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This paper aims to point out the Greek novel main motifs, which, through the novella II.7 of Decameron, appear in the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa. We also intend to assess their relevance in the work and analyze their... more
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      Ancient Greek NovelDecameronCurial e Güelfa
Podemos decir que la caballería fue una institución aristocrática que se desarrolló en el feudalismo, cuando el concepto de caballero es adoptado por los señores una vez desprovisto de su l significación militar origina. Dicha institución... more
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      Spanish LiteratureLiteratura catalanaTirant lo BlancLiteratura Española Medieval
Deia Italo Calvino que els clàssics són aquells llibres que «quanto più si crede di conoscerli per sentito dire, tanto più quando si leggono davvero si trovano nuovi, inaspettati, inediti». En una tradició tan escardalenca com la nostra,... more
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      Medieval Catalan LiteratureCurial e Güelfa
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    • Curial e Güelfa
Academic Memorial presented on April 26, 2017 to a Special Commission to progress to the last level of academic career in Brazil (Professor Titular), with the narrative (textual and imagery) of my intellectual trajectory, from the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Tutti gli articoli pubblicati su Medioevi sono sottoposti alla valutazione di due revisori mediante il sistema del double blind
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      Medieval HistoryRomance philologyManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
a cura di), Linguaggi del metareale nella cultura catalana, Dipartimento di Lingue e letterature straniere e culture moderne-Università di Torino, Torino 2016 -ISBN 978-88-7590-106-6 In copertina: Corrado Trincali, Gli asini di Turmeda,... more
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageCatalan Modern LiteratureMedieval Catalan Literature
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      Political PhilosophyLiteraturaIMAGEMCurial e Güelfa
Resum: La crítica ha trobat al Curial e Güelfa petges molt evidents d’influència de la literatura italiana, i en particular de Boccaccio. Tanmateix no ha estat estudiada una altra influència italiana, la purament lingüística. Un estudi... more
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      Curial e GüelfaCatalan Language and Literature
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar algunos paralelos de las damas de la novela caballeresca catalana Curial e Güelfa con rasgos representativos de los modelos femeninos dominantes en la tradición erótica de los clásicos grecolatinos,... more
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      Latin love elegyCurial e Güelfa
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    • Curial e Güelfa
La recerca sobre la novel·la cavalleresca Curial e Güelfa ha experimentat un avenç notable en els darrers decennis, amb el consens unànime de la crítica quant a la riquesa de les referències culturals del text català, creat en un context... more
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      MacrobiusAncient Greek NovelOneirocriticaCurial e Güelfa
This essay focuses on the meaning and sources of the so-called ‘Curial’s second mythological vision’: mainly two ancient commentaries on Dante’s Commedia (Benvenuto da Imola’s and the third draft of Pietro Alighieri’s) and the... more
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      Medieval Catalan LiteratureThe Classical TraditionDante and the ancient commentaries traditionLiberal arts
This article analyzes Curial e Güelfa within the context of the poetic language utilized by Latin elegy. In particular, the author explores two paramount motifs in the novel: the relevance of gaze in the development of love passion and... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesBoccaccioLatin love elegyCurial e Güelfa
The latest research on the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa has highlighted unanimously the literary quality of the work and the richness of the literary culture of its author, in particular in relation to the classical and Italian... more
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      Catalan StudiesCiceroClassical Reception StudiesBoccaccio
Catalan Review, 24, 2010, pp. 13-30
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      Literatura MedievalCurial e GüelfaLiteratura Catalana Medieval
Scholars have stressed the continuity of the topic or literary motif known as aegritudo amoris from classical antiquity through the centuries and, in particular, the development during the Middle Ages, the so-called amor hereos. The... more
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      ApuleiusValerius MaximusDecameronCurial e Güelfa
This paper aims to deepen in the study of Greco-Roman sources of Curial e Güelfa. In particular, we will analyse the connections between the Catalan chivalric novel and ancient Greek romances, a genre that has been rather overlooked by... more
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      Greek novelDecameronGiovanni BoccaccioCurial e Güelfa
In the context of the reception of Classical authors in the XVth century, the analysis of a new Ovidian source is proposed for a passage of the north-African episode of the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa. We suggest the... more
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      Giovanni BoccaccioHermaphrodite, SalmakisCurial e GüelfaOvid's Metamorphoses
Ressenya del llibre Estudis lingüístics i culturals sobre Curial e Güelfa. Novel·la cavalleresca anònima del segle XV en llengua catalana (2012)
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      Literatura catalanaCurial e GüelfaLiteratura Catalana Medieval
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      Italian HumanismClassical Tradition in Art and LiteratureAlfonso V of AragonCurial e Güelfa
Aquest treball analitza la possible presència del poeta Horaci, no estudiada fins ara pels especialistes, en la novel·la cavalleresca Curial e Güelfa. En primer lloc, s'estableixen els punts de contacte més evidents: la rellevància de les... more
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      HoraceBacchusBenvenuto da ImolaCurial e Güelfa
Convegno Internazionale 'Curial e Güelfa'. La cavalleria umanistica italiana nel XV secolo, Verona, 10-12 ottobre 2016
Università di Verona - Institut Virtual Internacional de Traducció (IVITRA)
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      Catalan StudiesRomance philologyFilologia CatalanaFilologia romanza
El objeto de estudio de mi comunicación es el París e Viana, una novela anónima de origen desconocido que fue traducida a las principales lenguas europeas durante el siglo XV. El propósito de este texto es desmentir la hipótesis de... more
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      Comparative LiteratureParis et VienneCurial e GüelfaLiterary Motives
How important can the impact of a literary trend be while an author is composing his work? What comes first: the plot or a taste for certain rhetorical resources such as letters and allegories? This contribution deals with one of the most... more
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      Medieval Catalan LiteratureCurial e Güelfa