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"De 1442 à 1501, les Aragonais occupent le trône napolitain. Grâce à une riche documentation textuelle et iconographique, cet ouvrage retrace la construction de l’imaginaire monarchique dans le royaume de Naples, puis sa diffusion dans... more
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      Medieval HistorySovereigntyItalian HumanismState Theory
herausgegeben von P e t e r J o h a n e k Reihe A: Darstellungen B a n d 7 5 ADVENTUS STUDIEN ZUM HERRSCHERLICHEN EINZUG IN DIE STADT herausgegeben von P e t e r J o h a n e k und A n g e l ik a L a m p e n 2 0 0 9 BÖ HLAU VERLAG KÖ LN... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtAlfonso V of AragonNeaples
"La muerte del conde de Niebla en El Laberinto de Fortuna de Juan de Mena" y el poema atribuído a Juan de Hempudia en Carajicomedia, abordan el tema de la guerra, uno de los más frecuentes de la literatura de ficción. Aún así, las... more
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      Medieval Spanish LiteratureMedieval parody and satireJuan de MenaCarajicomedia
Nel 1444, due anni dopo l'insediamento della dinastia dei Trastàmara d'Aragona nel Regnum Siciliae citra Pharum, giunse a Napoli Borso D'Este, fratello del marchese di Ferrara. Borso, che fu ospite di Alfonso il Magnanimo, scrisse per il... more
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      Alfonso V of AragonAragonese CourtStoria del Regno di Napoli
1456 bronzo, h cm 175, largh. ma x cm 181, perimetro di base cm 332 Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale [inv• 4887] La Testa Caraja è un'opera specialmente em
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      Leonardo da VinciThe Reception of VergilGiorgio VasariDonatello
[ENG] Alfonso of Aragon, the Magnanimous (1394-1458), became king of the southern part of Italy after a twenty years long war. He was the Catalan King who completed the “trajectòria mediterrània” started by his ancestors in previous... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryRenaissance HumanismCatalan History
Archivo general Corona Aragón tomo XI
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonAragón
IT: Rossetto Fieramosca, figura di spicco della Capua rinascimentale, incarna appieno il modello di armigero demaniale ideato da Ferrante I di Napoli, allorché, nel 1464, promulgò la riforma militare dell’esercito napoletano atta,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismMedieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of Aragon
Lambard. Estudis d'Art Medieval, vol. XXVI (2018)
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      Medieval Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonFernando De AntequeraTrastamara Dinasty
Il saggio offre, per la prima volta, l’edizione critica integrale di uno scambio epistolare, risalente all'estate del 1440, tra Guiniforte Barzizza, Alfonso d’Aragona e Iñigo d'Avalos, di cui sopravvivono sei missive dell’umanista. Il... more
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      Renaissance HumanismSenecaEpistolographyFifteenth century history
Levantine Parthenope: Greece and the Kingdom of Naples under Alfonso the Magnanimous: Culture and Diplomacy FRIDAY 01 APRIL | 4:30 PM–6:00 PM | PANELS The Convention Centre Dublin, 2nd Floor, EcoCem Room Chair: Federica Ciccolella,... more
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      ClassicsRenaissance StudiesByzantine StudiesThe Classical Tradition
This contribution was first drafted as an introduction to a pair of linked sessions held at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Boston in spring 2016. It claims that fifteenth-century Naples remains an undervalued... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissancePortraitureItalian Renaissance Art
Nel 1999 Maria Grazia Ciardi Dupré dal Poggetto pubblicava un saggio che chiariva, credo in modo sostanziale, la questione aperta qualche anno prima da Giovanni De Francisco riguardo la cultura figurativa e il linguaggio formale della... more
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      Lombardy (Late Middle Ages)Medieval SicilyMedieval ArtTarot
Re Ferrante d'Aragona (1458-1494) perseguì, sulle orme del padre Alfonso I, un coerente progetto politico-militare, volto a limitare l'autonomia dei condottieri e ad esautorare le milizie dei baroni attraverso la creazione di una... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
PALABRAS CLAVE: Alfonso V de Aragón, memoria dinástica, entrada triunfal, Adventus, Humanismo de corte, Iconografía del Poder, Cultura en las cortes renacentistas.
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtAlfonso V of AragonCultural History of Naples and Campania
The essay comprises images and texts addressing the representations of encounters with religious otherness. The starting point is a Flemish illuminated fabula and Bildungsroman (1464) commissioned by the bibliophile Louis de Gruuthuse,... more
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      CrusadesReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextMedieval illuminated manuscriptsChristian-Muslim Dialogue
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      History of saltMedieval tradeAlfonso V of Aragon
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      Renaissance StudiesIberian StudiesThe Kingdom of NaplesAlfonso V of Aragon
The volume edits all sources relating the Neapolitan parliaments during the Aragonese era. Reintroducted in Southern Italy by Alfonso the Magnanimous, parliaments were an important institution for the relations between the Crown, the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesDiplomacy
La distruzione di preziosi documenti della Cancelleria aragonese di Napoli, nel corso della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, ancora oggi penalizza gli studi sul mecenatismo musicale di Alfonso il Magnanimo. Questo articolo esamina alcune fonti... more
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      Music HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtMedieval MusicRenaissance music
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionReligion and PoliticsPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Fulvio delle Donne: Alfonso il Magnanimo e l’invenzione dell’umanesimo monarchico. Ideologia e strategie di legitimazione alla corte aragonese di Napoli, Roma, 2015
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      The Kingdom of NaplesAlfonso V of AragonNapoliUmanesimo latino e tradizione dei classici tra sec. XIV e XVI
This paper provides a brief overview of the relations between the Crown of Aragon and the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century, when they reached the strongest point in all their shared history. The means and main characters of this... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsByzantine StudiesByzantine History
Roma, a cura dell'autore 2019 (seconda edizione, riveduta e ampliata) - Licenza Creative Commons 4.0 internazionale --- Schedatura e ipotesi di attribuzione dello stemma, apparentemente anonimo, presente su un manufatto ceramico... more
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      HeraldryCeramicsCalabriaAlfonso V of Aragon
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Aragón en la Edad Media"
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
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      Ottoman HistoryCrusadesAlfonso V of Aragon
Chart from 20th June 1416.
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      Chivalry (Medieval Studies)Charters and PaleographyEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Alfonso V of Aragon
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    • Alfonso V of Aragon
Based on a broad array of archival records, this paper adopts a Korčulan perspective on the Kingdom of Naples in the Aragonese period as one of the four major powers in Southeast Europe and the presence of both Catalan merchant, naval and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Venetian History
This paper focuses upon the three extant medals (c. 1448-1450) that Pisanello designed for Alfonso I of Naples (Alfonso V of Aragon), offering new insights into the range of meanings that the sculptures likely conveyed to viewers in... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRenaissance Portrait MedalMedalsThe Kingdom of Naples
The paper focuses on the system of virtues and on the organization of political consensus around the king of Naples, Alfonso the Magnananimous and his son Ferrante. Particular relevance has Antonio Beccadelli, the Panormita.
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      Renaissance HumanismMedieval Latin LiteratureItalian HumanismMedieval Crown of Aragon
Le présent article revient sur un événement célèbre de l'historiographie méditerranéenne depuis le Moyen Âge: il s'agit du récit du siège de Bonifacio (1420-1421) dirigé par le roi d'Aragon Alphonse V afin de s'emparer de cette petite... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesMedieval HistoriographyMediterranean Studies
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      Italian Renaissance ArtDonatelloAlfonso V of AragonItalian Renaissance sculpture
El período comprendido entre 1416, año de la sustracción de Fernando I a la obediencia del papa Benedicto XIII, y 1429, año de la liquidación del Cisma en la Corona de Aragón y de la vuelta a la normalización de las relaciones con el... more
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      Alfonso V of AragonEcclesiastical BeneficesThe Great SchismLate Medieval Crown of Aragon
Il 26 febbraio del 1443 Napoli fu scenario di un avvenimento eccezionale. Dopo aver conquistato la città, Alfonso d'Aragona fece il suo ingresso nella capitale partenopea presentandosi ai cittadini nelle veste di vincitore e di re... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonCultural History of Naples and Campania
1 i 1 i i a UJ co O ce u. O Q CD 5? CM CD CD LU (5 O LU _J n o < ce < in < CO LU < _l LU o Q.
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      NumismaticsMedieval Crown of AragonEarly medieval numismaticsMedieval numismatics
Archivo general Corona Aragón tomo V
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonAragón
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      Book HistoryManuscript StudiesCodicologyCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      Italian HumanismClassical Tradition in Art and LiteratureAlfonso V of AragonCurial e Güelfa
Le catalogazioni dei tornesi aragonesi di mistura intestati alla zecca di Napoli ad oggi risultano isolate, nel senso che nella bibliografia tradizionale queste monete sono rappresentate da due casi sporadici, vale a dire quello dei... more
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      Medieval numismaticsMedieval and Modern NumismaticsAlfonso V of AragonModern Numismatics
Questo contributo ricostruisce la storia del ms. Rothschild 2529, un Breviario «secundum usum Cisterciensem», copiato nel monastero di Poblet (Tarragona) fra la fine del XIV secolo e il principio del XV su committenza di Martino I... more
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      Book HistoryLiturgyHistory of the BookCodicology
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryAgrarian HistoryStoria medievale
El opúsculo de Antonio Beccadelli el Panormita ofrece una fuente privilegiada para acceder a la “palabra familiar” de Alfonso V de Aragón y en particular para explorar su vertiente como rex facetus. Ésta sirve de puente entre una... more
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      Italian HumanismAlfonso V of AragonAntonio Becadell il Panormita
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      Medieval BalkansFeudalism and LordshipMedieval DiplomacyAlfonso V of Aragon
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      Medieval SicilyMedieval ArtMedieval Crown of AragonMedieval Mediterranean Art and Architecture