Recent papers in Culinary
Cooking is not only to satisfy hunger and to produce palatable food. Behind the arts of cooking, there is food related sciences involved that is often overlooked. Food science elements can be explored through fermentation of bread,... more
In Boston, Massachusetts during the first half of the nineteenth century, the status associated with the occupation of waiter changed considerably. "Waiter" began as a euphemism to mask the lowliness of "servant," but, by 1820, waitering... more
A través de estas líneas quisiera compartir algunos aspectos sobre el chocolate que lo hacen único y un gran provocador de emociones. Me gustaría además reseñar datos de su historia, para evocar algo de su connotación mágica y mítica .
The mangrove is responsible for many ecosystem and environmental services, and many of associated species have great commercial appeals, such as guaiamum (Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1825), appreciated in gastronomy... more
Petits Propos Culinaires 104, Prospect Books, 2015
Ririn Poerwandari, HP: 0341-3789795 Abstrak MDC adalah suatu jenis tepung crispy baru yang dapat digunakan untuk menggoreng berbagai macam bahan makanan secara praktis dan hemat energi. Karena waktu penggorengan yang sangat singkat,... more
This is the story of my late father, Chef Gilberto Smith-Duquesne and his very unique experience in Hirohito’s Japan. After the 1959 revolution, my father recalled Fidel Castro being interested in Japanese cinema (Samurai films) and in... more
Das cozinhas clássicas de grandes restaurantes e hotéis surgiu a necessidade de uma maior organização e uniformização do serviço ofertado afim de se obter uma melhoria do padrão. Sob essa ótica, a coordenação das funções dos cozinheiros... more
Cooking is not only to satisfy hunger and to produce palatable food. Behind the arts of cooking, there is food related sciences involved that is often overlooked. Food science elements can be explored through fermentation of bread,... more
Ini Dia Resep Membuat Martabak Manis dengan Teflon yang Mudah dan Lezat Siapa yang tak suka dengan martabak manis? Makanan ini termasuk jajanan pinggir jalan paling terkenal di Indonesia. Dan sekarang sudah berubah menjadi jadi masakan... more
In this article I examine and analyze the complex configuration of diasporic/homeland relations as represented in Arab American author Diana Abu Jaber's most recent "cookbook-memoir" The Language of Baklava. Abu Jaber's work resists... more
A few thoughts about potential of wine tourism in India.
Cooking is not only to satisfy hunger and to produce palatable food. Behind the arts of cooking, there is food related sciences involved that is often overlooked. Food science elements can be explored through fermentation of bread,... more
Thematic restaurant is a concept where the main idea of the restaurant predominates and also architectural texture, music and the feeling aroused in people is also effect it. Food is usuallly of secondary importance, the theme come in to... more
This chapter examines the contemporary Czech foodscape, especially its media, from a discursive perspective. After description of the Czech culinary press, it analyses the formation of discourse of culinary tradition in gourmet magazines... more
Ce mémoire traite de l’analyse des termes culinaires chez Balzac à partir d’un corpus de trois livres de Balzac qui montrent des milieux sociaux différents dans la France au XIXe siècle. Cette analyse est faite grâce à un outil... more
Dastarkan: (Stories of tradition, transition and everything in between) is an ethnographic enquiry situated in the culinary practices of north and north eastern subcontinent. Quite literally, Dastarkhan is a table cloth, used as the... more
El propósito de este artículo es relatar algunos aspectos sobre la historia del croissant, sus diferencias según el país donde se consume y cómo debe elaborarse para que cumpla las características de un croissant tradicional.
Buku EKONOMI KREATIF: Rencana Pengembangan KULINER Nasional 2015-2019 ini disusun Tim Studi Kementerian Pariwisata Ekonomi Kreatif saat Kemenparekraf dipimpin Mari Elka Pangestu dan diterbitkan Tahun 2014
Perkembangan pariwisata pada suatu daerah membawa dampak manfaat bagi masyarakat secara ekonomis maupun sosial dan budaya. Kota Palangka Raya memiliki banyak objek daya tarik wisata salah satunya Taman Kuliner Tunggal Sangomang, namun... more
La thèse a visé à mieux comprendre les représentations sociales (RS) culinaires de cuisiniers domestiques (cuisiniers non professionnels). Existe-t-il différentes RS de la préparation culinaire ? Si oui, comment identifier ces groupes... more
Salah satu hasil tugas kuliah perancangan Desain Komunikasi Visual 2 (semester IV) yang mengambil tema 'Branding' sebagai materi utama selama satu semester. Di sini penulis mendapat bagian untuk 'membuat' bisnisnya sendiri yang... more
Di tahun 2019, terhitung sangat banyak usaha makanan-makanan baru yang mulai menjamur, baik yang bersifat musiman maupun jangka panjang. Sebagai orang yang tentunya tidak ingin kehilangan kesempatan ini, tentu kamu kepingin juga kan punya... more
Today’s frequent intercultural contacts and migration bridge earlier cultural gaps and carry recipes further than ever before. Cookery books are governed by their own laws not only in the choice of vocabulary and fixed expressions, but... more
Cuisine holds an important place in the material culture, an examination of the nation's ideological and also an important source of identity information. Turkish cuisine, both historical past, and the people who come together from a... more
Cientificamente há uma imaturidade conceitual sobre gastronomia e culinária. Assim, a abordagem da gastronomia, tanto no ensino quanto na gestão, fica no mínimo confusa e prejudicada. O objetivo desse estudo é o de analisar a compreensão... more
Alla Koslovsky Dreicon -Terapeuta Holística -CRT 26.152 -(15) 9721.9899 / (11) 72539972 Arroz Integral Originário da Ásia é alimento básico universal e o cereal cultivado há mais tempo no mundo.
Bachelor’s in business administration (Culinary Art) is offered by Indian Culinary Institute (ICI) in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh. This Degree shall be called Bachelor in... more
למה הישראלים אוהבים כל כך אוכל חריף יאיר יוספי ודניאל מונטרסקו מהאריסה לפלפל צ'ומה, מ"הפלאפל עם הרבה פלפל" לרוטב החריימה שגורם לכווייה בלשון — הישראלים מתים על אוכל חריף. איך הטעם הזה קשור לתכונות שמיוחסות לצברים כמו חספוס, אסרטיביות... more
Some Like It Hot. Israelis Like It Hotter How did spiciness become a compulsory Israeli preference when most Jewish cuisines (excluding Libyan and sometimes Tunisian) aren't particularly spicy?... more
RESUMO • É este um estudo sobre os prazeres da mesa na vida e obra de Guimarães Rosa. Serão aqui analisados tanto os cadernos de receitas culinárias de sua esposa, Aracy, quanto os romances "Dão-Lalalão" e "Buriti", de João Guimarães... more
La Culture Culinaire Marocaine Sémiotique, histoire et communication Actes du Congrès V de l'Association marocaine de sémiotique textes réunis et établis par Mohamed Bernoussi Editions CAPITAL
This article traces the impact of contact with Europe on what Iranians eat and on their table manners.
Resumen de como operar un establecimiento dedicado al expendio de alimentos y bebidas en cualquiera de sus categorías.
In this study I will point out the eating habits of Romanians established in the region of Parma, a city with a powerful culinary tradition, recently awarded the title of “Creative City for Gastronomy” by UNESCO. The Romanian community... more
Mengenal keragaman kuliner Indonesia dari beragam bentuk sajian masakan dan cara pengolahan dari bahan dasar penyajian kuliner tradisional Indonesia yang menjadi ciri khas cita rasa masakan Indonesia.
The aim of the research is; to determine whether perceptions, attitudes and expectations of participants in the national cookery competitions differ according to the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. In this regard,... more
Anthology with short stories and catalog numbers by the Swiss author Peter K. Wehrli (1939) in English translation. Made with the assistance of the following students: Anna Carlsson, Ann Huang, Adam Nunes and Kevin Russell.
ÖZ Canlıların birinci ihtiyaçları beslenmektir. Dolayısıyla insanların doğumdan ölüme kadar beslenmek zorunda olmaları, ilk çağlardan beri yemekle ilgili bir takım kurallar geliştirmelerine neden olmuştur. Bu kurallar, zamanla toplumların... more