasiones inglesas de 1806-1807 al Río de la Plata], cuando estallaron las llamas de una revolución, que formará el tema final del presente... more
Spis treści: - Wprowadzenie (N[orbert] W[ójtowicz]) - Elżbieta Jagielnicka, Symbol w wolnomularstwie. wczoraj i dziś - Arkadiusz Morajko, Rola i znaczenie rytu w wolnomularstwie - Norbert Wójtowicz, Różnorodność masońskich wizji... more
Review of "Aproximación a la masonería a través de sus lemas y divisas" of José António Ferrer Benimeli.
We all know what masons are. They are tradesmen involved in building in stone. We are not so certain, however, about Freemasons. To say they are Masons who are free is not much help. We need to ascertain what is free about them. That’s... more